
Sorry you need javascript turned on for this map to workFAQ:What does the map show? . The colour of the map corresponds to the biome at that point, e.g. blue for ocean. You can hover or click to get the biome name displayed on the info panel. What you build doesn't effect the biome so won't show up.Shading is an indication of how hilly the area is - it doesn't correspond to the exact hills in the game as I can't do that quickly enough at this scale.The markers show where things like temples are, most of them are turned off by default so as to not accidentally spoil your game. If you created a map from a level.dat save then a player icon will track you as you play.What the hell is level.dat and where do I find it? It's the file that Minecraft stores your seed and player position in for a given world. A level.dat will be in each of the folders at:Windows: %appdata%\roaming\.minecraft\savesMac: /Users/[USER]/Library/Application Support/minecraft/savesLinux: ~/.minecraft/savesWhat is a seed? The seed is a phrase, word or number that fixes Minecraft's random number generator in a fixed pattern. You can set it in the Minecraft world creation options, or by default you are given a random one. If two maps are made with the same seed they will be identical. How do I find out what my seed is? You can use the "/seed" command (Press "t" then type "/seed"). This may be disabled on some servers unless you are admin/OP.The map is wrong! You suck! Calm down dear, it's only a website. There are a few things that can cause this:You added a space at the end of a seed, making it differentEven though you are running Minecraft 1.8 your terrain might have been generated in a previous version if you have an old world.Your world is set to large biomes which MineAtlas doesn't support. Yet...Does it work for xbox/ps/Colecovision? Rejoice! It seems the latest update to the console versions has made the generation the same as PC! This means MineAtlas should work, although I have been told the markers may be wrong :(How can I support the site? I have now set up a
- the site costs money to run so anything is appreciated!How can I make a suggestion/bug report? Post on , twitter& & 当前位置
我的世界seed指令大全 指令代码汇总
&&&& &&这款建造类游戏自由性极高,游戏中会出现任何玩家意想不到的事物。为了能更好的玩转我的世界,玩家有必要了解一下我的世界中各种。下面,小编为大家带来的是我的世界seed指令代码大全,有了这些指令,玩家可以轻易的到底指定地点,非常的实用,希望大家喜欢!&&&& &&seed指令代码汇总:&&&& &&沙漠:& & &&&-5123442& & &&&ChuckNorris& & &&&Bombastic& & &&&deadmau5& & &&&山地:& & &&&-8844496& & &&&-8894343& & &&&AMERICA& & &&&冰雪世界:& & &&&N64& & &&&Opium& & &&&LOTSOFL***A& & &&&平原:& & &&&-5987048& & &&&海岛:& & &&&CHICKENS!!!!!!!!&&&& & 以上就是我的世界seed指令大全,指令代码汇总!想要了解更多敬请关注7K7K小编后续为小伙伴们带来的我的世界精彩内容。


