
万智牌 万智攻略 初识万智之万智牌术语词汇集
&万智牌 万智攻略 初识万智之万智牌术语词汇集
场面僵持(Board Stall):在这种情况下,场上填满了生物,双方牌手都不能无损地进攻。(也被叫做生物僵持)
扫场咒语(Board Sweepers):可以一下子消灭很多生物的牌。(也被称作&神愤&)
卡牌优势(Card Advantage):可以帮助一方牌手有效地比对手获取更多卡牌的任何过程。
卡牌质量(Card Quality):卡牌影响对局状况的能力。
卡牌数量(Card Quantity):你可以支配的卡牌总数。
填旋阻挡(Chump Block):用一个生物进行阻挡来保护你的生命值,即使在这个交换中,只有你的生物会死去。
战斗诡计(Combat Trick):一个瞬间时机的咒语,在战斗中它可以增强或者保护你的生物(或者以对你有利的方式影响场面)。
变人地(Creature Land):有异能可以变成生物的地牌。
伤害竞速(Damage Race):当双方牌手都不能稳固地控制局面,并且双方牌手都想率先赢得对局的时候。(也称为&竞速&)
死卡(Dead Card):一张没有能力影响局面的牌。
抓干牌库(Deck Yourself):牌库里的卡牌耗尽,从而输掉对局。
早期阶段(Early Stage):万智牌对局的第一个时段,此时节奏是最主要的考虑内容。
聚精会神(Going Through the Motions):对所有抉择都保持谨慎而准确,即使是小的选择。
牌(Hate Cards):可以极其有效地针对某个特定套牌,色组,或者策略的单卡。
高影响力单卡(High-Impact Card):相对于&低影响力单卡&而言。指的是有相对高的潜力去影响场面形势的牌。
后期阶段(Late Stage):万智牌对局的最后一个时段,此时节奏已经不再是重要的考虑因素,卡牌优势成为关注的中心。
线性策略(Linear Strategy):完全关注于一个目标或者主题的游戏策略。
主牌(Main Deck):你的套牌的主要部分(通常是40张或者60张),在每一盘对局开始时,都是相同的。
法术力基础(Mana Base):一套牌的地牌和其它能够产出法术力的方式。
法术力曲线(Mana Curve):一套牌里不同费用的卡牌的平衡。
法术力效率(Mana Efficiency):
调色(Mana Fixing):可以产出(直接或者间接地)多于一色法术力的地牌和其它卡牌。
爆地(Mana Flooded):你抓到了远远多于所需的地牌。
卡地(Mana Hosed):你没有抓到所需数量的地牌。
法术力水槽(Mana Sink):可以利用额外法术力的牌。
咒语(Modal Spell):在施放的时候需要选择模式的咒语。比如阿布赞护符。
开放颜色(Open Color):在补充包轮抓中,还没有被你身边的牌手们大量抓取的颜色。
许可咒语(Permission Spells):可以在堆叠上反击其他咒语的咒语(也被称为&康&或者&反击咒语&)。
预测Metagame: (Predicting the Metagame):提前思考一下你对手可能会带来参赛的套牌。
推进节奏优势(Pushing a Tempo Advantage):利用场面上的优势,获取另一种类型的优势。
补刀/延势(Reach): (1)快攻套牌终结一个受伤对手的能力,即使此时已经失去了前期的节奏优势。(2)阻挡的能力。
顺序性(Sequencing): (1)你在对局中采取行动的顺序和方法。(2)你在一个回合中采取行动的顺序和方法。
点去除(Spot Removal):一个有目标的咒语,能够去除掉对手的一个生物。
保持开放(Staying Open):在补充包轮抓中,直到你已经获取读取了信号,才选定色组。
对称效应(Symmetric Effect):一个咒语或者异能能够用同样的方式影响双方牌手。
分级系统(Tier System):一种用来分组和评定轮抓中单卡的相对强度的方法。
备牌局转换(Transformational Sideboard):一种备牌计划,可以让你在换备之后采用一种和主牌完全不同的策略。
攻守转换(Turning the Corner):把你的关注点从防守转为进攻。
二至五地原则(Two-to-Five Lands
虚拟卡牌优势(Virtual Card Advantage):相对于&技术上的卡牌优势&,有一些单卡会比其他单卡对场面产生更大的影响。
取胜条件(Win Condition):一个威胁,一个组合技,或者一种情形让你结束对局。通常使用在控制套牌里。
译者:这篇文章的翻译比较艰难,虽然这里的词汇在此专栏前面的文章里都出现过,但有些词单独拿出来时,还是很难做到绝对准确的翻译。一些词条的翻译可能不够准确,请读者谅解,也欢迎指正。to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as not interested
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Includes 35 Steam Achievements
Title: Magic 2015 - Duels of the Planeswalkers
Release Date: 16 Jul, 2014
Buy Magic 2015
Buy Magic 2015: Special Edition
Includes the Special Edition content.
