第三方登录:求大神帮忙 在线等 Through that accident o_股讯360
求大神帮忙 在线等 Through that accident o
英语翻译。求大神帮忙,在线等问:Through that accident our dinner was not ready till late,but it did not matter in the end because Knowles ,who went to fetch it,got knocked down by a sea and the dinner went over the side.The ship's captain,looking more hard and thin-lipped than ever,would not notice that the ship,asked to do too much,appeared to lose heart altogether for the first time since we knew her.答:由于这个事故,我们的正餐很晚才准备好。不过结果并不要紧了,因为去打饭的诺利斯被一个巨浪冲倒, 把饭菜都倒进了大海里。船长脸上的表情变得愈发严峻,双唇紧咬。他全然没能意识到,整条船由于被要求去完成许多它力所不能及的任务,自从我们认识她以来,首次出现了力不从心的迹象。求正确的翻译。语法要对的啊。。在线等。求大神帮忙了。问:我的理想
虽然我这个当作家的理想未必会实现,但我无怨无悔,至少我努力过,当作家的理想会为我指引航向。答:Everything has a door, and every door key should be different. However, is a universal key can open any one door, it is &ideal,& lofty ideal is the key to everything.When I was a child, I was under the guidance of my mother a word a word to read fairy tales, fables. Gradually, I grew up and began to read composition, see classic. Whenever get a book, I would be delighted, voracious
Whenever I read wonderful discourse, I very admire the aut When I see you very much.as a book printed with the writer's name and photo, I envy. So, my heart buried the seeds of an ideal: as a writer.However, when a writer is not easy. So, I read books every day, and write a journal entry, we copied a lot of good word good paragraph, write every bit of life. I like to write a composition, but always can't control the words, but I'm not upset, because I believe that I can use the hands of the pen to write In the hands of the pen to write their own beliefs, his be fond of, I will use his pen in his hand paint great rivers of the motherland. So, I won't give up when the author this ideal.If you want to realize my ideal, you have to struggle, progress toward the ideal, does not fear the difficulty, not afraid of failure, have the courage to challenge, where to fall, will climb up from.Although I this when the writer dream may not be true, but my complaint or regret, at least I tried, when the writer's ideal guidance course for me意见求大神帮忙翻译!在线等 急 重谢问:The PROVIDER will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the RECIPIENT and its AFFILIATES their trustees, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including legal expenses), or claims for injury or direct damages arising out of the performance of this Agreement, but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expenses, or claims for injury or damages are solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the PROVIDER, its directors, officers, agents or employees. ARTICLE 10 - TERM AND TERMINATION 10.1 This Agreement shall become effective on the EFFECTIVE DATE and will terminate on the earliest of the following dates: (i) on completion of the STUDY pursuant to ARTICLE - 4 or (ii) on thirty (30) days upon written notice by either Party to the other. ARTICLE - 3, ARTICLE - 6, ARTICLE - 7, ARTICLE 8 and ARTICLE 9 shall survive ten (10) years after termination of this Agreement.答:供应商应赔偿,捍卫和维护受援国及其附属公司的受托人,管理人员,代理和员工免受任何及所有责任,损失,费用(包括法律费用),或受伤,或因直接损害索赔本协议的履行,但只有在比例和程度等责任,损失,费用或损害或损失是完全归属于重大过失或提供者,其董事,高级人员,代理人或雇员的故意不当行为索赔。第10条 - 期限和终止10.1本协议应成为生效之日起生效,并终止最早的日期如下:关于根据第研究完成(I) - 4或(ii)于三十(30)天内以书面方式通知任何一方对其他。第 - 3条,第 - 6条,第 - 7条,第8条和第9条在本协议终止后十(10)年后存活。求大神帮忙翻译!!在线等 急!问:8.2 The RECIPIENT acknowledges that the MATERIAL is experimental in nature and is provided “AS IS” for the performance of the STUDY only without
warranties or guarantees of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement
of any patent or other proprietary right. ARTICLE 9 - COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS- INDEMNIFICATIONS 9.1 The RECIPIENT shall comply with all laws, regulations, and/or guidelines both nationally and internationally applying to the use of the MATERIAL. 9.2 In this respect, the RECIPIENT assumes sole responsibility for any claims or liabilities which may arise as a result of the RECIPIENT's use of the MATERIAL. To this extent, the RECIPIENT agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the PROVIDER and its trustees, officers, employees, affiliates, representatives and agents against all damages, expenses (including without limitation legal expenses), claims, demands, suits or other actions arising from the RECIPIENT use, handling, storage,
and disposal of the MATERIAL.答:8.2接收者承认提供的材料性质和实验是“是”的性能研究只没有任何形式的保证或担保,明示或暗示,包括但不限于任何隐含保证适销性或健身为特定目的和不侵权的任何专利或其他专有权利。第九条-遵守法律INDEMNIFICATIONS 9.1接受者应当遵守所有的法律、法规、和/或指导国内和国际的申请材料的使用。9.2在这方面,收件人承担唯一的责任的任何索赔或责任可能出现由于收件人的使用材料。到这种地步时,收件人同意赔偿,保护和持有无害的提供者及其受托人、官员、雇员、分支机构、代表和代理人对所有损失,费用(包括但不限于法律费用),索赔,要求,诉讼或其他动作因收件人使用,处理,存储,和处理的材料。在线等,这些单词在纺织里是什么意思求大神帮助问:weft insert是什么意思?例句参考:ease tell Mr. gao that we are ready to place an order for a container of WEFT INSERT .non fuse 是无粉底浆的意思吗 例句参考:We do not require Non Fuse at the moment fty是什么意思Can you check with Baoding fty for price of 40s/52*40 100otton price per yard CNF Chittagong?这句话我都弄不明白,是什么意思呢?答:non fuse 是无纺衬 weft insert是填充物fty是factory,工厂的意思Can you check with Baoding fty for price of 40s/52*40 100otton price per yard CNF Chittagong?你能同Baoding厂核实一下全棉的40s/52*40,每码的CNF Chittagong(吉大港)价格吗?
查看原帖&&& 这3个怎么***不了,求助大神帮忙,在线等,急!! ...
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