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鬼眼  鬼眼  外文片名  The Sixth Sense  更多中文片名  第六感  灵异第六感  更多外文片名  Sexto sentido, El .....Chile / Mexico / Spain  Sexto Sentido, O .....Brazil / Portugal  Sj&tte sinnet, Det .....Finland (literal title) (Swedish title) / Sweden (literal title)  ьЕЯРНЕ вСБЯРБН .....Russia  Al saselea simt .....Romania  Ekti aisthisi, I .....Greece  Hatodik érzék .....Hungary  Kuudes aisti .....Finland  Sesto culo .....Serbia  Sexto sentido .....Argentina  Sixième sens .....France  Sixième sens, Le .....Canada (French title)  Sixth Sense .....Germany  Sjette sans, Den .....Denmark  Sjette sansen, Den .....Norway (literal title)  Szosty zmysl .....Poland  The Sixth Sense - Il sesto senso .....Italy  
  麦克(布鲁斯?威利斯)是著名儿童心里学家,却也有始终未能治愈的患者,甚至因此遭到***杀,这名少年随后也饮***自毙。这给麦克带来很大心里阴影,一年后他找到另一个症状很像这名患者的男孩柯尔(海利?乔?奥斯蒙),并耐心的做起了他的医生。  柯尔并不容易接近,但麦克还是慢慢赢得了他的信任,得知了柯尔的秘密。原来柯尔有着灵异的第六感,可以看到鬼魂。虽然这令人感到难以置信,但麦克在证实了事情的真相后还是帮助柯尔接受了这个事实,并学会在第六感的召唤下,帮助别人,走出生活的阴影。  可是就在问题即将得到解决的时候,麦克却在柯尔的引导下,发现了一个更令人震惊的秘密……&&
  惊悚 / 剧情 / 悬疑  片长  107 min  国家/地区  美国  对白语言  英语 西班牙语 拉丁语  色彩  彩色  幅面  35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统  混音  杜比数码环绕声 DTS SDDS  评级  Rated PG-13 for intense thematic material and violent images.  级别  Singapore:PG Portugal:M/12 Argentina:13 Australia:M Chile:TE Finland:K-16 Germany:16 Iceland:16 Norway:15 UK:15 USA:PG-13 Sweden:11 Peru:14 Canada:PG Canada:13
France:-12 Hong Kong:IIB Italy:VM14 Netherlands:16 Canada:AA Canada:14A New Zealand:M Switzerland:16 South Korea:12 Philippines:PG-13 Malaysia:18SG  
  $55,000,000 (estimated)  版权所有  Sixth Sense Productions, Inc. (for purpose of copyright law in the UK)  Spyglass Entertainment Group L P, 1999 (on print)  拍摄日期  日 -  摄影机  Panavision Cameras and Lenses  摄制格式  35 mm (Eastman)  洗印格式  35 mm (Eastman)  演职员表  导演 Director  M.奈特?沙马兰 M. Night Shyamalan  编剧 Writer  M.奈特?沙马兰 M. Night Shyamalan .....(written by)  演员 Actor  布鲁斯?威利斯 Bruce Willis .....Dr. Malcolm Crowe  海利?乔?奥斯蒙 Haley Joel Osment .....Cole Sear  托妮?科莱特 Toni Collette .....Lynn Sear  奥莉维亚?威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams .....Anna Crowe  米莎?巴顿
.....Kyra Collins  唐尼?沃尔伯格 Donnie Wahlberg .....Vincent Grey  特拉沃?摩根 Trevor Morgan .....Tommy Tammisimo  卡迪?斯特 KaDee Strickland .....Visitor #5  M.奈特?沙马兰 M. Night Shyamalan .....Dr. Hill  Peter Anthony Tambakis .....Darren (as Peter Tambakis)  Jeffrey Zubernis .....Bobby  Bruce Norris .....Stanley Cunningham  Glenn Fitzgerald .....Sean  Greg Wood .....Mr. Collins  Angelica Torn .....Mrs. Collins  Lisa Summerour .....Bridesmaid  Firdous Bamji .....Young Man Buying Ring  Samia Shoaib .....Young Woman Buying Ring  Hayden Saunier .....Darren's Mom  Janis Dardaris .....Kitchen Woman  Neill Hartley .....Visitor #2  Sarah Ripard .....Visitor #3  Heidi Fischer .....Visitor #4  Michael J. Lyons .....Visitor #6  Samantha Fitzpatrick .....Kyra's Sister  Holly Rudkin .....Society Lady #1  Kate Kearney-Patch .....Society Lady #2  Marilyn Shanok .....Woman at Accident  Wes Heywood .....Commercial Narrator  Nico Woulard .....Hanged Child  Carol Nielson .....Hanged Female  Keith Woulard .....Hanged Male  Jodi Dawson .....Burnt Teacher  Tony Michael Donnelly ..... Boy (as Tony Donnelly)  Ronnie Lea .....Secretary  Carlos Xavier Lopez .....Spanish Ghost on Tape (voice) (as Carlos X. López)  Gino Inverso .....Young Vincent  Ellen Sheppard .....Mrs. Sloan  Tom McLaughlin .....Anna's Father  Candy Aston-Dennis .....Anna's Mother (as Candy Aston Dennis)  Patrick McDade .....Shaken Driver (as Patrick F. McDade)  Jose L. Rodriguez .....Husband  Bob Bowersox .....Restaurant Patron (uncredited)  Kym Cohen .....Bride's maid (uncredited)  Sean Oliver .....Ghost in the Dungeon (uncredited)  制作人 Produced by  弗兰克?