关于rpgmakermv 鼠标菜单 VX Ace的菜单画面

【图片】【卡牌大师 CardMaster】教程篇 - 制作卡牌大师的菜单【rpgmakervxace吧】_百度贴吧
【卡牌大师 CardMaster】教程篇 - 制作卡牌大师的菜单收藏
先修改左上角的选项吧,既然是选项,我们就看 Window_MenuCommand这几行是选项的生成可以看到在 make_command_list 方法里,调用了 add_main_commands 方法。从48开始,依次是 物品 技能 装备 状态所以你想弄成卡牌大师那样的,保留物品即可
为同步 所以把 scene_menu的这一部分也删去
然后是右边的角色状态窗口默认脚本是绘制血条,等级等,但是我把修改成这样了。看到 Window_MenuStatus 的 draw_item方法 【大概是48行49行获取角色ID50行获取是否参与战斗51行获取项目的绘制矩形52行绘制项目背景53行绘制角色脸图54行绘制角色基本信息54行的这个方法,其实是调用的 Window_Base中的方法这个方法的内容是
draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
draw_actor_level(actor, x, y + line_height * 1)#绘制等级
draw_actor_icons(actor, x, y + line_height * 2)#绘制状态图标
draw_actor_class(actor, x + 120, y)#绘制职业
draw_actor_hp(actor, x + 120, y + line_height * 1)#绘制HP条
draw_actor_mp(actor, x + 120, y + line_height * 2)#绘制MP条所以我们可以先删去54行,然后再按照上面方法的内容给他绘制东西,
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 160, 66)#字体颜色修改
draw_actor_nickname(actor, rect.x + 100, rect.y + 1, width = 180)#绘制称号
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 255, 255)#字体颜色修改
draw_actor_name(actor, rect.x + 100, rect.y + 28)#绘制名称
draw_actor_graphic(actor, rect.x + 100, rect.y + 96)#绘制行走图
self.contents.font.size = 16#字体大小
draw_text_ex(rect.x+120, rect.y+50, actor.description)#绘制角色介绍信息【description】这是我的卡牌大师绘制的内容
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Title: RPG Maker VX Ace
Release Date: 10 Dec, 2012
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About This Software
Simple Enough for a Child. Powerful Enough for a Developer. RPG Maker VX Ace improves on every aspect of creating your very own epic adventure. An immensely powerful editor, Ace supports multiple tilesets, offers full control over autoshadow and has a very flexible features system.Ace gives you all the tools you need to make that game you’ve always dreamed of, including the following features:o A powerful map editor to build your world.o A database to track your characters, skill, equipment and more, all improved with the powerful new flexible Features system.o New event options, including support for Ogg Theora video.o An expansive set of default resources, including a built in character generator to create your own sprites and faces.Key FeaturesSimple, Powerful Tools RPG Maker VX Ace brings powerful new tools to the table to enhance your RPG-making potential. None of the previous engines can match Ace for flexibility, even for users with no coding knowledge. These features are powerful but also very easy to learn, with most accessed through a simple point and click interface.Enhanced Default Graphics RPG Maker VX Ace offers a large collection of new graphics, including 4 tilesets and the long-requested set of fallen character sprites. The engine is also compatible with all of the existing fan-made RPG Maker VX resources.Export Your Game Once you’re ready to show your project off, you can easily export your game into a portable EXE file that can be played on ANY Windows system. Share it with your friends, family or with the vibrant RPG Maker community on the internet.
System Requirements
Minimum:OS:Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP / Vista / 7 (32-bit/64-bit) Processor:Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor Memory:512 MB RAM Graphics:1024 x 768 pixels or higher desktop resolution Hard Drive:400 MB HD space
Recommended:Processor:Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor Memory:512 MB RAM
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View mobile website【提问】在菜单直接显示物品属性或图片的办法_rpgmakervxace吧_百度贴吧
这是实验体 我想把系统做成点物品后同步【悬浮图像】或者【说明】,不需要刷新页面直接选择物品出现物品LIST,上下选择物品出现物品文字说明或图像,但是目前为止最下方的悬浮框不知道为什么没有任何显示内容|……然后我调用的是系统的help窗口的内容,这个help窗口本身就是用来做这种说明的默认用的也是这个……现在的问题是很奇怪的我调用这个窗口的时候,大小和位置是用的help窗口的定义,但是不显示说明文也就是说调用是成功的,但是就是不起作用……………………
不知道 毕竟看不见脚本


