我想要一款制作3D游戏的引擎之类的,不用说Unity和3DSMAX,我不太懂 。一定要unity 简体转繁体中文的最好是最新版。邮箱:,发给我。 谢谢!

和最近新出的cocosCreator很像,这是我在cocoaChina的一个介绍。()当时是看cocosCreator出来了,我再继续做可能不合适了,毕竟我只有一个人,最开始是因为方便我自己开发游戏而做的,后来发到cocosCreator上打算要开源,希望大家一起发展这个工具。论坛有人提议可以把他当做一个商业工具来发展,有人也提议可以试试众筹。我仔细思考了一下,确实是可以的,但是这样的话也是等于说和cocosCreator竞争,和unity3d竞争,不过这个工具是我专门为2d游戏开发的,和unity3d竞争会相对弱很多。对于我来说有一定难度,我需要找团队,找投资,众筹,就是说利用这个工具开始创业。这个工具目前的情况是:能比较完整开开发游戏, 我每开发一个游戏需要新的功能我才会加上去,我个人是可以很熟练的使用,如果给不熟悉的人用,需要注意一些事项,目前是在windows平台上,因为底层使用的是cocos2dx,所以也是可以快速的移植到mac。我想再了解一下各位对这个工具是如何看待的,如果我利用这个做商业运作市场怎么样。-----------------------更新-------------------------谢谢各位,好多人都不太看好,目前的情况继续发展也不太现实(@不过我还是没能意识到继续做会失败的多惨,但是肯定会遇到很多困难),够我自己随便用用就好,因为经济的原因,现在会把大部分时间留给做游戏, 等游戏赚了钱,再考虑转移重心。@ 提出的通用型ui框架,确实蛮好的,目前没发现市面上有特别好用的通用型ui工具(可能接触到的少,如果有请提醒下我),再继续做,我会从这个ui这步出发。
谢邀。我也在论坛上看到题主的贴子了。我的个人建议是:1. 所有技术产品都是:(1) demo很容易 (几人天到几人月)(2) 产品化很难 (打底几百万人民币投入)(3) 到市场取得占有率、有大量用户的已经非常稀少 (几千万到几亿人民币投入)(4) 全球范围能走到商业化成功的引擎,一只手都数得出来。(1亿人民币以上投入,上不封顶)H5编辑器的demo我们有个同事在2014年用一个春节假期就做出来了,而我们做到产品化可发布则投入了十几人的研发团队几百万的成本;有人在回答中提到godot,这是一个达到产品化水准的引擎和编辑器,但是已经无法取得市场成功了,这是由他们团队偏僻的地理位置、市场宣传能力、开发者关系的能力决定的,他们死在第2步到第3步的升级上。Cocos2d-x处于第3阶段达成,正在做第4步。而我看题主的编辑器,还处于第1阶段。恕我直言,个人开发者最多走到第2步,纯技术团队最多走到第3步初期。2. 一定一定不要迷信「一个超级程序员的杰作可以打败一个团队」这种神话。行业初期项目规模小的时候还略有可能,在行业成熟期是完全不可能的。我们从小受过太多这种个人英雄主义的教育了,中国教育唯独不教团队协作。Cocos团队里面有一大堆“超级程序员”,这些人愿意聚在一起共事,就是因为这些人非常聪明,足以意识到仅凭个人力量不足以让产品成功、不足以实现个人抱负。我所定义的超级程序员能力描述大概是这样的:至少掌握4门编程语言而且都有实战经验;有出色的架构能力;至少掌握一门外语达到可以口语沟通的水平(两门外语可以口语沟通的超级程序员我们这儿也有好几个);能在行业会议上演讲、能给媒体写文章;既可以单兵作战做技术攻关也可以带领6人以下团队实现目标;如果从引擎团队出去至少是新创业公司CTO级别。首先我自己就是一个超级程序员,而具备这样水平的人在Cocos引擎团队里有一大把。3. 注意上文所说的第4步「引擎的大规模商业化成功」异常艰难,尤其在国内License付费模式和会员订阅模式无法走通的情况下,你无法直接把技术产品采用上述两种模式直接出售变现,那么就需要曲线救国。比如国内cocos和egret采用的游戏代理发行模式,而unity也在2015年转向了广告模式变现。所以除了引擎业务之外,还需要你掌握游戏领域的其他现金流业务,同时懂技术管理和公司管理,能hold得住市场、销售、商务、运营等多种非技术的人才。所以光上面我说的取得第三步成功,需要聚集国内顶尖的引擎人才去和国外一流引擎公司正面作战,这就已经非常艰难了;而第四步也就是我去年开始挑战的,养活前面这么一个高成本的引擎团队还得做出高额净利润来,那就是更有难度的事情了。要知道Unity创始人兼前任CEO David Helgason就是因为没有成功走出第2步,而被董事会从CEO位置撵走的。