马歇尔 Frank Marshall .....producer  凯瑟琳?肯尼迪 Kathleen Kennedy .....producer  Barry Mendel .....producer  Sam Mercer .....executive producer  原创音乐 Original Music  詹姆斯?纽顿?霍华德 James Newton Howard  摄影 Cinematography  Tak Fujimoto  剪辑 Film Editing  Andrew Mondshein  选角导演 Casting  Avy Kaufman  艺术指导 Production Designer  Larry Fulton  美术设计 Art Direction by  Philip Messina  布景师 Set Decoration by  Douglas A. Mowat .....(as Douglas Mowat)  Susannah McCarthy .....(uncredited)  服装设计 Costume Design by  Joanna Johnston  副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director  Sonia Bhalla .....second second assistant director  Michael T. Meador .....dga trainee (as Michael Meader)  Andrew Mondshein  Scott Andrew Robertson .....second assistant director (as Scott Robertson)  John
.....first assistant director  制作发行  制作公司  Hollywood Pictures [美国]  Spyglass Entertainment [美国]  Barry Mendel Productions [美国]  The Kennedy/Marshall Company [美国] ..... (A Kennedy/Marshall/Barry Mendel Production)  发行公司  博伟国际 Buena Vista International [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina)  博伟电影公司 Buena Vista Pictures [美国] ..... (Argentina)  康斯坦丁影业公司 Constantin Film [德国] ..... (Germany)  Filmes Lusomundo [葡萄牙] ..... (Portugal)  Gativideo [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina) (video)  Gaumont Buena Vista International (GBVI) [法国] ..... (France)  Odeon [希腊] ..... (Greece)  Svensk Filmindustri (SF) AB [瑞典] ..... (Sweden)  Toho-Towa [日本] ..... (Sweden)  Buena Vista International UK [英国]  特技制作公司  Dream Quest Images [美国] ..... (visual effects)  Stan Winston Studio [美国] ..... (make-up effects)  其它公司  Cineric Inc. [美国] ..... opticals  Fantasy Studios [美国] ..... post-production facility  Greater Philadelphia Film Office [美国] ..... special thanks  Hollywood Records [美国] ..... soundtrack published by  Home on the Range [美国] ..... catering  KYW-AM [美国] ..... radio clip courtesy of  Mike Lemon Casting [美国] ..... extras casting  Peco Energy Company [美国] ..... special thanks  Philadelpia Authority for Industrial Development [美国] ..... special thanks  Picture Mill [美国] ..... main title design  SISS Ltd. [美国] ..... security for Bruce Willis provided by  Shadow Broadcast Services [美国] ..... special thanks  Signet Soundelux Studios [美国] ..... choir recorded at  Sound One Corporation [美国] ..... post-production facility  Sound, San Francisco [美国] ..... post-production facility  Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority [美国] ..... special thanks  Striped Bass Restaurant [美国] ..... special thanks  The City of Philadelphia [美国] ..... special thanks  The Newman Scoring Stage, Twentieth Century Fox Studios [美国] ..... orchestra recorded at   Lights Inc. [美国] ..... lighting and grip equipment  Trevanna Post Inc. [美国] ..... post-production accounting  上映日期  美国  USA  日 ..... (Philadelphia) (premiere)   美国  USA  日   泰国  Thailand  日 ..... (limited)   中国台湾  Taiwan  日 ..... (Taipei) (premiere)   中国香港  Hong Kong  日   