那个极品飞车17数据包GL to SD这个东西我用不到,打不开的,我想把极品飞车17数据包的数据包放在内存卡,我的放不了

发布时间: 10:55:55
欢迎来到街道网/知识栏目,本文为大家带来《手机500M的游戏为什么不能移动到sd卡?》,希望能帮助到你。篇一:《游戏数据包转移到机身SD卡详细步骤》手机500M的游戏为什么不能移动到sd卡?。手机500M的游戏为什么不能移动到sd卡?。篇二:《安卓4.4以上SD卡不能访问的解决方案》安卓4.4以上SD卡不能访问的解决方案研究了两天,终于基本搞定了4.4.2不能访问SD卡的解决方案如下: 首先是先把机子ROOT掉之后往下看~~~~安卓系统更新到4.4之后 因为谷歌考虑安全问题所以对于SD卡的权限作了限制~我XXXX 所以第一步是修改SD卡的读取写入权限!方法有很多种!但是做任何修改的前提都需要ROOT~先上傻瓜方法方案1 使用软件进行自动更改系统文件软件1 Tod Liebeck开发的 DFix: KitKat Writable MicroSD 0.5 英文版下载地址:方案2 如果软件不好使的话就需要手动更改了.用文本编辑器打开/systeetc/perssions目录下的“platforx”文件(挂载读写), 找到(这一行内容可能有变化~认准上行内容就没错)在后面添加两行然后退出保存内容之后重启板子~后就应该可以生效了~当完成上面的步骤后~就需要下载一款挂载外置SD卡到内置SD的软件了~~(把外置SD卡上的数据包映射到它本来应该存在的路径)这样就可以移动数据包并且实现运行游戏需要用的软件名为 GL TO SD,这款软件是移动galoft用的,好像其他游戏也可以~~(其他游戏没试过)软件下载地址:不要小看这个软件,现在同学们想玩的大型游戏的数据包非常之大,多装几个你的内置容量就不够用了的。这个 GL TO SD最好在Dalvik模式下***,游戏的话可以在ART 模式下***,并搬迁数据包。然后就是酷狗和布卡漫画的解决方案了,首先酷狗直接改下载目录,无视红色告警XXX,直接设置在scard1就行了,下载就保存在里面。然后 布卡漫画 比较恶心,首先你先更新到最新的1.8.0.3版本,然后再直接上网离线下载你想看的漫画。这时它是存在scard0里面的ibuka路径下的,你把它复制出来到外置的scard1。由于最新版可以在本地漫画里添加路径,所以你的外置卡里面的漫画就直接能够看到。有人会说这样不是很简单么,那你就大错特错了。由于布卡的本地漫画只支持.BUKA格式的识别,而很多下载的格式是文件夹里面放了一堆xxxxx1.bup.view的文件,如果你想在“本地漫画”中看到这些章节,你必须把这些个“xxxxx1.bup.view” 全部改成“xxxxx1.b”。这时候你必须用到批量改后缀名的软件 ,我用的叫做“批量改文件名” ,下载地址为改文件名的时候必须注意到一点,就是文件夹中有个叫index.dat的文件名后缀可千万别改了,不然就识别不出章节了。最后补充一点,安卓4.4虽然有上述诸多弊端,但是还是有一个很大的亮点,就是它可以“使用ART”模式,以上述模式运行大型游戏以及各类程序的话,运行及启动速度更快,而且更省电。但是不是所有的软件都能兼容ART模式,像我们常用的微博微信 QQ都能用ART模式,大型游戏像地牢猎手4就可以用ART,但是极品飞车17就会闪退。一个新的底层运行模式,毕竟还是要靠应用程序的APP适配才能最大程度的发挥出最大优势。然而目前由于Android 4.4并未大规模普及,仅在部分机型才有,所以目前ART模式下的兼容性,暂时还是个问题,有许多应用程序并未适配,会出现强行关闭、或干脆直接无响应的情况,这一切都是需要我们等待手机厂商后续的优化跟进才行。还有,如果想用上ART模式的话,要在设置--开发者选项--选择运行环境,将“使用Dalvik”改为“使用ART”,按要求重启;然后以前按Dalvik 模式装的程序要重装之后才能享受“使用ART” 模式带来的好处。篇三:《TF存储卡(SD卡)在移动设备或电脑上无法格式化的解决方法》TF存储卡(SD卡)在移动设备或电脑上无法格式化的解决方法【转载】一、格式化很多网友说“新买来的卡都要格式化”,其实这种说法并不正确,有的卡不用格式化即可使用。但是如果你还是想要格式化储存卡,那么告诉你最好是使用手机进行格式化,不过有一点要注意:由于手机本身的CPU速度和接口的限制,格式化卡的速度较慢,所以一定要保持手机的电量充足。据经验来看,512M的卡格式化一次大约要10分钟,所以手机的电量应该尽量保持在至少3格!有的时候手机格式化会失败,这个时候先不要下结论说卡坏了,你可用电脑再次格式化一次,但是格式化的“格式”一定要选择“FAT”,否则格式化后的卡是不能被手机识别的。如果电脑也不能格式化,可以再使用"MMCMedic"这个软件进行一次修复。这个软件适用于MMC和RS-MMC卡,不能用于sd卡。不过SD卡的修复相对比较简单,可以使用PDA或者数码相机进行格式化就可以了。二、储存卡修复在格式化以后,有的卡会出现不能使用或者使用过程中会出现种种错误,这时可以使用电脑系统里的“磁盘工具”进行修复。连接读卡器,然后右键点击存储卡所在的盘符,选择“属性-查错”,然后再选择“自动修复文件错误”和“扫描并试图恢复坏扇区”,不过所用的时间可能较长,所以要有一定的耐心。三、卡内数据恢复手机500M的游戏为什么不能移动到sd卡?。当误删除或者误格式化存储卡以后,只要没有再次输入数据,一般都可以恢复卡里面的数据资料。如果已经输了新文件,有时候也可以恢复部分的卡内原数据,这个主要是要视所新存入文件的大小而定。具体操作如下:我们需要的工具是电脑、读卡器和"EasyRecovery"软件。首先,连接读卡器,打开EasyRecovery,选择“数据修复”菜单,根据你的情况选择相应的选项,比如“恢复已删除的文件”。第二步,软件会要求扫描系统驱动器。稍候,显示驱动器后,选择“全面扫描”,如果没有出现存储卡,则需重新连接读卡器。第三步,扫描完成后,出现目录恢复选项,可根据资料存储的具体情况选择。比如选择MMC(这个一般是存储卡的名字),以后的过程就是软件傻瓜式的操作了^_^。相信操作到这一地步,大家都会清楚了,简单地说就是选择电脑上的一个文件夹存放恢复的数据。TF修复方法二本来自己的TF卡坏了 电脑上认出来空间为0 手机上能认但空间是满的 不能格式化 都准备拿去换了手机500M的游戏为什么不能移动到sd卡?。昨天在网上看帖子 原来有优盘修复软件 我的卡有可能不是硬件损坏 就下了几个试试 几个都不行 结果我一直找 终于被我找到一个方法如下:这里要用到两个软件,WINIMAGE 8.0版(需要***)和PHYSDISKWRITE 0.5版(不需要***)一:给TF卡做映像文件。打开WINIMAGE软件,选file(文件)——new(新建),选择最下边的那个选项,选择最下方的选项select custoige fort(选择自定义映像格式),点OK,如下图(英文版,中文版对照):~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~篇四:《手机SD卡损坏怎么办?》在插上还是坏的),点击开始运行。3, (这一步,1,右键SD卡属性-工具-开始检查-把自动修复文件系统错误和扫描并尝试恢复坏扇区两项都打上&radic,答,修复后,首先要连接电脑,方法如下,在运行里输入chkdsk /,(带下划线的G是你的可移动磁盘(SD卡)的盘符,点击回车键,就开始修复。5,因为,修复后拔出内存卡,G,至少要在我的电脑里有一个可移动磁盘(SD卡)。2,我认为很重要,无需格式化,开始我没有用这项时,就把字母换成你的可移动磁盘(SD卡)的那个盘符)4,修复后资料齐全,如果在电脑里不是G盘,SD卡已损坏的修复方法,篇五:《电脑内存不足怎么办?非常卡怎么办》内存条现在开始平谊了,电脑要不断地升级,才能赶在形势,2G的内存条也平谊了,每条大概¥120。00,内存量越大电脑的速度也就越快,建议你内存要4G。内存条的牌子不同,不管容量大小都就不能混在一起用,性能指标不一至,不兼容。内存的性能指标评价内存条的性能指标一共有四个:(1) 存储容量:即一根内存条可以容纳的二进制信息量,如目前常用的168线内存条的存储容量一般多为32兆、64兆和128兆。电脑内存不足怎么办?非常卡怎么办。 而DDRII3普遍为1GB到2GB。(2) 存取速度(存储周期):即两次独立的存取操作之间所需的最短时间,又称为存储周期,半导体存储器的存取周期一般为60纳秒至100纳秒。