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&Aloha& doesn&t say anything worthwhile - The Boston Globe
&Aloha& doesn&t say anything worthwhile - The Boston Globe
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Photos by Neal Preston/Columbia Pictures
Bradley Cooper stars in “Aloha” alongside Emma Stone.
Globe Staff&
May 28, 2015
Is there anything more dispiriting than an idealist who has lost his way? &Aloha& is Cameron Crowe&s seventh film as a writer-director but only his second film in the last 10 years. In that fitful sabbatical, the heart-sore charms of &Say Anything& (1989), &Jerry Maguire& (1996), and &Almost Famous& (2000) have evolved into the inconsequentiality of &Elizabethtown& (2005) and &We Bought a Zoo& (2011). With the new film, Crowe&s unique touch & the generosity with which he views his characters, the human race, and the world in general & seems almost completely lost. It gives me no pleasure at all to report that a mess with good intentions is still a mess.This despite one of the strongest casts Crowe has fielded. Bradley Cooper plays Brian Gilcrest, a hotshot who left the military after barely specified bad goings-on in Kabul and who now works for an amoral master-of-the-universe satellite tycoon played by & wait for it & Bill Murray. Brian lands in Hawaii to smooth things over with the native population so the tycoon can have his launch pad, only to run into his ex-girlfriend, Tracy (Rachel McAdams), who&s now married to stoic Air Force pilot Woody (John Krasinski). They have two children, Grace (Danielle Rose Russell) and Mitchell (Jaeden Lieberher); the latter is one of those wise misfit movie kids who carries a video camera everywhere and talks in fluent encyclopedia.
The wrench in Brian&s gears is his military escort, a hard-charging Air Force captain named Alison Ng, who we learn is one-quarter Hawaiian and one-quarter Chinese and who is played by the 100&percent vanilla Emma Stone. Stone is delightful, as always, but her character has been stitched together in a mad screenwriter&s lab: Alison is a tight-lipped martinet and a passionate romantic and a down-to-earth woman and a woolly-headed mystic (and a floor wax and a dessert topping). Stone and Cooper generate heat from scene to scene, but just as often he looks frightened as to who she&ll turn into next. It&s easy to see what Crowe is going for here: the sort of morally grounded screwball romance typified by Howard Hawks&s 1939 classic &Only Angels Have Wings,& in which Cary Grant was bedeviled by Jean Arthur on one side and Rita Hayworth on the other. That film was tightly crafted. &Aloha& is, to put it kindly, the opposite. Crowe has always had a gift for dialogue and relationships that steer clear of Hollywood clich&; he knows how people talk, or how they&d like to. Anyway, he used to. Here entire scenes drift bumptiously along, the characters bantering arrhythmically while Crowe&s camera does wobbly loops around them.
The Weekender
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The colorful supporting characters include a general played by Alec Baldwin, who&s funny, and a colonel played by Danny McBride, who&s not. The latter keeps doing weird things with his fingers, which makes as much sense as anything else in the movie. There&s a dubious plot about a dastardly secret payload the tycoon is sneaking aboard his satellite, but the movie&s not sure what to do with it, just as Murray has no idea what to do with his character. (Is he a villain? Crowe, to his credit, doesn&t do villains. So what is he, then?) Despite a cheerful appearance by native Hawaiian activist Denny &Bumpy& Kanahele as himself and a thick patina of island mythology spread over the proceedings, &Aloha& is as generic as its title. The islands exist solely as an exotic backdrop for the pretty Hollywood haoles to play in. Business as usual, and I never thought I&d say that about a Cameron Crowe movie.
MPAA rating:
MPAA rating reasons:
(language, suggestive comments)
Running time:
105 minutes
Cast:Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone, Rachel McAdams, Bill Murray, John Krasinski, Alec Baldwin
Cameron Crowe
He still has those rock connections from his youth, though, and the soundtrack of &Aloha& is stuffed with big gets (the Who, the Stones, Beck) and lovingly curated finds (the Blue Nile, a ton of Hawaiian music). The songs conjure up emotions, but they never fill the hole where a movie should be.