新加坡  Singapore  日   韩国  South Korea  日   新西兰  New Zealand  日 ..... (premiere)   中国台湾  Taiwan  日   智利  Chile  日   哥伦比亚  Colombia  日   以色列  Israel  日 ..... (premiere)   阿根廷  Argentina     澳大利亚  Australia  日   以色列  Israel  日   冰岛  Iceland  日   新西兰  New Zealand     巴西  Brazil  日   委内瑞拉  Venezuela     意大利  Italy  日   墨西哥  Mexico  日   挪威  Norway  日   日本  Japan  日   马来西亚  Malaysia  日   埃及  Egypt  日   希腊  Greece  日   英国  UK  日   菲律宾  Philippines  日 ..... (Davao)   马耳他  Malta     瑞典  Sweden  日 ..... (Lucia Movie Night)   荷兰  Netherlands  日   比利时  Belgium  日   德国  Germany  日   斯洛伐克  Slovakia  日   法国  France  日   瑞士  Switzerland  日 ..... (French speaking region)   丹麦  Denmark  日   匈牙利  Hungary  日   瑞士  Switzerland  日 ..... (German speaking region)   芬兰  Finland     瑞典  Sweden  日   克罗地亚  Croatia  日   波兰  Poland  日   葡萄牙  Portugal  日   西班牙  Spain  日   捷克  Czech Republic  日 ..... (Febio Film Festival)   捷克  Czech Republic  日   科威特  Kuwait  日   爱沙尼亚  Estonia  日   印度尼西亚  Indonesia  日 ..... (TV premiere)   
  版本一  在这部恐怖的心理电影中,8岁男孩科尔无法摆脱内心深处一个可怕的秘密,那就是藏在他体内的魔鬼。那些好像是来自地狱深处的魔鬼向他提出了许多问题,并带给他许多超自然的能力,科尔对他们的造访感到非常恐惧,对于自己拥有的超能力又感到非常困惑,他不敢把自己的痛苦告诉别人,最后只能求助于儿童心理学专家马尔科姆博士(布鲁斯威利饰),博士竭力去调查关于科尔拥有的超自然能力的真相,并力图帮助他摆脱,结果把自己也陷了进去,遇到了更多可怕而又无法解释的事情,博士可以帮助小科尔度过难关吗?   版本二  麦尔康医生是一名杰出的儿童家庭心理学者,帮助过不少问题儿童走回正路,也因此获得市政府的表扬。不料,一名接受过麦尔康医生治疗,但未成功的青少年却闯入麦尔康医生家中,***伤医生后,再举***自尽。  一年后,麦尔康医生再度面临一件与自尽青少年相似的病例。医生决定再试一次,帮助这名叫做柯尔的小男生。柯尔拥有阴阳眼,长久以来饱受鬼魂的困扰,不时会见到死去的灵魂,让他十分害怕。  麦尔康医生对柯尔伸出援手,却不为柯尔所接受,因为柯尔认定没有人可以帮助他脱离现状。在麦尔康医生不断的坚持下,终于柯尔逐渐心防,让医生了解自己的问题,也慢慢地接受他的建议。在治疗柯尔的同时,麦尔康医生发现自己的婚状况出现问题,他的太太不但冷落他,而且似乎有了外遇。于是麦尔康同时面对工作上与婚姻上的两个难题。  柯尔在医生的开导陪伴下逐渐接受自己拥有阴阳眼的事实,就在整件事似大功告成、功德圆满之际,麦尔康医生却有一个惊人的发现。  版本三   费城有个九岁小男孩生活在一个单亲妈妈的环境里,他自称能见到死人。他的心理医生在一年前曾经遭到他以前一个治疗失败的病人的***击,因此发誓要尽力帮助这个孩子。在小孩的帮助下,他解开了一个后妈下毒害死小女孩的疑案。但真正的惊讶出现在影片结尾,当医生完全信赖男孩的话后,他发现自己跟妻子的关系出现微妙的变化,最终意识到自己所存在的环境。  相关评论  Not every gift is a blessing.  Discover the secret of 'The Sixth Sense'!  There are ghosts walking among us, looking for help... They have found it.  Do you Believe Now?  Can You Keep the Secret?  Now you believe in ghosts  America's #1 Movie Four Weeks In A Row!  The #1 Thriller of all time!  
  这表面上是一部鬼片,里面有数个鬼现身的血淋淋镜头,还有一两处令人惊叫的恐怖场景,但骨子里是一部探讨家庭伦理道德的作品。本片构思巧妙,三位主演均有一流的表演威利斯的低调和科莱特的焦躁都拿捏得很准,而奥斯蒙则是天才童星,把一个跨越阴阳两界洞察力的特殊儿童表现得惟妙惟肖。  精彩对白  Cole Sear: I see dead people.   Malcolm Crowe: In your dreams?   [Cole shakes his head no]   Malcolm Crowe: While you're awake?   [Cole nods]   Malcolm Crowe: Dead people like, in graves? In coffins?   Cole Sear: Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.   Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them?   Cole Sear: All the time. They're everywhere.   Cole Sear: They see only what they want to see.   Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you...   Lynn Sear: Cole, please stop...   Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you she saw you dance. She said, when you were little, you and her had a fight, right before your dance recital. You thought she didn't come see you dance. She did. She hid in the back so you wouldn't see. She said you were . She said you came to the place where they buried her. Asked her a question? She said the answer is... "Every day." What did you ask?   Lynn Sear: Do... Do I make her proud?   Cole Sear: She came a long way to visit me, didn't she?   Malcolm Crowe: I guess she did.   