(3) 存储器的可靠性:存储器的可靠性用平均故障间隔时间来衡量,可以理解为两次故障之间的平均时间间隔。(4) 性能价格比:性能主要包括存储器容量、存储周期和可靠性三项内容,性能价格比是一个综合性指标,/>建议你用DDR3,优势是:(1)功耗和发热量较小:吸取了DDR2的教训,在控制成本的基础上减小了能耗和发热量,使得DDR3更易于被用户和厂家接受。(2)工作频率更高:由于能耗降低,DDR3可实现更高的工作频率,在一定程度弥补了延迟时间较长的缺点,同时还可作为显卡的卖点之一,这在搭配DDR3显存的显卡上已有所表现。(3)降低显卡整体成本:DDR2显存颗粒规格多为16M X 32bit,搭配中高端显卡常用的128MB显存便需8颗。电脑内存不足怎么办?非常卡怎么办。而DDR3显存颗粒规格多为32M X 32bit,单颗颗粒容量较大,4颗即可构成128MB显存。如此一来,显卡PCB面积可减小,成本得以有效控制,此外,颗粒数减少后,显存功耗也能进一步降低。(4)通用性好:相对于DDR变更到DDR2,DDR3对DDR2的兼容性更好。由于针脚、封装等关键特性不变,搭配DDR2的显示核心和公版设计的显卡稍加修改便能采用DDR3显存,这对厂商降低成本大有好处。目前,DDR3显存在新出的大多数中高端显卡上得到了广泛的应用。 现在许多低端的显卡也有采用DDR3显存的造成打开网页速度慢有多种原因:1、 如果网速低也有影响,换个时间吧。2、 硬件配置不足,内存较小、CPU较差,建议升级电脑。内存条起码要2G。内存条实物图内存条是连接CPU 和其他设备的通道,起到缓冲和数据交换作用。 当CPU在工作时,需要从硬盘等外部存储器上读取数据,但由于硬盘这个[仓库"太大,加上离CPU也很[远",运输[原料"数据的速度就比较慢,导致CPU的生产效率大打折扣!为了解决这个问题,人们便在CPU与外部存储器之间,建了一个[小仓库"―内存。3、 电脑因长期使用中定能存在大量的垃圾、缓存中有大量的临时文件,也会造成运行速度、上网速度慢,建议你用[360安全卫士"对系统垃圾和缓存文件删除进行清除,也可推荐你***、使用鲁大师进行一键优化。鲁大师还可以对电脑主机硬件进行温度测试等等。4、 电脑可能中了,木马病毒会导致CPU使用率极高,甚至CPU使用率达到100%,这时候你就要采取杀毒的操作,可使用免费的[360软件"杀毒,有需要者可下载其他杀毒软件对电脑进行全盘扫描清除病毒。5、 PF使用率偏高,部份网页就打不开。解决方法:增加内存。减低电脑使用率,如:只用一个QQ上网,暂不使用其它软件;特别是你在运行大型的游戏中,或同时使用多个软件,会导致内存不足,也会造成电脑运行中和上网速度慢的主要原因,建议关闭他们。电脑的PF使用率太高,PF值超过466为偏高,建议你设置合适的虚拟内存。最常见的打开方法:方法一、在卓面的工具兰上右击,点击→[任务管理器],弹出[Windows任务管理器],点击→[性能],你就可以看到PF使用率和CPU使用率的值。方法二、同时按下[Ctrl+Alt+Del"组合键,弹出的只是[Windows安全]窗口,必须选择[任务管理器]才能够打开。设定虚拟内存:硬盘中有一个很宠大的数据交换文件,它是系统预留给虚拟内存作暂存的地方,很多应用程序都经常会使用到,所以系统需要经常对主存储器作大量的数据存取,因此存取这个档案的速度便构成影响计算机快慢的非常重要因素!一般Windows预设的是由系统自行管理虚拟内存,它会因应不同程序所需而自动调校交换档的大小,但这样的变大缩小会给系统带来额外的负担,令系统运作变慢!有见及此,用户最好自定虚拟内存的最小值和最大值,避免经常变换大小。设定虚拟内存步骤:右击→[我的电脑]→[属性]→[高级]→[效能]的对话框中,对[虚拟内存"进行设置。最低设置为你现在的物理内存相等,和你的真实内存一样就行,一般是设置为物理内存的1。5倍或2倍为好,虚拟内存的设置不要太高,最高设置成1024MB,也就是两倍,是最佳的设置。如内存1G,可以设置为倍);2G的话,可以设置为2048M提问者评价3Q以上就是街道网/带给大家不一样的精彩知识。想要了解更多《手机500M的游戏为什么不能移动到sd卡?》的朋友可以持续关注街道网,我们将会为你奉上最全最新鲜的知识内容哦! 街道网,因你而精彩。
频道本月排行From Texas Instruments Wiki
TI Linux Graphics SDK is a single stop solution to get graphics drivers and OpenGLES1.1,2.0 and OpenVG demos running on all TI platforms. The supported list of TI devices with graphics core deatils are provided in table below-
TI System on Chips, and SGX cores
SGX Core Revision
SDK folder suffix
Max SGX Core Frequency (MHz)
OMAP35xx, AM35xx Rev.3.1
AM37xx, DM37xx
AM387x, C6A814x
AM389x, C6A816x
The latest Linux Graphics SDK can be downloaded from the below link. The download does not require any registration.
This section describes how to build and install Graphics SDK demos for a specific device.
omaplfb, pvrsrvkm, and bufferclass_ti are the modules that need to be inserted at runtime. omaplfb is responsible for interfacing to the platform specific FrameBuffer driver. pvrsrvkm is responsible for interfacing the user-side PVR services layer. Bufferclass_ti is responsible for enabling a proprietary extension that allows streaming playback through SGX.
This component allows users to build Graphics applications using the provided binaries. GLES11/2.0/VG headers are provided by this component.
Graphics SDK installer supports both typical(complete) and custom installation(for advanced users).
Install the graphics SDK by running the Graphics SDK installer(.bin) on the linux PC as -
In GUI mode, installation is intuitive. Follow the instructions shown on screen and complete the installation. This will install the complete graphics SDK package by default. One can also selectively choose the required components for installation . For eg if one wants to install for 387x(TI814x) or 389x(TI816x) device only then one can select es6.x component only and unselect rest of the options. Also if one does not require the SDK demos , then unselecting the sdk option will serve the purpose.
