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2D ToolkitUser ManualNOTE: This manual is no longer being maintained. Please check the online up-todatewiki documentation at: .There is a shortcut to this website in the 2D Toolkit Menu.Copyright (c) 2011, Unikron Software Ltd.Table of Contents2D Toolkit..................................................................................................................................................... 3System Overview......................................................................................................................................... 4Getting Started............................................................................................................................................. 5Sprite Collections.................................................................................................................................... 5Sprites.................................................................................................................................................... 5Static Sprite Batcher............................................................................................................................... 5Sprite Animations.................................................................................................................................... 5Animated Sprites.................................................................................................................................... 7Fonts....................................................................................................................................................... 7TextMeshes............................................................................................................................................ 7Everything in detail...................................................................................................................................... 9Sprite Collection...................................................................................................................................... 9Sprite.................................................................................................................................................... 11Sprite Animation.................................................................................................................................... 11Animated Sprite....................................................................................................................................12Font...................................................................................................................................................... 12TextMesh.............................................................................................................................................. 12Button................................................................................................................................................... 13Hints and Tips............................................................................................................................................ 14Pixel perfect sprites and fonts...............................................................................................................14Positioning sprites................................................................................................................................. 14Multiple copies of the same sprite.........................................................................................................14Changing the default sprite material.....................................................................................................14The textures are being padded too much.............................................................................................15Help! My textures are blocky and look compressed..............................................................................15I don't like your implementation of Sprites / TextMeshes. I'd like to write my own.................................15How much performance do all the options cost?..................................................................................15I have a frame rate spike when I instantiate a large number of sprites.................................................15How do I create a Sprite in code?.........................................................................................................15I'd like to switch sprites by name. The API seems awfully lacking........................................................16I have created a texture which is , why is my atlas ?.........................................16I am setting .text and .color on my tk2dTextMesh, and nothing is changing. What gives?....................16What is .tk2d in my project window. Why does it keep coming back when I delete it?..........................16Unity crashes when I click on a Sprite..................................................................................................16API............................................................................................................................................................. 17tk2dSprite............................................................................................................................................. 