Downloadable Content For This Game
“If you're a Magic: The Gathering fan who passed up this latest iteration of Duels of the Planeswalkers or have just thought about learning how to play the paper game with a minimal investment, then new changes really make this title worth it.”
5 out of 5 -
Special Edition & Card Collection Bundle
The Special Edition includes Steam-exclusive content consisting of a soundtrack, desktop wallpapers, and an eBook &“T Godsend, Part 1”
in PDF format.
The Card Collection Bundle includes 300 foil stickers and the following bonus card collections:
Battle Booster Collection
Innistrad Card Collection
Theros Card Collection
Ravnica Card Collection
Shandalar Card Collection
Zendikar Card Collection
About This Game
Early Bird Bonus: Players who purchased the Complete Bundle, Card Collection Bundle, or any Premium Boosters for Magic 2015 prior to 11/5/2014 automatically get the Garruk’s Revenge expansion campaign added to their account as a bonus!
Simply update Magic 2015 to the latest version, start the game, and the expansion campaign will be there waiting for you!
Walk in the footsteps of the Multiverse's greatest hunter. Featuring additional campaign levels, challenges, and new cards to collect, you take on the role of Garruk and hunt your prey across the planes!
-Explore the fan-favorite plane of Alara to unlock powerful new cards -Take on the role of Garruk and use his evolving deck to hunt your prey -Win Battle Boosters through Multiplayer to expand your card collection
Hunt bigger game on a bold new adventure with Magic 2015--Duels of the Planeswalkers! Command powerful creatures and wield devastating spells to defeat your opponents in this epic game of strategy.
Hone your skills as you battle your way across the planes of the Multiverse. Beware though, Planeswalker. Your biggest danger lies ahead. Garruk Wildspeaker, the greatest hunter known, has fallen under the curse of the Chain Veil. He now mercilessly stalks his own kind. Find him and stop him ... before he finds you!
Explore the rich storyline of Magic 2015 and sharpen your game:
o The best way to learn to play Magic: A detailed tutorial makes it easy to get started.
o Deck building: Open virtual booster packs of Magic cards to build decks and battle in single- and multi-player modes.
o Hours of gameplay: Travel across five different fantastic planes, battle incredible creatures, and save the Multiverse from a terrible fate.
*Premium Boosters purchased individually or in bundles can be opened once you’ve completed the Innistrad Chapter.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 8/7/Vista (XP not supported)
Processor: 2GHz CPU (Pentium 4 or equivalent)
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 512MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with Pixelshader 3.0 support
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Additional Notes: Memory: 1GB RAM (2GB for Vista and Windows 7)
Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, Duels of the Planeswalkers, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Other trademarks are property of their respective owners. TM & (C) 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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(13 reviews)
(3,939 reviews)
The game is a port of the console, poorly controlled with the mouse.The difficulty is created by mixing the wrong cards.
This game must be constructed to sxrxw You up with bad cards.I keep get either 6 lands 1 creature
(and then only get lands for 5 turns) or6 creatures 1 land
(and then get only creatures for 5 turns)or if one goes for say a 4-3 (You dont get lands for 5 turns.)one almost always keeps losing tempo with the draw after 4th or 5th turn regradless what one does.=the game is just not fun.Never had this problem before in any type of M( since 1993)
This is a great game if you're new to magic and want to learn in detail how to play. It has taught me the ins and outs of playing the paper version and I am a much better player.I recommend it only if you're interested in playing a lot of battles. I have unlocked all of the main game cards without paying any extra money and in the process I learned to play magic a lot better and also learned how to build good concepts for decks.I don't recommend buying any of the card sets. You're just destroying the only purpose of this game by doing so. Play every campaign level. Explore every card set until you no longer get boosters and that means you collected all the cards for that set. I did so until I had them all.Overall it was a lot of fun.
