
Faced with what you could plausibly callthe world’s biggest pile of crap--the feces left behind every day by the 600 million people in India who defecate outdoors--therecently installed government of Prime
翻译:惊呆小伙伴原文地址:印度每一秒都在建造新厕所,但是几乎没人用Faced with what you could plausibly callthe world’s biggest pile of crap--the feces left behind every day by the 600 million people in India who defecate outdoors--therecently installed government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launcheda campaign to build 5.3 million latrines by the end of August. That’s one persecond. Trouble is, countless Indians still prefer to poop in the fields and on riverbanks, like theyalways have.在面对着号称世界山最大的垃圾堆----也就是6亿印度人每天在户外所排放的粪便时,新的邻导班子莫迪政府计划在8月底前建造530万个公厕。也就是每秒钟建一个。问题是,还是有无数的印度人喜欢在户外或者河岸边拉大便,正如他们经常做的那样。As Bloomberg’s Kartikay Mehrotra reports, many ruralfolks find the idea of defecating where they live disgusting. “Feces don’tbelong under the same roof as where we eat and sleep,” one woman tellsMehrotra, explaining why she and pretty much everyone else in her village dotheir business in a field, despite her new government-installed toilet.“Locking us inside these booths with our own filth? I will never see how thatis clean.”彭博社记者报道,许多印度农村人认为在自己所居住的地方拉大便是一件恶心的事情。“不应该在我们吃住的同一个屋檐下拉大便,”其中一名妇女对记者说,她解释为什么她和她们村的村民都喜欢在户外拉大便,尽管政府建造了新的公共厕所。“把我们自己和粪便关在同一个空间里?我不觉得这哪里干净了。”&div&Open defecation is a colossal public healthproblem in many countries, but it's especially acute in India, whereas much as half the population lacks access to toilets. Excrement contaminatesdrinking water, spreading diseases such as diarrhea, which kills some 600,000Indians every year--many of them children. Girls and women are also assaulted on their
in May, two girls heading home after defecating outside wereraped and hanged from a mango tree.在很多国家,户外排便都是一个巨大的公共卫生问题,尤其是在印度,几乎有一半的印度人口没有厕所可用。这些粪便会污染饮用水,传播腹泻这样的疾病,腹泻每年导致60万印度人死亡,其中很多是小孩。妇女们在去远处户外方便的路上也经常遭受袭击;就在今年5月份,两名女孩在户外方便后在回家的路上被人强奸,并被挂在一棵芒果树上。Nonetheless, a survey of rural households bythe Research Institutefor Compassionate Economics finds that most people who owngovernment-provided toilets don't use them. The key issue, the researchers say,isn’ it’s demand. Indians need to be much better educated about whythey should be using latrines.然而,据一家研究机构对农村人口的调查表明,即使这些农村人口拥有了政府新建的公厕,他们也还是不会去使用。研究人员认为,关键的问题不在于供应,而在于需求。应该对印度人进行更好的教育,让他们明白为什么要使用公厕。The good news is that great progress is being made on this problem. In the last 20years, the percentage of people defecating outdoors worldwide has dropped from24 percent to 14 percent. Want to know more? We took a close look at the issuein our recent series "Insanitation."好消息是这个问题已经取得了重大进展。过去20年来,全世界户外排便的人口已经从24%下降到14%。&div&以下评论:Laura 4 minutes agoSo if they don't want toilets in theirhouses and everyone else doesn't want them taking dumps by the side of theroad, why didn't the government just compromise and put up separate outhousesor portapotties that might actually get used? Surely it wasn't news to themthis year that rural Indians had this weird attitude about toilets in thehouse, right?如果印度人不想在自己的家里使用厕所,而我们也不想看到他们在路边排便,那么政府为什么不妥协并给他们建造屋外厕所呢,这样或许他们会去使用。印度农村人口对屋内卫生间的态度,印度政府应该早就知道了吧,不是吗?Rodger Olsen 1 minute agoThey are suffering from massive overpopulation. Perhaps the 600,000 people a year who die every year from lack ofsanitation are a blessing. If you stop them from dieing, that means anothermillion starving people alive every year.印度人口太多了。每年60万人因为生问题死亡这或许是件好事。如果这些不死去,这意味着每年又有更多的人生活在饥饿中。Mahatma 1 hour agoOld habits are difficult to break.改变旧习惯不是件容易的事情。Nemo 11 minutes agoNature seems to keep a little checks andbalances in India.在印度,自然似乎起到了平衡的作用。