17tk2dAnimatedSprite..............................................................................................................................17tk2dTextMesh........................................................................................................................................ 172D Toolkit.Thank you for purchasing 2D Toolkit. 2D Toolkit is a set of tools to provide an efficient 2D sprite and textsystem which integrates seamlessly into the Unity environment. Among the features provided in 2D Toolkitare:Sprites& Fire and forget atlasing system. Set it up once, and it will be automatically regenerated when itneeds to be.& Automatically create multiple atlases when necessary.& Automatically cut up sprites, eliminates empty space in textures and saves altas area and fill-rate.& Supports arbitrarily sized sprites.& Set up anchor points so your sprites rotate at the right points, and to line up animated sprites.& Supports pixel perfect rendering on orthographic and perspective cameras.& Scale sprites without breaking dynamic batching.& As much data as possible is precomputed offline, runtime transformations are kept to a minimum.& User friendly editor, creating and using sprites has never been simpler!& Set up collider shapes (automatic box fitting, custom box and custom polygon shapes)& Colliders are automatically created in the scene.& Efficient batching system for background static sprites. Create combined static sprite meshes (andcolliders too) seamlessly and efficiently.Sprite Animations& Easily build large libraries of sprite animations for your projects.& Supports arbitrarily sized sprites for animation.& Sprites for animations can be sourced from any number of atlases.& Sprite animations support automatic box collider animation when set up correctly.& Easy to use in-game API.Text& Use bitmap fonts created in BMFont / Hiero.& Tint and scale your text meshes without breaking dynamic batching.& Supports vertical gradients.System Overview.2D Toolkit is separated into two systems, the runtime components and the editor scripts. The editor scriptsgenerate assets within the Assets directory, and the runtime scripts generate objects in the scene. Thediagram below illustrates how the two systems interact.Getting Started.Sprite Collections.Sprite collections form the basis of the 2d toolkit. They hold a list of textures and their associated properties.The system handles creation of atlases and has various options for customization.Once created, any changes to your sprites will automatically rebuild the atlas.1. Create a sprite collection by clicking on &Create & tk2d & Sprite Collection& in the Project Window.Alternatively you can find this menu in &Assets & Create & tk2d & Sprite Collection&This will create a new SpriteCollection object in the project.Note: You should create a sprite collection within a folder. This will keep things nice and tidy,as the SpriteCollection will generate files when you commit the changes. This is not required,however.2. You will now need to add your sprites to the sprite collection. You can do this by dragging textures tothe Texture Refs parameter within the sprite collection. In this example, we are dragging 3 texturesfrom the demo directory. You can drag any of your textures, stored anywhere in your project.Hint: Use the lock inspector view button in Unity to keep the Inspector in view while draggingmultiple textures in.3. Click Commit.4. You are now ready to use your sprite collection.At this point, your Sprite Collection has created one or more atlases with the textures you have given it.These atlases and all the other associated data will be regenerated automatically whenever the source datachanges.NOTE: The Sprite Collection is set up by default to create Pixel Perfect sprites at a 960x640resolution and an Ortho Camera with an orthographic size of 1. If your target resolution or camerasettings are different, please change the Target Height property and recommit the changes.You can now proceed to create Sprites within your scene, or Sprite Animations.Sprites.1. Create a sprite by clicking on &Create & tk2d & Sprite& in the Hierarchy Window.2. Your sprite now appears in the Hierarchy Window and in the viewport. It automatically picks a spriteid based on the information that is available, for instance, it will match the Sprite Collection toanother which already exists in the scene.3. Click on the sprite object in the Scene Tab or in the Hierarchy Window, and the Sprite editorinspector appears.If 2D Toolkit hasn't automatically picked the correct Sprite Collection for you, you can now set it up.After that, select a Sprite from the Collection you have selected. The instance within your sceneshould update instantly to reflect the changes.NOTE: In version 1.50, if your Sprite Collection has a collider set up, an appropriate colliderwill automatically be built in the scene too.Static Sprite Batcher.A static sprite batcher is a GameObject type which contains a composite of a few different sprites. This isgenerally used to reduce processing overheads for static backgrounds, whilst keeping the flexibility ofcombining individual sprites to build it.1. Create a Static Sprite Batcher by clicking &Create & tk2d &Static Sprite Batcher& in the HierarchyWindow.2. Create child sprites by clicking &Create & tk2d & Sprite&- Sprites within a static sprite batcher can only be sourced from one Sprite Collection. You will get anerror message if you have sprites from different collections within the same batch.