In command line (console mode), run the installer with --help option as ./Graphics_SDK_xx_xx_xx_xx.bin --help. This shows options as below-
Available Options:
install es3.x (console mode only) # For OMAP35x/AM35x with SGX core 1.2.1
install es5.x (console mode only) # for AM37xx with SGX Core 1.2.5
install es6.x (console mode only) # For 387x(TI814x), 389x(TI816x)
install es8.x (console mode only) # For AM335x
display this information
--mode [ARG]
set the mode to run the installer in
Available values: console or standard
--prefix [ARG]
set the installation directory
--response-file [ARG]
a file to read installer responses from
--save-response-file [ARG]
a file to write installer responses to when the
installer exits
install sdk (console mode only)
--temp [ARG]
set the temporary directory used by this program
display installer version information
Using the above options shown, the user can selectively install the required components only.
Ensure that toolchain installation is complete
Ensure that the NFS target is setup
Ensure that the setup and build for u-boot is complete
Ensure that the setup and build for Linux Kernel is complete
Refer to respective u-boot and PSP user guide for more information to perform the above steps
To rebuild the Graphics SDK demos, perform the following steps.
Change the directory to ~/Graphics_SDK_#_##_##_##.
Export the architecture to enviournment variables as shown below.
host $ export ARCH=arm
Edit the ~/Graphics_SDK_#_##_##_##/Rules.make file.
Set GRAPHICS_INSTALL_DIR to the top-level graphics installation directory as follows
Set the toolchain installation directory path to where you have installed the tool-chain
CSTOOL_DIR = &your_toochain_installation_path&
For example, see below -
CSTOOL_DIR = /home/&user_account&/toolchain/arm-2009q1
Set the toolchain prefix CSTOOL_PREFIX = arm-none-linux-gnueabi- in case of code sourcery
CSTOOL_PREFIX=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- in case of Arago toolchain.
Set the kernel installation directory path
KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR = &your_kernel_installation_directory_path&
For example, see below -
KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR = /home/&user_account&/workdir/opt/linux-##.##.##.##
Modify the TARGETFS_INSTALL_DIR to point to the correct location where the user’s
target file system resides
While in the same directory that contains Rules.make, use the following commands to build the AM335x/AM35xx/AM37xx/OMAP35xx/387x/389x Graphics SDK demo applications
The top level Graphics SDK Makefile supports Graphics SDK demos to be built for both debug and release options. Execute the following command for usage options
host $ make help
This will print the usage as follows:
$ make help
Usage (for build): make BUILD={debug | release} OMAPES={3.x | 5.x | 6.x | 8.x} FBDEV={yes | no} SUPPORT_XORG= {1 | 0 } all|all_km
AM335x(SGX 125 core)
--& Specifying OMAPES is mandatory. BUILD=release and FBDEV=yes SUPPORT_XORG=0(not enabled) by default
Usage (for install): make BUILD=(debug | release} OMAPES={3.x | 5.x | 6.x | 8.x} SUPPORT_XORG= {1 | 0 } EGLIMAGE= {1 | 0} install
--& See online Graphics Getting Started Guide for further details.
BUILD = {debug | release} - This option is to choose between debug or release build. Release build is for production and debug build is useful in debugging any issues with graphics SDK as it gives more detailed prints/messages on console.
OMAPES={3.x | 5.x | 6.x | 8.x} - This option enables the TI device selection. The make help command provides the table showing the mapping between the OMAPES value and the device.
FBDEV={yes | no} - This option helps in eliminating any Fbdev dependancy. It uses PIXMAP if Fbdev=no.
SUPPORT_XORG= {1 | 0 } - This option helps to build with/without X11 support. If you require to run any X apps, then make sure to build with SUPPORT_XORG=1
EGLIMAGE= {1 | 0} - This option helps to install libraries with eglimage support. This is not a build time option but rather a install time option ie this option needs to be used only during make install of graphics SDK. By default this is 0(disabled). That means by default libraries with bufferclass texture streaming extension will be installed. If one wants to use eglimage support, then it is required to pass EGLIMAGE=1 during make install.
all or all_km - When you use all, the complete graphics SDK demos including all OpenGL ES1.1, 2.0 demos are built. If you use all_km only the graphics driver kernel modules get built.
install or install_km - After issuing make with all, you can use make install or if you had issued make with all_km, you can use install_km.
make BUILD=release OMAPES=8.x all_km - This command will build only Graphics kernel modules(pvrsrvkm.ko, omaplfb.ko) for AM335x.
make BUILD=release OMAPES=8.x all - This command will build the complete graphics SDK for AM335x.
make BUILD=release OMAPES=8.x install_km - This command will install only the graphics kernel modules(pvrsrvkm.ko, omaplfb.ko)to target file system as mentioned in Rules.make.
make BUILD=release OMAPES=8.x install - This command will install the complete graphics SDK to target file system as mentioned in Rules.make.
In the above set of commands,one can replace OMAPES values with values based on TI device in use(OMAPES to TI device mapping information can be obtained by issuing make help command).
make BUILD=release OMAPES=6.x SUPPORT_XORG=1 all_km - This command will build only Graphics kernel modules(pvrsrvkm.ko, drm.ko) for 387x/389x, TI816x/TI814x devices.
make BUILD=release OMAPES=6.x SUPPORT_XORG=1 all - This command will build the complete graphics SDK for 387x/389x, TI816x/TI814x devices.
make BUILD=release OMAPES=6.x SUPPORT_XORG=1 install_km - This command will install only the graphics kernel modules(pvrsrvkm.ko, drm.ko) to target file system as mentioned in Rules.make
make BUILD=release OMAPES=6.x SUPPORT_XORG=1 install - This command will install the complete graphics SDK to target file system as mentioned in Rules.make
In the above set of commands,one can replace OMAPES values with values based on TI device in use(OMAPES to TI device mapping information can be obtained by issuing make help command).
Kindly note that the bootargs are required to be set as below while running the Graphics SDK demos from NFS file system.
Also note that the console argument which is part of bootargs may change based on the Linux kernel(PSP) version in use.
So please refer to the respective Linux PSP user guide to get the exact settings for bootargs console argument. The rest of bootargs should be provided as shown below
For AM35x:
#setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS2, noinitrd rw ethaddr=ð address& ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=&nfshost&:&rootpath&,nolock, mem=256M vram=10M omapfb.vram=0:4M,1:3M,2:3M'
For OMAP35x:
# setenv bootargs console=ttyS0, noinitrd rw ip=dhcp
root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=&nfshost&:&rootpath&,nolock mem=128M vram=8M omapfb.vram=0:8M
For 387x(814x):
#setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0, noinitrd rw ethaddr=ð address& ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=&nfshost&:&rootpath&,nolock, mem=128M vram=50M ti814xfb.vram=0:48M,1:1M,2:1M'
For 387x PG 1.0 EVM with PSP and syslink version and above -
#setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0, noinitrd rw ethaddr=ð address& ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=&nfshost&:&rootpath&,nolock, mem=128M vram=50M ti814xfb.vram=0:48M,1:1M,2:1M notifyk.vpssm3_sva=0x8DB00000'
For 387x PG 2.1 EVM with PSP and syslink version and above -
#setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0, noinitrd rw ethaddr=ð address& ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=&nfshost&:&rootpath&,nolock, mem=128M vram=50M ti814xfb.vram=0:48M,1:1M,2:1M notifyk.vpssm3_sva=0xA0000000'
For 389x(816x) with PSP and syslink version and above :
#setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO2, noinitrd rw ethaddr=ð address& ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=&nfshost&:&rootpath&,nolock, mem=128M vram=24M ti816xfb.vram=0:24M notifyk.vpssm3_sva=0xA0000000'
For AM45x(Panda board):
#setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO2, mem=456M@0x mem=512M@0xA0000000 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw vram=&48M& omapfb.vram=0:24M'
For AM335x-
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO0, root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=&nfshostipaddress&:&rootpath&,nolock rw mem=256M ip=dhcp earlyprintk=serial vram=50M'
The graphics SDK comes with a SOC specific startup script that takes care of installing the right set of graphics driver libraries and kernel modules.
