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做工出色细节完美 SNK将推出《合金弹头》坦克模型
日 10:29& &来源:
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合金弹头是日本SNK公司推出的一系列2D横板射击过关游戏。除了能让玩家们体验街机般乐趣的[ARCADE MODE]外,本作还具有可以选择任意关卡进行游戏的[MISSION MODE]!玩家既可以...
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合金弹头是日本SNK公司推出的一系列2D横板射击过关游戏。除了能让玩家们体验街机般乐趣的[ARCADE MODE]外,本作还具有可以选择任意关卡进行游戏的[MISSION MODE]!玩家既可以...
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The T-770 Tetsuyuki is the first boss from Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001.T-770哲雪是合金弹头1第一个头目InformationThe Tetsuyuki is a flying warship created by the rebels for combat, equipped with heavy armor and weapons, earning it nicknames such as Impregnable Castle, Moth of Hell, and Sailor Titan. One of these crash-landed onto the Villeneuve Mt. System, where it was fortified by the rebels to serve as a base of operations. Some of it's weapons are still operational.信息哲雪是一艘叛军创造的战斗用飞行战舰,装备重型装甲和武器,得到绰号例如无敌堡垒,地狱之蛾,和水手泰坦。其中一个坠毁在维伦纽夫山系,在那里叛军把他强化充当作战基地。它的一些武器仍然可以运作。DetailsThe Tetsuyuki, besides being an gunship, is stuck on the ground, now serving as a makeshift base to keep outsiders away. It has a laser cannon on one of his sides, which he uses to charge a straightforward laser beam that must be ducked, or to launch a ground wave that can be jumped. For the majority of time, it will fire a series of energy cannon aimed at your character, which can be easily dodged. You should just hammer away at it with you Metal Slug (if you still have it.),or with a Heavy Machine Gun. Also, look out for the yellow trooper who runs out the top of the plane. If you kill him, you should get either grenades or Heavy Machine Gun ammo.细节哲雪除了是一架炮舰,留在地面上,现在充当一个临时的基地防范外来者。在它的一侧有一门镭射加农炮,他一个径直的激光束,或发射一个地面冲击波能够被跳开。对于大多数的时间,它会引发一连串的能量跑瞄准你的角色,可以很容易地躲开。你应该连续攻击用你的合金弹头(如果你仍然有它)或用重机***。此外,留心从飞机顶部冲出来的***伞兵。如果你杀了他,你应该得到的手榴弹或重机***弹药。TriviaThe Tetsuyuki is based a combination of a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress and a Kawanishi H8K Emily.冷知识哲雪是基于B-17空中堡垒轰炸机和二式飞行艇的组合
Full Name:Remained Fortified of Takatsu Bomber type 770 TETSUYUKI全名: 高津770式爆击机(哲雪)Weapons:Laser Cannon, Energy Cannon武器:镭射加农炮,能量机关炮Games: Metal Slug, Metal Slug Mobile 4游戏: 合金弹头,合金弹头Mobile 4Sprite:
Hairbuster Riberts
The Hairbuster Riberts is the second boss from Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001. It also appears as mini-boss in the last stage of Metal Slug 3.Hairbuster Riberts 是合金弹头1的第二个头目。它也作为一个小头目出现在合金弹头3的最后一关
InformationDesigned to be a heavy bomber aircraft, the Hairbuster Riberts comes equipped with several weaponry, such as guided missiles and bombs, making it a versatile weapon capable of quickly adjusting to the situation. More than a hundred units of these were produced, all in their testing stage. General Morden attempted to escape from the Regular Army troops in Ronbertburg City onboard a Riberts, but it was shot down by the Peregrine Falcons Squad. Unfortunately, Morden still escaped, caught in mid-air by a Flying Tara.信息设计成一个重型轰炸机,Hairbuster Riberts装备了一些武器,如导弹和炸弹,使其成为一个能够快速调整情况的多功能武器。超过一百台被生产,都在它们的测试阶段。在Ronbertburg市,摩登将军企图用一架Riberts摆脱正规军,但是它被游隼小队击落了。不幸的是,摩登将军仍然抓住一架Flying Tara逃脱了。