问题补充:电脑型号映泰 N61PB-M2S 台式电脑操作系统Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3 ( DirectX 9.0c )处理器AMD Athlon(速龙) 5000 双核主板映泰 N61PB-M2S (Nvidia nForce 430(
问题补充:电脑型号映泰 N61PB-M2S 台式电脑操作系统Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3 ( DirectX 9.0c )处理器AMD Athlon(速龙) 5000 双核主板映泰 N61PB-M2S (Nvidia nForce 430(MCP61))内存4 GB ( 金士顿 DDR2 800MHz / 宇瞻 DDR2 800MHz )主硬盘西数 WDC WD3200AAJS-08L7A0 ( 320 GB / 7200 转/分 )显卡Nvidia GeForce GT 630 ( 1 GB / 索泰 )显示器冠捷 AOCSw ( 20.2 英寸 )声卡瑞昱 ALC662 @ Nvidia nForce 430(MCP61) 高保真音频网卡NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller
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CopyRight 2006-.All Rights Reserved. 京ICP备号-17这个配置玩坦克世界 fps 低,为什么会这样?大侠们帮帮我
amd X2 215 开核后4核 915;2G+4G DDR3 1333& oc到1600;HD7850 白金版1g,显卡驱动升级到最新的,下面有图坦克世界特效开到高&只有30左右,正常码? 好像不正常吧,听说7850 玩坦克世界特效可以开到最高&&&
& & &你的配置比较低,尤其是处理器方面即使是开核后性能也没有质的提高,另外你在1080P的特效下运行游戏,30帧是正常的。
坦克世界游戏图像设置技巧 如何提高FPS
Wargaming RU posted a video, in which they explain,what the PC hardware does when it comes to World of Tanks and how to increaseyour FPS. Unfortunately, it&s only in Russian (no FPS for you, capitalists!) &but, let&s face it& they need it more :) In any case, here are a few pointssaid in the video, that you might find interesting or helpful. WG俄服官网发布了一个视频,是讲电脑上的硬件在你玩山口丁的时候干什么以及如何提高你的FPS。很不幸&&只有俄文的!(走资派们!你们不配有FPS!)-嘛&&不过想想看,也就是他们强烈需要对不对(笑)总之,视频里说的也许你会很感兴趣,而且可能很有用。 - regarding the GPU, theminimum detail requirement is 256 MB VRAM, but for maximum details therequirement is 2GB VRAM 关于GPU,最低需求是256MB显存,最高的话需要2G的显存 - GPU calculates the scenegraphics, while the CPU (processor) is responsible for various calculations,like physical model, shell trajectory, client-server communication, sound, HDmodel track movement etc. 显卡负责的是景物图像,而CPU负责的是计算,例如物理效果,炮弹轨迹,客户端和服务器的连接,声效,HD模型的履带活动之类的。 - regarding RAM, you needat least 2GB, but if you want to play comfortably, you need 4 GB and more 至于内存(RAM,不要和硬盘混为一谈),你需要至少2个G,但是如果想要玩舒服的话,还是升到4GB比较好 - technically it&s possible to play even with 1GB, butthen you&ll get freezes, caused by loading of data from the HDD 理论上来说,1个G内存也不是不能玩,但是卡顿可能会严重,因为需要从硬盘里直接读取信息 There is a &recommended settings& button in thesetting. It launches two tests: one is testing the processing speed ofgeometry (CPU), the other the processing speed of textures (GPU). Asa result one of five profiles will be selected automatically based on the datarecieved. 至于那个&自动监测设置&的选项,他会打开两个测试:一个是测试几何计算的速度,一个是测试纹理的处理速度。然后根据测试结果来从5种预设的配置里选择最合适的配置 - if the game runs on lessthan 60 FPS, it&s better not to enable V-sync and Tripple Buffering (in generalgraphics tab) at all, as both can cause performance loss 如果FPS低于60,那么请不要开启垂直同步以及三倍缓冲(在总体设置中),因为这两个会造成性能的损失 - some settings have noeffect on FPS whatsoever, like the gamma setting, colour filter and itsintensity, colorblind mode 某些设置对FPS没有影响,比如亮度设置,色彩过滤以及深度,还有色盲模式。 - theoretically, infullscreen mode, FPS should be a bit higher (because in window mode the GPU hasto render the desktop as well), but in praxis this does not always happen, itreally depends on the PC configuration 理论上来说,全屏模式下FPS会高一点(因为在窗口模式下GPU需要渲染桌面),但是实际上不一定,所以还是看你电脑的设置。 - decreasing game renderresolution does increase FPS, try this using (rshift+plus) or (rshift+minus) 降低游戏的渲染分辨率的确能增长FPS,请试着用(右shift+加号)或者(右shift+减号)来调整 - the most radical way ofincreasing FPS is enabling standard graphics (&old render&), which lacks manyfeatures of the new (&improved&) one, for example the new render can process upto 1000 light sources, while the old one has only one (the sun), there aredifferences in anti-aliasing as well, where the old render &smoothens& theentire image (MSAA, CSAA methods) while the new render uses Nvidia technologyto smoothen the separate object edges, which is more GPU-requiring. In thefuture, there will be yet another (better) render implemented & Temporal AntiAliasing 最激进的增加FPS的方式是把渲染模式换回标准(&老渲染模式&),此模式相比新模式缺少很多功能,例如新的渲染可以处理1000个光源,但是老渲染只能处理一个(太阳),反锯齿上也不同,老的渲染使用MSAA,CSAA模式使整个图像平滑而新渲染使用英伟达的技术,以平滑整个物体的边缘,这个技术也相对更需要GPU的性能。在将来,他们会使用其他的渲染方式-随机采样抗锯齿。 - Field of view influencesperformance, as the higher it is, the more objects have to be rendered in aframe. Regular human FOV is cca 95 degrees. Large FOV gives you the effect ofthe tank moving faster, as the objects move faster at the edges of the screen.It&s possible to set minimal and maximal FOV depending on zoom. 