
合作商是什么意思 合作商在线翻译 合作商什么意思 合作商的意思 合作商的翻译 合作商的解释 合作商的发音 合作商的同义词
合作商 双语例句1. 1. 公司同时也诚征各地有意向的知名渠道商一起合作,共同拓展市场前景广阔的微波应急通信和Wi-Fi无线覆盖市场!&&&&Meanwhile BHU is open to cooperate with powerful partners to develop a more bright market in emergency communication and Wi-Fi wireless coverage.2. 2. 昆山永将高乐贸易有限公司有限公司是一家经营欧美精密数控刀具为主的贸易公司,我们的宗旨是将德国,瑞典,美国,瑞士,以色列,西班牙,意大利,马来西亚的一流品牌刀具介绍给每一位需要的客户,经过多年的努力,我们和欧洲的刀具品牌商建立良好密切的合作关系,目前我们所代理的产品范围几乎覆盖了所有刀具种类有,车削,铣削,硬质合金,孔径加工,刀柄系统,螺纹加工,镗孔系统,我们不仅为国内的中小经销商提供服务的平台,同时我们也拥有世界各地著名刀具公司培训和工作多年的刀具技术专家及富有经验的资深刀具工程师为终端的客户提供技术支持和必要保障。&&&&Yong Jiang gao le tradetools Co., LTD is a business and precision CNC tool of trade company, our objective is to Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States, Israel, Spain, Italy, Malaysia's first-class brand tools introduced to each customer needs, after years of effort, and our European tool brands to establish good cooperation relations, the product range of our agent has covered almost all tools, turning, milling, types, hard alloy, aperture, tooling system, screw machining processing, boring system, we not only for domestic small dealers services platform, and we also have world famous company training and working years cutting tools technical experts and rich experience in the senior engineer for terminal customers tools necessary to provide technical support and guarantee.3. 昆山永将高乐贸易有限公司是一家经营欧美精密数控刀具为主的贸易公司,我们的宗旨是将德国,瑞典,美国,瑞士,以色列,西班牙,意大利,马来西亚的一流品牌刀具介绍给每一位需要的客户,经过多年的努力,我们和欧洲的刀具品牌商建立良好密切的合作关系,目前我们所代理的产品范围几乎覆盖了所有刀具种类有,车削,铣削,硬质合金,孔径加工,刀柄系统,螺纹加工,镗孔系统,我们不仅为国内的中小经销商提供服务的平台,同时我们也拥有世界各地著名刀具公司培训和工作多年的刀具技术专家及富有经验的资深刀具工程师为终端的客户提供技术支持和必要保障。&&&&Yong Jiang Precision cutting tools Co., LTD is a business and precision CNC tool of trade company, our objective is to Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States, Israel, Spain, Italy, Malaysia's first-class brand tools introduced to each customer needs, after years of effort, and our European tool brands to establish good cooperation relations, the product range of our agent has covered almost all tools, turning, milling, types, hard alloy, aperture, tooling system, screw machining processing, boring system, we not only for domestic small dealers services platform, and we also have world famous company training and working years cutting tools technical experts and rich experience in the senior engineer for terminal customers tools necessary to provide technical support and guarantee.4. 永将高乐贸易有限公司是一家经营欧美精密数控刀具为主的贸易公司,我们的宗旨是将德国,瑞典,美国,瑞士,以色列,西班牙,意大利,马来西亚的一流品牌刀具介绍给每一位需要的客户,经过多年的努力,我们和欧洲的刀具品牌商建立良好密切的合作关系,目前我们所代理的产品范围几乎覆盖了所有刀具种类有,车削,铣削,硬质合金,孔径加工,刀柄系统,螺纹加工,镗孔系统,我们不仅为国内的中小经销商提供服务的平台,同时我们也拥有世界各地著名刀具公司培训和工作多年的刀具技术专家及富有经验的资深刀具工程师为终端的客户提供技术支持和必要保障。&&&&Yong Jiang gao le trade Co., LTD is a business and precision CNC tool of trade company, our objective is to Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States, Israel, Spain, Italy, Malaysia's first-class brand tools introduced to each customer needs, after years of effort, and our European tool brands to establish good cooperation relations, the product range of our agent has covered almost all tools, turning, milling, types, hard alloy, aperture, tooling system, screw machining processing, boring system, we not only for domestic small dealers services platform, and we also have world famous company training and working years cutting tools technical experts and rich experience in the senior engineer for terminal customers tools necessary to provide technical support and guarantee.5. 