给几个cs1.6服务器ip地址号 有人玩的

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& & &依照中国法律,在修复了CS1.6公网中国区服务器列表后,我们将清理不合中国法律相关的服务器ID,包括但不仅限于:政治、地域、种族、骂人等内容。如有服务器下载内容也涉及恶意行为,现下将不在处理范围之内。
& & 175平台致力打造中国最后一片CS乐土,现也非常感谢CS1.6百度贴吧的这位大神为CS做出的这种卓越贡献,我们CSER是一群激情的人、一群可爱的人、一群为了梦想战斗不止的人,现在既然互联网可以继续刷出服务器列表,就让我们继续擦净我们的刚***,继续战斗下去吧。同时175平台致力于打造中国第一CS对战平台,也强烈欢迎任何个人及战队玩家以及各服务器联盟的加入,175平台企业QQ:,******:转1.
08-11-10 &
如果你用的CS机器人 版本的是PODBOT 的机器人的话! 直接在: /cstrike/PODBot/PODBot.cfg 里面修改机器人的个数和智能! 打开/cstrike/PODBot/PODBot.cfg 文件 # This is the Pod-Bot Config File (for HL Counter-Strike) # # Any line begining with '#' in the first column is a comment line # # Make sure no Line exceeds 80 Characters !!! # # The following commands are supported in the bot.cfg file: # # All arguments in square Brackets are optional if you don't # specify them a random value will be chosen # # pause &timeout& - pause for the specified number of seconds before # continuing with the commands in the bot.cfg file. # # min_bots &value& - configure the minimum number of bots that will run # on this dedicated server. # # max_bots &value& - configure the maximum number of bots that will run # on this dedicated server. # # minbotskill &value& - Sets the minimum Skill if Bots are created without # specifying the Skill (0-100) # maxbotskill &value& - Sets the maximum Skill if Bots are created without # specifying the Skill. Must be bigger than minbotskill # of course ! # # botchat &on|off& - Turns on/off Botchatting. Bots chat if they killed # someone, if the Bomb was planted or if they are dead # and bored. NOTICE: BotChat.txt must be there even if # Botchat is turned off ! # # addbot [skill] [team] [name] - Adds a Bot using a Skill from 0-100, # team is 1 for Terrorists, 2 for Counter Terrorists and 5 to # use auto-assign, name is of course the name for this Bot # If you don't specify the arguments, a random skill will be # chosen and the Bot will be auto-assigned with a Name he chooses # randomly from &Botnames.txt&. You can edit this File to add some # names you like better ! NOTICE: Don't delete BotChat.txt ! It will # be used ! # # # jasonmode &on|off& - Turns on/off Jason Mode ! Meaning Bots don't buy # weapons and only use the knife for combat ! Greets # to Auxois ! (Thanks for hosting btw.) Use this for # much fun with e.a. cs_estate or cs_office # # # wptfolder &folder& - Sets the default Folder for loading/saving Waypoint # Files. This folder HAS to be inside the POD-Bot # Directory ! Don't put it into quotation marks and # don't use spaces or a trailing backslash ! # # detailnames &on|off& - Turns on/off the Skilldisplay behind names and the # [POD] before the name # # inhumanturns &on|off& - If you think that a Skill 100 Bot is too weak for # you, you can turn this on to have that unfair # turning from previous versions again. Note that # this overrides the turn amounts in botskill.cfg # # botsfollowuser &number& - Sets the maximum number of Bots in the team to # follow the same user (when Radio Command # &Follow Me& is used). Default is 3 # # maxweaponpickup &number& - Sets the maximum number of weapons Bots are # allowed to pickup during a round # # collectexperience &on|off& - Turn this on/off to allow the Bots collecting # experience about the map they're playing # (turning this off also prevents saving the # .exp Files) # # shootthruwalls &on|off& - This Variable specifies if Bots are allowed to # shoot through Walls if they saw an enemy or if # they heard someone on the other Side of a Wall # # usespeech &on|off& - Turns on/off usage of HL Engine Speech Synthesis # Any other commands in the bot.cfg file will be treated as server # commands. For example, you can use &map mapname& (without the quotes) # to select a specific map, or you can use &mp_forcerespawn 1& to turn # on force respawn, or &kick # 1& to automatically kick player number 1. # # This sets the Waypoint Folder (in the POD-Bot Directory) # for loading/saving waypoints. Don't use a trailing backslash or spaces. # This doesn't work for the first game you create (default is wptdefault). # But when creating for the second time (or loading with newmap) this # directory will be used. # 路点文件的文件夹名称 wptfolder wptdefault #wptfolder wptcs71 # Set the below option to off to turn off the Skilldisplay and # the [POD] before the name # 是否显示机器人名字的[POD]的前缀及技能等级的后缀 detailnames off # # wait for 3 seconds # 延时 2 秒 pause 2 # Remove the comments on the 2 lines below to support a minimum and maximum # number of bots running on a dedicated server. Bots will be added to the # server until the total number of players (bots and humans) reaches the # max_bots value. Each time a new player joins the server, a bot will be # kicked from the server unless there are only min_bots number of bots # currently on the server. After players disconnect from the server, bots # will be automatically added back to the server until the total number # of players reaches max_bots again. You should make max_bots be AT LEAST # one less than the maxplayers value (otherwise no one will be able to join # your server). # #min_bots 0 #max_bots 31 # Remove the Comments on the Line below to turn off Botchatting # 机器人聊天 off关闭/on打开 botchat off # Remove the Comments on the Line below to turn on Jason Mode ! # 是否开启刀子模式 #jasonmode on # Remove the Comments on the Line below to add Bots that have at least # a Skill of 60 # 最小的机器人技能等级 minbotskill 100 # Remove the Comments on the Line below to limit Bots to the specified # skill # 最大的机器人技能等级 maxbotskill 100 # Set the below option to on if you want the old combat behaviour # of instantly turning around to the enemy inhumanturns on # This value sets the maximum number of Bots to follow a # User # 最多有几个机器人跟随玩家 botsfollowuser 5 # This value sets the maximum number of weapons Bots are allowed to # pickup during one round # 机器人最多拣几次武器 maxweaponpickup 10 # Turn this on/off to allow the Bots collecting experience # about the map they're playing (turning this off also prevents # saving the .pxp Files and gives back some CPU performance) # 机器人积累经验开关 collectexperience on # This Variable specifies if Bots are allowed to shoot through Walls # if they saw an enemy or if they heard someone on the other Side of # a Wall (additional Settings are specified in &botskill.cfg&) # 是否允许机器人打穿墙当他看见敌人在另一边时 shootthruwalls on # These Settings below specify the Rate (in Seconds) of updating # some of the Bot Checks. If you've got a slow computer you could # try changing these to higher values to get some performance back. # NOTE: This seriously affects the Bots Perception. If you have a # fast computer you might try lowering them to get better even # better playing results timer_sound 0.1 timer_pickup 0.1 timer_grenade 0.1 # Use this to turn on/off the Speech Synthesis usespeech on # This option turns on/off Bots voting against # Team Killers (Humans only) # 是否允许机器人投票踢人(TK) botvotekick on // Set this to off to disallow Bot Logo Spraying # 是否允许机器人喷图 botspray off # Remove the comments on the lines below to have 7 Bots # join automatically if you start a new map #addbot # # The line below binds the User Menu to the &=& key. Of course you # can bind this to any key you like. bind &=& &podbotmenu& 找到倒数第2行 # Remove the comments on the lines below to have 7 Bots # join automatically if you start a new map #addbot 这里面修改个数我这里是默认一个 只要多添加#addbot这串就可以了 比如我现在设置10个 # Remove the comments on the lines below to have 7 Bots # join automatically if you start a new map #addbot #addbot #addbot #addbot #addbot #addbot #addbot #addbot #addbot #addbot 只要添加10个 #addbot 就默认几个了! 还 有就是 #addbot不能并列排
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