视角也会影响性能,视角越宽,更多的物体也会在同一帧内被渲染。一般的人类是也是95&。越大的视角会让你感觉坦克跑得更快,因为屏幕角落的物体移动的更快了。你可以根据放大倍数的不同来调整最低和最高视角 - regarding texturequality, the highest texture setting is available only in improved render andin 64bit systems, but of course requires more video memory 关于纹理质量,最高的纹理只能靠改进的渲染器和64为系统来实现,所以大显存也是需要的 - the best way to optimizeshadows is not to switch them off, but to put them on minimal enabled setting(&low&), as they render very effectively that way without performance loss 优化阴影最好的方法不是关了它,而是把阴影开到最低,这个时候的渲染非常有效,而且不会造成任何的性能损失 - grass in sniper modeinfluences both gameplay and performance, cybersports players always disable it 狙击模式下的草丛不仅影响游戏体验也影响游戏性能,电竞玩家们从来不开他。 - removing additionalgraphics effects (upper right corner of the advanced graphic settings tab) canimprove performance (it removes the quality of explosions and such, you willonly see &sparks& and tracers), but it&s better to set them on &low&, so yousee the explosions (which help your situational awareness). The real differencebetween &disabled& and &low& is only several FPS. 关闭附加效果(在高级图形选项里的右上角可以看到)的确可以增加性能(他会移除爆炸效果之类的,所以你只会看到火星和痕迹之类的),不过最好还是开成低比较好,这样的话你还能看到爆炸(这样能够帮你增加对战场态势的感知)。关于低和关的区别只是几个FPS,不要在意啦 - vegetation settingsregulate the presence of grass and such & on maximum settings, there&s 12 timesmore grass than on low settings 植被设置可以调节草地的疏密-在最高情况下,比最低的设置高了12倍 - post-processing handlesthe post-effects after death, &hot air& shimmering effects and such, this isnot recommended for weak computers 后期渲染也包括死亡的后期效果,包括飘动的热气之类的,如果你的机器比较鶸就别开了 - track effects deal withmud and water flying off from the tracks, this influences performance only alittle 履带效果关乎泥巴以及水之类的。对性能只有一丁点影响 - landscape quality setsthe distance, at which the quality of landscape gets simplified. On minimalsettings, there is a noticeable difference between server and client perceptionof landscape (basically, you don&t see a terrain feature while it is there),which can lead to you firing and the shell hitting the terrain. Maximumsettings do stress the CPU. It is recommended to use at least medium settings. 地形质量影响地形开始简化的距离。最低情况下,会有很明显的服务器和客户端的在地形上的表现的不同(基本上来说,就是你看不到那里有啥),而这可能会让你想对着人撸的时候却对墙或者地上撸了一发(&&当初劳资就应该把你射墙上!)。最大设置会对CPU造成压力,所以至少应该开中 - water quality changes thewater render (waves in water and such), decal quality influences the display of&decals&, which are small objects that make the map look realistic,specifically the distance their render at and their quality 水面效果会改变水的渲染(例如波浪),贴图质量影响贴图的显示,就是那些在地图上让这玩意看起来更真实的小物件的贴图,这个设置会影响他们的渲染距离以及质量。 - object quality settinginfluences the LOD (level of detail) the objects in the game use & objects inthe game have various quality levels (details and such), buildings have 3, tankshave 5. Using the best quality model all the time is not possible, that wouldinfluence the performance a lot. Therefore, the further you are from an object,the simplier (lower LOD) object is used. With the maximum setting, the qualitymodels will appear at higher distance, on low settings you will get low LOD atshort distances 物体质量设置影响游戏中物体的LOD(细节水平)-游戏中的物件有很多的质量层次(细节之类的),建筑是3,坦克是5.在任何时候都用最好的模型是不可能的,因为太影响性能了。所以,如果你离物体越远,显示的细节就越低。在最高情况下,高质量的模型会在很远的地方出现,在较低的设置下在较近的距离也会有低质量的模型。 - the same principle appliesto tree settings (various LOD, distance at which they display changes) 关于树木的设置也是一个道理(不同的细节水平,不同的改变质量的距离) - disabling the leaf renderof bushes at short distances (lower left corner) might improve FPS a bit onweak computers 关闭近距离的树叶的渲染(在左下角)可以增加性能较低的电脑上的FPS - the &render range&setting does NOT influence vehicles & those are always displayed, but itinfluences less important things, like small objects, trees and such 渲染距离的设置并不影响坦克-这些坦克会一直显示的,但是这个的确会影响其他不太重要的东西,比如小物件,树之类的 - motion blur is notrecommended for weak computers and for PC&s with 30 average FPS or lower 不推荐低效电脑以及那些平均FPS不到30帧的电脑打开动态模糊。 - dynamic effects does help in battles with a lot ofshit blowing up around you, it just simplifies the effects and sets lower LODwhen the FPS drops too low (below 30 FPS), below 10 FPS it disables the effectsaltogether 动态效果在当身边战斗非常激烈的情况下的确很有帮助,他会在FPS下降到过低的时候(30FPS以下)简化效果并且调低LOD,在10帧以下的时候所有效果都会降低。