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EZ Flash IV Lite-贴近完美的边缘 - 电玩巴士
EZ Flash IV Lite-贴近完美的边缘
&&& NDSL的诞生,几许玩家欢喜几许愁。没有入手NDS的玩家自然觉得开心,因为又多了一个选择;而入手的虽然不一定会愁,但却一定会觉得NDS与NDSL相比就像是个丑小鸭。
&&& NDSL确实以其漂亮、完美的身段,引得无数人青睐。我一挚友甚至称其为“化妆盒”,而其翻盖特性,让很多在校学生很喜爱(因为老师会误认为是文曲星之类的PDA)。
&&& 不过NDSL也有小许的不完美,即是其GBA卡槽的大幅缩小,几乎比原来小一半的卡槽让市面上所有的烧录卡一下都变的多出一块。即使是最新出的miniSD版。但是EZ4在推出之后这么短的时间后立即推出了专门针对Lite的EZ4 Lite版。
&&& 今天就让我们来看看,几近完美的EZ FLASH IV lite!
&&& 包装一如既往的“帅”气,颜色采用灰色调,很有一种高档的感觉。
&&& 与EZ4一样,一盘卡,一个SD读卡器,还有一根USB的数据延长线。
&&& EZ4是磨沙透明乳白色,但EZ4L则是乳白色,看来为了配合主机颜色改变了EZ的一贯色调(不过EZ最早一代产品也是乳白色。)
&&& TF卡槽。
&&& 数据延长线和做工颇为不错的SD卡读卡器。看来EZ还是很厚道的。
&&& 左边是EZ4L、MicroSD(亦称TF)以及microSD转接器,右边则是EZ4、miniSD以及miniSD的转接器。从对比上看,要小很多。
&&& 通过使用miniSD卡,已经让EZ4大大缩小到GBA原版卡大小,那么这次使用microSD卡的EZ4L又能小到什么程度呢?
&&& 可以看见又减少了约1厘米左右。
&&& microSD卡和miniSD卡的对比。
文章来源: 更新时间: 13:58:34
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载请注明出处]IIS 7.5 Detailed Error - 401.1 - Unauthorized
Internet Information Services 7.5
Error Summary
HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
Detailed Error Information
Error Code0x
Requested URLhttp://www.:80/ProShow.asp?ProID=504
Physical PathD:\Hosting\8847875\html\ProShow.asp
Logon MethodNot yet determined
Logon UserNot yet determined
Most likely causes:
The username supplied to IIS is invalid.
The password supplied to IIS was not typed correctly.
Incorrect credentials were cached by the browser.
IIS could not verify the identity of the username and password provided.
The resource is configured for Anonymous authentication, but the configured anonymous account either has an invalid password or was disabled.
The server is configured to deny login privileges to the authenticating user or the group in which the user is a member.
Invalid Kerberos configuration may be the cause if all of the following are true:
Integrated authentication was used.
the application pool identity is a custom account.
the server is a member of a domain.
Things you can try:
Verify that the username and password are correct, and are not cached by the browser.
Use a different username and password.
If you are using a custom anonymous account, verify that the password has not expired.
Verify that the authenticating user or the user's group, has not been denied login access to the server.
Verify that the account was not locked out due to numerous failed login attempts.
If you are using authentication and the server is a member of a domain, verify that you have configured the application pool identity using the utility SETSPN.exe, or changed the configuration so that NTLM is the favored authentication type.
Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click .
Links and More Information
This error occurs when either the username or password supplied to IIS is invalid, or when IIS cannot use the username and password to authenticate the user.
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