For OMAP35x/37x the graphics drivers are all installed by default. omap-demo script takes care of that. If not run by default, you can run it manually as /etc/init.d/omap-demo.
Run the script /etc/init.d/335x-demo at Linux command prompt after the AM335x EVM boots up.
For 387x/389x, 811x the demo script that installs graphics drivers is /etc/init.d/38xx-demo.
For 387x (TI814x), 389x (TI816x), 811x devices, syslink, vpss, hdmi modules need to be inserted before running the demo script. These are part of syslink and HDVPSS release package. So follow the instructions after installing the HDVPSS release package on EVM as below.
root@arago:/opt/built_04_01_00_05_psp#insmod syslink.ko
SysLink version :
SysLink module created on Date:Jun 30 2011 Time:15:38:19
For 387x (TI814x) - PG 1.0 EVM:
root@arago:/opt/built_04_01_00_05_psp#./slaveloader startup VPSS-M3 ti814x_hdvpss_512M.xem3
Attached to slave procId 2.
Loaded file ti814x_hdvpss.xem3 on slave procId 2.
Started slave procId 2.
For 387x (TI814x) - PG 2.1 EVM:
root@arago:/opt/built_04_01_00_05_psp#./slaveloader startup VPSS-M3 ti814x_hdvpss_1G.xem3
Attached to slave procId 2.
Loaded file ti814x_hdvpss.xem3 on slave procId 2.
Started slave procId 2.
For 389x (TI816x):
root@arago:/opt/built_04_01_00_05_psp#./slaveloader startup VPSS-M3 ti816x_hdvpss.xem3
Attached to slave procId 2.
Loaded file ti816x_hdvpss.xem3 on slave procId 2.
Started slave procId 2.
For 387x (TI814x) PG 1.0 EVM and 389x (TI816x):
root@arago:/opt/built_04_01_00_05_psp#insmod vpss.ko
For 387x (TI814x) PG 2.1 EVM-
insmod vpss.ko sbufaddr=0xA0200000
root@arago:/opt/built_04_01_00_05_psp#insmod ti81xxhdmi.ko
For 387x (TI814x):
root@arago:/opt/built_04_01_00_05_psp#insmod ti81xxfb.ko vram=0:24M,1:1M,2:1M
HDMI W1 rev 4.0
For 389x (TI816x):
insmod ti81xxfb.ko vram=0:24M
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0xx4042af04): 0x1
Written 0x0; readback 0x0
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0xx): 0x2
Written 0x2; readback 0x2
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0xx): 0x70000
Written 0x2; readback 0x2
SGX Revision is 125...
installing 6.x SGX release user libraries
Installing PowerVR Consumer/Embedded DDK on target
File system installation root is /
Uninstalling existing version
Uninstallation completed.
boot script rc.pvr -& /etc/init.d/rc.pvr
kernel module pvrsrvkm.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.37/kernel/drivers/char/pvrsrvkm.ko
kernel module omaplfb.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.37/kernel/drivers/char/omaplfb.ko
shared library libGLES_CM.so -& /usr/lib/libGLES_CM.so.
shared library libusc.so -& /usr/lib/libusc.so.
shared library libGLESv2.so -& /usr/lib/libGLESv2.so.
shared library libglslcompiler.so -& /usr/lib/libglslcompiler.so.
shared library libOpenVG.so -& /usr/lib/libOpenVG.so.
shared library libOpenVGU.so -& /usr/lib/libOpenVGU.so.
shared library libIMGegl.so -& /usr/lib/libIMGegl.so.
shared library libEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libEGL.so.
shared library libpvr2d.so -& /usr/lib/libpvr2d.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_BLITWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_BLITWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_FLIPWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_FLIPWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_FRONTWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_FRONTWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_LINUXFBWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_LINUXFBWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_X11WSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_X11WSEGL.so.
shared library libsrv_um.so -& /usr/lib/libsrv_um.so.
shared library libsrv_init.so -& /usr/lib/libsrv_init.so.
shared library libPVRScopeServices.so -& /usr/lib/libPVRScopeServices.so.
binary pvrsrvinit -& /usr/local/bin/pvrsrvinit
binary sgx_init_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_init_test
binary services_test -& /usr/local/bin/services_test
binary sgx_blit_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_blit_test
binary sgx_clipblit_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_clipblit_test
binary sgx_flip_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_flip_test
binary sgx_render_flip_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_render_flip_test
binary pvr2d_test -& /usr/local/bin/pvr2d_test
binary gles1test1 -& /usr/local/bin/gles1test1
binary gles1_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/gles1_texture_stream
binary gles2test1 -& /usr/local/bin/gles2test1
shader glsltest1_vertshader.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_vertshader.txt
shader glsltest1_fragshaderA.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_fragshaderA.txt
shader glsltest1_fragshaderB.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_fragshaderB.txt
binary gles2_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/gles2_texture_stream
binary ovg_unit_test -& /usr/local/bin/ovg_unit_test
binary eglinfo -& /usr/local/bin/eglinfo
binary xgles1test1 -& /usr/local/bin/xgles1test1
binary xmultiegltest -& /usr/local/bin/xmultiegltest
binary xgles1_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/xgles1_texture_stream
binary xgles2test1 -& /usr/local/bin/xgles2test1
binary xgles2_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/xgles2_texture_stream
binary xovg_unit_test -& /usr/local/bin/xovg_unit_test
Installation complete!
You may now reboot your target.
Loaded PowerVR consumer services.
If your graphics driver installtion is successful, you should see the message - "Loaded PowerVR consumer services" on console as above.
Also on issuing lsmod you should see pvrsrvkm, omaplfb modules inserted successfully for SUPPORT_XORG=0 build.
In case of SUPPORT_XORG=1 build, you should see pvrsrvkm, drm modules inserted successfully. Please refer to
for more details.
root@arago:/opt/built_04_01_00_05_psp# cd /opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles2
root@arago:/opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles2# ls
root@arago:/opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles2# ./OGLES2Skybox2
Can't open keypad input device (/dev/input/event0)
PVRShell: EGL 1.4 initialized
root@arago:/opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles2# lsmod
2 ti81xxfb,ti81xxhdmi
root@ti81xx-evm:cd /opt/HDVPSS_01_00_01_26
# insmod syslink.ko
For 387x (814x):
# ./procmgrapp 2 ti814x_hdvpss.xem3
Press ctrl-z.
For 389x (816x):
# ./procmgrapp 2 ti816x_hdvpss.xem3
Press ctrl-z.
For 387x (TI814x):
# insmod vpss.ko sbufaddr=0xCFE00000 mode=hdmi:1080p-60
For 389x (TI816x):
insmod vpss.ko sbufaddr=0xB2C00000 mode=hdmi:1080p-60
For C6A814X/C6A816x:
# insmod vpss.ko mode=hdmi:1080p-60
# insmod TI81xx_hdmi.ko hdmi_mode=2
# insmod ti81xxfb.ko vram=0:24M,1:1M,2:1M
Now run the 38xx demo script as shown below:
# /etc/init.d/38xx-demo.
On a successful run of the script, you will get messages (logs) on console as below:
# /etc/init.d/38xx-demo
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x404b8000.
Value at address 0xx404b8f04): 0x1
Written 0x0; readback 0x0
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x400df000.
Value at address 0xx400df900): 0x2
Written 0x2; readback 0x2
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x404ce000.