在 cocos2d-js 出来不久 我用 cocos2d-js 也做过类似的编辑器,比你更为相似的是我也采用的 web 技术,javascript语言,json存储格式,仿照的u3d的组件模式,prefab预制件,甚至十分相似的属性的定义方式:properties:{
label: xxx
}}第一版原型花了1个月时间,编辑器ui使用了bootstrap以及东拼西凑的一些jquery插件,看起来十分粗糙但是当时感觉自己牛的不行,信心爆棚,后来感觉ui太难看了,所有又把框架用extjs重新弄了一遍,整体感觉立马高大上起来,但是后来发现想深度定制 extjs 的 UI 控件不是一个我能 hold 的事情,遂放弃了 extjs。由于自己诸多的技术缺陷,所以意思到想把编辑器从 demo 水平再上一个新的台阶是一件非常困难的事情后,就暂时终止了游戏编辑器的开发,但远大的目标并没有放弃,就是做出一款牛逼的游戏编辑器出来。有了这个远大的目标,知道了自己的不足,就可以沉下心来,重新学习一些更基础的知识。在探索的道路上也收获了很多知识。例如:仔细看一遍犀牛书 《js 权威指南》 ,对 js 有了更为系统的了解。 以前的 js 知识都是网上零零碎碎学的,并没系统学习过。看了 backbone 源码,对 model、 event、数据绑定、 underscore 库有了更多的了解学会用jsonschema来描述和约束json数据格式,利用 schema 校验 json 和 自动生成用户界面为了能够自由的创建 UI 界面, 我学习了 React,收获颇丰,从中学到了 commonjs 模块化打包方案,ES6 和 babel 工具,自动构建系统,保存代码浏览器自动刷新,函数式编程思维。后来因为发现 webpack 的代码热替换很神奇,感觉这项技术将对在游戏开发过程中游戏的实时数据调整很有帮助,又学习了webpack,发现 webpack 的 loader 机制可以直接加载 typescript、coffeescript,又学习了 typscript。学习 typescript,又是个人的一次重大的收获,借助于 vscode 代码编辑器, 它基本完美的解决了代码智能提示的问题、书写代码时的实时错误提示、代码文档化、代码跳转定位、代码重构的问题大大的降低了我的心智负担、一定程度降低了写文档的需求,有图为证:鼠标悬停提示鼠标悬停提示尝试游戏逻辑代码与图形的完全分离,逻辑代码前后端公用,前段逻辑驱动图形。学习如何更好的组织代码,前后端服务器的框架以及共用的数值逻辑直到今天我的编辑器也没开发出来,主要问题还是卡在了 UI 的问题上。当体验到 cocos creator 的时候对这个开发团队非常佩服,深知这里面的不容易,但是他们搞出来了,而且在基础架构上下了很大的功夫,感谢他们的努力,了却了我的心愿,我可以把更多有限的精力放到游戏上面来。我的编辑游戏的梦也并没有完全破灭,也许会以另外一个形式出现在游戏中,像早期的文字 mud 一样玩家可以以巫师的身份在游戏中实时的创造游戏内容。
的说法:所有用第三方界面的编辑器最终都难得大成。这些事情还是交给专业人士来做吧。Cocos Creator 单单花费在编辑器界面定制,编辑器界面设计和编辑器底层选型上就用了将近 1 年的时间。而且都是由一群专业的开发人员评估各个领域的知识点才得到今天的底层框架。术业有专攻,答主一个人的战斗力很难去和一群人抗衡,更何况一群在各领域都有好几年专长积累的人组成的团队。我觉得答主应该优先考虑选择一个觉得有前途的引擎团队加入磨练几年,并不断强化自己的设计,来日方长,不必急于一时。很多游戏引擎和游戏工具的开发人员根本不能懂编辑器的核心界面自绘的需求,认为随便一个晒大街的第三方界面库就能搞定。但是这恰恰是一个引擎商业化道路上的分水岭,直接将你的引擎和工具放在不同维度上和别人竞争。我不想大把大把的阐述为什么商业游戏引擎编辑器一定要走自绘 UI 的路线这个观点,我举两个最贴切的例子,Unity3D 的编辑器 GUI 采用的是自绘方案。 Unreal 3 的时候,取巧采用了 wxWidget,但是到了 Unreal 4 也开始意识到编辑器自绘 GUI 的重要性,也采取了自绘路线。重要的一个原因是游戏引擎编辑器有很多 UI 上的高阶需求,需要同时兼具效率,定制和扩展三个功能点,自绘是无他的选择。