永将高乐贸易有限公司是一家经营欧美精密数控刀具为主的贸易公司,我们的宗旨是将德国,瑞典,美国,瑞士,以色列,西班牙,意大利,马来西亚的一流品牌刀具介绍给每一位需要的客户,经过多年的努力,我们和欧洲的刀具品牌商建立良好密切的合作关系,目前我们所代理的产品范围几乎覆盖了所有刀具种类有,车削,铣削,硬质合金,孔径加工,刀柄系统,螺纹加工,镗孔系统,我们不仅为国内的中小经销商提供服务的平台,同时我们也拥有世界各地著名刀具公司培训和工作多年的刀具技术专家及富有经验的资深刀具工程师为终端的客户提供技术支持和必要保障。&&&&Yong Jiang gao le trade tools Co., LTD is a business and precision CNC tool of trade company, our objective is to Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States, Israel, Spain, Italy, Malaysia's first-class brand tools introduced to each customer needs, after years of effort, and our European tool brands to establish good cooperation relations, the product range of our agent has covered almost all tools, turning, milling, types, hard alloy, aperture, tooling system, screw machining processing, boring system, we not only for domestic small dealers services platform, and we also have world famous company training and working years cutting tools technical experts and rich experience in the senior engineer for terminal customers tools necessary to provide technical support and guarantee.6. 将投身于高新技术产品的研究和开发行列,提高本身的技术深度,并与国内外知名IT企业商,电信营运商建立了广泛的业务合作关系,通过优势互补为客户提供更完善的服务。。。。。。&&&&High-tech products will be engaged in research and development ranks, improve their technical depth, and with domestic and foreign well-known IT companies, telecom operators to set up a wide range of business and cooperative relations, complementary advantages for customers through the provision of better services......7. 合作商7. 我们通过对印刷材料、油墨、印刷设备、原厂零部件以及服务的整合,包括与业内多家居于领先地位的合作伙伴(四川重庆地区独家总代理):泰兴市世缘印刷机械有限公司(印刷制版机械、PS版、再生PS版、不干胶划线机)、泰兴连邦印业有限公司(柔性版制版机、卷筒PS版生产线)、泰兴永恒机械制造厂(晒版机、显影机、烤版机)、泰兴市方舟机械制造有限公司(高档晒版机、显影机、烤版机、拷贝机、电脑PS版打孔机)、威海印刷机械有限公司(52系列多色胶印机)、威海松田印刷机械有限公司、山东潍坊永成机械有限公司(小胶印机、62胶印机、票据印刷机、1740大四开重型胶印机、订书机)、潍坊浩田印刷机械有限公司(小胶印机、胶订包本机、不干胶印刷机)、潍坊华潍印刷设备厂、南京蓝格光信息科技有限公司、原装捷克阿达斯特四色机、常州玉宇电光器件有限公司……联手,形成了完善的适合不同领域的(无论是印前制版、快速印刷、商业印刷、书刊印刷、轮转印刷、商标印刷还是印后装订)全方位印刷行业解决方案,挖掘印刷领域更多的机遇,不管是在印前、印刷还是印后均确保您的生产效率、灵活并且经济。&&&&We passed on printed material, ink, printing equipment, factory parts and service integration, including with the industry over the leading position of the partners (in Chongqing, Sichuan exclusive distributor): Taixing World margin of printing machinery Limited (printing Plate-making machinery, PS version, renewable PS version, sticker-line), Taixing Lianbang Printing Co.(Flexo plate-making machines, production lines reel version of PS), the eternal machinery factory in Taixing (Shai Banji, Developers, Grilled version machine), Taixing's Ark Machinery Manufacturing Co.(high-grade Shaiban Ji, Developers, roasted version machine, replicator, the computer version of drilling machines PS), Weihai Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.(52 series of multicolor offset printing press), Weihai Song-Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.(Song series of high-grade small Offset), Weifang in Shandong Yong Cheng Machinery Co., Ltd.(small Offset, 62 Offset, notes printing presses, a senior heavy Offset 1740, Ding Shuji), Weifang Hao Tian Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.