
美服LoL注册谁能帮我注册_百度知道谁能帮我注册一个美服魔兽世界的帐号啊?_百度知道谁能帮我注册一个英雄联盟美服账号啊 急求_百度知道我的网盘文件          
版权所有 &&如何解封帐号(一个美服WOW玩家的经历)
& 如何解封帐号(一个美服WOW玩家的经历)
&&& 众所周知在众多网络游戏中MFWOW(美国魔兽世界)是游戏技术最普遍,利润大、成号快的一款游戏。所以很多工作室都是利用此游戏生产虚拟游戏金币。目前很多工作室都是因为WOW大封号而不得不停止了游戏金币的生产活动.同时出现一群以&WOW帐号解封&来骗钱的骗子,他们利用工作室业主追求巨额利润的心里.以能解封帐号为骗钱的幌子。到底WOW帐号能不能解封,我说能!但是并非是我们国内英文好的人就可以办得到的事情下面我们看看新西兰的一个玩家是如何解封WOW帐号的。最近一段时间,暴雪为了控制虚拟交易,展开了对美服用户的大封杀,这其中,由于判定方式并不高明,导致了大量玩家被误封,也导致了大量在美服正常游戏的其他用户的不便,这其中,中国玩家首当其冲!以下,就是来自MOP论坛的一个华裔玩家的愤恨之声!
&&& 最近一段时间,暴雪为了控制虚拟交易,展开了对美服用户的大封杀,这其中,由于判定方式并不高明,导致了大量玩家被误封,也导致了大量在美服正常游戏的其他用户的不便,这其中,中国玩家首当其冲!以下,就是来自MOP论坛的一个华裔玩家的愤恨之声! 
一、起因  奶爸(圣骑士)被封以后,我开了个新的账号,重新练一个防护系的圣骑。练到51级的时候,暴雪突然把我封了。邮箱里躺着一封信。这封信和当天奶爸给封时候的收到信一模一样。当然,账户名不一样。(粗体部分为账户名,且已经更改)红字部分就是封号的理由了:因为违反了魔兽世界的游戏精髓!这精髓2字,就是暴雪对&游戏用户条约&的美称&&
***Notice of Account Closure***  Hello,  This is a notification regarding the World of Warcraft account, ACCOUNTNAME. Accessto this account has been disabled for behavior contrary to the &essence& of World of Warcraft. While we try to be as lenient as possible in our assessment of all account investigations, multiple trends in prohibited behavior on the account in question have ultimately led to its closure.  As a result, this account will no longer be able to access any aspect of World of Warcraft. This action has been taken in accordance with Section 3, Paragraph C [Rules Related to Game Play] of the Terms of Use& and our game policies.  Thank you for your time and understanding of our position in this matter. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.  Regards,  Account Administration  Blizzard Entertainment  &Ahref=&http://www.worldofwarcr/&&www.WorldOfWarcr&/A&&/P&
&&&& 蓝字部分在浩瀚的条例中指出一个大概的方向。所谓的&第3章,第C段&,说的无非就是使用外挂,抓包分析,攻击服务器,还有&一切暴雪娱乐(后来)认为是违反条约的&,我用没用外挂我这里不想解释, 因为暴雪稍候会替我解释。当初暴雪封奶爸也是说他用外挂,但后来又改口说奶爸用假资料,并且声明美服魔兽只对:美国,加拿大,澳洲,新西兰,新加坡这5个地区的用户开放。而我,我的注册信息是我现在在新西兰的住址,***是我的手机,而我本人从地域上来说,也是一个(身在)许可范围内的用户&&我若不这么说。可但是, 暴雪封我的号的时候,没有给我打过一个***来调查,而是用准备好的,用来敷衍使用中国大陆IP用户的信件格式来敷衍我。
&&& 我用自己的主账号登陆了北美魔兽的站点,找到了暴雪提供的***1-800-59-blizzard,然而这个***是无法从美国境外打进去的。我打***咨询新西兰电信,他们说,从新西兰打美国国内1800***,要先拨一串数字。我按照电信提供的那几个数字,什么,&& 一个一个试过去,还是无法接通暴雪的***。最后我试了新西兰国际***中心的人工台:0170. ******说,这个号码根本不对,数字太长了,完全无法从新西兰打过去。到底是新西兰电信无能,还是暴雪不想让美国以外的人找他,我们暂时不讨论。在我拨***的同时,我给暴雪回信。
&&& plz tell me why u banned my account.and i wanna ask how can i phone u from outside america areas. cos i tried the 800 number u leave on ur webside, but cant get thru.  could you plz give a straight-thru number so that i can contact you? or plz dail the number i registered  Land line: 0064-********  Cell phone: 0064-*** or 0064-***  i think we should sit down and have a talk about the &essence& of World of Warcraft.i'll keep trying to phone the 800 number u provide, til it gets thru.