Cocos Creator 从最开始立项就抱定自绘 UI 路线的,就这样一件事情,答主就需要饿着肚子做很久 (1年有点样子,2年初具规模,我指的是自绘 UI,还没说引擎和工具的其他部分)。然后后续还有商业化这个最艰巨的挑战。答主要知道,也许 Cocos 团队放在世界上比算不上无比强大,但绝对是一群了解中国市场并兼具海外视野并为此摸爬滚打努力数十年的行业精英。我都不用跟你说引擎开发团队本身的开发人员事迹,就单从商务,运营等地方,就有一大箩筐的人才,更何况这些人还非常团结。做引擎开发虽然要专注,但是你也要抬头看一下周围有什么样的人和你一起战斗啊。还是非常建议答主先想清楚自己的商业模式,商业化路线再算一下这个时间和投入成本,再看看是把他当成业余爱好还是主业来玩。
谢邀。对于前景我保持中立。题主不要抱太大希望,但也不是完全没可能。毕竟RPG Maker, ***G编辑器也能存活。所以我觉得题主的编辑器也不是没有可能。我还是相信一个好的引擎,好的编辑器,除了技术牛逼以外主要体现在有好的作品上。如果题主个人开发,技术无法赶超,那么可以尝试制作好的作品。Editor并没有试过,等我试过之后再说更多。这里先有个建议,你要找准你editor的受众。比如是给完全不懂开发的人用,给小孩子用,还是给专业团队用。这个很重要。我作为程序员是不看好个人editor的,因为好不好用另说,编辑器对我来说实际意义并不大,大多数东西都可以直接写代码,有时候还觉得编辑器碍事,开起来又慢还要占内存。显然我这类人是不可能成为你的受众的。所以真的想要推广,那么先找受众比较重要。
发布时间: 17:27:23
作者:Gavalakis Vaggelis
Unity3D 3.1
Unity Indie是免费的,但缺失许多功能,Unity Pro售价1500美元。如果你想要开发iOS或Android游戏,必须花钱购买授权。
Unity 3D(from gratisprogramas.org)
Shiva 3D 1.9
Shiva PLE是免费的,但是如果要发布游戏的话,有两个差别不大的授权可供选择。一个售价170欧元,另一个售价1500欧元。
shiva-editor-1.9(from shiva3d)
Leadwerks Engine 2
形象地说,Leadwerks Engine可以体现出现代技术发展水平。Leadwerks Engine中带有高效编辑器,可用来设计游戏场景,也可以用现已支持的LUA脚本语言来编写。事实上,Leadwerks Engine的游戏可以用任何语言来编程,因为该引擎被编译成DLL的形式。但是,目前支持的语言只有C#和C++,以往还支持Blitzmax。公司放弃了对Blitzmax的支持让我觉得很可惜,因为这是我最喜欢的语言。但是,该引擎有个很大的优点,就是其API或许是我目前见过的游戏引擎中最清晰和易于理解的。资源数量可能比不上其他游戏引擎,但是足够你使用。值得注意的是,Leadwerks Engine 3正在开发中,我已经迫不及待想看看这个新产品。
Leadwerks Engine 2的售价仅200欧元。
Essenthel Engine
我记得,当自己找到Essenthel Engine时它正处在开发早期。我下载了测试版,它的功能令我感到惊奇,在使用该引擎的数年时间里,它的发展仍足以令我大为惊讶。它支持所有的常见功能。Essenthel带有所有现代引擎应该包含的编辑器,编程语言只能使用C++,至少对我来说这是件很不幸的事。然而,Essenthel Engine带有的编辑器和工具设计不佳而且不够直观。Essenthel游戏能够兼容任何苹果设备,这也算是该引擎的一大优势。
GameCore 2.5
虽然这个引擎的知名度并不高,但GameCore 2.5提供了绝妙的图像质量、延迟光照、物理效果以及我见过的最好的编辑器和美术传输途径。输入模型并为其制作材料显得简单易懂。所制作游戏可以发布到PC、Mac和Web上。GameCore 2.5有自己的脚本语言,语法与C语言风格相似,易于使用。
GameCore 2.5 Indie是免费版本,但存在些许局限性,Pro版本的售价为1500美元。
gamecore(from )
S2 Engine HD
S2 Engine HD还未发布,但是我想把它添加到这个列表中。S2Engine有可能成为一款优秀的游戏引擎,带有丰富的图像、AI和令人惊叹的编辑器。
它的售价为200欧元,如果你想要C++ SDK的话,需要支付2000欧元。
Construct 0.99
