final fire 和坦克世界坦克类型讲解是同一种类型吗?

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新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分8686精华0UID帖子金钱4580 威望10
Lv.7, 积分 8686, 距离下一级还需 1314 积分
UID帖子威望10 多玩草185 草
特种车是不是跟金币车一样啊?比如260可以使用-7的成员而不需要重新训练?1 h8 Y9 S# E9 d: T) M. I
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限80积分13033精华0UID帖子金钱13729 威望0
Lv.8, 积分 13033, 距离下一级还需 6967 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限60积分3833精华0UID帖子金钱10771 威望0
Lv.6, 积分 3833, 距离下一级还需 1167 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草50 草
(= ̄ω ̄=)
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限60积分2674精华0UID帖子金钱4989 威望0
Lv.6, 积分 2674, 距离下一级还需 2326 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草73 草
特种车.& &比如 -7 要30场升1%.换了特种车 还是30场 1%
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限80积分15039精华0UID8055978帖子金钱3562 威望0
Lv.8, 积分 15039, 距离下一级还需 4961 积分
UID8055978帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
同类型,不需要 ,银币ht 直接给金币ht,不扣熟练度,只有转给td,lt,spg,扣25%熟练度
忘了是怎么开始 也许就是对你 有一种感觉
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限150积分27343精华2UID帖子金钱270856 威望15
UID帖子威望15 多玩草15087 草
WA2, WA2, never changes..
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限80积分10362精华0UID帖子金钱6825 威望-1
水军 潜水员
Lv.8, 积分 10362, 距离下一级还需 9638 积分
UID帖子威望-1 多玩草580 草
大家一起黑萌萌 发表于
16:49 . h* T, c* v. E9 W5 Y5 O: K" t
特种车是不是跟金币车一样啊?比如260可以使用-7的成员而不需要重新训练?. @, e* N' a' E' d+ y, E
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限90积分20286精华0UID帖子金钱26275 威望1
Lv.9, 积分 20286, 距离下一级还需 14714 积分
UID帖子威望1 多玩草26 草
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限90积分22950精华0UID帖子金钱55319 威望1
【What The Fuck】
Lv.9, 积分 22950, 距离下一级还需 12050 积分
UID帖子威望1 多玩草1635 草
大家一起黑萌萌 发表于
16:49 &&t' e7 m6 E" C8 Y: r% z0 W( S
特种车是不是跟金币车一样啊?比如260可以使用-7的成员而不需要重新训练?) A: U- S0 a6 `- X
我怎么发现你不是一般的萌呢& &&&
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- switching WoT to different engine is not planned
- WG的物理引擎不打算更换
- currently RU servers are suffering from significantly increased waiting times, it is being investigated (SS: never noticed such a thing on EU)
- 目前俄服务器等待进入战斗时间显著增加,正在调查此时。(SS:偶服从没有这情况)
- regarding the RU251, WG is waiting for exact measures and photos
-关于RU 251 ,WG正在等待确切的测量数据和照片
- some player suggested that to reduce teamkilling, the game could have a mechanism, that would block the shots once an ally is in your sights. This won’t however be implemented, because it would lead to strange situations (SS: I can imagine trolls abusing this)
- 一些玩家建议为了减少TK,游戏可以设置这样一个机制:一旦队友出现在你的瞄准视线内,就不可以再进行射击。不过这样的机制不会实施的,因为那将导致一些意想不到的事情发生。
- the exact criteria for a player to turn blue during teamkilling won’t be disclosed
- 不会透露在TK过程中变成蓝名的确切标准。
- Q: “When the tank gets detracked and starts burning, why doesn’t the fire message sound first? It’s more important than lost tracks” A: “Because the order of damage is usually different: first the engine and fuel tanks get damaged and the fire starts only after that. And we won’t delay all the messages in order to implement “is there fire?” checks.”
- Q:坦克被断带和起火,为什么不首先提示起火了?起火可比断带严重多啦。
A: "因为损坏的顺序通常是不同的:首先是发动机和油箱受到伤害接着才会起火。我们不会为了判定是否起火就而去延迟其它的提示信息的。
- Q: “How much longer will the testing of clan name change take?” A: “As long as necessery”
- Q :工会的名称还要多长时间测试啊?A:很长~
- according to SerB, most players play on tiers 5-6. SerB also states the situation is just fine for WG, there is no need to spread players evenly across all tiers
- 根据SerB的说法,很多玩家都在玩5-6级车,SerB也表示这样挺好啊,没必要让玩家群体均匀的分布到各个级别
- British LL branch (with Firefly and Sentinel) will most likely lead into current British top tanks (SS: as in, no new LL top tanks)
- 英国的LL分支(萤火虫和哨兵)会加入到现有的顶级车辆分支内。(LL租借)
- according to SerB, Browning M2 .50cal HMG is too weak for regular vehicles
- 根据SerB的说法,勃朗宁M2 .50cal HMG机-***对一些车辆来说太弱了
- unlockable hulls and remodelling of tanks will happen step by step, not all at once.