&&& 鉴于写脏话,骂暴雪,会被退信要求订正,我压着火,&虚伪&地写了一份&客气的&质问信信里,我对被封表示疑惑,同时告诉暴雪,他的***我无法从美国国外打进去,希望他能给我一个直拨的***号码,或者他打***给我。我留下了3个可以找到我的***,并且表示我非常希望能和暴雪谈谈他们的&魔兽精髓&。
三、支吾和反击 Greetings,  Thank you for contacting the Account Administration department regarding the World of Warcraft account you are using. Our initial findings indicate that this account may have been accessed by an unauthorized third party, whose in-game behavior resulted in the account action. Unfortunately, a full investigation can take some time. You will be contacted with the results as soon as possible.  &&& 当天暴雪就回信了,说怀疑我使用挂机软件/代练。因为举动奇怪,导致封号&& 红字部分,我回想了一下,我因为最近学校放其中假,我一天长时间在线。除了做任务升级,就是去Azzshara(水领主那张地图)的海边打金珍珠。  因为防护骑打怪根本不掉血,而且攻击方式很单调:光明圣印,光明审判,十字军圣印,神圣之盾,怪死了,捡东西,换个怪,再来&&想到这里我心里有了底,又给暴雪回了一封信:interesting, u mean i was using the 3rd party software to lvl my toon or farming gold. well, if u can prove me when, where and how, and a detailed record listing the actual time when i was using the 3rd party software, then i could accept it.  however, I DIDNT RECEIVE ANY GM TELL while i was lvling in silence. if u think lvling in silence is against ur essence of WOW, u r more then welcom to drop me the email, then i suspend the accounts myself, including the other account im still using.  furthermore, i wander if u really have the right to ban a user without any investigations carried out, and just roughly drop an uncleared reason &u against our wow essence!&& in the mailbox.& btw, u mind my asking u the question i've been thinking whole night long? - u think i cant read, or u think i cant talk or u think i cant write? oh well, to be honest, i cant get thru the 1800 phone, but i think it's ur problem. i really wanna hear ur &sincerely& voice, so could you plz tell me the way how i can phone u from outside USA?  my phone number is:  Land line: 0064-********  Cell phone: 0064-*** or 0064-***  if ur willing to visit me, my home address is:123 blz u motherfuker St. we can sit down and have a cup of coffee or tea, and talk  either way, up2u==========  翻译:太有趣了,你说我用外挂升级打钱。好啊,如果你能拿出我用外挂的时间和地点的证据,我想我还是可以接受的。不过呢,我在无声地练级的时候,压根就没有收到过GM的调查。如果你说默默无闻地练级是违反你的游戏精髓的话,你大可以发EMAIL告诉我,然后我自杀自己所有的号,不劳您动手。还有啊,我想知道你是不是真的有这个权力在没做任何调查之前就把一个用户封了,然后就丢一封不明不白的封号信在用户的邮箱里,说是违反了你们的游戏精髓。哦,对,你介不介意我问你一个我想了整晚的问题:你以为我不会念,还是以为我不会说,又还是以为我不会写?啊,对了对了,我的确有样东西不会&& 就是不会打你们的***,但是我想这是你们的问题。我很想听听你们&真诚&的声音,所以能告诉我怎么从美国国外给你们打***吗?我的***是XXXX,手机是XXXX,如果你们想亲自登门的话,我的地址是XXXXX。我们可以坐下一边喝茶喝咖啡,一边谈。随便哪种,凭你高兴。发完信,我用大号上线,给在线GM发信问***号码。等的同时还纠集了一群新西兰的玩家在铁里游行闹事&& 都是被封过号,打不了***的。很快,GM联系我了,说***的事他们帮不上忙,那是账号部的事,说他只是一个小小的GM,权力不够。末了,他说:你们能不能不要再闹事了&&
四、恼羞成怒  Greetings,  * * * NOTICE OF FINAL WARNING * * *  It has recently been brought to our attention that the World of Warcraft account you are using may have been compromised by a third party (for example, a sibling, friend, wife/husband/children, and/or leveling service) for the purpose of advancing characters on the account (for example, gaining levels, honor, and/or wealth.) For security and privacy reasons, the account password has been reset to the registered email address of the account and received the following action:  Account Name: fuqblz  Realm: Llane  Character Name: Realmango  Account Action: Final Warning and Account Closure Overturned  Offense: Unauthorized Account Access Policy Violation - Account Sharing  This category applies to players who have:   A. Willingly shared their account information with others  B. Allowed others to access their account  Details: After a thorough investigation, we have found that the registered user of the account has shared account login information and allowed others to access
&&& 又过了一天,暴雪回信了,声色俱厉,号解封,予最后警告。信里,暴雪一口咬定我找代练,并且指出:WOW的账号只能1个人耍,如果你把号借给你亲戚,朋友,老婆/老公/孩子/代练,你就等封号吧!  当我看到连老婆/老公/孩子都不让耍一句,我深深地明白了&& 暴雪疯了。的确,这个号本来就是注册给我老婆玩的,她不爱玩,所以就拉倒了。不过我有时候在睡觉的时候,她会拿去耍几把。我问她是否有人密她说话,她说根本没有。最后,暴雪作结案陈词般地说:经过我们彻底的调查,我们发现,注册的原用户和他人共享该账号。我不知道他说的彻底何在:我由始自终没收到一个***,没有一条GM的调查。然而事情发展到这里,我知道账号部门自知封错了人,丢了脸,已经恼羞成怒了,虽然把号还我,但还得说点什么,好维护他的面子&& 尽管他们也很清楚:我根本没找过什么代练。本来想再回信追打,但一揣摩,怕逼急了狗跳墙,而且自己也没钱请律师打官司。所以,我按照他们在信里提供的投诉地址,把整个诬陷事件的经过发给了账号部,同时再次要求联系***&& 尽管我知道这没什么用。  
&&& 看完了吧,所以说呢国内的人注册的号是很难解封的,所以填写注册资料的时候就从根本上埋下被封的隐患。
&&& 以上资料仅供参考。
地址 重庆市渝中区瑞天路156号重庆天地B栋4楼4-1