Value at address 0xx404ce920): 0x70000
Written 0x2; readback 0x2
SGX Revision is 125...
installing 6.x SGX release user libraries
Installing PowerVR Consumer/Embedded DDK on target
File system installation root is /
Uninstalling existing version
Uninstallation completed.
boot script rc.pvr -& /etc/init.d/rc.pvr
kernel module pvrsrvkm.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.34/kernel/drivers/char/pvrsrvk
kernel module omaplfb.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.34/kernel/drivers/char/omaplfb.
shared library libGLES_CM.so -& /usr/lib/libGLES_CM.so.
shared library libusc.so -& /usr/lib/libusc.so.
shared library libGLESv2.so -& /usr/lib/libGLESv2.so.
shared library libglslcompiler.so -& /usr/lib/libglslcompiler.so.
shared library libOpenVG.so -& /usr/lib/libOpenVG.so.
shared library libOpenVGU.so -& /usr/lib/libOpenVGU.so.
shared library libIMGegl.so -& /usr/lib/libIMGegl.so.
shared library libEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libEGL.so.
shared library libpvr2d.so -& /usr/lib/libpvr2d.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_BLITWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_BLITWSEGL.so.1.1
shared library libpvrPVR2D_FLIPWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_FLIPWSEGL.so.1.1
shared library libpvrPVR2D_FRONTWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_FRONTWSEGL.so.1
shared library libpvrPVR2D_LINUXFBWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_LINUXFBWSEGL.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_X11WSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_X11WSEGL.so.1.1.1
shared library libsrv_um.so -& /usr/lib/libsrv_um.so.
shared library libsrv_init.so -& /usr/lib/libsrv_init.so.
shared library libPVRScopeServices.so -& /usr/lib/libPVRScopeServices.so.1.1.16.
binary pvrsrvinit -& /usr/local/bin/pvrsrvinit
binary sgx_init_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_init_test
binary services_test -& /usr/local/bin/services_test
binary sgx_blit_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_blit_test
binary sgx_clipblit_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_clipblit_test
binary sgx_flip_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_flip_test
binary sgx_render_flip_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_render_flip_test
binary pvr2d_test -& /usr/local/bin/pvr2d_test
binary gles1test1 -& /usr/local/bin/gles1test1
binary gles1_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/gles1_texture_stream
binary gles2test1 -& /usr/local/bin/gles2test1
shader glsltest1_vertshader.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_vertshader.txt
shader glsltest1_fragshaderA.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_fragshaderA.txt
shader glsltest1_fragshaderB.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_fragshaderB.txt
binary gles2_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/gles2_texture_stream
binary ovg_unit_test -& /usr/local/bin/ovg_unit_test
binary eglinfo -& /usr/local/bin/eglinfo
binary xgles1test1 -& /usr/local/bin/xgles1test1
binary xmultiegltest -& /usr/local/bin/xmultiegltest
Installation complete!
You may now reboot your target.
Module pvrsrvkm failed to load. Retrying.
Running /sbin/depmod
Module bc_example failed to load. Retrying.
Continuing to load PowerVR services
Loaded PowerVR consumer services.
If your graphics driver installtion is successful, you should see the message - "Loaded PowerVR consumer services" on console as above.
Also on issuing lsmod you should see pvrsrvkm, omaplfb modules inserted successfully for SUPPORT_XORG=0 build.
In case of SUPPORT_XORG=1 build, you should see pvrsrvkm, drm modules inserted successfully. Please refer to
for more details.
1 ti81xxfb
Then run any of the openGLES1.1, 2.0 demos. Example shown below -
cd /opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles2
For Panda board, create a SD card image by refering to instructions in the PSP user guide.
Once the Panda board boots up with SD card, create a directory named gfxlibraries under /opt of Panda board. Install (copy) the graphics libraries (gfx_rel_es7.x, gfx_dbg_es7.x) under it and install (copy) gfxsdkdemos directory present at the graphics SDK installation root folder under /opt of the Panda board.
Make sure powervr.ini is copied under /etc of panda board and rc.pvr under /etc/init.d of Panda board. For Xorg build, there are some prerequistes/steps. Please refer to the Xorg execution steps section for AM45x below.
Copy the targetfs folder (can be found at graphics SDK installation root folder) to /opt of Panda board and run the omap4-demo script to install graphics drivers.
Now cd to /opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles2 or /opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles and run any demo. For eg you can run the OGLES2 Skybox demo as ./OGLES2SkyBox2.
This section is applicable only if you have built graphics SDK with SUPPORT_XORG=1 option.
For SUPPORT_XORG=1 build, follow the same execution steps 1 and 2 as above.
The first time you boot up the board with SUPPORT_XORG=1 build or drivers, you might see some error message as below:
(WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card support
(EE) pvr(0): [drm] failed to set drm interface version.
(EE) pvr(0): PVRPreInit: Failed to become DRM master.
0: /usr/local/XSGX/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x2c) [0x6bafc]
1: /usr/local/XSGX/bin/X (0x5c) [0x7195c]
2: /lib/libc.so.6 (__default_rt_sa_restorer_v2+0x0) [0x]
3: /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/pvr_drv.so (PVRFreeScreen+0x24) [0x404cf6a8]
4: /usr/local/XSGX/bin/X (xf86DeleteScreen+0x64) [0x79b38]
5: /usr/local/XSGX/bin/X (InitOutput+0xa80) [0x80ce0]
6: /usr/local/XSGX/bin/X (main+0x290) [0x2b008]
7: /lib/libc.so.6 (__libc_start_main+0x120) [0x40224fd4]
Segmentation fault at address 0x1e0
Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
This is because the drm module would not have been inserted before pvrsrvkm module since module dependancy would not have been updated properly.
In this case issue the command depmod -a on linux command prompt on the EVM and run the 38xx-demo script(/etc/init.d/38xx-demo) again as shown below-
In case the problem still exists, then reboot the board once after issuing depmod -a command. This should take care of updating module dependancies correctly and the board should now boot up fine without the above error messages.
root@arago:/opt/TI814X# depmod -a
root@arago:/opt/TI814X# /etc/init.d/38xx-demo
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0xx40456f04): 0x0
Written 0x0; readback 0x0
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x400d5000.
Value at address 0xx400d5900): 0x102
Written 0x2; readback 0x2
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0xx): 0x2
Written 0x2; readback 0x2
SGX Revision is 125...
installing 6.x SGX release user libraries
Installing PowerVR Consumer/Embedded DDK on target
File system installation root is /
Uninstalling existing version
Uninstallation completed.
boot script rc.pvr -& /etc/init.d/rc.pvr
kernel module drm.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.37/kernel/drivers/char/drm.ko
kernel module pvrsrvkm.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.37/kernel/drivers/char/pvrsrvkm.ko
kernel module omaplfb.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.37/kernel/drivers/char/omaplfb.ko
shared library libGLES_CM.so -& /usr/lib/libGLES_CM.so.
shared library libusc.so -& /usr/lib/libusc.so.
shared library libGLESv2.so -& /usr/lib/libGLESv2.so.
shared library libglslcompiler.so -& /usr/lib/libglslcompiler.so.
shared library libOpenVG.so -& /usr/lib/libOpenVG.so.
shared library libOpenVGU.so -& /usr/lib/libOpenVGU.so.
shared library libIMGegl.so -& /usr/lib/libIMGegl.so.
shared library libEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libEGL.so.
shared library libpvr2d.so -& /usr/lib/libpvr2d.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_BLITWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_BLITWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_FLIPWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_FLIPWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_FRONTWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_FRONTWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_LINUXFBWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_LINUXFBWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_DRIWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_DRIWSEGL.so.
shared library libsrv_um.so -& /usr/lib/libsrv_um.so.