- You can't have animated sprites within a Static Sprite Batcher.3. Click the &Commit& button on the Static Sprite Batcher to build a composite mesh based on your childsprites.4. Repeat the process by clicking on &Edit& to go into edit mode. While in edit mode, you will be able toposition, color and scale your sprites.NOTE: In version 1.50, a Mesh Collider will automatically be set up when you cilck Commit ifany of the sprites within your collection have colliders set up.Sprite Animations.Sprite animations hold a collection of named sprite animations which you can set up in the interface, orinstantiate from script.1. Create a sprite animation collection by clicking on &Create & tk2d & Sprite Animation& in the ProjectWindow.2. Click on the Add clip button to add an animation clip.3. Set up the number of frames, and select your sprites for the animations.4. Set up the wrap mode.Animated Sprites.An animated sprite is a special type of sprite which can play animations.1. Create an animated sprite by clicking on &Create & tk2d & Animated Sprite& in the HierarchyWindow.2. Select the appropriate default sprite by expanding the sprite foldout.3. Select a default animation, and if necessary, tick the &Play Automatically& box to have the animationstart playing as soon as the game starts. This is really convenient for looping backgroundanimations.Fonts.A Font imports a text BMFont exported from the excellent BMFont program(). You can also use Hiero() on Mac or Windows if you prefer. 2D Toolkit has also beentested with Glyph Designer ().2d Toolkit supports both xml and text font formats. The only limitation is that it only supports a single page oftextures. The maximum ASCII character imported is set to 128 by default. You can increase this on the Fontobject if additional characters are necessary.For best results, use the following settings:BMFontExport options: 32 bit, Channels A & outline, RGB & one (no outline)or glyph (when an outline has been set up).Hieroin Gylph Cache, Set page width and height so you end up with 1page exactly. Increase padding around characters.1. Create a Font by clicking on &Create & tk2d & Font& in the Project Window. This is ideally done inthe same directory the font was exported to in the previous stage.2. Create a new material with using the texture associated with the BMFont.3. Assign the xml / text font, texture and material to the Font object.4. Click Commit.TextMeshes.A TextMesh draws a custom string using a selected Font.1. Create a TextMesh by clicking on &Create & tk2d & TextMesh& in the Hierarchy Window.2. Select how many characters you wish to display on this TextMesh. Your string will be truncated if itexceeds this limit.Congratulations, you have now mastered the basics of the 2d toolkit! Read on for some more advanceduses.Everything in detail.Sprite CollectionTexture refs & Contains all the textures used inbuilding the atlas. You can delete textures by nullingout the entry in the list. You should NEVER reordersprites within the list as this will break sprites alreadyset up. Everything is handled by index in game toavoid slow string comparisons.Sprite collection, Default material and Atlastexture & References to the in-game data. This willbe automatically populated when Commit is clicked.Premultiplied alpha & This is a rendering techniquewhere the alpha is stored premultiplied in the atlas.This has the interesting side-effect of allowingadditive and alpha blended sprites within the samesprite collection, and thus within the same draw call.In addition to that, alpha edge artefacts are generallyreduced by having this ticked. The downside tohaving this ticked is that you will lose precision invery transparent textures. Untick this if you have alarge number of very semi-transparent sprites.Target height and Target Ortho Size & See Hintsand Tips & Pixel Perfect Sprites and Fonts.Commit & You will need to click this once whencreating the sprite collection for the first time, orwhen adding or removing sprites from the collection.Edit & Brings up the sprite collection editor. This willlet you set up properties on your sprites.Pixel Perfect Point Sampled & Disables paddingaround your textures, and sets the texture to PointFiltered.Atlas categoryMax Texture Size - Sets the maximum texture sizeallowed from this Sprite Collection. If the combinedsize exceeds this amount, the sprite collection willnot be generated.Multiple Atlases & Allows multiple atlases to begenerated from this Sprite Collection. This is onlyrecommended for animated sprites, as your drawcalls can unexpectedly increase depending on theorder of sprites in the atlases. When Multiple Atlasesare enabled, you will not be able to use Dicing.Compression & Sets the compression of the atlastexture.Num Atlases & Read only field showing the numberof atlases created.Atlas Width, Height & Read only fields showing thecurrent atlas width and height. The atlas size iscropped to the smallest possible size, so setting yourMax Texture Size to 1024 is fine even if you only use64x64 as your atlas will be cropped.Atlas Wastage & Read only field showing how muchof atlas space is wasted after trimming. If there is alarge amount of wastage, you can put more sprites inthe collection at no cost!Version 1.06 introduces support for automaticallysplitting regularly spaced sprite-sheets. 2D Toolkitwill split these up and atlas them like any othertexture. These textures do NOT have to be power oftwo, but the dimension MUST divide perfectly withthe number of divisions.To set these up, simply add entries to theSpriteSheets section of the Sprite Collection set up.Texture & the texture containing the sprite sheet.Tiles X & number of tiles across the textureTiles Y & number of tiles vertically on the textureNum Tiles & number of tiles in the texture. 