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Mar 11, 2013
oCheck out the Latest Game from Simon Hason !
oBecome a highly skilled Assassin that must use true killer instincts to complete each mission. The only way to achieve your objective is to think Tactically and imagine yourself behind the weapon.
oFULL game available on iTunes & Google play for you iOS & Android mobile device!
oMOUSE - Zoom in / Aim / Fire
oS key - Zoom out
oSPACE - Hold breathe & steady aim
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《战术刺杀(Tactical Assassin)》是一款射击游戏,从网页游戏移植而来,你需要扮演一位杀手去完成各种任务,在手机上体验杀手的感觉。从一个小白逐渐成长成为一个熟练的杀手吧,唯一的方式就是不断执行任务,冷静地思考。