手机上有个游戏是路上 手机 游戏手掌控的

20 款炫酷新概念手机:腕环+投影,手掌变屏幕 - 开源中国社区
当前访客身份:游客 [
20 款炫酷新概念手机:腕环+投影,手掌变屏幕
但是我要提醒你一下,如果你现在就想为了能买这样一款新概念手机而开始存钱,那还是要三思而行,因为这些概念手机还只是出于新技术以及创新设计理念 的试验阶段。在未来一段时间内你很有可能在现实中看不到心仪的某个概念手机,但是可以肯定的是,这些炫酷的特征将会在未来的智能手机中得到体现。
1.&& &iPhone Next G
在未来,手机的样子可能简单到只有一个腕饰外加一个投影仪。下图展示的是iPhone Next G概念手机,它将一个界面投影到人的手掌里,你的手掌就成了手机屏幕。
2.&& &Cheers Mobile Phone
3.&& &BenQ-Siemens Black Box
4.&& &Maple Wood Phone
5.&& &BlackBerry Terminator
6.&& &Nokia Armadillo
7.&& &Chanel Choco
8.&& &Nokia Scentsory
9.&& &DIY Cellphone
10.&& &Nokia Eco Sensor
11.&& &Quartz Tele Mobile Phone
12.Cadilac Life Phone
13.&& &Touch Screen Rotary
14.&& &Nokia Pulse
15.&& &LG Flutter
16.&& &Mozilla Seabird
这款称之为Mozilla Seabird的新概念手机能够出一个像PC一样的屏幕和键盘,你可以用它来办公和娱乐。
17.&& &Scorll Phone
18.&& &Ply Cellphone
19. Leaf Cellphone
20. Bend Cellphone
想通过手机客户端(支持 Android、iPhone 和 Windows Phone)访问开源中国:
旧一篇: 5年前
新一篇: 5年前
最后一款 好炫
第一款呀,好科幻第五款不错,,,能自己动 就是真的机器人了。。。
为什么没有line phone?
电池 电池啊
Nokia Eco Sensor,在中国这种环境污染严重的地方还是很有用的
发布时间: 10:58:40
作者:Becky Torbochkin
出于本文的目的,我们将假设玩家是在上述情境中玩手机或平板游戏。有些手势游戏,如《Infinity Blade》,你可能会反驳道玩家一坐下来玩它就会全身于投入这个游戏中。这可能没错,但我要说的不是那种游戏。如果你不喜欢一心多用,请举手!没有吗?好吧,我们继续往下说。
不同平台(iOS vs Android vs Windows Phone vs Palm vs Take-Your-Pick)到底如何命名和理解某个手势呢?
在理想的情况下,你的游戏应该能完美地适应各种玩游戏的情境,但我们现在说的是现实情况。时间和金钱是有限的,所以你必须做出选择。有些游戏要求两手操作。我们的工作室Radiant Wolf正在制作我们的最新游戏《Alien Outcasts》,我们希望制作一个可以在多种场合下,利用零碎的空闲时间玩的游戏。我们选择了竖直持手机且总是假设单手操作。这意味着《Alien Outcasts》可以在排队买咖啡时玩,可以在开会时在桌子底子玩,可以在喂孩子吃东西时玩……你懂的。这是受到《Tiny Tower》的启发。
对于《Alien Outcasts》,我们使用的方法是,把做手势变成一种可选择的、增强的交互作用。我们还尽可能地提示玩家这个手势。所以除了在行星系统之间或外星基地之间猛击,或拖动手势以便同时从你的行星收集金币,你还可以简单地点击按键按钮或金币来达到相同的目标。所以,不要怕双重解码。即使有手势,为了引导玩家,按钮或提示可能仍然很重要。或者,也许玩家反而更喜欢按钮或提示。
Alien Outcasts(from gamasutra)
有时候,手势能带来好处,但有时候不能。《Tiny Wings》是一个榜样,这款精致、新颖的游戏以简单但有效的方式使用了基本的手势。点击或不点击是唯一的问题。玩家可以很快地知道应该使用什么手势以及怎么使用。
打开App Store,找到把手势用得非常好的游戏。分析它们。带着批判的眼光分析它们。为什么这些游戏能把手势用得那么好?再找一些用得不太好的游戏,分析它们为什么用得不好?根据这些分析形成自己的观点,以指导你自己的游戏的手势操作设计。不要忘记测试和询问他人意见。
Temple Run(from gamasutra)
TanZen(from gamasutra)
《Dumb Ways to Die》中的所有手势
《Dumb Ways to Die》中的每一个小小的迷你游戏似乎都使用了不同的手势:轻弹、点击、拖画、滑动、倾斜……简单但有趣。
Dumb Ways to Die(from gamasutra)
Using Gestures in Mobile Game Design
By Becky Torbochkin
Mobile gaming today often means gaming on your mobile phone or tablet. Because so many (if not all) of these devices are touch screens, one way you can make your game more interesting and engaging is to make innovative use of gestures. But how exactly do you do that? How do you do it well in this crazy, high-interruption world? And where do you begin?