0 meanscreate a full set of textures (i.e. Tiles X * Tiles Y). Ifyou have less than a full atlas, enter the number oftiles here.Other parameters & The other parameters aredirectly transferred to the SpriteCollection, asdescribed in the next section.Defaults let you set up default parameters for a batchof added sprites. Set this up BEFORE clickingcommit, and all newly added sprites will use theseproperties.Sprite Collection EditorName & Name your sprites so you can easily find them. By default, they inherit the name of the sourcetexture, but you may have multiple textures with the same name. You can also use the syntax&category1/category2/name& to get the drop down to group names together.Additive & When ticked, the sprite is treat as additive. This is useful for glow sprites and particles.Scale & A default scale to apply to the sprite.Anchor & Selects the default anchor point for the sprite. When the anchor point is set to Custom, you will beable to edit the actual anchor points. The anchor point will be represented by a flickering dot on the previewpane.Dice & Ticking this will allow you to dice your texture. This will create multiple polygons from your sprite andtightly pack them in the texture sheet, allowing you to use large sparse textures. Set up the dice width andheight, while keeping an eye on the vertices and triangle count in the preview pane. Dicing a texture toomuch could result in a lot of polygon wastage.Pad & Override the default padding when you see padding related errors on your sprite. The optionsavailable are BlackZeroAlpha which is useful for when representing antialiased sprites, and Extend, which isuseful for tightly packed tiles.Collider Type (new in version 1.50) & Select from one of the following.& Unset & This is the default value. The sprite will completely ignore any Colliders which are currentlyset up.& None & This will make sure the sprite has no collider, and will delete one if it is already present.& Box Trimmed & This will create a box collider tightly around the visible parts of your texture.& Box Custom & Lets you position the box collider.& Polygon & Draw a custom polygon shape (or multiple shapes, if there are blank areas in yourtexture). You can create both connected and unconnected shapes.SpriteCollection & Sprite & Select a sprite collection, anda sprite from within it.Color & This color is applied to the vertex colors, soyou can use this in your custom shaders to dovarious things. The provided shaders will tint thetexture by the vertex colors.Scale & Change the scale on the sprite. This is thepreferred way to change scale on your sprite, asopposed to changing the local scale on thetransform. Changing scale here will not breakdynamic batching.Make Pixel Perfect & Clicking this will make thesprite draw pixel perfect for the current main camera,or if available, based on the Pixel Perfect Helper. IfAlways is selected, this sprite will resize itself todisplay 1:1 on startup. This will change the scaleparameter.Sprite AnimationClips & Lists the currently available animation clips.+ adds a new clip and & removes the currentlyselected one.Name & You should give your animation clips uniquenames.Num Frames - Number of frames in the currentanimation clip.Frame Rate & The default framerate for the clip.Wrap Mode & Options are:Loop & The animation is looped indefinitely.LoopSection & A part of the animation is played onceand a second section is looped indefinitely.Once & The animation plays once and then stops onthe last frame.PingPong & The animation sequence is playedforward, then in reverse. The last frames are onlyplayed once. Eg. 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 2 & 1 - &Single & Simply switches to this sprite. This is usefulfor continuity in your code, and also for placeholdersbefore you have any animations set up.Reverse - Reverses all the frames in the currentlyselected clip.AutoFill & Looks at the last frame, and looks forfollowing sprite Ids. Eg. If your last frame isspritesheet/1, it will look for spritesheet/2, 3, 4 and soon until it can't find any more ids.V/H & changes display direction of frames.Trigger & When set, this frame will fire theFrameEvent callback.Trigger info / float / int & Values to use as referencein the callback.Animated SpriteThe Sprite foldout displays a default sprite inspectorwhen expanded. You can use this to set up a defaultsprite to display.AnimLib & Selects an animation libraryClip & Selects a clip from the selected animationlibraryPlay automatically & Plays this clip automatically onstart up.FontBMFont & Drop your BMFont here. The systemsupports both text and xml BMFonts.Material & Default material used by this BMFont.Texture & Texture created by BMFont.Dupe Caps & Tick this when you only have caps orlower case characters exported in your BMFont. Thisis useful when you want to maximize texture space,and don't need lower case / upper case characters.Flip Texture Y & Textures generated in Hiero need tobe flipped.Num Characters & Total number of characters toimport. For example, if you do not need a full ASCIIset, you can set it to 128.Target Height and Target Ortho Size - See Hintsand Tips & Pixel Perfect Sprites and Fonts.Commit & Commits changes to this Font object.TextMeshFont & Select a font from the project.Max Chars & Number of character to allocatememory for. The TextMesh will not display more thanthis number of characters. It is not a good idea tochange this while the game is