(small offset press, Adhesive Binding of the package, sticker printing press), Weifang, Wei printing plant, Nanjing Langer-Information Technology Limited, The original Czech Adast four-color machine, electro-optical devices Changzhou Yuyu Limited…… joined hands to form a sound suitable for different areas (both pre-press plate-making, fast printing, business Printing, print publications, Web-printing, printing or trademarks of India binding) all-round solution for the printing industry, the mining area of printing more opportunities, whether in the pre-press, printing or India are sure that your production efficiency, flexibility and economy. We still Hangzhou, Hangzhou-Ink Chemical Co., Ltd.8. 公司目前拥有近10万平方米标准仓库,一条铁路专用线及配套中转仓储设施、七千吨容量的低温冷库(-22℃~-18℃)和四百吨容量的保鲜冷藏库(0℃~3℃),与众多知名物流商保持着良好的合作关系。&&&&The company now has nearly 100, 000 square meters standard warehouse, a special railway lines and associated interim storage facilities, the capacity of 7, 000 tons of low-temperature cold storage (-22 ℃~-18 ℃) and 400 tons of frozen storage capacity of the (0 ℃~ 3 ℃), and many well-known logistics to maintain good relations of cooperation.9. 齐向东呼吁,业内各厂商应以包容的心态开放自我,在奥运到来之际,主动合作,携手消除各自软件中原来人为的技术障碍,让所有杀毒软件都能共生共存、相互兼容。&&&&Xiang-Dong Qi urged the industry to manufacturers should be open to the mentality of self-inclusive, in the Olympic Games approaching, active cooperation and efforts to eliminate their own software technology in the original man-made obstacles so that all antivirus software can be symbiotic co-existence and mutually compatible.10. 公司总部位于中国电子产品交易集散地----深圳市华强北商业街,地理环境优越,商业氛围浓厚,促使公司始终朝气蓬勃,健全的营销网络和完善的售前、售后服务体系为公司的长期发展扎下了坚实的基础。专业的品牌运营,系统的销售与服务管理为公司营销的工作典定了坚实的基础;目前公司与全国各地千余家经销商、工程商达成协议,广泛进行交流、合作;为平安城市建设尽了绵薄之力。&&&&The specialized brand operation, the system sale and the service management has decided the solid foundation for the company mar At present the company with each place 2, 000 dealers, project business reaches the agreement, widely carries on the exchange, Strength of for the various urban construction meagre strength, the company has successively obtained the supervision, Ai Lifu and so on the international famous brand Chinese general agent power and the South China general agent power.11. danci.911cha.com11. 研究者使用社会学的人际理论作为基础,剖析团体成员在团体过程中人际关系发展的原理与特徵,并去诠释和了解谘商团体发展的人际历程,据以建构出谘商团体的阶段,共有五个:初次接触、联结阶段、友谊阶段、互助与合作阶段和收获与退出阶段。&&&&&&Since, the nature and purposes of a counseling group are different with psychotherapy group and T-group, constructing a rationale of stage development of a counseling group is needed. This article discusses characters and the development of interpersonal relationships-that are related to the stage development and stage characters of a counseling group, based on the sociological theory of interpersonal development and relations.12. 是日本三洋半导体有限公司电动车项目指定合作商;主要产品广泛适用于电动自行车、电动三轮车、高尔夫球车、***巡逻车、浏览观光车、沙滩车、电动摩托车、电动汽车及家电、电动工具,空调等应用领域。&&&&&&That day originally three the oceans semi-conductor limited company motor car the item specify to The main product is extensively applicable to a dynamoelectric bicycle, dynamoelectric three-wheeled cart, golf car and Jing to use scout car and browse the sightseeing car, sandy beach car, dynamoelectric motorcycle, dynamoelectric car and appliance, dynamoelectric tool, air condition etc. apply realm.13. 