Mobile gaming often implies a very specific context that users are playing in:
varying lengths of play sessions, often very short (depending on how long someone takes to make your cappuccino or the length of a commercial break)
lots of interruptions
usually a touch screen that’s capable of multi-touch
higher and higher resolution screens, but for phones still small enough to fit in one hand (for tablets, to fit nicely in your lap)
even varying lighting and sound situations!
For the purpose of this article, we’re going to assume people are playing on mobile phones and tablets in these kinds of situations. There are some gestural games, such as Infinity Blade, that you might argue a person sits down solely to play that game and focus all their attention on it.
That might be true, but I’m not talking about those kind of games. ;-] Raise your hand if you’re NOT addicted to multi-tasking? No one? OK, let’s move on.
So what kinds of gestures will actually result in a great addition to your game’s user experience? And which will just be a waste of development dollars? Keep reading for some tips on figuring that out.
What exactly is a Gesture?
A gesture on its most basic level is a movement of a finger, hand, or other part of the body to express an idea, desire, or other human thought. Initially, some devices could only process the touch of one digit at a time, but multi-touch devices can perceive both gestures made by one finger and those made by more than one at the same time. (Android and iOS devices are almost always multi-touch.)
Exactly how a specific gesture is named and conceived of varies between platforms (iOS vs Android vs Windows Phone vs Palm vs Take-Your-Pick). Luke Wroblewski has an excellent Touch Gesture Reference Guide on his site that illustrates, documents, and explains core gestures, as well as how they differ slightly across platforms.
Some examples of common multi-touch gestures and actions you might use include:
Pinch to zoom in, spread to zoom out
Basic dragging in order to move, adjust, scroll, and position
Flick to jump to the next screen or scroll extra fast
Tap and hold to open an item or context menu
Multi-finger drag often scrolls faster!
Multi-finger rotate can rotate objects in 2D or move a 3D camera
Having a list of gestures that your platform and tools can support might help you think of ideas for where in your game they might feel good.
Things to consider: Timing
How long a gesture lasts is just as important as how many fingers are involved. How long is the difference between a drag and a flick? How long does a tap last before it becomes a tap and hold? How long between taps makes a double tap? Your tools may have standards, or you may need to decide for yourself. If you decide for yourself, be sure to conduct usability testing to verify your choices.
Things to consider: How is the device held?
If you’ve every tried to use your maps app to navigate around an unfamiliar city while carrying your luggage, you may have encountered how not all gestures work great all the time. For example, when you have only one hand, pinching to zoom in becomes very difficult, and zooming out becomes nearly impossible. Many apps include a secondary double tap gesture to zoom in, so that there is also a gesture for one-handed use. But unfortunately once you scroll in, you’re stuck, because there is no one-handed zoom-out gesture. (Unless someone wants to enlighten me in the comments!)
Of course, you can just pick a way for a device to be held and hope your users conform. But before you do that, I urge you to consider: how many different ways can your device be held while playing? Phones can be held in left hands, right hands, and both hands, both vertically and horizontally. Big hands can reach a lot farther than small hands, lefties will find somethings easier than righties. How much you consider this and design for it directly impacts how easily people can play your game. And that impacts how often they will play it. Translation: DAU. Not to mention that if a game is easy to play when I want to play it, I’m going to like it a lot more.