Construct是款用于2D游戏开发的游戏引擎,可能是最简单的游戏引擎之一,它完全不需要编程知识,因为它是个基于可视事件驱动的系统,类似于老式的Multimedia Fusion软件。可在Construct的编辑器中执行开发,引擎可以通过其插件架构来扩展。我推荐你了解下这款游戏引擎,因为它是免费和开源的。
construct-0.99(from construct.softonic.fr)
Gamemaker 8
Gamemaker 8的售价只有25美元,但是还有个受限的免费版本。
Game Maker 8(from Software downloads)
Game Editor
Game Editor也是款事件驱动游戏引擎,也是开源的。它有着清爽简单的界面,可以胜任多平台开发,包括智能手机、Linux、苹果设备和Mac。程序说明书做得很棒,而且还有许多教程让你可以轻松上手。
Game Editor(from )
Adventure Game Studio 3.1.2
AGS是款用来制作2D指向点击冒险游戏的游戏引擎。有许多冒险游戏(游戏邦注:例如《7 Days a Skeptic》)便是用这款引擎制作完成。所有的开发都在AGS编辑器内完成,你可以制作场景、可移动和可点击区域、UI和事件。制作简单冒险游戏不需要编程,但是引擎也能够支持编程,这样便能制作更多高级的游戏。尽管游戏质量不算很好,但这个引擎确实是经典老式冒险游戏的最佳选择。
7 days a skeptic(from nuverian)
Visionaire Adventure Studio 3.4
与AGS相似,Visionaire Adventure Studio也是款用来制作指向点击冒险游戏的游戏引擎。但是与AGS相比,Visionaire Studio显得更为清晰,而且有更多的功能,比如PNG支持,图像质量也更好。引擎的可视事件系统与AGS相似,能够定义可行走和可点击区域。
Visionaire Adventure Studio的售价为35欧元。
Visionaire Adventure studio(from nuverian)
DX Studio是用来制作互动3D图像的综合性开发环境。系统由即时3D引擎和一套编辑工具组成。你可以使用DX Studio来构建全即时互动应用、模拟或游戏,可以独立使用,也可以嵌入其他Microsoft Office/Visual Studio应用中。
Torque 3D是目前最易于使用的游戏制作平台。Torque 3D以Frontline优秀的Torque Game Engine Advanced为基础构建而成,配备一整套制作游戏的工具和API。游戏的发布平台包括PC、Mac、Xbox 360、Wii、iPhone和web。
Haaf’s Game Engine
C4 Engine是款综合性的游戏编程工具,主要针对Windows和Mac OS X平台。它不仅是强大的3D图像引擎,而且还包含对物理、音频、连网、输入设备和资源管理等方面的多方位支持。
Neoaxis Engine
NeoAxis Game Engine是款用于3D模拟、形象化和游戏制作的多用途现代3D图像引擎。NeoAxis Engine是个用来制作互动3D图像的综合性开发环境,可以针对3D虚拟世界、AAA游戏和现实模拟类游戏。系统由即时3D引擎和一套全功能工具组成。
“它使Flash游戏制作发生变革。它是人机对接的新方式。它标志着游戏开发新时代的来临。我们将全部内容放在了新的flixel 2中。组别有助于组织游戏物体,象限四分数可实现更快更精确的碰撞,更清晰的API,同时包含所有老flixel的经典内容:动画精灵、位图和颗粒发射器。最为重要的是,flixel的个人或商业用户来说仍是完全免费的。你还在等什么呢?是时候开始制作游戏了。”
什么是SIO2 Engine?SIO2是款基于OpenGLES的跨平台2D和3D游戏引擎,提供所有现代游戏引擎所具有的功能,而售价比同质量引擎要便宜得多。功能丰富、快速灵活的SIO2允许你针对最喜欢的手机平台制作出堪比AAA游戏的美术效果。与其他解决方案相反,SIO2不会强迫你使用任何特定IDE来编程或构建游戏。
Realm Crafter 2
Realm Crafter游戏引擎是MMORPG开发系统的核心。该引擎能够制作出虚拟游戏世界和世界所包含所有东西的行为。它能够生成3D图片,处理连网通信。Realm Crafter引擎显得模块化,这意味着它能够被***成较小的单位,从而使你可以更轻易地自定义其操作。