热忱欢迎国内外经销商,?商前来洽谈合作,共谋发展!&&&&&&Warmly welcome domestic and foreign distributors, manufacturers came to discuss cooperation and seek common development!14. 进入21世纪,中日经济将会面临什么样的合作环境,这是引商投资加快中西部开发必须认真思考的问题。&&&&&&What kind of coorperaive climate for the economy between China and Japan is a serious problem for us tothink about when the mid - west area is going to be opened up.15. 在此次网商交易会上,深圳市永铭阳五金塑胶制品有限公司业务负责人胡光炎认为,从淘宝网这种零售渠道可以看出目前各行业的发展趋势,各种行业聚在一起可以起到非常好的互补作用,为企业的合作发展又提供了一个的平台,当前出口受阻,面对国内市场,这种零售渠道又能起到投石问路的效果,可以判断出市场的需求。【以下内容为IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载&&&&&&On Fair of this network business, shenzhen city Yong Mingyang hardware Hu Guangyan of controller of business of plastic products limited company thinks, from the net that clean out treasure this kind of retail channel can see at present the development trend of each industry, all sorts of industries gather can have first-rate complementary effect, for the collaboration of the enterprise development provided platform again, export suffocate suffocate currently, face home market, this kind of retail channel can have the effect of lapidation ask the way again, can judge the demand that gives the market.16. 公司主营业务为电子技术、设备、元器件及产品的进出口和政府间的协议贸易,以及承包国际工程、劳务出口、合作生产、合资经营、三来一补业务,承办国外电子厂商在华设立维修服务中心及销售代理、零件配售寄售、软件开发以及金融租赁、储运包装、展览广告、提供市场信息和对外贸易法律咨询等。&&&&&&Company the main camp business trade, and contracts for international engineering, rent service export, cooperate production for the electronics technique, equipments, dollar spare part and the import and export of the product and the agreement of the government, joint venture management, three come on repairing business, contract for job a foreign electronics factory to establish to maintain the service center and selling agent, spare parts to go together with to sell the consignment sale, software development and finance leasing, keep a luck a packing, exhibit an advertisement and provide the market information and foreign trade law to consult with in the 华 etc..17. 文峻系列智能卡和生物识别产品以其独到的客户导向设计理念,深受国内数十家合作商的信赖与推广,产品已广泛应用于工厂、企业、学校、医院、银行、证券、智能小区等领域。&&&&&&Wen Jun series smart cards and biometric products for its unique customer-oriented design philosophy, dozens of popular domestic partner trust and the promotion of products has been widely used in factories, businesses, schools, hospitals, banking, securities, such as Intelligent Communityìò.18. 因此,无论在产品产量、质量上均能满足客户的要求,本公司将以热情周到的服务同各界建材商和建筑承包商竭诚合作、共同发展。&&&&&&Our company will develop with you with the warm and thoughtful hospitality.19. 我厂以市场为导向,以质量求生存,竭诚欢迎中外商洽谈合作,我们将为您提供优质的产品和满意的服务。&&&&&&We will try our best to provide you with superior goods and the satisfactory service.20. 在这个协议到期或终止的时候,合作商可以再卖六个月的Translation并且在廉价销售时的销售记录还是计算到Sungandang上。&&&&&&Upon expiry of this agreement or termination, the Co-Publisher may continue to sell the Translation for a period of six months and shall continue to account to SUNGANDANG during the sell-off period.合作商是什么意思,合作商在线翻译,合作商什么意思,合作商的意思,合作商的翻译,合作商的解释,合作商的发音,合作商的同义词,合作商的反义词,合作商的例句,合作商的相关词组,合作商意思是什么,合作商怎么翻译,单词合作商是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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