shared library libsrv_init.so -& /usr/lib/libsrv_init.so.
shared library libPVRScopeServices.so -& /usr/lib/libPVRScopeServices.so.
binary pvrsrvinit -& /usr/local/bin/pvrsrvinit
binary sgx_init_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_init_test
binary services_test -& /usr/local/bin/services_test
binary sgx_blit_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_blit_test
binary sgx_clipblit_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_clipblit_test
binary sgx_flip_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_flip_test
binary sgx_render_flip_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_render_flip_test
binary pvr2d_test -& /usr/local/bin/pvr2d_test
binary gles1test1 -& /usr/local/bin/gles1test1
binary gles1_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/gles1_texture_stream
binary gles2test1 -& /usr/local/bin/gles2test1
shader glsltest1_vertshader.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_vertshader.txt
shader glsltest1_fragshaderA.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_fragshaderA.txt
shader glsltest1_fragshaderB.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_fragshaderB.txt
binary gles2_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/gles2_texture_stream
binary ovg_unit_test -& /usr/local/bin/ovg_unit_test
binary eglinfo -& /usr/local/bin/eglinfo
binary xgles1test1 -& /usr/local/bin/xgles1test1
binary xmultiegltest -& /usr/local/bin/xmultiegltest
binary xgles1_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/xgles1_texture_stream
binary xgles2test1 -& /usr/local/bin/xgles2test1
binary xgles2_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/xgles2_texture_stream
binary xovg_unit_test -& /usr/local/bin/xovg_unit_test
Installation complete!
You may now reboot your target.
BusyBox v1.13.2 ( 18:47:48 EST) multi-call binary
Create a special file (block, character, or pipe)
Create the special file using the specified mode (default a=rw)
TYPEs include:
Make a block device
c or u: Make a character device
Make a named pipe (MAJOR and MINOR are ignored)
chmod: /dev/pvrsrvkm: No such file or directory
NET: Registered protocol family 10
X.Org X Server 1.7.5
Release Date:
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux i686
Current Operating System: Linux arago 2.6.37 #1 Thu Jun 30 15:25:53 IST 2011 armv7l
Kernel command line: console=ttyO0, root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,nolock rw mem=128M vram=50M ti814xfb.vram=0:48M,1:1M,2:1M notifyk.vpssm3_sva=0x8DB00000 earlyprintk ip=dhcp
Build Date: 30 May :43AM
Current version of pixman: 0.16.4
Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: &/usr/local/XSGX/var/log/Xorg.0.log&, Time: Wed Dec
2 20:13:25 2009
(++) Using config file: &/usr/local/XSGX/etc/xorg.conf&
(==) No Layout section.
Using the first Screen section.
(**) |--&Screen &Screen& (0)
|--&Monitor &&default monitor&&
root@arago:/opt/TI814X# (**) |
|--&Device &Video Device&
(==) No monitor specified for screen &Screen&.
Using a default monitor configuration.
(==) Not automatically adding devices
(==) Not automatically enabling devices
(WW) The directory &/usr/local/XSGX/share/fonts/X11/TTF/& does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory &/usr/local/XSGX/share/fonts/X11/OTF& does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(==) FontPath set to:
(==) ModulePath set to &/usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules&
(==) |--&Input Device &Main Touch Screen&
(==) |--&Input Device &Keyboard&
(==) No Layout section. Using the first core pointer device.
(==) No Layout section. Using the first core keyboard device.
(--) using VT number 3
(WW) xf86OpenConsole: setpgid failed: Operation not permitted
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libextmod.so
(II) Module extmod: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdbe.so
(II) Module dbe: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so
(II) Module glx: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(==) AIGLX enabled
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so
(II) Module dri: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri2.so
(II) Module dri2: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.1.0
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/pvr_drv.so
(II) Module PVR: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.6.4117
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/input/evdev_drv.so
(II) Module evdev: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 2.3.3
(II) pvr: Driver for PowerVR chipsets: PowerVR SGX
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for pvr
(WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card support
(II) pvr(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
&Screen& for depth/fbbpp 24/32
(==) pvr(0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) pvr(0): RGB weight 888
(==) pvr(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) pvr(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(--) pvr(0): Virtual size is
(pitch 1920)
(**) pvr(0):
Built-in mode &&
(==) pvr(0): DPI set to (96, 96)
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/libfb.so
(II) Module fb: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(II) pvr(0): [pvr] Software copy threshold : 0B
(II) pvr(0): [pvr] Software solid threshold : 0B
(II) pvr(0): [pvr] Software composite threshold : 1024B
(II) pvr(0): [pvr] Pixmap pool size: 1B
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/libexa.so
(II) Module exa: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 2.5.0
PVRPreInit: done
(--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
(II) pvr(0): [DRI2] Setup complete
(II) EXA(0): Driver allocated offscreen pixmaps
(II) EXA(0): Driver registered support for the following operations:
Composite (RENDER acceleration)
(==) pvr(0): Backing store disabled
(==) pvr(0): Silken mouse enabled
(==) pvr(0): DPMS enabled
(==) pvr(0): Direct rendering enabled
(EE) pvr(0): PVRDisplayCommandNoArgs: drmCommandWrite failed (-22)
(EE) pvr(0): PVRDisplayScreenInitFinalize: PVRDisplayCommandNoArgs failed (-22)
PVRScreenInit: done
(==) RandR enabled
(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/local/XSGX/lib/dri/pvr_dri.so failed (/usr/local/XSGX/lib/dri/pvr_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering
(II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable
(II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized /usr/local/XSGX/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so
(II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0
(**) Main Touch Screen: always reports core events
(**) Main Touch Screen: Device: &/dev/input/event1&
(EE) Unable to open evdev device &/dev/input/event1&.
(EE) PreInit returned NULL for &Main Touch Screen&
(**) Keyboard: always reports core events
(**) Keyboard: Device: &/dev/input/event0&
(EE) Unable to open evdev device &/dev/input/event0&.
(EE) PreInit returned NULL for &Keyboard&
lsmod should show the graphics driver and drm modules have been inserted successfully:
root@arago:/usr/local/XSGX/bin# lsmod
2 ti81xxfb,ti81xxhdmi
ps should show X running:
/usr/local/XSGX/bin/X -verbose -config /usr/local/XSG
dmesg should show successful drm initialization:
root@arago:/opt/gfxlibraries/gfx_rel_es6.x# dmesg | grep -i drm
[drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0
[drm] Initialized pvrsrvkm 1.6.4117 Mon July 18 IST 2011 for SGX on minor 0
Now this means the setup is proper and ready to run any X apps.
Now set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DISPLAY as below:
root@arago:/usr# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/XSGX/lib
root@arago:/usr# export DISPLAY=:0
One can run the unit test application present under /opt/gfxlibraries/gfx_rel_es6.x:
root@arago:/opt/gfxlibraries/gfx_rel_es6.x# ./xgles1test1 -f 1000
--------------------- started ---------------------
(II) pvr(0): [dri] PVRDRI2CreateBuffer:
Drawable 0x240268 - Creating buffer (att 1, 540 x 540, f 0) at 0x240710
(II) pvr(0): [dri] PVRDRI2CreateBuffer:
Drawable 0x240268 - Creating buffer (att 0, 540 x 540, f 0) at 0x240c38
This will show 2 quickly flipping trinagles.
One can also run glxgears test from (/usr/local/XSGX/bin):
root@arago:/usr/local/XSGX/bin# ./glxgears
185 frames in 5.0 seconds = 36.868 FPS
184 frames in 5.0 seconds = 36.707 FPS
184 frames in 5.0 seconds = 36.679 FPS
If one has built and installed the graphics SDK with SUPPORT_XORG=1 option, then the EVM will boot up with omap-demo script run by default and installing the required Xorg driver and file system.