参考资料基本资料  中文片名  鬼眼  外文片名  The Sixth Sense  更多中文片名  第六感  灵异第六感  更多外文片名  Sexto sentido, El .....Chile / Mexico / Spain  Sexto Sentido, O .....Brazil / Portugal  Sj&tte sinnet, Det .....Finland (literal title) (Swedish title) / Sweden (literal title)  ьЕЯРНЕ вСБЯРБН .....Russia  Al saselea simt .....Romania  Ekti aisthisi, I .....Greece  Hatodik érzék .....Hungary  Kuudes aisti .....Finland  Sesto culo .....Serbia  Sexto sentido .....Argentina  Sixième sens .....France  Sixième sens, Le .....Canada (French title)  Sixth Sense .....Germany  Sjette sans, Den .....Denmark  Sjette sansen, Den .....Norway (literal title)  Szosty zmysl .....Poland  The Sixth Sense - Il sesto senso .....Italy  影片类型  惊悚 / 剧情 / 悬疑  片长  107 min  国家/地区  美国  对白语言  英语 西班牙语 拉丁语  色彩  彩色  幅面  35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统  混音  杜比数码环绕声 DTS SDDS  评级  Rated PG-13 for intense thematic material and violent images.  级别  Singapore:PG Portugal:M/12 Argentina:13 Australia:M Chile:TE Finland:K-16 Germany:16 Iceland:16 Norway:15 UK:15 USA:PG-13 Sweden:11 Peru:14 Canada:PG Canada:13
France:-12 Hong Kong:IIB Italy:VM14 Netherlands:16 Canada:AA Canada:14A New Zealand:M Switzerland:16 South Korea:12 Philippines:PG-13 Malaysia:18SG  制作成本  $55,000,000 (estimated)  版权所有  Sixth Sense Productions, Inc. (for purpose of copyright law in the UK)  Spyglass Entertainment Group L P, 1999 (on print)  拍摄日期  日 -  摄影机  Panavision Cameras and Lenses  摄制格式  35 mm (Eastman)  洗印格式  35 mm (Eastman)  演职员表  导演 Director  M.奈特?沙马兰 M. Night Shyamalan  编剧 Writer  M.奈特?沙马兰 M. Night Shyamalan .....(written by)  演员 Actor  布鲁斯?威利斯 Bruce Willis .....Dr. Malcolm Crowe  海利?乔?奥斯蒙 Haley Joel Osment .....Cole Sear  托妮?科莱特 Toni Collette .....Lynn Sear  奥莉维亚?威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams .....Anna Crowe  米莎?巴顿 Mischa Barton .....Kyra Collins  唐尼?沃尔伯格 Donnie Wahlberg .....Vincent Grey  特拉沃?摩根 Trevor Morgan .....Tommy Tammisimo  卡迪?斯特瑞兰德 KaDee Strickland .....Visitor #5  M.奈特?沙马兰 M. Night Shyamalan .....Dr. Hill  Peter Anthony Tambakis .....Darren (as Peter Tambakis)  Jeffrey Zubernis .....Bobby  Bruce Norris .....Stanley Cunningham  Glenn Fitzgerald .....Sean  Greg Wood .....Mr. Collins  Angelica Torn .....Mrs. Collins  Lisa Summerour .....Bridesmaid  Firdous Bamji .....Young Man Buying Ring  Samia Shoaib .....Young Woman Buying Ring  Hayden Saunier .....Darren's Mom  Janis Dardaris .....Kitchen Woman  Neill Hartley .....Visitor #2  Sarah Ripard .....Visitor #3  Heidi Fischer .....Visitor #4  Michael J. Lyons .....Visitor #6  Samantha Fitzpatrick .....Kyra's Sister  Holly Rudkin .....Society Lady #1  Kate Kearney-Patch .....Society Lady #2  Marilyn Shanok .....Woman at Accident  Wes Heywood .....Commercial Narrator  Nico Woulard .....Hanged Child  Carol Nielson .....Hanged Female  Keith Woulard .....Hanged Male  Jodi Dawson .....Burnt Teacher  Tony Michael Donnelly .....Gunshot Boy (as Tony Donnelly)  Ronnie Lea .....Secretary  Carlos Xavier Lopez .....Spanish Ghost on Tape (voice) (as Carlos X. López)  Gino Inverso .....Young Vincent  Ellen Sheppard .....Mrs. Sloan  Tom McLaughlin .....Anna's Father  Candy Aston-Dennis .....Anna's Mother (as Candy Aston Dennis)  Patrick McDade .....Shaken Driver (as Patrick F. McDade)  Jose L. Rodriguez .....Husband  Bob Bowersox .....Restaurant Patron (uncredited)  Kym Cohen .....Bride's maid (uncredited)  Sean Oliver .....Ghost in the Dungeon (uncredited)  制作人 Produced by  弗兰克?马歇尔 Frank Marshall .....producer  凯瑟琳?肯尼迪 Kathleen Kennedy .....producer  Barry Mendel .....producer  Sam Mercer .....executive producer  原创音乐 Original Music  詹姆斯?纽顿?霍华德 James Newton Howard  摄影 Cinematography  Tak Fujimoto  剪辑 Film Editing  Andrew Mondshein  选角导演 Casting  Avy Kaufman  艺术指导 Production Designer  Larry Fulton  美术设计 Art Direction by  Philip Messina  布景师 Set Decoration by  Douglas A. Mowat .....(as Douglas Mowat)  Susannah McCarthy .....