We W0n the sh0ppingsh game

if u l0ve sumone.let dem g0 if dey wann to..if they return t0 u.it was meant t0 be...
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x__yuling aka 宝贝小公主*
x__fallen int0 s0mething called llurve*
x__t0k crap.sh0p.sleep*
x__ish a pinkster*
x__alwae at mall.t0wn*
x__只希望拥有简单的幸福和快乐 is her best wish*
x__t0 be a guai nnuhaii*
x__t0 d0 well in my studies*
x__impr0ve my pian0*
x__t0 be happy*
x__t0 find my mr.right*
x__l0w waist jeans*
x__a new N7260 0r T630*
x__'ink' sided bag*
x__ gi0rdan0 tee*
x__0ne 0f di0r heels*
x__pinkc0l0ur sh0rt skirt*
-m0ve ya b0dy`nina.sky.jabc
-trick mi`kelis
-the sh0w`girls_aloud
-i dun wanna kn0w`mario.wimans.enyap.diddy
&August 2017&Sun
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jus came h0me.. t0day quite busy.. i w0ke up lia0 eat and bath den went 0ut t0 my mummy's sh0p already.. den my muumy sh0p n0thing t0 d0.. s0 my mom ask mie t0 packed s0me stuff at the st0res.. oh ok den alright l0rs.. den wah inside s0 h0t lehs.. den after packed staff i quickly sit at the 0ffice there n on the air-c0n very l0w. hahas.. at ar0und 5pm+ my dad cum drive us h0me.. den later went h0me.. my sis insist on g0ing t0 tampines t0 my dad 0nce again drive us tampines den mi my mum and my sis sh0p n sh0p and br0ught l0tsa stuff.. i br0ught a sh0rts and a veri co0l specs.. hehes.. den went t0 ate pastamania.. nice nice.. den later g0 h0me already osh aund 10.45pm+ den recieved a call frm my 3rd aunt she hav s0mething t0 give us s0 once again my dad dr0ve us dere.. den went t0 play wib my 3yrs 0ld c0usin mingya0..sh0 cute nahx! den later reach h0me is 12am lia0.. hahas.. *leaves*
s0ngs playing: b0unce
n0. 0f pple online: 7 [s0 litttle]
Posted at Sunday, August 08, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek
t0day in the m0rning my backbone starting t0 ache lia0.. argh! pain can! den juen ping cum my hse early in the m0rning den fetch her g0 t0 scho0l..& den in the car.. alright! melvin msg mie saying gd m0rning t0 mie.. oh ya.. 1st time.. maybe eat wr0ng medicine.. hahas.den in scho0l the cerem0ny quite great la.. erm.. den later class went t0 the ***A threatre dere and d0 the quiz okay l0rs.. veri fun lehs the quiz hahahas..veri funny la.. hahs. den went t0 c0mpass den saw sum1 and tt ish the skinhead francis chew..at 1st i dunn0 ish hi sia.. but den he t0k t0 mie den summ0re i ask him wh0 ish he.. den oh ya. i rmb already.. only one m0nth nv saw him i f0rg0tten him lia0.. [s0rry arh!] den g0 captan co0k makan makan den saw s0klingg l0rs.. weetwee~ new hairstyle.. s0 jap2 lehs.. nice t0p she w0re tt make her sh0 jap. hahas. anyway nv seen her quite a l0ng time.. hmm.. abt 1 year??? think sh0.. anyway i g0tta ask her 0ut so0n.. hahas. yoyoyoy.. i m g0ing t0 esplanade this sunday wib my classmates t0 watch firew0rks and on nati0nal day i m g0ing t0 watch firew0rk wib melvin and fidelis.. and tt great! l0ve ya l0tsa.. tc =)
s0ng playing: britney spears ` t0xic
hiyee.. i m back.. later on juenping came t0 my hse and play l0rs.. she n my br0 was quarrelling.. l0ggerhead arh! hhas. den dey was fighting hahas. they wanna bang the wh0le h0use d0wn.. ahahs.. den later we to0k 112 t0 h0ugang p0int.. den g0 eat.. den later juenping play arcade and d0wn dere wait fer her.. den i saw a l0t 0f ahbengs den i dun wnan t0 lo0k at dem.. den sumone cum tapping my back den i turn ar0und.. guess wad?!? i saw patrick.. s0 great tt he still rmb mie.. since 1 and a half yrs nv saw him lia0.. den g0 c0ffeebean dere n chat wib juenping.patrick.. he ish still a cha0 cha0 cha0 ah beng hanging around h0ugang p0int and h0ugang park.. hais.. n0 change..hahas.den later my mum n dad cum drive mie den my mum g0 buy thing saw xinger. sho0 happening tt saw sh0 many pple.. especially th0se wh0 i have l0ng veri seen dem lia0. =)& *vanish*
s0ng playing: let's get started.BEP`
hiyee.. backie..quite tired.. den was like d0ing friendster den d0 some pratice on science[1st tyme] ahahs. summ0re my msn everyb0dy r 0ffline.. s0bs.. mi al0ne s0 sians.. even ru0sheng k0r slp already den my msn dere started blinging and guz wad dear is online! weet-wee~ yeah! the right m0ment! when i m mo0dy he ish alwae dere f0r mie yea! hehes. i was sleepy jus n0w but n0w was great! hehes.. hav him ar0und ish alwae great! hehes.. l0ve him l0tsa.. he make mie smile n laugh alwae! =) l0ve him l0tsa sweetie!! &
s0ng playing: ai wo de zhi ge.SHE
Posted at Friday, August 06, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek
argh! the w0rd cann0t be b0ld s0 didnt&make it bo0ld l0rs.. t0day in scho0l.. b0ring l0rs.. hais.. den als0 veri sleepy n tired. ahahs.. den watch basketball inter-class. our class won.. hahas. den mie emily n h0iyan t0k al0t 0f thing.. den g0 h0me n slack l0rs.. hehes.. miss dardar alwae!
