为什么打不开the face machinee插件里的刷权重工具

The Face Machine v1.0 for Maya Tutorials (Maya面部表情设置教程)-行业软件
The Face Machine v1.0 for Maya Tutorials-Maya面部表情设置教程.Anzovin studio 推出的表情设置插件the face machine,面部表情绑定工具,适用于Maya7.0~2008所有版本.名字很耳熟?他们曾经推出过角色绑定工具 the setup
软件分类:国外软件 / 零售版 / CG教程 软件语言:英文 发布时间:  访问数:
The Face Machine v1.0 for Maya Tutorials-Maya面部表情设置教程.Anzovin studio 推出的表情设置插件the face machine,面部表情绑定工具,适用于Maya7.0~2008所有版本.名字很耳熟?他们曾经推出过角色绑定工具 the setup machine。&&&这一次表情设置插件应该很让人期待, Anzovin studio声称 the face machine(下简称TFM)非常强大,可以制作夸张的卡通表情,也可以做微秒的写实的表情,另外可以胜任快速表情绑定制作。还有一个特点刷权重将会变的非常简单。&The Face Machine (aka TFM) is an auto-rigging tool for Maya. It rigs faces. (If you need to rig bodies, you'll want to take a look at our other auto-rigging tool, The Setup Machine.) More specifically, TFM sets up an powerful, intuitive rig for facial animation. Whether you need cartoony exaggeration, subtle realism, or just some fast, solid lipsync, this rig can do the job. Oh, and TFM does intelligent point weighting. And when we say intelligent, we mean "smart enough to weight the lids of a closed eye, correctly." The Rigging ProcessTo rig a face with The Face Machine, you start by adding a widget to your scene. If you've used The Setup Machine, our body rigging software, this process should seem familiar. For those of you just joining us, yes, "widget" is the technical term. It's what we call a set of pre-rig controls and influence objects. The influence objects will ultimately control your character's geometry. The widget controls are just there to help you position the influence objects, so don't get too attached to them. They'll be replaced by (much more powerful) animation controls later on. Figure 0.1: The Face Machine Widget
The widget controls and influence objects are both NURBS curves, but the influence objects are black (and non-selectable), while controls are blue (and controllable.) Once you've imported the widget, your next step will be to fit it as closely as possible to the face, by moving, rotating, and/or scaling the widget controls. There's a simple hierarchy of controls, allowing you to do some quick overall positioning and then follow it up with more detailed tweaking. If necessary, you can even edit the influence object's curves directly. When TFM does its auto-rigging magic, the face geometry will be weighted to those curves, so a good fit is essential. Once you've got that, you just tell TFM which piece(s) of geometry are the face -- and optionally, the eyes, teeth, and/or tongue. Then save your file and click "Rig." In seconds, you'll have a fully-rigged face. (Okay, possibly several minutes' worth of seconds, depending on the complexity of your face and the horsepower of your hardware.) So that's the overview. If you've got a character ready to rig and a deadline looming, you can go on ahead to Step 1. Otherwise, you might want to consider... Step 0: Modelling for rigging.The Face Machine is flexible enough to rig virtually any face (as long as it's basically humanoid). However, if you're creating a model from scratch, following these guidelines will improve the end result. 0) The face MUST be a poly mesh. Note that this restriction doesn't apply to the eyes, teeth, or tongue -- just the face. 1) Use edge loop modelling. This is a methodology, not a specific technique, and a detailed explanation is beyond the scope of this manual. In brief, model your face such that edge loops follow its natural contours. This will yield smoother deformations, and is especially helpful around the mouth and eyes. It also helps the auto-weighting system to weight the mouth and eyes correctly. 2) Use enough geometry -- but not too much. Of course, a low-poly face won't give TFM (or you) much to work with, but going high-poly too soon can also be a mistake. You can usually subdivide later, and get better performance in the meantime. 3) Beware of unnecessary n-sided polygons, excessively non-planar polygons, and misplaced geometry borders (i.e., two "border" edges next to one another, forming an apparent single edge). 4) If necessary, separate the eyes, tongue, and teeth from the head geometry. Technically, this is only necessary if you want to use the advanced auto-weighting system, but considering how much time that's likely to save you, you probably do. 5) Model the teeth with an overall width that's proportionate to the head. It's a common mistake to make them too wide, ignoring the volume of the cheeks. Take a look at a skull and you'll see that they're actually quite narrow. And because TFM calculates certain cheek deformations based on the teeth, it's worth checking to make sure they're right. 6) Model the eyelids closed instead of open. Although TFM can handle it either way, starting from a closed position is likely to work better. 7) If possible, use separate meshes for the face and body. The rig will be faster if TFM can be applied to just the face, rather than a whole model. Step 1: Add the Face Machine widget.This one's easy. Find your TFM menu -- it should say "The Face Machine," and it should show up in any of the Maya menu sets. (If you can't find it, go back to the Getting Started section.) Figure 1.1: The Face Machine Menu
Add Face Machine Widget selected." src="/d/file/tools/download//3d7a2cafcbda.gif">
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数据加载中..The Face Machine v1.0 for Maya 8-2010 64位版 (Maya面部表情设置插件)-行业软件
Anzovin studio 推出了新的表情设置插件the face machine,面部表情绑定工具,此为Win64位操作系统版本,适用于Maya8~2010版本.名字很耳熟?他们曾经推出过角色绑定工具 the setup machine。这一次表情设置插件应该很让人期待
软件分类:国产软件 / 免费版 / 插件Plus 软件语言:英文 发布时间:  访问数:
Anzovin studio 推出了新的表情设置插件the face machine,面部表情绑定工具,此为Win64位操作系统版本,适用于Maya8~2010版本.名字很耳熟?他们曾经推出过角色绑定工具 the setup machine。这一次表情设置插件应该很让人期待, Anzovin studio声称 the face machine(下简称TFM)非常强大,可以制作夸张的卡通表情,也可以做微秒的写实的表情,另外可以胜任快速表情绑定制作。还有一个特点刷权重将会变的非常简单。&The Face Machine (aka TFM) is an auto-rigging tool for Maya. It rigs faces. (If you need to rig bodies, you'll want to take a look at our other auto-rigging tool, The Setup Machine.) More specifically, TFM sets up an powerful, intuitive rig for facial animation. Whether you need cartoony exaggeration, subtle realism, or just some fast, solid lipsync, this rig can do the job. Oh, and TFM does intelligent point weighting. And when we say intelligent, we mean "smart enough to weight the lids of a closed eye, correctly." The Rigging ProcessTo rig a face with The Face Machine, you start by adding a widget to your scene. If you've used The Setup Machine, our body rigging software, this process should seem familiar. For those of you just joining us, yes, "widget" is the technical term. It's what we call a set of pre-rig controls and influence objects. The influence objects will ultimately control your character's geometry. The widget controls are just there to help you position the influence objects, so don't get too attached to them. They'll be replaced by (much more powerful) animation controls later on. Figure 0.1: The Face Machine Widget
The widget controls and influence objects are both NURBS curves, but the influence objects are black (and non-selectable), while controls are blue (and controllable.) Once you've imported the widget, your next step will be to fit it as closely as possible to the face, by moving, rotating, and/or scaling the widget controls. There's a simple hierarchy of controls, allowing you to do some quick overall positioning and then follow it up with more detailed tweaking. If necessary, you can even edit the influence object's curves directly. When TFM does its auto-rigging magic, the face geometry will be weighted to those curves, so a good fit is essential. Once you've got that, you just tell TFM which piece(s) of geometry are the face -- and optionally, the eyes, teeth, and/or tongue. Then save your file and click "Rig." In seconds, you'll have a fully-rigged face. (Okay, possibly several minutes' worth of seconds, depending on the complexity of your face and the horsepower of your hardware.) So that's the overview. If you've got a character ready to rig and a deadline looming, you can go on ahead to Step 1. Otherwise, you might want to consider... Step 0: Modelling for rigging.The Face Machine is flexible enough to rig virtually any face (as long as it's basically humanoid). However, if you're creating a model from scratch, following these guidelines will improve the end result. 0) The face MUST be a poly mesh. Note that this restriction doesn't apply to the eyes, teeth, or tongue -- just the face. 1) Use edge loop modelling. This is a methodology, not a specific technique, and a detailed explanation is beyond the scope of this manual. In brief, model your face such that edge loops follow its natural contours. This will yield smoother deformations, and is especially helpful around the mouth and eyes. It also helps the auto-weighting system to weight the mouth and eyes correctly. 2) Use enough geometry -- but not too much. Of course, a low-poly face won't give TFM (or you) much to work with, but going high-poly too soon can also be a mistake. You can usually subdivide later, and get better performance in the meantime. 3) Beware of unnecessary n-sided polygons, excessively non-planar polygons, and misplaced geometry borders (i.e., two "border" edges next to one another, forming an apparent single edge). 4) If necessary, separate the eyes, tongue, and teeth from the head geometry. Technically, this is only necessary if you want to use the advanced auto-weighting system, but considering how much time that's likely to save you, you probably do. 5) Model the teeth with an overall width that's proportionate to the head. It's a common mistake to make them too wide, ignoring the volume of the cheeks. Take a look at a skull and you'll see that they're actually quite narrow. And because TFM calculates certain cheek deformations based on the teeth, it's worth checking to make sure they're right. 6) Model the eyelids closed instead of open. Although TFM can handle it either way, starting from a closed position is likely to work better. 7) If possible, use separate meshes for the face and body. The rig will be faster if TFM can be applied to just the face, rather than a whole model. Step 1: Add the Face Machine widget.This one's easy. Find your TFM menu -- it should say "The Face Machine," and it should show up in any of the Maya menu sets. (If you can't find it, go back to the Getting Started section.) Figure 1.1: The Face Machine Menu
Add Face Machine Widget selected." src="/d/file/tools/download//fd59d750cb8dc1a5cfb0885f.gif"> The TFM menu will look something like Figure 1.1. Go to the Pre-Rig sub-menu. Then select "Add Face Machine Widget." This will add the widget to your scene.
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数据加载中..Anzovin studio 推出了新的表情设置插件the face machine,面部表情绑定工具,适用于Maya所有版本.名字很耳熟?他们曾经推出过角色绑定工具 the setup machine。这一次表情设置插件应该很让人期待。Anzovin studio声称 the face machine(下简称TFM)非常强大,可以制作夸张的卡通表情,也可以做微秒的写实的表情,另外可以胜任快速表情绑定制作。还有一个特点刷权重将会变的非常简单。The Face Machine v1.08 For Maya 2013The Face Machine is Anzovin Studio’s new auto-rigging tool for Maya, but instead of rigging bodies, it rigs faces! Like The Setup Machine, The Face Machine (or TFM) automatically installs a high-level facial setup and does intelligent point weighting.TFM supports both box controls and direct controls that allow the animator to simply grab the face and deform it into the exact expression desired. Since it’s based on direct deformation, rather then a set of pre-defined blend shapes, TFM rigs can produce any expression you can imagine with unparalleled ease. The Face Machine makes rigging a face fast and easy.破解补丁支持版本包括:Crack Support:Maya 2013 32 bitMaya 2013 64 bitMaya 2012 32 bitMaya 2012 64 bitMaya 2011 32 bitMaya 2011 64 bitMaya 2010 32 bitMaya 2010 64 bit
资源名称: Maya面部表情设置插件
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