(uncredited)  服装设计 Costume Design by  Joanna Johnston  副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director  Sonia Bhalla .....second second assistant director  Michael T. Meador .....dga trainee (as Michael Meader)  Andrew Mondshein  Scott Andrew Robertson .....second assistant director (as Scott Robertson)  John Rusk .....first assistant director  制作发行  制作公司  Hollywood Pictures [美国]  Spyglass Entertainment [美国]  Barry Mendel Productions [美国]  The Kennedy/Marshall Company [美国] ..... (A Kennedy/Marshall/Barry Mendel Production)  发行公司  博伟国际 Buena Vista International [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina)  博伟电影公司 Buena Vista Pictures [美国] ..... (Argentina)  康斯坦丁影业公司 Constantin Film [德国] ..... (Germany)  Filmes Lusomundo [葡萄牙] ..... (Portugal)  Gativideo [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina) (video)  Gaumont Buena Vista International (GBVI) [法国] ..... (France)  Odeon [希腊] ..... (Greece)  Svensk Filmindustri (SF) AB [瑞典] ..... (Sweden)  Toho-Towa [日本] ..... (Sweden)  Buena Vista International UK [英国]  特技制作公司  Dream Quest Images [美国] ..... (visual effects)  Stan Winston Studio [美国] ..... (make-up effects)  其它公司  Cineric Inc. [美国] ..... opticals  Fantasy Studios [美国] ..... post-production facility  Greater Philadelphia Film Office [美国] ..... special thanks  Hollywood Records [美国] ..... soundtrack published by  Home on the Range [美国] ..... catering  KYW-AM [美国] ..... radio clip courtesy of  Mike Lemon Casting [美国] ..... extras casting  Peco Energy Company [美国] ..... special thanks  Philadelpia Authority for Industrial Development [美国] ..... special thanks  Picture Mill [美国] ..... main title design  SISS Ltd. [美国] ..... security for Bruce Willis provided by  Shadow Broadcast Services [美国] ..... special thanks  Signet Soundelux Studios [美国] ..... choir recorded at  Sound One Corporation [美国] ..... post-production facility  Sound, San Francisco [美国] ..... post-production facility  Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority [美国] ..... special thanks  Striped Bass Restaurant [美国] ..... special thanks  The City of Philadelphia [美国] ..... special thanks  The Newman Scoring Stage, Twentieth Century Fox Studios [美国] ..... orchestra recorded at  Xeno Lights Inc. [美国] ..... lighting and grip equipment  Trevanna Post Inc. [美国] ..... post-production accounting  上映日期  美国  USA  日 ..... (Philadelphia) (premiere)   美国  USA  日   泰国  Thailand  日 ..... (limited)   中国台湾  Taiwan  日 ..... (Taipei) (premiere)   中国香港  Hong Kong  日   新加坡  Singapore  日   韩国  South Korea  日   新西兰  New Zealand  日 ..... (premiere)   中国台湾  Taiwan  日   智利  Chile  日   哥伦比亚  Colombia  日   以色列  Israel  日 ..... (premiere)   阿根廷  Argentina  日   澳大利亚  Australia  日   以色列  Israel  日   冰岛  Iceland  日   新西兰  New Zealand  日   巴西  Brazil  日   委内瑞拉  Venezuela  日   意大利  Italy  日   墨西哥  Mexico  日   挪威  Norway  日   日本  Japan  日   马来西亚  Malaysia  日   埃及  Egypt  日   希腊  Greece  日   英国  UK  日   菲律宾  Philippines  日 ..... (Davao)   马耳他  Malta  日   瑞典  Sweden  日 ..... (Lucia Movie Night)   荷兰  Netherlands  日   比利时  Belgium  日   德国  Germany  日   斯洛伐克  Slovakia  日   法国  France  日   瑞士  Switzerland  日 ..... (French speaking region)   丹麦  Denmark  日   匈牙利  Hungary  日   瑞士  Switzerland  日 ..... (German speaking region)   芬兰  Finland  日   瑞典  Sweden  日   克罗地亚  Croatia  日   波兰  Poland  日   葡萄牙  Portugal  日   西班牙  Spain  日   捷克  Czech Republic  日 ..... (Febio Film Festival)   捷克  Czech Republic  日   科威特  Kuwait  日   爱沙尼亚  Estonia  日   印度尼西亚  Indonesia  日 ..... (TV premiere)   剧情介绍  版本一  在这部恐怖的心理电影中,8岁男孩科尔无法摆脱内心深处一个可怕的秘密,那就是藏在他体内的魔鬼。那些好像是来自地狱深处的魔鬼向他提出了许多问题,并带给他许多超自然的能力,科尔对他们的造访感到非常恐惧,对于自己拥有的超能力又感到非常困惑,他不敢把自己的痛苦告诉别人,最后只能求助于儿童心理学专家马尔科姆博士(布鲁斯威利饰),博士竭力去调查关于科尔拥有的超自然能力的真相,并力图帮助他摆脱,结果把自己也陷了进去,遇到了更多可怕而又无法解释的事情,博士可以帮助小科尔度过难关吗?   版本二  麦尔康医生是一名杰出的儿童家庭心理学者,帮助过不少问题儿童走回正路,也因此获得市政府的表扬。不料,一名接受过麦尔康医生治疗,但未成功的青少年却闯入麦尔康医生家中,***伤医生后,再举***自尽。  