Posted at Thursday, August 05, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek
w0ke up quite early t0day becuz yesterday slept early.. cuz was tired.. yesterday i went t0 tampines wib my muumy n my br0.. hav a damn stupid quarrell wib my br0. den my muumy br0ught mie a br0wn c0l0ur bl0use frm ebase tt c0st $59.. quite nice.. hees. den my br0 br0ught 3 tshirt and br0ught a adidas sh0e.. s0 rich nahx huh! mie als0 dun hav.. stupid pig. den went t0 bugis find the tees tt my br0 wanted.. den cann0t find s0 we went jalan jalan.. fun! i saw l0tsa cl0thes tt i wanted t0 buy.. hees. den later went waiting f0r bus.. saw firew0rk preview nice nice.. hehes. den later on the bus tired s0 slept den melvin msg mie ask mie g0 0ut but i was tired den s0 didnt g0.. s0 went h0me n sleep lia0.. t0day w0ke up lia0 g0t s0re thr0at l0rs.. s0 pain.. dear als0 up early to0.. =)&&hais.. tml still g0t 2.4 run and tt my legs are still pain.. wad am i g0nna d0???? =p o0ps. tml still g0t eng c0mm0n test.. hais.. peace out!
Posted at Sunday, August 01, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek
hiyee.. mie backie again! t0day in scho0l arh.. s0 b0ring can! omg! den t0day in school aching all over can! s0mem0re mrs hwee punish us up n d0wn the stair cann0t tahan lehs.. hahas. den after school mie n yuemei go 7eleven buy sweet den we g0 f0r calligraphy. den calligraphy veri fun nahx.. hehes.den g0 home wib juenping n hoiyan.. =)
Posted at Friday, July 30, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek
t0day watch s0ccer in scho0l.. wah piang 2n2 2n1 all l0se..waste my time oli.. n0 la..jkjk..
wow wow wow.. jus now chat msn wib ahkai.. yeah!! yeah!!! cutie b0y is out frm b0y's h0me.. hamster!!!!!! yeah! yeah! yeah!! hamster cum out lia0... mi g0nna catch him out lia0.. hahas.. ahkai say he see him crossing the r0ad still jumping around..mean he is fine.. hahas yeah! hamster cum out lia0!!!! yeah!!!sh0 sh0 sh0 happy..
Posted at Thursday, July 29, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -sad-&
Posted at Monday, July 26, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek
anuty h0use pr0!!!!
hiyee..s0 angry sia with dicks0n ng..he flo0d mie in my friendster. idert.. guess h0w many??? 465 testim0nial.. argh! sia0s ones.. n0w currently at mie aunty hse l0rs.. cuz is my twin c0usin birthday.. den my mom co0k l0tsa fo0d. hehes. yummy! my aunty hse s0 pr0 lehs.. g0t 3 com.. 1 lapt0p and 2 c0mputer.. wah la0.. wireless one summ0re..rich sia.. my baby cousin mingya0 jus n0w bring him g0 d0wn swimming.. s0 scare 0f water ones.. hahas.. den n0thing t0 d0 den i play c0mputer l0rs..t0day my la0jie bake br0wnie den veri sweet and nice.. yummy! my aunty 0rder 2 cake f0r my twins&cousin brithday.. s0 big summ0re.. .. wh0&is g0ing t0 finish them all.. hahas..
happy birthday t0 abigail and amelia..
Posted at Sunday, July 25, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek
t0day g0t c0mm0n test.. den is quite easy but i m g0nna fail tt test..hahas. den after the c0mm0n test was raining den i waited f0r the rain t0 st0pped f0r as l0ng as 30mintues and azzlan say tt he wave at mie but i nv wave back.. g0sh! cuz i dunn0 mehs.hahas. s0rry! den later rain st0pped lia0..den mi n so0ho0n went t0 c0mpass eat waffle den later g0 h0me changed lia0 g0 meet juenping at heartland den waited f0r huizi f0r 30minutes.. den later reach sent0sa dun hav sun den we g0 f0rt sil0s0 den play den is kinda eerie den juenping keep on scaring mie n huizi..hahas..den at the staircase dere whereby dere is l0tsa 0f m0nkey&ones..juenping walk up already.. left mie n huizi becuz the m0nkey struck 0ur way and we scare 0f the m0nkey..hahas.den the idert m0nkey sh0w us his big butt hahas. we laugh till st0machache..hahas.. den at dere veri interesting.. learning hist0ry dere..hahas.=p den went t0 g0 t0 the sil0s0 mussem den mie n huizi walked behind and juenping walked infr0nt den suddenly she st0p den mie n huizi dun care her den we walked den we turn ar0unf nv saw her we sh0ut her name she als0 nv reple den nvm we c0ntinue walking den we g0 0ut first den saw juenping cuming d0wm den we ask her where she g0 den she say she dunn0 den she say tt she nv heard us calling her n she say tt sumone h0ld her legs and she fall..s0mething eerie bahs!!! eeee! den later we g0 hab0urfr0nt eat den later we to0k MRT den juenping cum my hse den f0r awhile den g0 lia0.. =)
happy birthday xiuhui!
Posted at Saturday, July 24, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek
lalaal. s0 b0ring.
Posted at Friday, July 23, 2004 by ended wib tears running d0wn my cheek


