D3 看到人说A2箱子cf试炼祭坛箱子奖励手套 是什么只有箱子才能开出么?

群里很多朋友都问这个问题……发原网页遭到吐槽,于是搬运翻译到此……第一次翻译,有什么不足请指出……[url=/database/sorting/bounty-bags]原帖见此[/url]该网站有对应装备数据,台服官网数据库里查不到对应装备& &,好在最后发现凯恩之角的数据库有……[color=red]Act 4 can drop any of the bounty legendary items.第四章的赫拉迪姆宝箱会掉下列所有传奇。[del]很关键所以用红字[/del][/color][table][tr]
[td]特效& &[/td][/tr][tr]
[td rowspan=5]Act 1[/td]
[td]Golden Gorget of Leoric李奧瑞克的黃金護頸[/td]
[td]After earning a massacre bonus, 4-6 Skeletons are summoned to fight by your side for 10 seconds獲得屠殺殆盡的獎勵後,召喚出 (4-6) 個骷髏守護者,持續 10 秒[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Mad Monarch's Scepter狂君權杖& &[/td]
[td]After killing 10 enemies, you release a Poison Nova that deals % weapon damage as Poison to enemies within 30 yards.在擊殺 10 個敵人後噴濺毒水,對 30 碼內的敵人造成 ()% 武器傷害值的毒素傷害[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Pauldrons of the Skeleton King骷髏王的肩鎧 & &[/td]
[td]When receiving fatal damage, there is a chance that you are instead restored to 25% of maximum Life and cause nearby enemies to flee in fear.當你受到致命傷害時,有一定機率恢復至生命值上限的 25%,並使敵人因恐懼而逃走[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Sanguinary Vambraces嗜血護腕& &[/td]
[td]Chance on being hit to deal 1000% of your Thorns damage to nearby enemies.被擊中時有機會對附近的敵人造成 1000% 的荊棘傷害& &[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Ring of Royal Grandeur
[td]Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2).套裝加成效果所需的裝備數量降低 1 件(最少為 2 件)[/td][/tr][tr]
[td rowspan=4]Act 2[/td]
[td]Cloak Of Deception詭幻披風& &[/td]
[td]Enemy missiles sometimes pass through you harmlessly.敵人的遠程攻擊有時會穿過你,不對你造成任何傷害[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Coven's Criterion 欺敵滅界& &[/td]
[td]You take 45-60% less damage from blocked attacks.格擋攻擊時所受到的傷害降低 (45-60)%[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Gloves of Worship 禮讚手套[/td]
[td]Shrine effects last for 10 minutes.聖壇的祝福效果持續 10 分鐘[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Illusory Boots虛幻長靴[/td]
[td]You may move unhindered through enemies.你移動時可穿過敵人[del]相位鞋[/del][/td][/tr][tr]
[td rowspan=7]Act 3[/td]
[td]Avarice Band貪婪指環[/td]
[td]Each time you pick up gold, increase your Gold and Health Pickup radius by 1 yard for 10 seconds, stacking up to 30 times.每次拾起金幣可使你的金幣與生命之球拾取距離延長 1 碼,持續 10 秒,最多可堆疊 30 次[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Boots of Disregard閒散之靴[/td]
[td]Gain 500 Life Regeneration per second for each second you stand still. This effect stacks up to 8 times.靜止不動時可獲得 500 點的每秒生命恢復。此效果最多可堆疊 8 次[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Burst Of Wrath 怒湧[/td]
[td]Killing enemies and destroying objects has a chance to grant 20% of your maximum primary resource.擊殺敵人或摧毀物件有機會獲得主要能量上限的 20% [/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Envious Blade妒慾匕首[/td]
[td]Gain 100% Critical Hit Chance against enemies at full health.對滿血狀態的敵人有 100% 的爆擊機率 (100%)[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Insatiable Belt飢貪腰帶[/td]
[td]Picking up a Health Globe increases your maximum Life by 5% for 15 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.拾取生命之球會使你的生命值上限提高 5%,持續 15 秒,最多可堆疊 5 次 [/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Overwhelming Desire強慾[/td]
[td]Chance on hit to charm the enemy. While charmed, the enemy takes 35% more damage擊中時有機會媚惑敵人。被媚惑的敵人受到的傷害提高 35%[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Pride's Fall驕矜必敗[/td]
[td]Your resource costs are reduced by 30% after not taking damage for 5 seconds.在 5 秒內沒有受到傷害可使能量消耗降低 30%[/td][/tr][tr]
[td rowspan=4]Act 5[/td]
[td]Death's Bargain死神賭注[/td]
[td]Gain an aura of death that deals 750-1000% of your Life per Second to enemies within 20 yards. You no longer regenerate Life.獲得一道死亡氣息,對 20 碼內的敵人造成相當於你每秒生命恢復 (750-1000)% 的傷害。你不再獲得每秒恢復生命效果[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]7-10% chance on hit to summon a Spike Trap, Caltrops or Sentry擊中時有 (7-10)% 的機率召喚出尖刺陷阱、釘爪刺或衛哨[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Pandemonium Loop混沌界環[/td]
[td]Enemies slain while Feared die in a bloody explosion and cause other nearby enemies to flee in Fear.在恐懼狀態下被你擊殺的敵人會劇烈爆炸,使周圍的其他敵人因恐懼而逃走 [/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Blocked attacks heal you and your allies for 20-30% of the amount blocked.格擋攻擊時會恢復你和盟友相當於格擋值 (20-30)% 的生命值[/td][/tr][/table]搬运结束。NGA首发[url]http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=6965393&_ff=318[/url],欢迎转载,转载请注明作者出处。PS.不要吐槽那个妒慾匕首的图标为什么残了,[del]我也不知道=。=反正原网页上就是残了[/del]PSS.& &看我这么辛勤劳动的份上,赐我一个皇家华戒吧……& &[del]Act1的其他一样开了一遍了[/del]PSSS. IMP#3921 欢迎加好友交流。有没有一个比较活跃的氏族收人……
[b]Reply to [pid=65393,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=1798469]oooa[/uid] ( 14:16)[/b]感觉如果不单独刷某一个的话,刷A4很爽……
武僧出了件猎魔斗篷 出了大隐藏项链 说多了都是泪
昨天出了act2的盾,但是我的圣教军才7级,先丢给寇马克玩去了- -
[quote][pid=65393,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=1796063]夜魅之影[/uid] ( 14:28):[/b]昨天出了act2的盾,但是我的圣教军才7级,先丢给寇马克玩去了- -[/quote]我秘术师也出了个,也直接丢给寇马可了……
如果10分钟 那不是到处横着走了。!!
[quote][pid=65393,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=640621]惡魔之傷[/uid] ( 14:34):[/b]死神賭注这货不知道能不能配合武僧的回血光环使用呢,如果行的话碉堡了[/quote]应该可以,毕竟装备能直接质变技能是现在版本的特色,,不过首先~~倒是好奇那个站撸获得4000回血的鞋子和这个裤子是怎么起作用的。。。后使用快捷导航没有帐号?
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公爵, 积分 1712, 距离下一级还需 1288 积分