一年后,麦尔康医生再度面临一件与自尽青少年相似的病例。医生决定再试一次,帮助这名叫做柯尔的小男生。柯尔拥有阴阳眼,长久以来饱受鬼魂的困扰,不时会见到死去的灵魂,让他十分害怕。  麦尔康医生对柯尔伸出援手,却不为柯尔所接受,因为柯尔认定没有人可以帮助他脱离现状。在麦尔康医生不断的坚持下,终于柯尔逐渐心防,让医生了解自己的问题,也慢慢地接受他的建议。在治疗柯尔的同时,麦尔康医生发现自己的婚状况出现问题,他的太太不但冷落他,而且似乎有了外遇。于是麦尔康同时面对工作上与婚姻上的两个难题。  柯尔在医生的开导陪伴下逐渐接受自己拥有阴阳眼的事实,就在整件事似大功告成、功德圆满之际,麦尔康医生却有一个惊人的发现。  版本三   费城有个九岁小男孩生活在一个单亲妈妈的环境里,他自称能见到死人。他的心理医生在一年前曾经遭到他以前一个治疗失败的病人的***击,因此发誓要尽力帮助这个孩子。在小孩的帮助下,他解开了一个后妈下毒害死小女孩的疑案。但真正的惊讶出现在影片结尾,当医生完全信赖男孩的话后,他发现自己跟妻子的关系出现微妙的变化,最终意识到自己所存在的环境。  相关评论  Not every gift is a blessing.  Discover the secret of 'The Sixth Sense'!  There are ghosts walking among us, looking for help... They have found it.  Do you Believe Now?  Can You Keep the Secret?  Now you believe in ghosts  America's #1 Movie Four Weeks In A Row!  The #1 Thriller of all time!  幕后制作  这表面上是一部鬼片,里面有数个鬼现身的血淋淋镜头,还有一两处令人惊叫的恐怖场景,但骨子里是一部探讨家庭伦理道德的作品。本片构思巧妙,三位主演均有一流的表演威利斯的低调和科莱特的焦躁都拿捏得很准,而奥斯蒙则是天才童星,把一个跨越阴阳两界洞察力的特殊儿童表现得惟妙惟肖。  精彩对白  Cole Sear: I see dead people.   Malcolm Crowe: In your dreams?   [Cole shakes his head no]   Malcolm Crowe: While you're awake?   [Cole nods]   Malcolm Crowe: Dead people like, in graves? In coffins?   Cole Sear: Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.   Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them?   Cole Sear: All the time. They're everywhere.   Cole Sear: They see only what they want to see.   Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you...   Lynn Sear: Cole, please stop...   Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you she saw you dance. She said, when you were little, you and her had a fight, right before your dance recital. You thought she didn't come see you dance. She did. She hid in the back so you wouldn't see. She said you were like an angel. She said you came to the place where they buried her. Asked her a question? She said the answer is... "Every day." What did you ask?   Lynn Sear: Do... Do I make her proud?   Cole Sear: She came a long way to visit me, didn't she?   Malcolm Crowe: I guess she did.   穿帮镜头  ?马尔科姆在图书馆中给科尔表演魔术时头发滑向一边,当镜头切回他时头发又整齐了。
参考资料基本资料  中文片名  鬼眼  外文片名  The Sixth Sense  更多中文片名  第六感  灵异第六感  更多外文片名  Sexto sentido, El .....Chile / Mexico / Spain  Sexto Sentido, O .....Brazil / Portugal  Sj&tte sinnet, Det .....Finland (literal title) (Swedish title) / Sweden (literal title)  ьЕЯРНЕ вСБЯРБН .....Russia  Al saselea simt .....Romania  Ekti aisthisi, I .....Greece  Hatodik érzék .....Hungary  Kuudes aisti .....Finland  Sesto culo .....Serbia  Sexto sentido .....Argentina  Sixième sens .....France  Sixième sens, Le .....Canada (French title)  Sixth Sense .....Germany  Sjette sans, Den .....Denmark  Sjette sansen, Den .....Norway (literal title)  Szosty zmysl .....Poland  The Sixth Sense - Il sesto senso .....Italy  影片类型  惊悚 / 剧情 / 悬疑  片长  107 min  国家/地区  美国  对白语言  英语 西班牙语 拉丁语  色彩  彩色  幅面  35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统  混音  杜比数码环绕声 DTS SDDS  评级  Rated PG-13 for intense thematic material and violent images.  级别  Singapore:PG Portugal:M/12 Argentina:13 Australia:M Chile:TE Finland:K-16 Germany:16 Iceland:16 Norway:15 UK:15 USA:PG-13 Sweden:11 Peru:14 Canada:PG Canada:13
France:-12 Hong Kong:IIB Italy:VM14 Netherlands:16 Canada:AA Canada:14A New Zealand:M Switzerland:16 South Korea:12 Philippines:PG-13 Malaysia:18SG  制作成本  $55,000,000 (estimated)  版权所有  Sixth Sense Productions, Inc. (for purpose of copyright law in the UK)  Spyglass Entertainment Group L P, 1999 (on print)  拍摄日期  日 -  摄影机  Panavision Cameras and Lenses  摄制格式  35 mm (Eastman)  洗印格式  35 mm (Eastman)  演职员表  导演 Director  M.奈特?沙马兰 M. Night Shyamalan  编剧 Writer  M.奈特?沙马兰 M. Night Shyamalan .....(written by)  演员 Actor  布鲁斯?威利斯 Bruce Willis .....Dr. Malcolm Crowe  海利?乔?奥斯蒙 Haley Joel Osment .....Cole Sear  托妮?科莱特 Toni Collette .....Lynn Sear  奥莉维亚?威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams .....Anna Crowe  米莎?巴顿 Mischa Barton .....Kyra Collins  唐尼?