-- 虎寨传奇第24-26集虎寨传奇第24-26集剧情介绍浏览 36发布日期: 00:00:01文章来源:在线观看:关键字:虎寨传奇第24-26集剧情介绍这是一篇关于虎寨传奇第24-26集剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清虎寨传奇第24-26集请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看虎寨传奇第24集剧情介绍 心兰通过实际行动解除了巴山凤对自己的误解,两人相处融洽,巴山凤以小三自居让刘邦子哭笑不得。柯晋华发现自己平时随身带的小本子没了,药也没了,情绪渐渐焦虑起来。刘邦子逼柯晋华交待鬼子基地所在地,柯晋华却什么也不说,恍恍忽忽、神不守舍。 郝云峰合武田抓捕了心兰母亲,茶庄温老板,逼迫心兰替自己拿回柯晋华身边的小本子。武田和郝云峰巧妙放话,企图引刘邦子等人前来救人……虎寨传奇第25集剧情介绍 心兰假装恢复记忆,刘邦子大惊,心兰在巴山凤照料下能回忆起悉数往事,心兰告诉巴山凤自己已和刘邦子不可能,让她放心大胆的去爱,巴山凤感动,两人结义金兰。 心兰暗地里悄悄摸清了虎寨和龙盘云情况,研究带柯晋华逃出去必须要有策略。柯晋华性情大变,刘邦子推心置腹,两人成为好友。 郝云峰突然潜入虎寨,联合魏九爷和郝阿福,制造虎寨内讧,想一举夺下虎寨。 心兰带柯晋华到山寨外练马。期间,故意制造意外,趁混乱之际,一脚踢中柯晋华太阳穴,将柯晋华绑结实弄到马背上,向安南城方向驰去……虎寨传奇第26集剧情介绍 心兰绑架柯晋华带到武田处,柯晋华却告知小本子在刘邦子手里。心兰无奈再次返回虎寨。心兰假装恢复记忆,靠近刘邦子,企图拿回小本子,一系列异常举动引起巴山凤的注意。 魏德彪告诉刘邦子,洛掌柜的联络员明天来取小本子,准备送往根据地。心兰套出老洛的联络员第二天就要来取本子送走。联络员取走本子后,心兰避开众人悄悄尾随。趁联络员不备将他刺中,联络员身亡,心兰取走小本子,却被巴山凤吊在了半空中……虎寨传奇相关剧情虎寨传奇第24-26集英文剧情Tiger village legend 24 episode is introduced
Heart LAN through practical action to remove the bashan chicken for their misunderstanding, two people get along well, bashan chicken to small three positions, let Liu Bangzi in distress situation. KeJinHua found himself usually carry a small notebook, medicine, grew anxious mood. Liu Bangzi KeJinHua confessed devil base seat, KeJinHua but said nothing, HuangHuangHuHu, distracted.
Yun-feng hao and takeda arrested heart orchid mother, tea boss warm, forced heart orchid for himself back KeJinHua side of the notebook. Takeda and yun-feng hao clever said, in an attempt to bring Liu Bangzi waiting to save...
Tiger village plot legend 25 sets is introduced
Heart orchid pretend to restore memory, Liu Bangzi frightened, heart orchid in bashan chicken care can recall all the past, heart told of bashan chicken himself and Liu Bangzi impossible, let her rest assured bold to love, of bashan phoenix touched, two people sworn gold orchid.
Heart orchid stealthily, the village and longpan tiger cloud condition, study with KeJinHua escape must have a strategy. KeJinHua is changed and Liu Bangzi bared, two people become friends.
Yun-feng hao suddenly into a tiger village, joint and hao ah fu wei nine ye, manufacturing tiger village infighting, want to claiming the tiger village.
Heart orchid with trainer KeJinHua to the hold. Deliberately during an accident, take advantage of the chaos, a kick in the KeJinHua temporal, and tied the KeJinHua strong enough to get on a horse, south side direction to Ann ChiQu...
Tiger village legend 26 episode is introduced
Heart orchid kidnapping KeJinHua to takeda, KeJinHua in Liu Bangzi hand told the notebook. Heart but returned tiger village. Heart orchid pretend to restore memory, near Liu Bangzi, attempted to take back the notebook, a series of abnormal behavior to attract the attention of bashan chicken.
Tell Liu Bangzi Wei Debiao, los manned liaison tomorrow to pick up the notebook, ready to sent to the base areas. Heart of lotito of liaison must go to take the book off the next day. Liaison take notebook after heart orchid avoid all quietly followed. Take advantage o liaison unprepared stung him, liaison, heart orchid, take the notebook was bashan phoenix hanging in mid-air,... 热门剧情 最新剧情 最新分集剧情播放路线1西瓜影音()
电视剧《虎寨传奇原名冒牌英雄》以恢弘的战 争场面和逼真的特技效果再现了抗日 战争时期的悲壮历史。以轻松诙谐的 叙事桥段讲述了一个新四军文工团京 剧武生演员从冒牌英雄成长蜕变为真 英雄的传奇之路。剧中,冒牌英雄刘 邦子(杨烁饰)变身前寨主郝大旗, 势必要走进郝大旗的整个人生。在这 里有奉旨成婚的对象巴山凤(周牧茵 饰)泼辣率性的未来岳母赵大奶奶 (高蓓蓓饰),更有与郝大旗两情相 悦的豆儿(袁乙心饰)。
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