Shakespeare | Twelfth Night&3&
Quotations from Shakespeare’s plays ----Twelfth Night. All the Chinese versions are basically taken from Liang Shiqiu’s translations.
1. In nature there’s no
none can be call’d deform’d but the unkind: Virtue is beauty, but the beauteous evil are empty trunks o’erflourish’d by the devil. (From Twelfth Night Act III Scene IV)
Appreciation & Critical Comments:
a. No blemish is real blemish except the blemish in the mind.
b. Unkind thoughts and deeds are regarded as deformed thoughts and deeds.
c. The agreement of what is inside and what is outside grants us perfections, so virtue is beauty.
d. The inside evil renders trunks empty overflourished with beauteous surface by the devil.
2. My foes tell me plainly I am an ass: so that by my foes, sir, I profit in the knowledge of myself, and by my friends I am abused. (From Twelfth Night Act V Scene I)
Appreciation & Critical Comments:
a. From what your enemies criticize you and condemn you, you gain more self- so your enemy sometimes offers a looking-glass which reflects your imperfections.
b. But from your friends and those near and dear to you, you gain more praises, compliments and celebrations, which might confound you to such an extent that you are blind to your own blemishes and weak points. So you are abused by your friends.