If you like the card game this is a solid game, better than 2014
Czas gry 45h.Gameplay 8/10Interface 5/10+Amount of cards in deck bulderTutorialMultiplayer-Game likes to crush in deck builderSmall amount of people on multiInterface/menu is creatd for mibile devices or consoles looks preaty basic/poor in PCIn total it convinced me to try Magic in real but I my feeling is that developer tryes to make &golden solution& one interface for all platmorms and it wasnt to good, also I hav feeling that its forgoten by developer.
It's fine.
why do they make you build your decks out of ???? cards while the ai gets elite? even if you pay for &all& the cards you still get ???? to choose from, wtf is this?
I've been waiting a long time before buying this game. As a former MtG player (two decades ago though) I was wondering how close to the real thing this game would actually be. And now I know...In fact, one of the main gripes I have is that it is exactly like the real thing. That is, you start out with a horribly crappy deck.
Back in the days I've spent way to much money building something better and I was hoping that this wouldn't be necessary in the online version. I know, I'm a naive muppet. Because wizards are all about making mo' money. The other option would be grinding and grinding aaanndd.... Normally I'm not afraid of grinding. I've played a MMORPG or two (or a &few& more). I'm actually a bit of a grind monkey. However the grind is exceptionally horrible in Dotp2015. Because you have such a crappy deck you will loose quite a lot. Your NPC opponents, while not all extremely powerful, will at least have a deck that functions. The ones that are strong are pretty much unbeatable at the start.Does it stop there? Afraid not. The UI, oh the UI. It must have been designed by an elderly primate with bad eyesight (and I feel I'm being exceptionally nice for calling you primate instead of a monkey, buddy). Everything takes AGES. You have to scroll through the menu as if you're a console hobbit. Ingame everything is amazingly slow as well. I would hate to see a powerpoint made by these designers. The card floats in, then it has to turn, then it has to glow a bit, then it has to pop in a swirley, then it has to look around the room if anyone needs a hug. It has time bars to let you wait a bit even if no move would be possible at all. Boy did I need a hug...To be honest. I never reached the multiplayer part of the game as I would want to build at least a semi-ok deck to start with. The deck building option was actually why I did pick up this game. But it's quite hard building a decent deck without decent cards. So do I recommend this game? Well maybe if your goal is to buy the wizard a new yacht or when you are completely braindead already and use it as therapy to keep you off the street. For all the other good folks, let's just stay away from this product shall we?
I would like to recommend it but I never successfully connected to a multi-player game.
Product received for free
1 person found this review funny
This is a great game if you're new to magic and want to learn in detail how to play. It has taught me the ins and outs of playing the paper version and I am a much better player.I recommend it only if you're interested in playing a lot of battles. I have unlocked all of the main game cards without paying any extra money and in the process I learned to play magic a lot better and also learned how to build good concepts for decks.I don't recommend buying any of the card sets. You're just destroying the only purpose of this game by doing so. Play every campaign level. Explore every card set until you no longer get boosters and that means you collected all the cards for that set. I did so until I had them all.Overall it was a lot of fun.