Of course, ideally your game would be perfectly suited to every play situation, but let’s be real here. Time and money are finite, and so you may have to make some choices. Some game concepts simply require two hands for the mechanic to work. At Radiant Wolf when we were designing our latest game Alien Outcasts, we wanted to make a sim that could be enjoyed for very brief sessions in many diverse play environments. We choose a vertical orientation and always assumed one-handed play. This way Alien Outcasts could be played in line for your coffee, under the table in your meeting, while you’re feeding a baby…. You get the idea. This was inspired by games like Tiny Tower.
If you’ve found an exciting way to use a multi-touch or two-handed gesture, consider adding a secondary gesture or dedicated button for when your player is also eating a sandwich. ;-]
Things to consider: Intuitiveness & Discoverability
Touch interfaces have sometimes been called “natural” interfaces. Others have argued that there’s nothing particularly natural about interacting with light under a pane of glass. In practice, it seems there are just as many hard to use gestural interfaces as there are people out-of-their-minds excited to use them. How natural gestures are depends on your unique game, genre, platform, and more. Pinching to zoom is an example of a particularly intuitive gesture, but many other gestures are hard to guess.
When adding gestures to your game, here are some questions to ask yourself:
How would a user every know this gesture is here? How will they learn it? Does it work as part of a tutorial or in context tip?
If there’s no tip or tutorial, how likely is a user to discover this gesture? Will they attempt it on their own? This is not a question where it pays to be an optimist. When in doubt, test it out!
How common is a use of this gesture in this type of situation? Is it a convention?
Is gameplay still
fun if they don’t figure the gesture out? Is it still possible?!?
In Alien Outcasts, one approach we took was to often make gestures optional, enhanced interactions. We also tried to hint at them whenever possible. So while you can swipe between planetary systems or alien floors, or drag to collect coins from all your planets at once, you can also simply tap on buttons or coins to achieve that goal as well. So, don’t be afraid to double encode. Even if there’s a gesture, a button or hint may still be important to guide users along. Or they may simply prefer it.
Things to Consider: Don’t get addicted.
All right. We get it. Gestures are super cool. So cool you want to just fill your game with them, so it will shine like the glowing jewel of innovation and creativity that it is.
Or will it?
Sometimes gestures add things, and sometimes they don’t. Tiny Wings is an excellent example of an elegant, creative, ingenious game using a basic gesture in a simple but wonderful way. To tap or not to tap is the only question, and it’s a fun and interesting one that can be immediately grasped and experimented with. (Although one could argue this gesture is more precisely a tap-and-hold…)
I’m not going to trash any games here, but we’ve all run into ones where the gesture just didn’t work. You tried to make it, and nothing happened. Or you found out after two months that it was there all along, and you had no idea. Or you were overwhelmed trying to remember all of the ones you needed to navigate the interface!
So be bold, but also be careful. The world of gestural interfaces is still very new, and it’s kind of like the real world in that there are some awesome places, and some not-so-nice ones.
Things to Consider: Do get inspired!
Get on that App Store and find some games that use gestures well. Analyze. Be critical. What is it about it that works so well? Find games where the gestures are awkward and distracting. What went wrong? Develop your own unique perspective on how you like to see gestures in games. And don’t forget to test and ask others for their opinions, too.
Some examples? Games like Fruit Ninja and Infinity Blade spring to mind as mobile games with core gestural mechanics. Anyone remember Black and White 2? Sure it’s a non-mobile PC game, but it had gestures for miracles…. However, they never really worked that well for me. Maybe it was the mouse, maybe technology just wasn’t ready.
Here are a few more examples of gestures in games. Go out and make your own list of what does (and does not!) inspire you!
Swiping in Temple Run
With just a few swipes in a few directions, Temple Run hits a home run in terms of using gestures immersively to create a simple but extremely engaging user experience.
Rotation in TanZen
This relaxing little puzzle had quite elegant rotation and positioning interactions.
All Sorts of Gestures in Dumb Ways to Die
Every little mini-game in Dumb Ways to Die seems to have a different gesture associated with it: flicking, tapping, drawing, sliding, blowing, tilting. It’s a fun nose-dive into tons of examples of simple but fun gestures.
These are just some that I liked. There tons of games out there making innovative use of gestures every day.
What are the best examples you’ve seen? Let’s hear it in the comments.(source:)
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