沃尔伯格 Donnie Wahlberg .....Vincent Grey  特拉沃?摩根 Trevor Morgan .....Tommy Tammisimo  卡迪?斯特瑞兰德 KaDee Strickland .....Visitor #5  M.奈特?沙马兰 M. Night Shyamalan .....Dr. Hill  Peter Anthony Tambakis .....Darren (as Peter Tambakis)  Jeffrey Zubernis .....Bobby  Bruce Norris .....Stanley Cunningham  Glenn Fitzgerald .....Sean  Greg Wood .....Mr. Collins  Angelica Torn .....Mrs. Collins  Lisa Summerour .....Bridesmaid  Firdous Bamji .....Young Man Buying Ring  Samia Shoaib .....Young Woman Buying Ring  Hayden Saunier .....Darren's Mom  Janis Dardaris .....Kitchen Woman  Neill Hartley .....Visitor #2  Sarah Ripard .....Visitor #3  Heidi Fischer .....Visitor #4  Michael J. Lyons .....Visitor #6  Samantha Fitzpatrick .....Kyra's Sister  Holly Rudkin .....Society Lady #1  Kate Kearney-Patch .....Society Lady #2  Marilyn Shanok .....Woman at Accident  Wes Heywood .....Commercial Narrator  Nico Woulard .....Hanged Child  Carol Nielson .....Hanged Female  Keith Woulard .....Hanged Male  Jodi Dawson .....Burnt Teacher  Tony Michael Donnelly .....Gunshot Boy (as Tony Donnelly)  Ronnie Lea .....Secretary  Carlos Xavier Lopez .....Spanish Ghost on Tape (voice) (as Carlos X. López)  Gino Inverso .....Young Vincent  Ellen Sheppard .....Mrs. Sloan  Tom McLaughlin .....Anna's Father  Candy Aston-Dennis .....Anna's Mother (as Candy Aston Dennis)  Patrick McDade .....Shaken Driver (as Patrick F. McDade)  Jose L. Rodriguez .....Husband  Bob Bowersox .....Restaurant Patron (uncredited)  Kym Cohen .....Bride's maid (uncredited)  Sean Oliver .....Ghost in the Dungeon (uncredited)  制作人 Produced by  弗兰克?马歇尔 Frank Marshall .....producer  凯瑟琳?肯尼迪 Kathleen Kennedy .....producer  Barry Mendel .....producer  Sam Mercer .....executive producer  原创音乐 Original Music  詹姆斯?纽顿?霍华德 James Newton Howard  摄影 Cinematography  Tak Fujimoto  剪辑 Film Editing  Andrew Mondshein  选角导演 Casting  Avy Kaufman  艺术指导 Production Designer  Larry Fulton  美术设计 Art Direction by  Philip Messina  布景师 Set Decoration by  Douglas A. Mowat .....(as Douglas Mowat)  Susannah McCarthy .....(uncredited)  服装设计 Costume Design by  Joanna Johnston  副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director  Sonia Bhalla .....second second assistant director  Michael T. Meador .....dga trainee (as Michael Meader)  Andrew Mondshein  Scott Andrew Robertson .....second assistant director (as Scott Robertson)  John Rusk .....first assistant director  制作发行  制作公司  Hollywood Pictures [美国]  Spyglass Entertainment [美国]  Barry Mendel Productions [美国]  The Kennedy/Marshall Company [美国] ..... (A Kennedy/Marshall/Barry Mendel Production)  发行公司  博伟国际 Buena Vista International [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina)  博伟电影公司 Buena Vista Pictures [美国] ..... (Argentina)  康斯坦丁影业公司 Constantin Film [德国] ..... (Germany)  Filmes Lusomundo [葡萄牙] ..... (Portugal)  Gativideo [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina) (video)  Gaumont Buena Vista International (GBVI) [法国] ..... (France)  Odeon [希腊] ..... (Greece)  Svensk Filmindustri (SF) AB [瑞典] ..... (Sweden)  Toho-Towa [日本] ..... (Sweden)  Buena Vista International UK [英国]  特技制作公司  Dream Quest Images [美国] ..... (visual effects)  Stan Winston Studio [美国] ..... (make-up effects)  其它公司  Cineric Inc. [美国] ..... opticals  Fantasy Studios [美国] ..... post-production facility  Greater Philadelphia Film Office [美国] ..... special thanks  Hollywood Records [美国] ..... soundtrack published by  Home on the Range [美国] ..... catering  KYW-AM [美国] ..... radio clip courtesy of  Mike Lemon Casting [美国] ..... extras casting  Peco Energy Company [美国] ..... special thanks  Philadelpia Authority for Industrial Development [美国] ..... special thanks  Picture Mill [美国] ..... main title design  SISS Ltd. [美国] ..... security for Bruce Willis provided by  Shadow Broadcast Services [美国] ..... special thanks  Signet Soundelux Studios [美国] ..... choir