The Best Game Engines for Indie Game Developers
Gavalakis Vaggelis
People very often want to make a game either for fun or to sell it later. Very often small teams are made and begin the discussion about their new game. It has happened to me before many times and where I utterly disagreed with others, was in the subject of choosing a game engine. Most often, the programmer or programmers of the team decide they make their own game engine. I personally believe that the people in any game project should consider their goals. Is the goal to actually make a game? Because if it IS to make a game, then there is no reason for them to reinvent the wheel. There are tons of game engine out there that make the development of a game project much easier for the developers. Using a pre existing game engine makes the project easier, much faster to complete and keeps the spirit going since there is a relative good progress. Also using an existing game engine makes it almost sure that it has no major bugs, runs smoothly and is production ready anyway. I completely agree with people wanting to make their own engine, but then the goal is the game engine and not the game and thus no music compositor, modeler, texture artist, game designer etc are needed to be involved and in consequence loose interest cause there is actually nothing for them to do. But enough of my ranting.
In conclusion there are many game engines for a team to consider using. I believe that a multiplatform solution is good enough for starting teams, because of the target audience their game can have. The iDevices and Android platforms especially are a good consideration since they have really a lot users and at the end most of the games on those devices are simple to make, thus they cost low and people will buy them, making the team motivated to move on to their next project and in consequence earning experience and possibly some fame.