- 可研发车体和模型的重建过程需要慢慢的来,不会一次就完成。
- during the public testing only tanks that are normally available via ingame shop will continue to be possible to test, SerB states the public test server’s main idea is not to allow players to test premium tanks, that is just one of the less important possibilities
- Q: “Which tank has the most polygons on it?” A: “Some American arty IIRC”
- 哪辆车有着更多的多边形建模?一些美系的火炮。
- the model that was most troublesome to make was the Object 704 - WG had to go to Kubinka to re-measure it
- 最麻烦的模型是704----------------WG不得不去库宾卡重新测量
- SerB states that the idea to implement XVM/noobmeter-like function into the game has been around since beta, but for now it won’t be done
- SerB 说早在公共测试期间就想把类似XVM/noobmeter这样的插件加入到游戏中了,但暂时还不会这么做。
- Q: “Is it possible to disclose what is Chris Taylor’s studio working on?” A: “Very nice games”
- switching off various chat channels in game (SS: like switch of general chat but leave platoon chat) won’t be implemented (SS: funny, World of Warcraft had that like 6 years ago)
- 各种聊天频道不会有关闭选项。
- SerB states that the FV4202 willnotbe changed (SS: in real life it had much inferior armor than it has in game), the only change planned is to introduce its historical gun as stock gun (SS: 20pdr Type B)
- SerB说了不会改动FV4202,唯一要改动的是加入一个历史上存在的炮,来作为白板炮。
- World of Tanks will bring more advanced shaders (SS: 3.0) in the future (SerB: “Start thinking about upgrades”)
- 未来,WOT将会带来更高级的着色器。
- the ground in the Lakesville western corridor counts as “difficult terrain”, that’s why the tanks are so sluggish there
- 拉斯威力西面的山谷小路被算作”困难地形“,这就是为什么车辆在这里行驶如此缓慢的原因了。
- the list of vehicle changes in 0.8.9 is ready
- 8.9车辆变化列表准备完毕。
- the alternative Soviet tier 9 med (Object 430 prototype) won’t come in 8.9, there isn’t any new info about it to share
- S系9级MT不会在8.9版本出现,关于它也没有任何信息和大家分享。
- it seems that the unlocking of new hulls will be tied to the suspension
- 看起来可研发车体需要绑定到履带上面。(好像是用了新的车体,那就需要用适合它的履带)
- the armor on the model has no real thickness, it is simply a line with an armor value assigned for it - SS: this is important, check this out:
- 模型上的装甲是没有真实厚度的,它只是标注一条带有装甲值的直线
- apparently, gun getting “stuck” when for example leaving cover behind a huge stone on Tundra map won’t be fixed
- 炮的卡顿现象不会修复,比如在喀秋莎地图,从石头掩体后出来会就会发生。
- L?we won’t be changed/made into a regular vehicle and added into a German heavy line despite the fact it would fit perfectly (SS: sorry, no Krupp line), because “it’s a popular premium vehicle”. SerB later states that such a thing did sort of happen with the Type 59 - WZ-120, but that was a special case, because the Chinese didn’t have enough tanks
- 虽然狮子可以完美的加入到重型线路中,但不会改动、不会作为普通车辆加入到德系HT线路,因为它是一辆”非常受大家喜爱的金币车“啊。随后serb又说,这样的事确实在59式---wz120上发生过,因为C系线路车辆不够。
- SerB confirms that the graphics requirements of WoT will increase (“it won’t be possible to play on grandma’s calculator”), but he states they will try to save whatever old settings they can
- SerB确认了坦克世界的图形要求将会增加,但他又说了会尽量保留原来旧的设置
- putting a crew into your tank by one click (just like it is removable by one click now) will be implemented (SS: if you think it exists already, it doesn’t - some mods do that unofficially tho)
- 一键添加成员功能将会实施。
- the bug where the aiming reticle settings are not saved in replay will be fixed (when it’s done it’s done)
- regarding the Type 62 returning to its original width: it was the modeller who made a mistake, it didn’t come to be via improper measuring
- Q: “SerB, since there are more and more competing games for WoT, do you agree that more competition creates more quality?” A: “Considering the fact there are like 100 types of soya sausages and 20 types of rubber bread, I somehow doubt that. Let them come, we’ll see.”