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This game must be constructed to sxrxw You up with bad cards.I keep get either 6 lands 1 creature
(and then only get lands for 5 turns) or6 creatures 1 land
(and then get only creatures for 5 turns)or if one goes for say a 4-3 (You dont get lands for 5 turns.)one almost always keeps losing tempo with the draw after 4th or 5th turn regradless what one does.=the game is just not fun.Never had this problem before in any type of M( since 1993)
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DO NOT BUY THE COMPLETE VERSION!!!If you pay the $35 for this game, you will be paying to skip content. Winning games to unlock boosters is the whole point of DotP, so buying the complete version basically means you've wasted not only the extra money over the basic version, but also the money for the basic version. All. Your. Money. Wasted. The &pick a deck, but you're stuck with it& gimmick is bad design and the devs are bad for doing it. No preview of the decks, just a vague description that in my case was totally misleading. I chose Red-&Black which was described as &focusing on stealing your opponent's creatures and sacrificing them for fun and profit&. Yeah it was just a plain RB aggro deck with 2 Act of Treason and 2 vampires that could sacrifice creatures for a +1/+1 counter...in a 60-card deck. 4 cards does not a focus make. But that bad design was merely irritating, not game-breaking. I could live with it. The deck-building feature is good, it's about time that they added it. However, they didn't actually add it. They replaced all other features with it, for a net loss of game. Let's see what the trade off was for something that should have been a standard feature years ago:No more Two-Headed Giant, either co-op vs AI or multiplayer.No more Planechase multiplayer.No Challenge puzzles.No Sealed campaigns.Is all that worth it? Hell no.This is a blatant money-grab by Wizards, who clearly fear losing players from MTGO if they add too much actual gameplay here, which is completely stupid as the two games serve two different fanbases.I have nothing but disgust for the design decisions of this game. Definitely do not recommend.
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(TLDR? This review is also available in video format for your convenience below.)Magic the G Duels of the Planewalkers has become a yearly franchise, and with the recent success of Blizzard's Hearthstone, they've attempted to step up their game with Magic 2015 by allowing players the much-desired ability to finally create their own decks.After a brief tutorial, you're able to pick a starting deck and begin the campaign. From there, you're able to unlock booster packs as you defeat opponents, allowing further customization of your decks. If you don't feel like endlessly-grinding the single player, you're also able to purchase additional cards via micro-transactions and collecting every card will run you about $50. If you factor in the initial cost of the game, Magic 2015 will run you about the same price as a full-price triple AAA title.There are nearly 300 unique cards to choose from or close to 1000 if you include duplicates, allowing for a multitude of options when it comes to crafting your deck. You're also able to adjust the amount of land in your deck for the first time, which is recommended as leaving it up to the game to do this automatically isn't ideal. Often assigning lands with no rhyme or reasoning behind it, such as giving you mountains in a blue deck. Infact the AI in general is greatly diminished in this installment as it will often tap the wrong lands by default if you're not careful enough to use the toggle key. Such as tapping all of your swamps for colorless mana instead of any other lands you may have available.The campaign features a bit of a narrative where one of the P Garruk Wildspeaker has gone rogue and has been hunting down other Planeswalkers.
It's your job to track him down and stop him. The campaign's story is nothing extraordinary and chances are you've purchased the game to play with friends.The Multiplayer allows for you to use your crafted deck against your friends as well as other players online. Unfortunately, it's been stripped down from previous games of the series, featuring a lot less gametypes. Two-Headed Giant, Archenemy and Sealed Deck have all been removed, with the only option being a 1 on 1 duel or free for all. The user interface is also completely unintuitive as there's no lobby for multiplayer matches. Once a game is concluded, you're forced to exit to the main menu where you'll have to jump through a few separate menus in order to change your currently equipped deck or to host another game. Also a search function would be a welcomed addition for the deck builder, as it can sometimes be a little tedious searching for the cards you want.This isn't the only area of the game that is lacking content as the single player challenge mode has been removed as well. There are also a lot of cards that are only available in the single player campaign and inaccessible when it comes to crafting your deck. One could say this is a result of balancing issues, but the game has definitely been designed from the ground up to cater towards micro-transactions. I wouldn't mind spending money for constant DLC card packs and additions if the game was self-contained like Hearthstone but the fact that it's simply a yearly release that will only be supported for a limited time, makes it feel somewhat pointless. Magic 2015 also has quite a few bugs and glitches. I found that I was unable to change my resolution to 1920 x 1080 without going in and manually editing the config file in wordpad. I've also experienced quite a few freezes in the multiplayer where the timer will disappear, forcing us to leave the game. Not only that, but it does randomly crash to the desktop as well.Ultimately, Magic 2015 is one step forward and two steps back, it's enjoyable if you're a fan of Magic the Gathering. The deck creation tool is a much welcomed addition, however micro-transactions, an unintuitive interface, bugs, and a lack of features in general holds it back. While the initial game provides a great base to build on, chances are the DLC will be aimed at making as much money as possible from the consumer before repeating the same formula with Magic 2016. This review is also available in video format:Pros:+ Deck creation tool finally allows you to craft your own decks.+ More customization options, such as being able to adjust the amount of land in your deck.Cons:- Challenge & Multiplayer modes removed when compared to previous entries.- Lots of bugs- Unintuitive Interface- Lackluster Campaign- MicrotransactionsIf you enjoyed this review, feel free to follow me as a Steam Curator:
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Dear Wizards of the Coast. You seriously need to step your game up and create a DTCG (Digital Trading Card Game) that actually competes with other DTCG's currently and upcoming out there. You have failed to create a singular platform (Magic Online is a piece of garbage) where all MGTO fans can gather and play each other for fun and competitivly. Look at Infinity Wars, HEX, hell even Hearthstone.... How dense can ya'll be?I have been wanting to play a singular online platform of MGTO on my desktop since I was in middleschool, I am now 26... I am still waiting for ya'll to get your act together and create an actually stable, graphicle, and appealing online game. You have failed to do so and have given us this. Sure it's good looking and stable. But there is still tons to be desired to even be as competent as the other DTCG who have far less funding yet FAR surpass you. This shouldn't HAPPEN! I have always loved and dedicated a lot of time on MGTO but for some odd reason even though you're the big one in the room you FAIL at giving what your fans and dedicated players want.If you guys stopped with this whole &Release& a new title every year which are limited in their cards that fractures your player base and created a single downloadable client that we all can download and all be able to play with a cash shop and all then I'd be happy. I want to spend my money on your DTCG game but at your current state and your competition my money goes to them instead of you.Don't get me wrong I enjoyed playing this game but coming from playing other competing DTCG's you have left massive holes to be desired and to improve upon. Stop releasing new 'games' every year. Focus on the engine and release card collections like the rest of the herd. No microtransactions on a game that will be dead next year. I dont want to start my collection from scratch every year!Hopefully you get it right the next time but my expectations will always be low.
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A lot more bad points than good points on this one.Edit : BUT, you might wanna have a look at my (edited now that I got more hours behind me) closing words to know if this game is for you or not.Pros & ConsPros :- Finally being able to build a somehow more &customized deck& !- The new battle UI is neat (is that even a good point anyway)- If you're really patient, you can get a lot of cards and shape your deck however you want, tho be prepared for some nuts grinding.Cons :- Menus are goddam slow to navigate in. Looks fancy the first few minutes, but afterwards each menu transition will feel like an eternity. You also sometimes have to click several times on a button due to the slow responsiveness of the UI (probably cos it didn't finish its transition)- You start with only one deck (yes, only one). You cannot swap decks once you have chosen, and you have no idea what the contents of your pick will be (all you know is the colors inside your starter deck).- The starting deck is WEAK, and I mean it. Compared to the previous Magic DoTP, the deck feels weak, no fun cards in it that makes you grin, no solutions against many types of deck you might encounter. The result is, AI will ???? you in Planeswalker diff unless you get not only a perfect starting hand but also very good draws. In fact, turn down the difficulty to &Mage& and do some games against a random AI deck, you're not even guaranteed to win, even as a veteran player. The problem would not be with your skills, but because of how weak the deck is. It does look like you can change your starting deck at the very start (tho it doesn't seem clearly visible), but afterwards you're stuck with it until you get enough cards to build a new deck, or to alter your starting one to something decent.- Grindfest party to build a proper deck. We are very close to a Pay2Win iteration with this 2015 edition. The game now has an online shop in which you can buy boosters (1.79EUR for 10 cards) for real money, or an entire card collection for (4.99EUR). We all get where this is going. And given the facts that even Mage level AI will pown you depending on your starter deck (which doesn't make speed games for farm very efficient at start), you will either have to be very patient or break your piggy bank, the latter being obviously what the game wants you to do. For reference, Only two rares in your starting deck (one at first, and the second when you finish or skip tutorial).