暗影格斗2破解版打开显示Download failed because the reourcse could not be found

安卓4.3下载完辐射:避难所显示 Download Failed Because The Resources Could Not Be Found 怎么办安卓4.3下载完辐射:避难所显示DownloadFailed-知识宝库
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Download failed because the resources could not be found error
This happens for both apps that I bought on google play and tried to install through SNAP.
First one was GTA : SanAndreas, the other Crazy Taxi.
I have heard of work arounds for getting GTA to work on BB10, but none of them work for me.
And, I have already paid for both of these games.
Nothing from Aptoide works, its all apps that are really sales pitches in disguise.
This is a common error, is there a root cause that I can fix?
Im ready to toss this BlackBerry for something that I that just works!
Shame too, since nothing out there compares to this phone as far as quality of the installed speaker and signal reception.
Also, 4g quit working after I updated to
How do I fix that?
Running a z30 STA100-2 international unlocked phone.
Don't know about the games but the 4g loss is probably due to the radio. I had the same problem. Open a post in the leak side and see if anyone can recommend a radio
Posted with my z10 stl100-2 running
Dude is the game or app you running android version????
If it is then the file you are looking for is in Google play and since you can't connect Google play account on BlackBerry even though it runs Android runtime... the files cannot be downloaded....
Suggestion would be download the Obb file from your pc and copy to your device......... check YouTube on how to do the Obb stuff...... Cheers!
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解决了 包含.softstar.Richman.obb文件的文件夹 com.softstar.Richman复制到OBB文件夹下就可以了
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Obb files download in my projects stopped working recently for all my unpublished applications. The error string is in the topic. But it works for published applications (that may be the clue)!
My device is Nexus 7 (2012), I upgraded it to 4.4.2 recently (that may be another clue).
The error comes from class
public void applicationError(int errorCode)
is called with errorCode 3. I wonder if anybody knows what it means.
Any suggestions how to make obb files download work are appreciated!
errorCode 3 means that the downloaded file don't comes from the market.
You probably need to check the "Allow installation of apps from unknown sources" in device security settings.
There are a few things to consider when the device is not downloading the expansion files.
You can read more about testing the expansion file downloads .
Make sure the application you want to test has been published in the developer's console. It will take a few hours to publish once you have done this, so you might want to publish the day before you test. You can publish to alpha while testing so you don't have to release it to the market in order to test.
Make sure you're logged into the device using an account that is registered as a tester of the app.
Make sure that your device is listed in the list of approved devices on the developer's console. I think all devices are approved by default.
Make sure that the version number of the expansion file that you have listed on the test app is the same version number that is on the developer's console itself.
This may not be required, but if you haven't published the app to the store, make sure that you're using a build with the same signature as the app on the developer's console.
From my experience, it's some combination of these that are giving you an issue.
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