In case the demo script has not run, one can run it as /etc/init.d/omap-demo for OMAP devices. For AM335x run the demo script /etc/init.d/335x-demo.
If there are problems in installation, issue depmod -a command on linux command prompt and reboot. Now the Xorg drivers should be installed correctly.
To cross check whether system is fine(ready to run X apps) make sure lsmod command on EVM shows pvrsrvkm.ko, drm.ko inserted successfully and ps shows X process running.
Issue commands export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/XSGX/lib and export DISPLAY=:0 on the EVM command prompt.
Now the system is ready to run any X app. One can run the unit test application present under /usr/local/XSGX/bin/glxgears to confirm the system is fine.
Make sure you have built the graphics SDK with SUPPORT_XORG=1 (for OMAPES=7.x).
Once the EVM boots up, copy the gfxsdkdemos directory(Present under graphics SDK package installation) under /opt of Panda board. Create a directory named gfxlibraries under /opt and copy gfx_rel_es7.x folder here.
Copy targetfs folder (present under graphics SDK package installtion) to /opt on Panda board.
Copy dri related libraries, install script on Panda board as follows:
root@omap4430-panda:/opt/gfxlibraries/gfx_rel_es7.x# cp libsrv_um_dri.so libsrv_um.so
root@omap4430-panda:/opt/gfxlibraries/gfx_rel_es7.x# cp install_dri.sh install.sh
root@omap4430-panda:/opt/gfxlibraries/gfx_rel_es7.x# cp rc_dri.pvr rc.pvr
root@omap4430-panda:/opt/gfxlibraries/gfx_rel_es7.x# cp rc_dri.pvr /etc/init.d/rc.pvr
root@omap4430-panda:/opt/targetfs# cp powervr_dri.ini /etc/powervr.ini
Now run omap4-demo script as shown below:
root@omap4430-panda:/opt/targetfs# ./omap4-demo
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0x4Ax): 0x30003
Written 0x30003; readback 0x30003
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0x4Ax): 0x40002
Written 0x70002; readback 0x70002
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0x4Ax): 0xB4F0
Written 0xB4F0; readback 0xB4F0
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0x4Ax): 0x74
Written 0x74; readback 0x74
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0x.
Value at address 0x4Ax): 0x2
Written 0x2; readback 0x2
SGX Revision is 120...
installing 7.x SGX release user libraries
Installing PowerVR Consumer/Embedded DDK on target
File system installation root is /
Uninstalling existing version
Uninstallation completed.
boot script rc.pvr -& /etc/init.d/rc.pvr
kernel module drm.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.35/kernel/drivers/char/drm.ko
kernel module pvrsrvkm.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.35/kernel/drivers/char/pvrsrvkm.ko
kernel module omaplfb.ko -& /lib/modules/2.6.35/kernel/drivers/char/omaplfb.ko
shared library libGLES_CM.so -& /usr/lib/libGLES_CM.so.
shared library libusc.so -& /usr/lib/libusc.so.
shared library libGLESv2.so -& /usr/lib/libGLESv2.so.
shared library libglslcompiler.so -& /usr/lib/libglslcompiler.so.
shared library libOpenVG.so -& /usr/lib/libOpenVG.so.
shared library libOpenVGU.so -& /usr/lib/libOpenVGU.so.
shared library libIMGegl.so -& /usr/lib/libIMGegl.so.
shared library libEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libEGL.so.
shared library libpvr2d.so -& /usr/lib/libpvr2d.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_BLITWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_BLITWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_FLIPWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_FLIPWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_FRONTWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_FRONTWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_LINUXFBWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_LINUXFBWSEGL.so.
shared library libpvrPVR2D_DRIWSEGL.so -& /usr/lib/libpvrPVR2D_DRIWSEGL.so.
shared library libsrv_um.so -& /usr/lib/libsrv_um.so.
shared library libsrv_init.so -& /usr/lib/libsrv_init.so.
shared library libPVRScopeServices.so -& /usr/lib/libPVRScopeServices.so.
binary pvrsrvinit -& /usr/local/bin/pvrsrvinit
binary sgx_init_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_init_test
binary services_test -& /usr/local/bin/services_test
binary sgx_blit_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_blit_test
binary sgx_clipblit_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_clipblit_test
binary sgx_flip_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_flip_test
binary sgx_render_flip_test -& /usr/local/bin/sgx_render_flip_test
binary pvr2d_test -& /usr/local/bin/pvr2d_test
binary gles1test1 -& /usr/local/bin/gles1test1
binary gles1_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/gles1_texture_stream
binary gles2test1 -& /usr/local/bin/gles2test1
shader glsltest1_vertshader.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_vertshader.txt
shader glsltest1_fragshaderA.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_fragshaderA.txt
shader glsltest1_fragshaderB.txt -& /usr/local/bin/glsltest1_fragshaderB.txt
binary gles2_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/gles2_texture_stream
binary ovg_unit_test -& /usr/local/bin/ovg_unit_test
binary eglinfo -& /usr/local/bin/eglinfo
binary xgles1test1 -& /usr/local/bin/xgles1test1
binary xmultiegltest -& /usr/local/bin/xmultiegltest
binary xgles1_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/xgles1_texture_stream
binary xgles2test1 -& /usr/local/bin/xgles2test1
binary xgles2_texture_stream -& /usr/local/bin/xgles2_texture_stream
binary xovg_unit_test -& /usr/local/bin/xovg_unit_test
Installation complete!
You may now reboot your target.
BusyBox v1.13.2 ( 16:46:47 CET) multi-call binary
Create a special file (block, character, or pipe)
Create the special file using the specified mode (default a=rw)
TYPEs include:
Make a block device
c or u: Make a character device
Make a named pipe (MAJOR and MINOR are ignored)
chmod: /dev/pvrsrvkm: No such file or directory
root@omap4430-panda:/opt/targetfs# _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
_XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/omap4430-panda:0
_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6
X.Org X Server 1.7.5
Release Date:
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux i686
Current Operating System: Linux omap4430-panda 2.6.35 #6 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jun 24 14:34:45 IST 2011 armv7l
Kernel command line: console=ttyO2, vram=16M root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfstype=ext3 rootwait
Build Date: 30 May :43AM
Current version of pixman: 0.16.4
Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: &/usr/local/XSGX/var/log/Xorg.0.log&, Time: Mon Jun
6 07:47:28 2011
(++) Using config file: &/usr/local/XSGX/etc/xorg.conf&
(==) No Layout section.
Using the first Screen section.
(**) |--&Screen &Screen& (0)
|--&Monitor &&default monitor&&
|--&Device &Video Device&
(==) No monitor specified for screen &Screen&.
Using a default monitor configuration.
(==) Not automatically adding devices
(==) Not automatically enabling devices
(WW) The directory &/usr/local/XSGX/share/fonts/X11/TTF/& does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory &/usr/local/XSGX/share/fonts/X11/OTF& does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(==) FontPath set to:
(==) ModulePath set to &/usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules&
(==) |--&Input Device &Main Touch Screen&
(==) |--&Input Device &Keyboard&
(==) No Layout section. Using the first core pointer device.
(==) No Layout section. Using the first core keyboard device.