- The land system is broken. Example : Let's suppose you have two plains and two swamps in play, and in your hand you got two cards that each cost one swamp and one colorless mana to play. If you wanted to play both, you obviously would want to pay one plain and one swamp for each.Well guess what? No. Click the first card in your hand, and the system will often tap both swamps for its mana cost. What the [insert kind words and sing a Bieber song here] hell? You can still tap your lands manually with CTRL, but the system used to be smart enough to leave you with the right mana combinations, which ain't the case anymore. Let's hope this gets fixed.Closing wordsWell, we wanted a better way to customize our deck, so now we have it. While I believe there is a way to build the &deck of your dreams& (will never beat Shandalar anyway), the game obviously wants you to pay extra money to get what you want. I'm saying this because if this wasn't the case, they could've made starter decks more fun and powerful (like the starter decks in the previous series), and still make other good cards unlockable afterwards, which would've been fair trade. Instead, they made your deck as weak as it can be to either push your patience to the limit or make you break your piggybank. This is not a business tactic I am especially fond of, thus I cannot put a thumbs up for this game.Edit : To clear any misuderstanding, I'm not saying the game is bad per-se. The game itself is solid, and if you're willing to make repeated fights to farm your cards, you'll definitely have fun later on (I can tell without being there yet). I mean, how can it not be fun to make the deck the way you want ?HOWEVER, and unlike the previous Magic DotP games, you WILL NOT have fun right off the bat. You will first have to farm cards for hours before you have something you can really call a &Deck&. In the end, if you know you are willing to spend a decent amount of time to get your cards, I believe you won't regret it and you'll definitely have fun. If not, well...Have a great day,Zanameth, a very old Magic playerMy favorite deck? A &Wildfire& variant from the Urza block! Veterans will know what I refer to.Edit 19th July : Clarified the mana tapping problem and the starting deck problem.
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Wizards of the Coast and Stainless Games have listened to hardcore fans and finally given them what they want: a sales funnel.I'm having a hard time grasping how Magic 2015 became such a mess. Previous games in the series have been wonderful, offering the components and mechanics of the Magic: The Gathering card game without the overly involved meta-game. Choose one of the pre-configured decks, play a quick game online, then step away from the computer and enjoy the other passions in your life. I contend that it is one of the most enjoyable ways to play Magic: The Gathering, if only because you don't have to interact with the sort of people who play Magic: The Gathering on a regular basis.
A common criticism of Magic 2015's predecessors was &Why can't I build my own deck from scratch using all of the Magic cards ever made?& This is similar to walking into a coffee shop and asking for a porterhouse steak. No one will argue that it's what you'd most desire at that given moment, but the resources exist for you to have that experience without making the world collapse and conform to your immediate needs. There is a game called Magic: The Gathering Online that allows players to have the &complete& Magic: The Gathering experience, such as spending hundreds of dollars to build the same deck that everyone else is using because of a mechanical exploit. That is it's own thing. You can go out onto the internet and type &Magic: The Gathering Online& in a search engine, with or without quotes, and spend lots of money on digital trading cards. The Duels of the Planeswalkers series has offered a different experience, more akin to a fighting game. It was a well balanced game that afforded many different play styles and allowed players to have fun regardless of their skill level.Magic 2015 does away with pre-configured decks almost completely. You play a tutorial and then choose from a list of different decks. None of them are very good. You can not change your deck after choosing without deleting your save file and starting over. You must use that deck for the first section of the campaign. If you are patient you will eventually unlock the ability to build your own decks, but only after slogging through numerous battles with the starter deck.When you win a battle, you are rewarded with a booster. This booster contains a few cards that are almost certainly worthless to you. Maybe you are playing with a black zombie deck. Your booster might contain three green cards that are not zombies. And you'll say, &Wow, I wish I could get lucky and open a booster with some good zombie cards in it!& The solution to this is to purchase a premium booster. These premium boosters contains the Good Cards. They cost $1.99 each. You can buy as many as you want. The only way to get the Good Cards is by buying premium boosters. If you buy enough of them, you might get a Great Card that wins the game when you play it. If you don't buy enough of them, you will be at a disadvantage when playing online against the people who did buy enough of them. These people will play a Great Card and you will lose the game.It is important to remember that you have paid at least $9.99 for this experience.Design decisions like these have turned a reasonably solid series into something foul. You should not buy this game. You should not play this game. If you want a casual game of Magic: The Gathering, buy Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014. It is well balanced and fun to play. If you want to spend exorbitant amounts of money building whatever deck is dominating the Magic: The Gathering meta-game, play Magic: The Gathering Online. If you want a real challenge, open a coffee shop that sells porterhouse steaks. Let me know how it does.One additional item that I absolutely must mention as part of my &See Something, Say Something& campaign against offensive user experiences: the menus in this game are presented in a slideshow fashion, where you can only see one menu option at a time and have to cycle through each screen. This results in the inability to view menu options that are currently disabled. So it's impossible to judge your progress in the campaign, which is unfortunate because most of the game's content is hidden away behind various milestones. FAQs online told me that deck building was unlocked after beating Avanyc, but due to the poor menu system I was unable to determine how many more events I needed to clear before I reached that point. The &unnumbered list& menu system used in the previous games, as well as almost every single piece of interactive media produced since the beginning of time, would have been a much better solution for content navigation.
