
扫一扫发现精彩Doctors told him that he would never be able to stand up again.
“They said, based on what they’ve diagnosed and how I broke my back and everything,
that I wouldn’t be able to move my legs again or feel anything ever again,”
Another blow to the young man was the loss of sexual function.
Now, however, thanks to a small device implanted in his back that electrically stimulates his spinal cord,
Stephenson has regained some ability to enjoy activities he thought were left behind forever.
Dr. Roderic Pettigrew, of the National Institutes of Health, explained,
“The goal was to modulate those damaged nerves in the spinal cord
so that they once again could, would, become receptive to stimuli.”
The stimulator is turned on with a remote control and allows Stephenson to move one leg at the time.
Other functions improved, too.
“The sexual function thing was huge for me because it was basically nothing before and,
I mean, now, like, it’s a lot better,”
Three other patients reported similar improvements, although none of them can walk.
Pettigrew stresses that the device is not a cure and that more research is needed before it can be widely available.
He said a spinal cord injury, though, may no longer mean a lifelong sentence of paralysis.
“What we see today with these four individuals now being able to have voluntary motion
and voluntary control of their limbs and involuntary control of functions like bladder and bowel is very exciting,”
Researchers now plan to implant the device in eight more patients
and try to stimulate more than one muscle group at the time.
Spinal Implant Helps Paraplegics Regain Some Functions
A dirt bike accident five years ago left Ken Stephenson paralyzed from the chest down.Doctors told him that he would never be able to stand up again.
一个五年前的轻型摩托车事故让Ken Stephenson从胸部往下全部瘫痪。医生告诉他以后再也不能站起来了。
“They said, based on what they’ve diagnosed and how I broke my back and everything,that I wouldn’t be able to move my legs again or feel anything ever again,”
Another blow to the young man was the loss of sexual function.
Now, however, thanks to a small device implanted in his back that electrically stimulates his spinal cord,Stephenson has regained some ability to enjoy activities he thought were left behind forever.
但是现在,感谢植入他后背的小设备,该设备可以通过电子来刺激他的脊髓,Stephenson 已经重新获得了一些能力,他能够享受那些他认为再也不可能参与的运动。
Dr. Roderic Pettigrew, of the National Institutes of Health, explained,“The goal was to modulate those damaged nerves in the spinal cordso that they once again could, would, become receptive to stimuli.”
Roderic Pettigrew医生,是国际健康机构的一员,解释道,“该目的是为了调节那些在脊柱中受损害的神经,这样的话脊柱就能,或许能,成功接受到刺激。”
The stimulator is turned on with a remote control and allows Stephenson to move one leg at the time.Other functions improved, too.
“The sexual function thing was huge for me because it was basically nothing before and,I mean, now, like, it’s a lot better,”
Three other patients reported similar improvements, although none of them can walk.
Pettigrew stresses that the device is not a cure and that more research is needed before it can be widely available.He said a spinal cord injury, though, may no longer mean a lifelong sentence of paralysis.
“What we see today with these four individuals now being able to have voluntary motionand voluntary control of their limbs and involuntary control of functions like bladder and bowel is very exciting,”
Researchers now plan to implant the device in eight more patientsand try to stimulate more than one muscle group at the time.
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