recorded at  Sound One Corporation [美国] ..... post-production facility  Sound, San Francisco [美国] ..... post-production facility  Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority [美国] ..... special thanks  Striped Bass Restaurant [美国] ..... special thanks  The City of Philadelphia [美国] ..... special thanks  The Newman Scoring Stage, Twentieth Century Fox Studios [美国] ..... orchestra recorded at  Xeno Lights Inc. [美国] ..... lighting and grip equipment  Trevanna Post Inc. [美国] ..... post-production accounting  上映日期  美国  USA  日 ..... (Philadelphia) (premiere)    USA  日    Thailand  日 ..... (limited)   中国台湾  Taiwan  日 ..... (Taipei) (premiere)   中国香港  Hong Kong  日    Singapore  日     South Korea  日   新西兰  New Zealand  日 ..... (premiere)   中国台湾  Taiwan  日   智利  Chile  日   哥伦比亚  Colombia  日   以色列  Israel  日 ..... (premiere)   Argentina  日    Australia  日    Israel  日    Iceland  日     New Zealand  日   Brazil  日   Venezuela  日   Italy  日    Mexico  日   Norway  日   Japan  日    Malaysia  日   Egypt  日   Greece  日     UK  日   Philippines  日 ..... (Davao)     Malta  日    Sweden  日 ..... (Lucia Movie Night)     Netherlands  日     Belgium  日   Germany  日    Slovakia  日   France  日     Switzerland  日 ..... (French speaking region)    Denmark  日    Hungary  日    Switzerland  日 ..... (German speaking region)   Finland  日   Sweden  日   Croatia  日    Poland  日    Portugal  日   Spain  日    Czech Republic  日 ..... (Febio Film Festival)     Czech Republic  日    Kuwait  日     Estonia  日    Indonesia  日 ..... (TV premiere)   剧情介绍  版本一  在这部恐怖的心理电影中,8岁男孩科尔无法摆脱内心深处一个可怕的秘密,那就是藏在他体内的魔鬼。那些好像是来自地狱深处的魔鬼向他提出了许多问题,并带给他许多超自然的能力,科尔对他们的造访感到非常恐惧,对于自己拥有的超能力又感到非常困惑,他不敢把自己的痛苦告诉别人,最后只能求助于儿童心理学专家马尔科姆博士(布鲁斯威利饰),博士竭力去调查关于科尔拥有的超自然能力的真相,并力图帮助他摆脱,结果把自己也陷了进去,遇到了更多可怕而又无法解释的事情,博士可以帮助小科尔度过难关吗?   版本二  麦尔康医生是一名杰出的儿童家庭心理学者,帮助过不少问题儿童走回正路,也因此获得市政府的表扬。不料,一名接受过麦尔康医生治疗,但未成功的青少年却闯入麦尔康医生家中,***伤医生后,再举***自尽。  一年后,麦尔康医生再度面临一件与自尽青少年相似的病例。医生决定再试一次,帮助这名叫做柯尔的小男生。柯尔拥有阴阳眼,长久以来饱受鬼魂的困扰,不时会见到死去的灵魂,让他十分害怕。  医生对柯尔伸出援手,却不为柯尔所接受,因为柯尔认定没有人可以帮助他脱离现状。在麦尔康医生不断的坚持下,终于柯尔逐渐心防,让医生了解自己的问题,也慢慢地接受他的建议。在治疗柯尔的同时,麦尔康医生发现自己的婚状况出现问题,他的太太不但冷落他,而且似乎有了外遇。于是麦尔康同时面对工作上与婚姻上的两个难题。  在医生的开导陪伴下逐渐接受自己拥有阴阳眼的事实,就在整件事似大功告成、功德圆满之际,麦尔康医生却有一个惊人的发现。  版本三   费城有个九岁小男孩生活在一个单亲妈妈的环境里,他自称能见到死人。他的心理医生在一年前曾经遭到他以前一个治疗失败的病人的***击,因此发誓要尽力帮助这个孩子。在小孩的帮助下,他解开了一个后妈下毒害死小女孩的疑案。但真正的惊讶出现在影片结尾,当医生完全信赖男孩的话后,他发现自己跟妻子的关系出现微妙的变化,最终意识到自己所存在的环境。  相关评论  Not every gift is a blessing.  Discover the secret of 'The Sixth Sense'!  There are ghosts walking among us, looking for help... They have found it.  Do you Believe Now?  Can You Keep the Secret?  Now you believe in ghosts  America's #1 Movie Four Weeks In A Row!  The #1 Thriller of all time!  幕后制作  这表面上是一部,里面有数个鬼现身的血淋淋镜头,还有一两处令人惊叫的恐怖场景,但骨子里是一部探讨家庭伦理道德的作品。本片构思巧妙,三位主演均有一流的表演威利斯的低调和科莱特的焦躁都拿捏得很准,而奥斯蒙则是天才童星,把一个跨越阴阳两界洞察力的特殊儿童表现得惟妙惟肖。  精彩对白  Cole Sear: I see dead people.   Malcolm Crowe: In your dreams?   [Cole shakes his head no]   Malcolm Crowe: While you're awake?   [Cole nods]   Malcolm Crowe: Dead people like, in graves? In coffins?   Cole Sear: Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.   Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them?   Cole Sear: All the time. They're everywhere.   Cole Sear: They see only what they want to see.   Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you...   Lynn Sear: Cole, please stop...   Cole Sear: She wanted me to tell you she saw you dance. She said, when you were little, you and her had a fight, right before your dance recital. You thought she didn't come see you dance. She did. She hid in the back so you wouldn't see. She said you were like an angel. She said you came to the place where they buried her. Asked her a question? She said the answer is... "Every day." What did you ask?   Lynn Sear: Do... Do I make her proud?   Cole Sear: She came a long way to visit me, didn't she?   Malcolm Crowe: I guess she did.  
最近更新时间: 14:52:59