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Honestly there needs to be a mixed button for reviews I think.
Magic 2015 is a shining example of a game that has a number of good qualities but is marred by some bad ones as well.
It's like they took all these great ideas and then put some flaw that ruined the awesomeness that could've been.
I'm going to look at both the core game and the Garruck expansion with this review.On the positive side we finally get true deckbulding.
Every card you unlock can be accessed to build any deck you want.
This is something people have been clamoring for for awhile and it's great that they finally offered it to us.
You also face a wide variety of different decks in the single player campaign which while showing you the diversity of Magic also unfortunately shows you all sorts of cool stuff that you won't get to use in the game yourself.
I've heard people complain about the black and white color scheme and honestly I don't have a problem with it myself.
I think this is a taste thing as it doesn't seem any better or worse than the previous color schemes used in Duels of the Planeswalkers.
This brings us to some of the noticable flaws in the game unfortunately.
First is how they approached deck building.
You can have one of any mythic, two of any rare, three of any uncommon, and four of any common in your deck.
This goes back to the bad old days of hiding good cards behind rarity.
Note that there are good common and uncommon cards in this game and bad rare cards(I can't recall if there are bad mythics off the top of my head) but honestly they should've looked at each card and said &Is this broken?& and if their answer was yes, not included it and if the answer was no then allowed a full playset of four cards.
Some games can be decided by someone getting that rare or mythic card in their hand.
Second is some bad campaign choices.
This is especially bad in Garrucks expansion.
In that you have to use Garruck's premade deck and you'll be facing off against decks that are specifically designed to beat him.
It's not fun.
It's frustrating.
For example the second Garruck match gives you some new cards for your deck that you have to use...such as creatures that are capable of killing a non-black creature.....when you're facing an opponent who is using mono-black.
End result is that you have a seriously overpriced 3/3 flyer in your deck.
All the Garruck matches are like this and it's more a frustrating slog through the expansion as a result.
It could've been awesome.
His deck has stuff that you'll almost never get to play in the actual paper game such as Bayous(the original black/green dual land with no restrictions) but they successfully made even that not fun.
Third is the paucity of game modes.
I've heard people complain about the lack of two headed giant which is fair, but they pretty much only have the most basic modes.
This is the first Magic which hasn't offered an alternate mode at all.
No Adversary, no Planechase, nothing.
Commander has been big lately, couldn't they have put stuff in for that at least? Fourth is that some of the starter decks are almost traps.
They're really really bad and if you chose one it'll be much harder to go through the main campaign until you manage to unlock a few worthwhile cards.
And you don't even get to know what's in them until after you chose one.
Fifth is the lack of other players.
The flaws in the game have clearly lead to a limited player base as I've wandered on at what should be good hours and only seen a few people on.
The flaws and the fact that apparently they're already working on another game have clearly lead people to moving on.
The last thing is more a meta situation than anything else so I'd say less a flaw and more a flavor thing.