Steven 4 minutes ago600,000 die every year from lack of sanityconditions.I wish more died. Indians are useless eaters.印度因为生问题每年60万人死亡。我希望死的更多,印度人都是无用的吃货。Beetle7 minutes ago100% agree that sanitation and publichygiene is extremely worst situation .But fortunately Indians are immune to fewdiseases.Thats why when an westerner goes to India , he may come back home withTyphoid,food poison, dengy , chicken kunya, Cholera, Hepatatis easily.Becausewesterners are living in a clean place and they do not get any diseases becausethey keep their environement clean.I read an article written by Jim Carrey .Hewas cursing Sikhs because he worked in their gas station and he cleans thetoilet and sinks but the Sikhs always urinate in the sink and through chickenbones.In America just go to any indian gas station or spice shop .the Toiletsare never cleaned and there is full of bull chit including human excretionseverywhere.Thats why sometimes they say that their toilets are not working andkeep a board for the whole month "Toilets not working"Go to Indian restaurant , Toilets are extremely poor hygiene.Indian uses waterto clean their #$%$ after #$%$.After that they never clean the hands asexpected ..Indian woman looks pretty but they have no concept about cleaningand shaving unwanted hair, dental and foot hygiene is worst.Go to richestIndian man house , same chit.He use the one feet of floss for one month.Theyhave no interest in spending any money for hygiene but they keep a ton of goldin their pillow.Like in Switzerland , hygiene inspectors must raid on and off few indian shopsand restaurants without any prior information.But Good things about Indians is they are totally harmless,CLEAN souls.withdirty smelly hand.80% Indians are Vegetarians.Next 20% are severe carnivores.and InfectiousIntellectuals.完全同意,卫生和公共健康非常糟糕。但幸运的是印度人对有些疾病完全免疫。所以当西方人去印度旅游回来时,他们可能会患上各种疾病,比如伤寒,食物中毒,基孔肯雅热,霍乱等等。因为西方人生活在干净的环境中,所以不容易得病。我读过Jim Carrey写的一篇文章,他咒骂锡克人,因为当时他在印度的加油站里工作,所以总是把厕所和水槽洗的干干净净的,但是这些锡克人总是尿在水槽里。在美国,你去任何一家印度人的加油站和香料店,你会发现他们的厕所从来都不清理的,所以到处都是大便。所以有时候他们才说自己的厕所不能使用。去印度的餐馆里看看,厕所里的卫生状况也是异常的差。印度人在拉完后直接用水来清理屁屁,可是从来不洗手。印度妇女看起来很漂亮,可是他们对清洁一点概念也没有,也不懂得如何理掉不必要的头发,她们的牙齿和脚的卫生状况也很糟糕。去印度最富有的人的家里看看,情况同样如此。最富有的人一条牙线竟然用一个月。他们根本没有兴趣把钱花在卫生上,但是他们的枕头里面藏着大把黄金。在瑞士,卫生检查人员一定会对印度商店和餐馆进行突击检查。但是好的地方在于印度人完全是无害的,他们的灵魂是干净的,虽然手很脏。80%的印度人都是素食者。剩余的20%是苛刻的肉食者和有害的知识分子。Ali Blabba 4 hours agoI was watching some National Geographickind of show about these scientists taking a boat down the Ganges and aboutevery 30 yards there would be a small group of Indians squatting by the riverbank pooping. They just look up and continue their business. After that, I lostall interest in going to India. I've never seen this in any country except forChina where parents let their kids just poop wherever. The kids even have builtin slits in the back of their pajama pants so that it opens up when the kidssquat.我之前看过类似《国家地理》的一档节目,一些科学家乘着船在恒河上,每30码就可以看到一小部分印度人在河边拉大便。他们抬头看了看,然后继续拉。看完这档节目后,我完全失去了去印度旅游的兴趣。这种情形我在其他国家从来没看过,当然除了在中国父母让小孩到处大便外。而且中国小孩所穿的睡衣后面还有一个内置的裂缝,每当孩子们蹲下时,裂缝自然张开,孩子们马上就可以方便了。Mar 2 hours agoThe best way to teach these Indians to usetoilet can be:1.Fecal cleaning TAX for those defecate outside openly.2.Other possible punishment can be such as public have to buy a small deeppiece of pit outside the village to do their business and they have to coverwith soil.3. More ideas from Indian Politician required here教会这些印度人使用厕所的方法将是:1、向在户外方便的印度人增粪便清理税2、要求印度人在户外用钱买一处深坑,完事后要求他们用土盖上。3、印度政治家想出更多的主意。Commenter 2 hours agoSo the person that is telling You how tofix Your Computer cannot figure out how to use a Commode?能告诉你如何修理电脑的印度人竟然不懂得如何使用厕所?&/div&&/div&
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