Unity3D 3.1
Unity is probably the best choice for indie developers right now, that want a multiplatform development without complications. With Unity, you can develop and prototype games real fast with true WYSIWYG capabilities. Unity’s rendering & lighting capabilities are state of the art, supporting deferred lighting, occlusion culling, SSAO, the Beast lightmapper, many post-processing effect and many more. Unity has physics support from rigid bodies to soft bodies and cloth. Unity’s editor is a joy to work and the asset workflow is also very good. Programming can be done in C#, JavaScript or Boo but also Unity can be extended as it has already been done with some great addons. There exist vast resources and tutorials to get you started and a great community.
Unity Indie is free though it’s missing many features, while Unity Pro costs 1500$. If you want to develop for an iDevice or Android extra licenses must be bought.
Shiva 3D 1.9
Stonetrip Shiva3D is commonly compared to Unity for their similarities in way of use and price. Shiva offers a well integrated editor just like Unity that everything is made from within. Shiva games can be published to Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android, Palm, PSP and Wii without complications as well. Shiva’s features are many just like anyone could expect from a modern game engine.
Shiva PLE is free but to publish a game there are two licenses with very few differences. One at 170E while the other at 1500E.
Leadwerks Engine 2
Graphically, Leadwerks Engine is state of the art. Leadwerks Engine comes with a WYSIWYG editor to design your scenes but also to program them in the now supporting LUA scripting language. In essence, Leadwerks Engine’s games can be programmed with any language since the engine is compiled as a DLL. The supported languages though are C#, C++ and was Blitzmax. A shame they drop support on Blitzmax though, since it was my favorite. Anyway A big bonus is that the API of Leadwerks Engine, is probably the most clean, easy to understand than everything I’ve seen so far. The resources might not be as many as in other game engines, but they are well enough to get you along. Worth of note is that Leadwerks Engine 3 is in development and I can’t wait.
Leadwerks Engine 2 costs only 200E.
Essenthel Engine
I remember when Essenthel Engine was in early development and found it. I downloaded the demo and got amazed and after some years I am following it, I am still amazed by it’s progress. It support all common features out there and even more. Essenthel comes with an editor as all modern engines should and programming is done only in C++ unfortunately for me at least. The editor and the tools that come with Essenthel Engine are unfortunately very badly design and non intuitive. Essenthel games can also be published to any iDevice, which is a big plus.
Licenses range from 150$ to 400,000$ depending on how much income you have and the amount of source codes you want of the engine. Truth is that the 1000$ license will suit most just fine, with great access to source codes.
GameCore 2.5
Although this engine is a bit obscured, GameCore 2.5, offers excellent graphics quality, deferred lighting, physics and one of the best editors and art pipeline I’ve seen. Importing a model and making a material for it is so straightforward. Games can be published to PC and Mac as well as on the Web. GameCore 2.5 has its own scripting language with a c-style syntax that’s easy to use.
GameCore 2.5 Indie is free with some minor limitations, while the Pro version costs 1500$.
S2 Engine HD
S2 Engine HD is not yet released, but I felt like adding it in this list. From what it seems, S2Engine must be a great game engine featuring rich graphics, AI and fantastic editors.
It costs 200E or 2000E if you want the C++ SDK.
Construct 0.99
Construct game engine is one of those gems that you fall upon randomly. Not kidding. It’s a game engine for 2D games development and possible one of the easiest since it require little or no programming at all, since it is based on a visual, event driven system instead of pure programming, similar to that of the old Multimedia Fusion software. Development is done inside Construct’s editor and the engine is expandable through it’s plugin architecture. I really recommend you take a look at this game engine since most importantly its free and open-source.
Gamemaker 8
Gamemaker has been used to create many games. It’s a 2D game engine with many features in a well integrated editor. It has a visual event driven system but also support direct easy programming. The big plus of gamemaker is the great support, tutorials and real many plugins and addons that are out there to extend the engines capabilities.
Gamemaker 8 costs only 25$, but there is also a limited free edition.
Game Editor
Game Editor is another event driver game engine that is also open source. It has a nice and easy interface while there is the ability for multiplatform development, including Smartphones, Linux, iDevices and Mac. The documentation is good and there are also some tutorials to get you started.