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Ty Burr can be reached at . Follow him on Twitter .
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因为文化差异等因素,很多同学在学习英语的时候,也会习惯性的带入国内的元素跟习惯,但是殊不知,有的习惯可能在国外是不被喜欢的,例如一些我们常用到的单词,其实恰恰国际友人可能不是那么喜欢。一大波2015年最令人讨厌的英文词和短语登上了美国《纽约时报》,当选的都是“年度最易被错用、滥用、甚至无用的英语词汇”。你在用吗?SoSo....2015年头号讨人厌的英文单词就是它了,这个单词在国内其实常常使用,一般被用来当作过度词,不知道说什么的时候主页君也喜欢用So来给自己过度停顿的。而关于被讨厌的原因,国际友人的理由是这样的:(1)几乎什么新闻里你都能听到。这词对于整个句子表达来说毫无意义。听着就跟指甲划过黑板一样刺耳。所以说,我点名“so”这个被滥用又废话的单词。(2)特别是政客,都爱用这个词来回避提问。(3)听着累心的一个词,比“额(Um)”、“就像(Like)”还招人厌,而且还毫不合乎语法。每每听到都深深滴伤害了我的耳朵!(4)So it's getting really annoying. So can we please put a stop to this?所以说这词儿真是太烦人了。所以说我们能别这么说了吗?额,你美你说什么都是对的。ConversationNow we are all encouraged to have a “conversation,” and everything will somewhat be magically resolved.好像只要来次“谈话/会谈”,啥事就都顺水推舟、水到渠成了。Used by every media type without exception. No one listens.无一例外,所有媒体都躺***。只要一说“某某进行了某某谈话”,就根本没人听了。Have one, start one, engage in one. Enough.进行了某项会谈,开始了某种会谈,参加了某个会谈。真够了。StakeholderA word that has expanded from describing someone who may actually have a stake in a situation or problem, now being over-used in business to describe customers and others.这个单词原本是用于形容某人确确实实与某个情况或某个问题相关。而如今在商业圈却被滥用来形容顾客或者其他并不真正相关的人。Often used with “engagement.” If someone is disengaged, they're not really a stakeholder in the first place. LSSU, please engage your stakeholders by adding this pretentious jargon to your list.Stakeholder(股东/利益相关者)这个单词常与engagement一起使用。如果某股东撤股了,他就不是股东了。某相关人员不再“相关”了,他就不是“相关人员”了好吗?求LSSU大学的相关人员将这个矫情的行话入选榜单!Dr. Van Helsing should be the only stake holder.范海辛才是唯一的“木棍(stake)持有者(holder)”。友情提示:Stake有木棍的意思,该网友将stakeholder恶搞拆成了stake+holder,而范海辛是传说中的吸血鬼猎人,传说木棍穿心可以杀死吸血鬼你懂得↓↓↓Price PointAnother example of using two words when one will do.另一个明明仅说一个词就能表达却偏偏要用两个单词的例子。This alliterative mutation seems to be replacing the word ‘price’ or ‘cost.’ It may be standard business-speak, but must it contaminate everyday speech?这个押头韵(首字母相同)的短语貌似是替代了“price(价格)”或“cost(费用)”。它是可以用于商务用语,但非得在日常用语里也这么用吗?该网友还举例:比如某医疗杂志里的这句:“Although the ‘price point’ of effective new drugs...may initially be out of reach for many patients...” (虽然这些有疗效的新药起初对很多患者来说价格太过昂贵。)这里用price(价格)不就好了,非要用price point(价格点)吗?Secret SauceUsually used in a sentence explaining the ‘secret’ in excruciating public detail. Is this a metaphor for business success based on the fast food industry?这个词经常被用来解释、爆料某件超级烦人的公众细节。难道这是基于快餐行业成功的一个隐喻么?(“secret sauce”是秘方/秘籍/秘密武器/宝典的意思,按字面意思来看即“秘密的调料”。)It has become too frequent in business discussions. I am tired of it.这词在商务圈儿里已经被滥用了。真烦人。Break the InternetAn annoying bit of hyperbole about the latest saucy picture or controversy that is already becoming trite.又一个用来吸睛却夸张到讨厌的短语,常用于形容某张艳照或某件引起争议的八卦等,其实早就是陈词滥调了。Meaning a post or video or whatever will have so much Internet traffic that it will ‘break the internet.’ It’s being used for every headline and video. Ridiculous.用于形容一条火爆的帖子或者视频被疯传,会“刷爆网络/朋友圈” (break the internet)。几乎所有头条或视频标题都用这个词儿。真搞笑。I hope the list doesn’t ‘break the internet.’ (How else would I read it next year)?我希望这个“最招人厌的单词榜单”没有“刷爆互联网”,要不然我明年还咋看新一届榜单啊?PresserThis shortened form of 'press release' and 'press conference' is not so impressive.这个“press release(媒体报道)”或“press conference(新闻发布会/记者招待会)”的简称并不能深入人心。Not only is there no intelligent connection between the word 'presser' and its supposed meaning, this word already has a definition: a person or device that removes wrinkles. Let's either say ‘press conference’ or ‘press release’ or come up with something more original, intelligent and interesting!Presser这个单词和它想表明的含义之间并没有什么考究的联系,而且presser这个词原本已经有“压制工”或者“压榨机”的意思了。This industry buzzword has slipped into usage in news reporting and now that they have started, they can't seem to stop using it.这个工业术语开始在新闻报道中被广泛使用了。就不能消停点儿吗?(press这个词是新闻媒体的意思)ManspreadingA word that is familiar to those in bigger cities, where seats on the bus or subway are sometimes difficult to find.这个单词在公交车、地铁拥挤(没座位)的大城市里很流行。来形容某人占了不止一个座位。Men don't need another disgusting-sounding word thrown into the vocabulary to describe something they do…You're just taking too much room on this train seat, be a little more polite...人类不需要再多一个恶心的单词添进词典里了。有礼貌点儿说你多占了个座位就行了。VapeVape and vaping are used to describe the act of ‘smoking’ e-cigarettes (another strange word) since the products emit vapor instead of smoke.Vape(电子香烟)、vaping(抽电子烟)其实就是smoking e-cigarettes。这个新造出来的诡异单词来源是因为电子香烟喷出的是蒸汽(vapor)而不是“烟(smoke)”。是啊我也很讨厌新造单词,本来脑容量就不够又得多记好多词汇、好多新用法有木有。Giving Me LifeThe phrase refers to anything that may excite a person, or something that causes one to laugh.这个单词用来形容任何能点燃你兴趣、让人发笑的东西或事情。投票者认为这是个被滥用且夸张的短语。例如:Honey, that dress you got on is giving me life!This video of a guy falling over while running from a spider is giving me life!PhysicalityWe had to include one for the sports fans. John Kollig of Jamestown, N.Y., says this is overused by every sports broadcaster and writer.我们得为体育迷们选这个单词。几乎每个体育播音员或撰稿人都爱滥用这个单词。(physicality是“肉体性”,着实很费解啊。)I am not sure who is responsible, but over the last 12-18 months you cannot watch a sporting event, listen to a sports talk show on radio, or anything on ESPN without someone using this term to attempt to describe an athlete or a contest.都不知道谁该为这个词负责。在过去的一年多里,只要你看个体育赛事,听个体育节目或者任何体育频道里都有人用这个词来形容某个运动员或比赛。Every time I hear them say it, I change the channel.只要在电视里听到这个词,我就换台。What the heck does it mean?这词到底是什么鬼?另外,在《纽约时报》的号召下,推特网友们也纷纷给出了自己最讨厌的词汇,比如bae(baby的一种写法), 动不动就用literally(字面上来说), whatever(……之类的), selfie(自拍),Trump等等。好吧,已被恶搞无数的美国总统参选人唐纳德o特朗普(Donald Trump)又一次躺***↓↓↓
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