running.Text & Default textAnchor & Anchor point for the textKerning & Enable or disable kerning on thisTextMesh. It is a lot quicker to have kerning disabled,so only turn it on when really needed.Scale & Scale the text mesh without breakinginstancing.Make Pixel Perfect - Clicking this will make thesprite draw pixel perfect for the current main camera,or if available, based on the Pixel Perfect Helper. IfAlways is selected, this sprite will resize itself todisplay 1:1 on startup. This will change the scaleparameter.Use Gradient and Colors & Color your text, or applya vertical gradient on it.ButtonNote: The tk2dButton script is an example of how to create a button using 2D Toolkit. It is a functional button,but you will probably need to modify this script to work properly in your project. Check demo 6 & button and3d sprites for them in action.In order to use this script, follow these instructions:- Create a Sprite and select your initial button sprite.- Add the tk2dButton behaviour to this Game Object.- Camera doesn't need to be set if your button is achild of your GUI camera. Otherwise, point it to thecamera which will display your button. If you onlyhave one camera in the scene, you may leave thisblank.- Rename &Button Down Sprite& and the others torefect the sprite names you wish to use.Button Down & Button is being clickedButton Up & Button is no longer being clickedButton Pressed & Button has been pressed.Attach appropriate sounds if you wish, but you willneed an AudioSource behaviour if you need it to playsound.Target Object & Message Name & the target objectto send the message.Hints and Tips.Pixel perfect sprites and fonts.2d Toolkit attempts to create all sprites and text meshes pixel perfect by default. In order for it to do this, twovariables need to be set up correctly on the Sprite Collection and the Font.Target Height Target device pixel height. For example, if yourtarget resolution is 960x640, your Target Heightshould be 640.Target OrthoSizeTarget ortho size (as set up on camera). Thiscorresponds directly to the &Size& parameter onyour camera when &Projection& is set to&Orthographic&. Leave it at 1 when usingPerspective cameras.By default, the sprites are created targeting a 640 high device (i.e. iPhone4 in landscape mode), with anortho camera with an ortho size of 1.0. This should work perfectly even when switching from 960x640 &480x320 as on the iPhone 3g & iPhone 3gs, as long as the texture is mip-mapped.However, when designing an universal app for iPad in addition to the iPhone, the iPad version will not displaypixel perfect automatically. This can be rectified in a few different ways, this is generally dependent on thetype of game you are developing.& Set up an object with a PixelPerfectHelper behaviour in the game. Set the appropriate targetresolution (height) in the box. Eg. When targetting iPad, set the height to 768 / 1024 depending onwhether the device is held in landscape or portrait mode. Any objects with &Always make pixelperfect& ticked will scale appropriately to display 1:1 on startup.& Adjust the camera to correct appropriately. Eg. To scale from iPhone4 to iPad, you'll need to scale upthe ortho size by 1.2.& Use a completely different set of assets targeting the iPad resolution.Positioning sprites.The entire Unity mesh positioning tools are available to you when positioning sprites. Try using vertex snapmode to get sprites aligned closely, for instance, to build a tiled background. You can also use any of thealignment tools you can get on the Asset Store.Multiple copies of the same sprite.In certain cases, it may be necessary to create multiple copies of the same sprite within a sprite collection.For instance, you may require the same sprite with different default scales, or different anchor points. Eachtexture is only added once into the atlas, as long as dicing is not enabled on that texture, or other copies ofthe texture. The only overhead then is the vertex data, which is minimal compared to the overheads ofstoring the texture multiple times.Changing the default sprite material.You can override the default material used by the sprite. You can find the material by selecting theSpriteCollection and clicking on material.The textures are being padded too much.Each sprite is currently given 2 pixel padding, to work correctly when scaled up and down, and to workcorrectly when the resolution is halved for iPhone. If you do not have these constraints, or if you do not scaleyour sprites, you can change this by changing the pad variable in SpriteCollectionEditor. This is intentionallynot exposed as a tweakable property.Help! My textures are blocky and look compressed.That is because they are compressed by default. Click on the sprite collection, then click on Atlas Texture togo to the texture used by this sprite collection. You can change the compression type here.I don't like your implementation of Sprites / TextMeshes. I'd like to writemy own.Sure! Feel free to do so. The data from the back end is available for you to consume in any way you wish.Check tk2dSprite.cs and tk2dTextMesh.cs on how the data is used. As almost everything is precomputed,you can almost use the data as is!How much performance do all the options cost?A base sprite is simply a mesh in Unity, and it would be no different if you built the polygons in your favourite3d program. You only incur a cost when you update the sprite or text mesh, i.e. change the sprite id, color,text, etc. Certain operations are more expensive than others and these are listed below:Switching sprite