Adventure Game Studio 3.1.2
AGS is a game engine to create classic 2D point & click adventures. It has been used to create a LOT adventure games with my personal favorite to be 7 Days a Skeptic. The whole development takes place in the AGS editor where you create the scene, walkable & clickable areas as well as UI and events. To create a simple adventure, no programming is requires although programming is supported for more advanced games. Don’t expect anything great in quality but hey…this is a targeted to classic old style adventure games.
AGS is free.
Visionaire Adventure Studio 3.4
Similar to AGS, Visionaire Adventure Studio is an engine to create point & click adventures. Compared to AGS though, Visionaire Studio is a bit cleaner and has a bit more features like PNG support (AGS doesn’t) but certainly much better graphical quality. It’s similar to AGS as in the visual event system and defining walkable and clickable areas.
Visionaire Adventure Studio costs 35E.
- Honorable Mentions -
“DX Studio is a complete integrated development environment for creating interactive 3D graphics. The system comprises of both areal-time 3D engine and a suite of editing tools. Using DX Studio you can build complete real-time interactive applications, simulations or games, for standalone use or for embedding in other Microsoft Office/Visual Studio applications.”
“Welcome to Torque 3D, the most easy-to-use game creation platform available. Architected from the ground up for maximum flexibility and performance across a wide range of hardware and built upon the Frontline award-winning Torque Game Engine Advanced, Torque 3D comes equipped with a full suite of tools and APIs to get your game to the finish line, no matter what your goals. Add publishing paths to PC, Mac, Xbox 360, Wii, iPhone, and the web, and you have the power to distribute games almost everywhere they are played.”
Haaf’s Game Engine
“HGE is an easy to use yet powerful hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It is a full featured middleware for all who want to develop commercial quality 2D games rapidly and easily. It covers all imaginable 2D game genres: you could create everything from a simple puzzle to advanced multilayered platformer or strategy without even thinking of any non game logic code! And you don’t have to know anything about “window messages”, DirectX programming and all that stuff. Instead you can start developing your own game within 15 minutes!”
“The C4 Engine is a comprehensive suite of robustly implemented game programming tools for the Windows and Mac OS X platforms. Not only is it a powerhouse of a 3D graphics engine, but it also includes integrated support for physics, audio, networking, input devices, resource management, and much more.”
Neoaxis Engine
“NeoAxis Game Engine is an all-purpose, modern 3D graphics engine for 3D simulations, visualizations and games. NeoAxis Engine is a complete integrated development environment for creating interactive 3D graphics including 3D virtual worlds, AAA games, and realistic simulations. The system comprised of both a real-time 3D engine and a suite of full featured tools.”
“A revolution in Flash game production. An amazing new way for man to interface with machine. The beginning of a new tomorrow. Never before has the world witnessed such a collection of AS3 files. We put it all in the new flixel 2. Groups to help organize game objects, quad trees for faster, more accurate collisions, a cleaner API, plus all the old flixel classics: animated sprites, tilemaps, and particle emitters. Most importantly, flixel is still completely free for personal or commercial use. What are you waiting for? It’s time to make games!”
“What is SIO2 Engine? SIO2 is an OpenGLES based cross platform 2D and 3D game engine which provides you all the modern game engine functionalities built in right at its core for your mobile devices at a fraction of the regular industry price for the same type of quality. Feature rich, extremely fast and flexible SIO2 allows you to create state of the art AAA games for your favorite mobile platform. As opposite to other solutions, SIO2 doesn’t force you to use any specific IDE to code or build your games.”
Realm Crafter 2
“The Realm Crafter game engine is the heart of the MMORPG development system. The engine creates the virtual game world and the behavior of everything in it. It generates 3D images and handles the network communications. The Realm Crafter engine is designed to be modular, meaning it is broken down into smaller units thus making it easier for you to customize its operations.” ()
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