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音标:[ gāndǎnxiāngzhào ]&&发音:&&
英文翻译be in perfect symp carry [wear] one's heart upon one' genu open one's heart to sb.; show t show utter devotion to (sb.); (be frank enough) to disclose everything to sb.; treat each other in treat each othe unburden oneself of what's on one's mind 短语和例子肝胆相照, 荣辱与共 be straightforward with each other and share weal an be open with each other and shar treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe&&&&treat each other with all sincerity on a long-term basis&&&&be straightforward with each other and share weal and woe of the countrybe ope ...&&&&treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe&&&&long-term coexistence and mutual supervision,treating each other with all sinc ...&&&&long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other a ...&&&&1.(肝和胆) liver and gall2.(勇气、血性) courage3.(真诚的心) openheartedness ...&&&& photomicrograph&&&&give no need to each other&&&&leaning alone in the close bamboos&&&&underwater camera&&&&in-phase illumination&&&&hepatobiliary&&&&hepatic duct&&&&hepatology&&&&galle-donau&&&&hepatic bile&&&&hepatocholic depression&&&& liver bile&&&&general surgery&&&&fractograph&&&&illumination in micrography&&&&fluorographic camera&&&&hepatobiliary agent&&&µphotograph&&&&hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal&&&&journal of hepatobiliary surgery
例句与用法He wanted to have a "heart to heart" talk with this youth .他想跟这个年轻人“肝胆相照”地谈一谈。The husband, a beautiful soul, the exceptional wife, the angelic child and the perfect friends all dwelt in the berkshires together .丈夫(一个心灵优美的男人)、妻子(一个出类拔萃的女人)、天使般的孩子和一些肝胆相照的朋友,一起住在伯克夏。Long - term coexistence , mutual supervision长期共存互相监督肝胆相照荣辱与共Long - term coexistence , mutual supervi长期共存互相监督肝胆相照荣辱与共Long - term coexistence , mutual supervision , sincere长期共存互相监督肝胆相照荣辱与共Long - term coexistence , mutual长期共存互相监督肝胆相照荣辱与共Long - term coexistence , mutual长期共存互相监督肝胆相照荣辱与共Long - term coexistence mutual长期共存互相监督肝胆相照荣辱与共Ronin is the best kind of friend you ever want to keep . he fights justice for yu relentlessly with all his might喜欢浪迹天涯,广交益友?浪人剑客让您遇到的朋友都会把你当成好兄弟对待,和你肝胆相照。 The husband , a beautiful soul , the exceptional wife , the angelic child and the perfect friends all dwelt in the berkshires together丈夫(一个心灵优美的男人) 、妻子(一个出类拔萃的女人) 、天使般的孩子和一些肝胆相照的朋友,一起住在伯克夏。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
汉语解释gān dǎn xiāng zhào 【解释】比喻以真心相见。【出处】宋·赵令畸《侯鲭录》:“同心相亲,照心照胆寿千春。”【示例】弟与公子以~,互相知心,故敢以实言相告。(姚雪垠《李自成》第二卷第十八章)【拼音码】gdxz【灯谜面】护心镜;腹部透视【用法】主谓式;作谓语;用于真诚相处【英文】show utter devotion to somebody
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