Obviously different eras of Magic had different metas.
The meta for 2015 is fairly aggressive.
It's going to favor aggro decks and not be so friendly towards slower decks so if you want to play a defensive blue/white control deck for example 2015 probably isn't going to be the Magic environment for you.
Overall it's a fun but noticably flawed game.
I wouldn't pay full price for it but if you see it discounted(I'd say 50% off minimum) and enjoy card games you might have an enjoyable playthrough.
I got it discounted and I do think I got my money's worth but I probably would've been more annoyed if I'd paid full price.
So not recommended at full price, but go ahead and pick it up if you can get it cheap.
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Short Version: Do not buy this game.
If you want to play Magic at your computer without investing in MTGO, buy DOTP 2014 instead.Quite frankly WOTC isnt known for quality control of digital products, but this might actually be the worst designed product with their name on it that I've seen (and I played MTG Tactics and MTG Battlegrounds).
I finally decided to try this version out, despite all of the negative things I've heard about it.
Surprisingly though, its somehow worse than I expected.The microtransactions arent the real problem here.
Certainly they are there, and that is slightly annoying given that the point of the DOTP franchise is to play MTG without that aspect of the card game.
However as a paper MTG player I'm certainly used to that.No, the real problem here is that the game that you are paying for is garbage.
First of all, its one of the most abysmal PC ports I've seen in awhile.
Instead of a menu screen, you get a series of icons that you scroll through one at a time until you find the one you were trying to get to.
Even in game, the mouse controls are strangely less smooth and not as responsive as in 2014.
It feels like the function of every aspect of the game has been sacrificed to try to make things look &cool&.And since I'm talking about the appearance of the game.
It looks horrible.
Why is everything on the screen black and grey?
Did someone at the studio decide that the colorful blues, golds, and reds of DOTP 2014 were too pleasant to look at?
The whole design of the in-game interface is not only far less convenient and poorly laid out, but also just plain irritating to look at.
Are me and my opponent playing MTG in some dystopian sci-fi future where joy is illegal?But so far I've been talking about the interface, gameplay functionality, and a &what about the actual card game?&, you excitedly ask.Unfortunately its just not worth it.
I continuously feel as though Im playing the sealed gameplay mode of DOTP 2014... except with less interesting cards.
And this is the 2015 campaign gameplay.
Sure being able to make my own deck with random cards is nice, but if I wanted to make a crappy deck with crappy cards I would play sealed mode.
Which I can already do in DOTP 2014.
And if I want to play multiplayer or the campaign, 2014 lets me play with some fun Magic cards from throughout MTG history instead of the boring trash you get to work with in 2015.In conclusion, if at any given time I was unable to go out and play paper Magic with people in person, I would play DOTP 2014.
If I was unable to play DOTP 2014, I would play Hearthstone.
And if I was forced to play DOTP 2015... I would go read a book.Learn from my mistake, dont buy this version of DOTP.
Dont support their horrible decisions.
Hopefully WOTC will seriously rethink their poorly implemented digital business model.
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BOTTOM LINE:If you don't already love the MTG games on PC, I would think carefully before buying this. If you do love MtG on PC or consoles and played the crap out of them, this is a nice change to see and lets you see some new cards. If you liked it previous years, get it.Pros:- It's MtG- Can now build decks.- Easiest way to play MtG without investing a fortune- Can be fun to play with friendsCons:-Campaign starts you with awful decks-Still has hilariously clunky menus after 4 years of the game (How did they not listen to the players on that one?)-No rewards/progress for losing games that last 10-25 minutes = wasted efforts and unfortunate for people without a lot of time or people who are new to the game.-It feels mandatory to restart the duel vs. the computer if you don't draw a perfect hand- No 2 Headed Giant (2v2) This was one of my favorite coop experiences with a friend of mine.If you can get past the those and you like Magic, then it's still fun. It's good for those who might have stopped playing MtG and just want a taste of it again. Plus, it's pretty cheap for the main game. Although if it's your first experience with MtG or the PC versions I'd recommend MtG 2014 instead.I'm dissapointed that online play vs other players now puts you at a big disadvantage if you don't to buy boosters to get good cards.
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