(--) using VT number 2
(WW) xf86OpenConsole: setpgid failed: Operation not permitted
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libextmod.so
(II) Module extmod: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdbe.so
(II) Module dbe: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so
(II) Module glx: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(==) AIGLX enabled
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so
(II) Module dri: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri2.so
(II) Module dri2: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.1.0
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/pvr_drv.so
(II) Module PVR: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.6.4117
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/input/evdev_drv.so
(II) Module evdev: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 2.3.3
(II) pvr: Driver for PowerVR chipsets: PowerVR SGX
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for pvr
(WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card support
(II) pvr(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
&Screen& for depth/fbbpp 24/32
(==) pvr(0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) pvr(0): RGB weight 888
(==) pvr(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) pvr(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(--) pvr(0): Virtual size is
(pitch 1920)
(**) pvr(0):
Built-in mode &&
(==) pvr(0): DPI set to (96, 96)
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/libfb.so
(II) Module fb: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 1.0.0
(II) pvr(0): [pvr] Software copy threshold : 0B
(II) pvr(0): [pvr] Software solid threshold : 0B
(II) pvr(0): [pvr] Software composite threshold : 1024B
(II) pvr(0): [pvr] Pixmap pool size: 1B
(II) Loading /usr/local/XSGX/lib/xorg/modules/libexa.so
(II) Module exa: vendor=&X.Org Foundation&
compiled for 1.7.5, module version = 2.5.0
PVRPreInit: done
(--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
(II) pvr(0): [DRI2] Setup complete
(II) EXA(0): Driver allocated offscreen pixmaps
(II) EXA(0): Driver registered support for the following operations:
Composite (RENDER acceleration)
(==) pvr(0): Backing store disabled
(==) pvr(0): Silken mouse enabled
(==) pvr(0): DPMS enabled
(==) pvr(0): Direct rendering enabled
(EE) pvr(0): PVRDisplayCommandNoArgs: drmCommandWrite failed (-22)
(EE) pvr(0): PVRDisplayScreenInitFinalize: PVRDisplayCommandNoArgs failed (-22)
PVRScreenInit: done
(==) RandR enabled
(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/local/XSGX/lib/dri/pvr_dri.so failed (/usr/local/XSGX/lib/dri/pvr_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering
(II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable
(II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized /usr/local/XSGX/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so
(II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0
(**) Main Touch Screen: always reports core events
(**) Main Touch Screen: Device: &/dev/input/event1&
(EE) Unable to open evdev device &/dev/input/event1&.
(EE) PreInit returned NULL for &Main Touch Screen&
(**) Keyboard: always reports core events
(**) Keyboard: Device: &/dev/input/event0&
(WW) Keyboard: Don't know how to use device
(EE) PreInit returned NULL for &Keyboard&
To check if system is fine/ready to run X apps, make sure you see the above log on running the omap4-demo script.
Also check lsmod shows the output as below:
root@omap4430-panda:/opt/targetfs# lsmod
Also check if X is running - issue ps -eaf command on Panda board and make sure X is running:
1 07:47 tty2
00:00:05 /usr/local/XSGX/bin/X -verbose
If its not running then drm module might not have inserted properly. In this case issue depmod -a command on Panda board Linux command prompt and reboot the board. Once the board comes up, run the omap4-demo script as shown above.
Now issue following commands:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/XSGX/lib
export DISPLAY=:0
Now the system is ready to run any X-app. One can run unit test application as shown:
root@omap4430-panda:/opt/targetfs# /usr/local/XSGX/bin/glxgears
193 frames in 5.0 seconds = 38.411 FPS
192 frames in 5.0 seconds = 38.355 FPS
193 frames in 5.0 seconds = 38.428 FPS
NOTE: The Xorg file system used is available as part of the graphics SDK installation(targetfs/XSGX folder) and will be installed onto /usr/local/XSGX of the target file system by default(the path of which would have been provided in Rules.make).
The Xorg server version that has been used/validated as part of this graphics SDK release is 1.7.5 and it has been validated with enlightenment window manager only (downloaded/used from Narcissus angstrom distribution in April).
To run OpenGL ES1.x demos, perform the following steps:
target $ cd /opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles
target $ ./OGLESSkyBox
This will execute the OGLESSkyBox demo. Press ‘q’ on the host machine console window (TeraTerm or HyperTerminal or Minicom) to stop the demo.
Similarly, the user could execute other OpenGL ES1.x demos.
For more information and command line options on the demos, refer to the OpenGL ES1.x SDK user guide available under Graphics_SDK_#_##_##_##\GFX_Linux_SDK\OGLES\SDKPackage
To run OpenGLES2.0 demos, perform the following steps:
target $ cd /opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles2
target $ ./OGLES2Coverflow
This will execute the OGLES2Coverflow demo. Press ‘q’ on the host machine console window (TeraTerm or HyperTerminal or Minicom) to stop the demo.
Similarly, the user could execute other OpenGL ES2.0 demos.
For more information and command line options on the demos, refer to the OpenGL ES2.x SDK user guide available under Graphics_SDK_#_##_##_##\GFX_Linux_SDK\OGLES2\SDKPackage
By default openGL ES1.1 and 2.0 demos are built when you do a build of standalone graphics SDK release.
If you want to build any other training course example or openVG demo then you should set the PLATFORM, LIBDIR variables.
Its LinuxOMAP3 for all devices.
How to build training course examples, OpenVG demo -
Set and export the variable LIBDIR. It should point to the path mentioned below. For eg for openGL ES2.0, path is as as below-
where GFX_INSTALLATION_ROOT is the path name where you have installed graphics SDK.
Replace all instances of OGLES2 with OGLES if you are building an openGL ES1.1 app/example.
Set and export the variable PLATFORM as -
export PLATFORM = LinuxOMAP3.
cd to app directoty having makefile. For eg to build first example in training course -
./GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES/SDKPackage/TrainingCourse/01_Initialization/OGLES/Build/LinuxOMAP3 for OpenGLES1.1
Issue make Common=1 for openGLES1.1 apps
and build will be done. If its openGLES 2.0 or openVG, issue just make without any arguments.
The application executable will be placed under - ./GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES/SDKPackage/TrainingCourse/01_Initialization/OGLES/Build/LinuxOMAP3/ReleaseRaw.
Perform the following commands on the target (ex. via terminal) with an utility like devmem2.
This section is applicable for OMAP35x/AM35x/37xx and 387x/389x,811x devices only.
For OMAP35x/AM35x/37xx family of chipsets:
./devmem2 0x48004B48 w 0x2
./devmem2 0x48004B10 w 0x1
./devmem2 0x48004B00 w 0x2
./devmem2 0x & sgxrevision.txt
For 38xx(387x,389x) & 811x family of chipsets
./devmem2 0x48180F04 w 0x0
./devmem2 0x w 0x2
./devmem2 0x w 0x2
./devmem2 0x & /etc/init.d/sgxrevision.txt
Depending on the value read out in the last step, OMAPES is determined for the build.
If value == 0x10205 use OMAPES=5.x
If value == 0x10201 use OMAPES=3.x
If value == 0x10003 use OMAPES=2.x
Once you know the OMAPES version for your device, then please follow the steps as shown in Build and install section above or issue make help for exact syntax.
Framework Integration Information
Framework Integration Link
Covers aspects of building Qt framework in such a way as to integrate SGX driver as a Qt plugin.
covers aspects of how to use the latest OMAP3 Graphics SDK with Meego on 2.6 kernel, using standard rootfs from Beagleboard. This works on both Beagleboard and OMAP3 EVM
Has the OpenEmbedded recipes for the SGX drivers, and is the basis for integration into Qt/e/X built from OE distribution.
Has information on WinCE PowerVR SDK for TI processor family
Page has information on Flash10 Graphics plugin that uses OpenGLES2 and other Graphics acceleration packages
Has steps on building Graphics Drivers with BeagleBox
Using Pixmap needs CMEM module to be inserted. CMEM is part of Linuxutils and can be downloaded from the appropriate DVSDK packages.
Buffers can be exchanged with the SGX rendering system using specific pixmap structure format, and is described in SGXPERF example code (Refer TEST8) at,
provides step-by-step instructions for debugging SGX driver issues.