Details:The players fight the Riberts in a train, with it flying at the same speed of the train. Its main attack method is to launch propelled missiles which have a number of patterns, such as going straightforward or making a loops, from the bottom. It will also fly to the top-right corner of the screen, where it will drop a large amount of bombs that bounce on the train randomly, making them a little difficult to dodge. There is a cabin located at its side from which a soldier will appear in a turret that fires homing missiles. After the Riberts is nearly destroyed, General Morden himself will appear at the cabin, firing rockets from his bazooka constantly.The Riberts makes an appearance in Metal Slug 3's final mission as the first mini-boss. The battle takes place during a flying segment, which makes dodging the Riberts' attacks somewhat easier, but it also makes returning fire somewhat harder. In addition, Morden is replaced by Allen O'Neil, who will use his trademark attacks instead: throwing grenades when the player is below the craft, and firing his M60 when the player is at Allen's level.细节:玩家在火车上和Riberts战斗,它以火车相同的速度飞行。它的主要攻击方法是启动许多模式的推动导弹,例如直线或者从底部有一个循环。也将飞往在屏幕的右上角,它会掉落大量的炸弹在火车上随机反弹,使他们有点难以躲闪。位于侧面的一间机舱有一名士兵将出现在炮塔发射制导导弹。在几乎摧毁Riberts之后,摩登将军自己会从机舱出现,不断地从他的火箭筒发射火箭弹。Riberts出现在合金弹头3的最终任务作为第一个小头目。战斗发生在一个飞行阶段,这使得躲开的Riberts的攻击比较容易,但它也使得还击有点困难。此外,摩登由艾伦?奥尼尔,使用他的标志攻击代提:当玩家低于飞船投掷手榴弹,并且用M60射击当玩家在艾伦的水平面上。
Full Name:Prototype Heavy Bomber &Hairbuster Riberts&全名:原型重型轰炸机&Hairbuster Riberts&Weapons:
Missiles Launcher, Bombs武器:导弹发射器,炸弹Games:
Metal Slug, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug Mobile 3游戏:合金弹头,合金弹头3,合金弹头 Mobile 3,Sprite:子画面
The Tani Oh (&Valley King& in japanese) is the third boss from Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001.山谷之王是合金弹头1的第三个头目Information:The Tani Oh is a prototype artillery weapon, armed with two huge cannon capable of devastating large areas without much effort. It is also equipped with two turrets on each side, both with a gatling gun and a minelayer, to cover the tank in short range. Only one unit was produced, being used by Rebel for testing purpose in the K?thehirt Valley.信息:山谷之王是的原型火兵武器,装备有两个巨大的加农炮能够毫不费力地大面积毁灭。它也装备了两个炮塔加特林机***和布雷器在每一个侧面,以弥补坦克的短距离。只有一个单位被生产,被在K?thehirt谷的叛军用于测试目的。Details:The Tani Oh is a very simple, yet deadly boss. He moves in a lower platform compared to your character, so it will be below you, forcing you to jump constantly (without the Metal Slug) to shoot at him. His main weapon is his large laser cannon, which not only covers a big area, but is also very fast. He also throws mines everywhere in your path and will sometimes use his gatling guns to kill you. Having a Metal Slug while fighting the boss makes things a lot easier. Warning: If you blow up his two smaller turrets, he will constantly use his main laser turret, which goes a lot faster on it's own, making the battle a lot harder.And while you're fighting Tani-Oh and when you continue, instead of a Heavy Machine Gun appearing, it will be a Rocket Launcher, but this only happens in Metal Slug 1 when fighting the boss.细节:山谷之王是一个非常简单的,但致命的头目。他在一个相对你的角色较低的平台上移动,所以它将低于你,迫使你不断地跳跃(没有合金弹头)来射击你。他的主要武器是他的大型激光炮,它不仅覆盖了大面积的,而且也非常快。他还抛出地雷在你的路径的每一个位置有时会用他的加特林***来杀你。有一个合金弹头和头目战斗会变得更容易。警告:如果你炸他的两个较小的炮塔,他会经常使用他的主要激光炮塔,它自己的速度快了很多,使得战斗更难。而且,当你和山谷之王战斗时,当你继续,代替重机***出现,将是一个火箭发射器,但是这只是发生在合金弹头1当和头目战斗时。Trivia:The Mammoth Tank from the popular Command & Conquer series bear a resemblance to the Tani Oh. The 4 independent treads and the dual cannons are the standout features.冷知识:
Full Name:Giant Self-propelled Artillery &Tani Oh&全名:巨型自走火炮Weapons:
Laser Cannon, Mine Throwers, Gatling Guns武器:镭射加农炮,地雷投射器,加特林机***Games:
Metal Slug, Metal Slug Mobile 4游戏:合金弹头,合金弹头 Mobile 4Sprite:子画面
Shoe & Karn舒&卡恩