- serb,现在的WOT有更多竞争对手了,你同意对手的增多会使游戏质量更高吗?想想吧,实际上有100种香肠和20种的面包,它们的质量能一样吗,我保持怀疑。让它们来吧,我们会看到结果的。
- there will be no roaming to Chinese server, the criteria for roaming have not yet been decided
- SerB likes M40/43
- SerB 喜欢M40/43
- there will be no additional differences between Object 140 and T-62A added, as the vehicles were much alike in real life too
-Object 140 and T-62A不会加入一些不同点,现实中就很像。
- the fact that after 8.8 some maps became darker is according to SerB “a normal lighting effect”
- 8.8之后地图变暗是依照serb“普通光照效果”的指示。
- regarding the graphic implementation of equipment, camo net was considered ages ago already, but it is difficult to implement technically. Spall liner will have no graphic effect (it’s inside the vehicle)
- 有关配件在车体上的外观显示,伪装网已确定,不过技术上来说有点难。内衬不会有外观效果,因为是在里面啊。
- a Russian player was recently visiting Kubinka and noticed that the M46 Patton has no driver periscopes:
- 一熊孩子去库宾卡玩,发现M46 巴顿没有驾驶员潜望镜。
SerB answered that this is because the driver actually used disposable (if hit) plastic periscope in combat conditions.
And some answers from Storm (under the model change post I linked earlier today):
- the track links on the new IS-3 model nose actually do correspond to the real track width, despite the fact it doesn’t look that way
- IS3新模型上前部履带线实际上和现实宽度是对应的,只是看起来不太像而已。
- apparently the Panzer V/IV will recieve further rebalance than just the model, if I understand it correctly, it will recieve a depression buff
- 不四不五模型会改动,未来俯角会加强。
- IS-3 and Panzer V/IV both will recieve collision model changes, but not by much: V/IV will recieve changes - the hull will belong to Panther D, the turret to Panzer IV Ausf.H
- IS-3 and Panzer V/IV撞击模型会改动,但不会很多:V/IV 车体是豹式D型,炮塔是***H型
- IS-3 turrets will recieve changes, especially the top one
- IS-3 炮塔将会改动,尤其是顶级炮塔。
- KV-220 won’t recieve buff (SS: very useful for EU players)
- KV-220不会加强。
- the developers actually apparently considered at some point making the turret (welded to the hull in real life) V/IV immovable in game, but they decided to make it rotating because otherwise it would be impossible to balance
- 开发人员事实上考虑过把V/IV的炮塔做成不能旋转的,但考虑到平衡,还是放弃了*(在现实中是焊接到车体上的)
- T34 and Lowe will not be buffed
- 金币车T34和狮子不会加强的。
- IS-4 frontal armor will not be corrected to its historical 61 degrees
- IS-4首上装甲不会修改为历史上的61°倾斜角
- limited MM for M6A2E1? “Don’t play M6A2E1″ (SS: no, it won’t get limited MM)
- M6A2E1能分房保护了?别臭美了。
- in one of the WG streams, Viktor Kisly stated that when the suspension gets yellow, the tank agility (dynamic) is reduced. SerB states that this is not true and that V.Kisly simply didn’t know the mechanics in details, as he is the director of the entire company, while SerB leads the game mechanics development
- WG的CEO维克托说了,履带变黄,车辆的机动性就会降低。SerB说,那并不是真的,维克托是老板,他不知道游戏机制的具体情况,这方面是我说了算。
- SerB states that E-100 shells can ricochet from Batchat, despite the fact the 3-caliber (SS: caliber of gun 3 times bigger than the nominal armor means no ricochets) rule is still valid
- SerB 说E100的炮弹也会从查迪伦上跳弹,尽管3倍口径规则仍旧有效。
- Q: “Why does a tank with a gun similiar to Tetrarch appear on tier 4?” A: “Because of complex of characteristics, that is not reduced to penetration only”
- Object 140 will stay on its place (as being unlockable from T-54), as its direct predecessor was the Object 139, which is one of the ingame T-54 configurations
- Object 140仍旧会呆在原来的位置,它的前身是Object 139, 是游戏中T54配置之一。
- SerB states that several hundred thousand people actually read forums, so that’s like 1 percent of all players
- SerB声称看论坛的玩家有几十万,大概占玩家数的百分之一
- the WoWp release will not happen on 26th of September apparently, as there are issues with the integration of WoWp and WoT accounts
- 战机世界不会在9月26日发布,因为战机和坦克的帐号联动存在点问题。(外服的)
- gunpowder quality (SS: for example the fact the Germans had gunpowder generating less smoke) will not be taken into account (SerB stated that he hasn’t found any real proof that German gunpowder generated less smoke, he states that it’s possible that American authors write that because American gunpowder created too much smoke and not vice versa)
- 火药的质量不会被考虑在内。比如德国火药生成的炮弹烟雾较少。
- Q: “When will the developers start answering the player questions live via chat?” A: “When you double the amount of hours a day has”
- Q:何时开发人员会通过聊天的方式直接回答玩家的问题?A :当你一天有48小时的时候吧。
- SerB states that because the STB1 has some sort of loading assistant, it’s completely possible its 105mm rate of fire will actually be better than the ROF of other tier 10 meds
- SerB说因为STB1有助理装填之类的东西,因此完全有可能它的105炮会比其它中型的105炮射速要快(这个可以想象,如果恢复到当初大巴顿6.5秒一发的射速,那……)
- Japanese voicovers will most likely come with the Japanese patch
- 日语语音会和日系车更新时一同出现。
- SerB states that the final number of the nations in World of Tanks is 8 (SS: EU counts as one)
- SerB 说坦克世界最终会有8个国家线路。(欧洲线算在内)
- no special medal for courageous resistance is apparently planned
- 显然计划中不会有为那些勇敢奋斗、殊死抵抗的玩家设立的勋章。
- so far, WG has not found a way for clanless players to participate in clanwars, that wouldn’t become a source of exploits for clan players. If they do, they will let us know. Mercenaries are scrapped.