ids with different vertex counts requires memory allocation. This is not a good ideaat runtime. You will be shown a warning in the SpriteAnimation editor if you do this to alert you to thepotential problem.Changing maxChars on a TextMesh will reallocate memory. This is bad at runtime.Switching sprite ids with the same vertex counts, changing scale or colors incur about the same cost. Noallocation is performed here.Changing scale & color is dependent on the number of vertices. You should avoid doing this at runtime onmassively diced sprites.I have a frame rate spike when I instantiate a large number of sprites.The mesh on each sprite is built up at runtime. This means that even thought the data is very optimal andvery few transformations are actually performed on this data, there is still a performance hit doing this. Inorder to get around this problem, you should preallocate and pool your objects at the start of the game. Thisis generally a good idea on iOS to avoid allocations & garbage collections even when not using this system.How do I create a Sprite in code?The sprite classes aren't meant to be instantiated in code. They use references to data blobs instead of theactual sprite collections, and this makes it quite nasty to implement. This is still possible, checktk2dSpriteEditor.DoCreateSpriteObject() for how a sprite is created in the interface.We recommend you set up prefabs for the sprites you need to instantiate in game and instantiate theminstead. That way, you can visually set up your sprite, and you'll be guaranteed everything is set up correctlywhen you instantiate it in game.I'd like to switch sprites by name. The API seems awfully lacking.This is by design. If you need to switch sprites by name, create a SpriteAnimation with as many clips as youneed, each with a unique name. For each of these clips, set the wrap mode to &Single& and set up the sprite.You can now switch between sprites by calling Play(&clipname&). As an added bonus, if you need to convertany of these to animations or if you need to switch to sprites from multiple collections, you are all set up togo!Another way to switch sprites by name is shown in demo 6 & button and 3d sprites. Always cache thespriteIds, as string performance isn't very good on the mobile platforms.I have created a texture which is , why is my atlas ?By default, 2d Toolkit will insert 2 pixels of padding around your texture to support automatic downsamplingfor iPhone 3g(s). This is also required when linear filtering is used to have correct edge seams. If you aredrawing pixel art and are not going to have filtering enabled, tick &Pixel Perfect Point Sampled& in the SpriteCollection set-up. This will remove the padding around your texture, and change the filtering mode on yourtexture to Point.I am setting .text and .color on my tk2dTextMesh, and nothing ischanging. What gives?You need to call Commit on the textmesh for your changes to be committed. The reason for this is you maychange text and color and/or size in the same frame, and each of these will invalidate the mesh data, and bycalling Commit yourself, you are saving the system from regenerating data multiple times.What is .tk2d in my project window. Why does it keep coming backwhen I delete it?.tk2d is a global index of all sprite collections, animations and fonts. This is used to speed up operationswhich need to find these objects. You should not delete this, as it is generated when it is missing.Unity crashes when I click on a Sprite.Prior to version 1.10, 2d Toolkit went through your project and loaded all prefabs to find 2d Toolkit objects. Asyou can imagine, this can be a very slow process when you have a large number of prefabs. 2d Toolkit 1.10creates an index of all your 2d Toolkit objects the first time you use it.Try to create a new scene, delete .tk2dIndex, and in this blank scene, create a new sprite. It should take awhile to process if you have a large project, but it should succeed in creating the index. It should no longercrash when you click on a sprite, as it will now use the index instead of trying to find objects every singletime.API.Below are the most commonly used member functions and properties.tk2dSpritecolor Sets the color of a spritespriteId Sets the spriteId. You can also use GetSpriteIdByName to get a spriteId byname. If you need to do this, it is better to use an Animated Sprite with clipsset to &Single&scale Sets the scale on this spriteMakePixelPerfect() Sets the scale so the sprite displays pixel perfect. You will need to call thisif you change the camera and need to update the sprite to display pixelperfect.tk2dAnimatedSpritePlay(id)Play(string)Plays an animation clip by name or id.Pause()Resume()Pauses and resumes the current animation.Stop Stops a currently playing animation.animationCompleteDelegate Set up an animationCompleteDelegate to receive notifications when ananimation stops playing. This is very powerful when coupled with c#anonymous functions.animationEventDelegate Set up an animationEventDelegate to receive notifications when ananimation frame has a trigger set.tk2dTextMeshCommit() Commits all changes. You will need to call this after changing an of themembers listed below.text Currently displayed textcolor / color2 / useGradient Color is the main color, or the top color when useGradient is enabled.Color2 is only used when useGradient is enabled, and represents thebottom color.anchor Change the anchor point for this text meshscale Change the scale of this text mesh
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