
  徐光启在数学方面的最大贡献当推《几何原本》的翻译.《几何原本》是古希腊数学家欧几里得(Euclid)在总结前人成果的基础上于公元前3世纪编成的.这部世界古代的数学名著,以严密的逻辑推理的形式,由公理、公设、定义出发,用一系列定理的方式,把初等几何学知识整理成一个完备的体系.《几何原本》经过历代数学家,特别是中世纪阿拉伯数学家们的注释,经阿拉伯数学家之手再传入欧洲,对文艺复兴以后近代科学的兴起,产生了很大的影响.许多学者认为《几何原本》所代表的逻辑推理方法,再加上科学实验,是世界近代科学产生和发展的重要前提.换言之,《几何原本》的近代意义不单单是数学方面的,更主要的乃是思想方法方面的.徐光启就正确的指出: “此书为益,能令学理者祛其浮气,练其精心,学事者资其定法,发其巧思,故举世无一人不当学.……能精此书者,无一事不可精,好学此书者,无一事不可学.”(《徐光启集?几何原本杂议》)直到20世纪初,中国废科举、兴学校,以《几何原本》内容为主要内容的初等几何学方才成为中等学校必修科目,实现了300年前徐光启“无一人不当学”的预言.  《几何原本》由公理、公设出发给出一整套定理体系的叙述方法,和中国古代数学著作的叙述方法相去甚远.徐光启作为首先接触到达一严密逻辑体系的人,却能对此提出较明确的认识.他说:“此书有四不必:不必疑、不必揣、不必试、不必改;有四不可得:欲脱之不可得,欲驳之不可得,欲减之不可得,欲前后更置之不可得.”他还说:“(此书)有三至、三能:似至晦,实至明,故能以其明明他物之至晦;似至繁,实至简,故能以其简简他物之至繁;似至难,实至易,故能以其易易他物之至难.”他最后说:“易生于简,简生于明,综其妙,在明而已.”(同上)徐光启提出《几何原本》的突出特点在于其体系的自明性.这种认识是十分深刻的.
扫描下载二维码我今天最后问你,你相信缘分吗,希望你能够回答我?谢谢_百度知道小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
After retirement from medical research,my wife and I built our home in a gated community surrounded by yacht clubs and golf courses on Hilton Head Island. But when I left for the other side of the island, I was traveling on unpaved roads lined with leaky cottages. The “lifestyle” of many of the native islanders stood in shocking contrast to my comfortable existence.
  By talking to the local folks, I discovered that the vast majority of the maids, gardeners, waitresses and construction workers who make this island work had little or no access to medical care. It seemed outrageous to me. I wondered why someone didn’t do something about that. Then my father's words, which he had asked his children daily when they were young, rang in my head again: "What did you do for someone today?”
  Even though my father had died several years before, I guess I still didn't want to disappoint him. So I started working on a solution. The island was full of retired doctor. If I could persuade them to spend a few hours a week volunteering their services, we could provide free primary health care to those so desperately in need of it. Most of the doctors I approached liked the Idea, so long as they could be relicensed without troubles. It took one year and plenty of persistence, but I was able to persuade the state legislators to create a special license for doctors volunteering in not-for-profit clinics.
  The town donated land, local residents contributed office and medical equipment and some of the potential patients volunteered their weekends ornamenting the building that would become the clinic. We named it Volunteers in Medicine and we opened its doors in 1994, fully staffed by retired physicians, nurses and dentists as well as nearly 150 nonprofessional volunteers. That year we had 5,000 last year we had 16,000,
  Somehow word of what we were doing got around. Soon we were receiving phone calls from retired physicians all over the country, asking for help in starting VIM clinics in their communities. We did the best we could-there are now 15 other clinics operating-but we couldn’t keep up with the need. Yet last month I think my father's words found their way up north, to McNeil Consumer Healthcare, the maker of Tylenol(泰诺:一种感冒药). A major grant from McNeil will allow us to respond to these requests and help establish other free clinics in communities around the country.