- 目前为止,WG还没有找到无工会的玩家参加领土战的方法,同时还不能被工会玩家利用这一漏洞。如果真的有了,WG会告诉我们的。此外,雇佣的方式已被放弃了。
- the list of buffed tanks in 0.8.9 will come in 0.8.9 patchnotes
- 8.9加强的车辆会在更新说明中的。
- if a premium tank has too low winrate, it’s possible it gets buffed, but only in certain boundaries
- 如果某个金币车胜率过低了,会被加强的,但只是在一定范围内。
- RU251 this year? “When it’s done it’s done”
- RU251 会在今年出现吗?做好了就会出现。
- there is a possibility of M41 Walker Bulldog appearing in the game (SS: it will almost certainly be a tier 6-7 American light tank)
- it’s not sure when the Japanese tanks come (either this or the beginning of next year)
- 本子车还不知道啥时候出现(或者今年、又或者明年)
- it’s possible that the Great Wall Chinese map will come for EU/RU/US servers too
And the answers under one older post:
- the IS-3 and Panzer V/IV model changes are not a part of the “global remodelling” planned for next year, they are simply bug fixes
- several vehicles for the global remodelling are already done
- there are plans for more tanks customization
- not only the quality of tank models will improve (SS: quality of objects too)
- apparently, Foch and T57 Heavy will not be nerfed in 8.9
- in 8.9, cca 15 tier 1-5 vehicles will be buffed
- IS3和不四不五模型的变动并不是“模型重做”计划中的部分,只是单纯的bug修复
- 不仅是车辆的模型质量有了提升,地图内的其它事物也会。
- 福溪和T57重型不会在8.9削弱
- 在8.9,大约15辆 1-5 级车会加强。
And Japanese tank answers from Cannoneer (tank developer):
- STB1 will have the L7A1 gun (SS: it will have lower penetration though, because of some of it specifics - 257 was it?)
- the STB1 mantlet will be 195mm, turret front 120mm, turret sides cca 110mm, the hull front will be 80mm under 65 degrees
- on STA1: “STA on tier 9? Originally we thought it has a depression of -15 and that the longer hull (7 roadwheels instead of 6) will allow to mount some bigger gun. But later we discovered that STA1 lost to STA2 in trials and further development continued from STA2. And yes, the depression was -7″
- on why STA1 is correctly on tier 8: “Historically yes, to put serial Type 61 before its prototype STA1 makes no sense”
- apparently the STA and Type 61 positions might be still switched (compared to the published tree)
- Japanese tier 8 top gun penetration will be around 210-220mm
- STB1将会有L7A1炮(SS说穿深有点低,因为细节上的原因,可能是257)
- STB1的炮盾是195mm,炮塔正面装甲是120mm,侧面大约是110,车体正面是80mm,65°倾角。
- 关于STA1:“STA是9级车?原本我们认为它的俯角是-15°,车身会比较长,这样可以装下更大的主炮。但后来我们发现,在对比测试和STA2进一步的研发下,STA1的性能输给了STA2,是的,俯角变-7°了”
- 关于为什么 STA1是8级:历史上就是那样,把61式放到它的原型车STA1前面就没啥意义了。
- STA和61式仍旧存在交换位置的可能性。
- 日系8级车的顶级炮穿深大概是210-220之间。
另外还有一些信息不翻了,未来的大型地图会很多,玩法多样,但城镇地图不会做的太大,不然会“捉迷藏”;9.0版本会带来新的 光影效果,色彩基调可以自己调节和选择;地图内的一些物体,比如栅栏,不会在降低车辆的速度;会有日本地图;玩家可以禁用某张不喜欢的地图,实施烟雾,地图会更靓丽;另外只有50%的用户使用改进模式,其它仍用旧模式;WG正在校正色彩和光照显示效果,9.0会有结果的。
&兵器&有一期专题就是T54 T55,早期的貌似是120毫米
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