The twin tanks Shoe & Karn are the fourth boss from Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001. A brown version of the tanks appears again in mission 5 of Metal Slug, and another one appears in the metro area of Metal Slug X's fifth mission.双子坦克舒&卡恩是合金弹头1的第四个头目。一辆棕色版本的坦克出现在合金弹头第5关,并且另一辆出现在合金弹头X第五关的地铁区域。
Information:Designed by a technician from the Rebel Army, the twin tanks are versatile weapons, being used in many fronts of combat. They act in tandem, one covering the other.信息:叛军的一位技术人员设计,双子坦克是通用武器被用于许多战斗前线。他们行动同时一辆会掩护另一辆。Details:Each of the tanks will strike in a different path, Shoe in the upper path, and Karn in the lower path. They will also come facing each other. Their main weapon is their 155mm smoothbore cannon, which works much like the one from the Di-Cokka, so the players can simply duck under the shots. All the time, the tanks will be firing ballistic missiles that are aimed at the characters, and can also fire from the turrets above their cannon.细节:每辆坦克攻击不同的路线,舒在上面的路线并且卡恩在下面。他们也将面对对方。他们的主要武器是他们的155毫米滑膛炮功能,功能非常像重型坦克Di-Cokka,所以玩家可以简单地从下面躲避攻击。坦克总是发射弹道导弹瞄准角色,也可以从他们的炮塔上面的炮开火Shoe & Karn Colors:舒&卡恩的颜色:One of the twins from Metal Slug 1's mission 4, where they are the boss.双子之一来着合金弹头1第四关,他们是头目。The brown variant that appears in Metal Slug 1 and X. Serves as a mid-boss.棕色变体出现在合金弹头1和X,作为中头目。Trivia:Shoe & Karn are based on the German Tiger II tank, which was also known as the King Tiger or K?nigstiger.冷知识:舒&卡恩是基于德国虎式II型坦克,也被成为虎王或孟加拉虎。
Full Name:
Cooperative Mission Tanks &Shoe & Karn&全名:共同作战用战车“舒&卡恩”Weapons:155mm Smoothbore, Missile Launchers, Turrets武器:155毫米滑膛炮,导弹发射器,炮台Games:Metal Slug, Metal Slug X游戏:合金弹头,合金弹头XSprite:子画面:
Iron Nokana黑铁
The Iron Nokana is the fifth boss from Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001. It make a comeback as the first boss in Metal Slug X, but is colored military green instead of red.黑铁是合金弹头的第五个头目。它再度出现作为第一关头目在合金弹头X,但是被染成军绿色代替红色。
Information:The Iron Nokana is a heavy tank specially designed to serve as an obstacle against advancing enemy troops. His firepower is concentrated on the front, with a cannon and rocket launcher turret on the top and a hidden flamethrower on it's bottom. To compensate for the lack of firepower in the rear, a Girida-O is mounted on it's back.信息:黑铁是一种特殊设计的重坦克充当障碍防备前进的敌人部队。他的火力集中在前面,一门大炮和在上方的火箭发射器炮台还有隐藏在底部的喷火器。为了补偿缺少活力的背部,一辆Girida-O型坦克被***在他的背后。Details:The Iron Nokana's main weapon is his cannon on the front, which fire a series of cannon that must be timed correctly to be avoided. When Nokana has flames all over and the tire flat, it will lift itself and show his flamethrower turret, that will try to burn you if you come near. After the turret is destroyed, some POW's will come out of it, and the boss will start to firing rockets to catch you if you go above him. If you go to his back, the Girida-O that is sitting on his back will start to shoot at you.细节:黑铁的主武器是他前面的大炮,一连串的炮击必须在正确的时间才能避免。当黑铁着火并且轮胎变平,它将提升本身并且放出***炮塔,试图烧毁你如果你接近。当炮塔被摧毁后,一些战俘会从里面出来并且头目将开始发射火箭弹以攻击你如果你走上他上。如果你去到他的后面,坐落在他的背部的Girida-O型坦克会开始射杀你。Versions:Iron Nokana Mk I: Found in Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001. Is the original version.Mk II: This one is found in Metal Slug X. Has the same attacks, but has a lot more armour, making it a longer battle.&&版本:黑铁MKI:出现在和合金弹头1,原始版本MKII:这辆出现在合金弹头X,有着同样的攻击方式,但是有更多装甲使它成为一场长期战争。Trivia:It was based on Sdkfz232 German 8 whells armored car which is known as Schwerer Panzersp?hwagen.冷知识:它是基于被称作重装侦查车的德国Sdkfz232型8轮战车。
Full Name:Multi-role Combat Vehicle &Iron Nokana&全名:多用途作战车辆“黑铁”Weapons:Rocket Launcher, Fire Cannon, Flamethrower Turret武器:火箭发射器,发射火炮,火焰喷射塔Games:Metal Slug, Metal Slug X游戏:合金弹头,合金弹头XSprite:子画面:
The Hi-Do is the Rebel Army's primary transport gunship.Hi-Do是叛军的主力运输武装直升机
Information:The Hi-Do is a personal helicopter used by Donald Morden. Designed specially for him, it has heavy armor and is equipped with several weapons, making it a versatile combat vessel. It is the last boss from Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001. It also appears in Metal Slug 3 as a mid-boss of the last stage. In Metal Slug 4, there is a blue variant that is used by the Regular Army to transport their commando units. It is likely to be a repurposed version of the original that was captured after the Rebel's defeat. There is also a longer green version that appears in Metal Slug 6 and another green version that appears at Metal Slug 7, during the credits.信息:HI-DO是一架唐纳德?摩登的个人直升机。专门为他设计的,它具有厚重的装甲,并配备了几种武器,使其成为一个多功能的战舰(?)。是合金弹头的最终头目。它也出现在合金弹头3作为最终关卡的一个中头目。在合金弹头4,有一个蓝色的变种,被正规军用于运送突击队。这很可能是一个改变用途,在叛军失败后被捕获的原始版本。也有一个青绿色版本出现在合金弹头6和另一个出现在合金弹头的绿色版本。Game
play:As the Hi-Do is the personal transportation of General Morden, Morden himself will appear on the cabinet, firing rocket from his bazooka constantly, in the same way he does in the Hairbuster Riberts. As for the Hi-Do, it will launch a series of heat-seeking missiles from his front in the majority of the time. If you stay too long above him, it will try to shoot you with his Gatling gun. After some time, it will fly to the top of the screen and drop various bombs that will carpet the entire screen. The same tactics are used in Metal Slug 3 but by a Mars Person disguised as General Morden.游戏玩法:由于HI-DO是摩登将军的个人运输工具,摩登自己会出现在机舱,不断地从他的火箭筒发射火箭,以他在Hairbuster Riberts同样的方式。至于Hi-Do,将发射一系列红外制导导弹从他前面在大部分时间。如果你在他上方停留时间过长,它会尝试用他的加特林机***射击你。一段时间后,将飞在屏幕的顶部并且地毯式地扔下的各种炸弹在整个屏幕。同样的战术被使用在合金弹头3由一个装扮成摩登将军的火星人使用。Variations:Blue HI- DO used by the regular army in Metal Slug 4.版本:蓝色的HI- DO被正规军使用在合金弹头4。Trivia:
冷知识:It was based off a CH-47 Chinook helicopter.它基于CH-47支奴干直升机。Its real life counterpart isn't so resistant, it can be destroyed easily with a cannon.它的实物没有这么坚固,它能被一门火炮很容易摧毁。Maybe the Mars People helped to make the HI-DO, because in the mission 3 of the first game after defeating Allen you can see a UFO.也许火星人帮助制造HI-DO,因为在第一次游戏的第三关击败艾伦之后你能看见UFO。
Full Name:
Second Generation attack Helicopter &Hi-Do&全名:次世代攻击直升机“Hi- Do”Weapons:
Gatling Gun, Heat-Seeking Missiles, Bombs武器:加特林机***,红外制导导弹,炸弹Games:
Metal Slug, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug Mobile 4游戏:合金弹头,合金弹头3.合金弹头Mobile 4Sprite:子画面:
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机翻个六,我花了一下午才搞明白很多地方那是我猜错了,向你道歉 主要看到很多语句有不通的地方,以为是机翻,不好意思
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精华5&龙威0 &积分37&好友0&注册时间&
那是我猜错了,向你道歉 主要看到很多语句有不通的地方,以为是机翻,不好意思因为很多词我也不知道该翻译成什么……
性别男&UID127941&帖子453&主题16&精华0&龙晶0 &龙威0 &积分2&阅读权限70&好友2&注册时间&最后登录&
精华0&龙威0 &积分2&好友2&注册时间&
性别男&UID520262&帖子17531&主题319&精华1&龙晶0 &龙威0 &积分24&阅读权限100&好友2&注册时间&最后登录&
精华1&龙威0 &积分24&好友2&注册时间&
性别男&UID446147&帖子10440&主题35&精华0&龙晶-4 &龙威0 &积分4&阅读权限70&好友11&注册时间&最后登录&
精华0&龙威0 &积分4&好友11&注册时间&
性别男&UID519707&帖子3658&主题104&精华0&龙晶3 &龙威0 &积分11&阅读权限100&好友0&注册时间&最后登录&
精华0&龙威0 &积分11&好友0&注册时间&
性别男&UID573265&帖子34&主题0&精华0&龙晶0 &龙威0 &积分0&阅读权限20&好友0&注册时间&最后登录&
精华0&龙威0 &积分0&好友0&注册时间&
性别男&UID327596&帖子1954&主题49&精华0&龙晶0 &龙威0 &积分3&阅读权限0&好友4&注册时间&最后登录&
精华0&龙威0 &积分3&好友4&注册时间&
“使用他的标志攻击代提” 代提是啥子意思?代替?还是提醒?
性别男&UID537013&帖子8&主题0&精华0&龙晶0 &龙威0 &积分0&阅读权限20&好友0&注册时间&最后登录&
精华0&龙威0 &积分0&好友0&注册时间&
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