
我认为两个人的兴趣爱好不同是不能做朋友的。两个人要成为好朋友需要投其所好。相互学习对方的优点,如果两个人性格不符,其中一个人讨厌的事情或许另外一个人就会喜欢。假如你向对方倾诉了什么不好的事情,可能导致观点相反,两人都会不愉快。要成为朋友是需要有一个共同的基础的,兴趣不同,追求不同,性格不同,那么是不符合择友标准的。 的翻译是:I think the two people's hobbies is cannot be friends. Two people to be good friends need currying favour. Learn from each other's advantages, if the two personality conformity, one of them nasty things maybe someone else will like. If you have to tell each other what bad things may result contrary
I think two different people's interests can not be friends. Two people need to match up to become good friends. Learn from each other's advantages, if the character does not match two people, one person might hate another thing people will like it. If you talk to each other, what bad things could l
I think the two people's hobbies is cannot be friends. Two people to be good friends need currying favour. Advantage of learning each other if personality conformity, one person hates it is perhaps another person will like. If you have to tell each other what bad things may result contrary to the vi
I think the two people's hobbies is cannot be friends. Two people to be good friends need currying favour. Learn from each other's advantages, if the two personality conformity, one of them nasty things maybe someone else will like. If you have to tell each other what bad things may result contrary
I think that the two individuals of different interests and hobbies that can't be done by friends. Two individuals need to become good friends as well. Learning from each other's strengths, and if the two incompatible personality, one of the individuals who hate perhaps another person would like. If
I thought two person's interest hobbies different cannot be the friend.Two people must become the friend to need to give what is desired.Studies opposite party merit mutually, if two person disposition symbol, person's repugnant matter perhaps other person cannot like.If you poured out any not good
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