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在线时间53 小时经验值3606 小站金币16 最后登录注册时间主题精华0阅读权限30帖子
讲师, 积分 3606, 距离下一级还需 895 积分
Agree or Disagree 大学生在校期间,是否应该打工?It is not uncommon that more and more college students opt to do some part-time jobs before graduation. Some people may say this behavior is a kind of waste of time and college students would be well-advised to focus on their academic studies. After all, in many people's eyes, academic result is the top concern when judging a college student's ability. Actually, part-time jobs are gateways to success in the future for them.& && &It is no exaggerate to say that part-time jobs can help students to earn more working chances, which make their career future rosier. Not only can students can accumulate working experience through part-time jobs,&&but also they are able to handle the a wide array of interpersonal relationships, such as staff relationship. In addition, working experience would be a shining point in students' resumes, which give them competitive edges during the job-hunting process.& &&&Further, doing part-time jobs plays a pivotal role in fostering students' abilities to combine theories with practice. The majority of knowledge students have absorbed in school is abstract and hard-to-understanding. Most of students can grasp the concepts and ideas in the textbook well but they have no idea how to apply these into practice, not alone those who just memorize those equation, formulas, theorems and laws mechanically just for memorization's own sake. Hence, it is quite essential for students to have part-time jobs. Students may astonished to find how experience contradicts theory, then they can have better understandings on the knowledge they have acquired .& & More than anything, doing part-time jobs can help students to identify things they are genuinely passionate about rather than dabble in a hodge-podge of things in schools. Most of students just had obscure ideas of the majors they choose before entering the university. Through the working, especially doing something that are related to students' majors, they can realize whether the majors are suitable for them and they can start to find their own niches.& &If anyone who still wonders part-time jobs can bring a wealth of benefit to students, who still doubts whether doing part-time jobs are the perfect complement to university education,&&who still questions the meaning of a part-time job, this essay is my answers.
The professor explained three aspects of the guideline adopted in The United Kingdom, each of which has successffully addressed the problems mentioned in the reading passage concerning the the damage of valuable artifacts, the lack of financial support, the decline of archaologist.
& && &First, the professor pointed out that according to the guideline, the historical buildings have to be examine whether they have any value or interst by the professional archaeologist. If any ancient construction has any historical meaning or interest, the concerted efforts will be made through the archaeologists and local government to carry out a plan to preserve it---such as build new buildings around the old ones. This measure has proven very effective&&in solving the problem mentioned in the reading passage--many cutural constructions have been destoried.
& && & Second, the lecture explained that it was the construction company rather than the local government to take the responsibility to pay the costs of examination or research. As a result, the second problem highlighted in the reading passage concerning the the lack of fund to support the research activities has been significantly solved.
& && &The professor's last point concerned the final problem raised in the reading material----the deficiency of talents in archaeology. She argued that due to the demand of examination of artifacts increased, the available positions increased accordingly. Incidentally, the Unite Kingdom has largest number of professional archaeologist in history now.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished
Since the invention of movies and televisions, they have played different kind of roles in our daily life. Not only can they entertain us in good and healthy ways to escape from reality for a couple of hours and produce an outlet for releasing our daily pressure, but also they can teach us moral lessons---an ethnic code about what a good man should be like. Therefore, movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.
& && && &To start with, media like movies and televisions has significant impact on people's mind. The current affairs, variety shows, even soap operas, sway ordinary people's opinions and standards of their behaviors. It is not uncommon that ordinary people always imitate the dressing style, the speaking tone, and even the behaviors of the charismatic characters in movies or televisions unconsciously. Therefore, movies and televisions producers are supposed to have awareness of creating correct guidance of public opinions and behaviors, shouldering the responsibility to help audience distinguish good from evil, beautiful from ugly, true from false. For example, a movie called The Guity, which tells a story of gangs, was popular fifty years ago in Hong Kong. The rate juvenile delinquency soared at that time because teenages imitate the gang memebers in the movies. There, suitable educational movies help teenage to develop good conduct.
& && && &The happy ending of good people in the movies and television can stimulate more people to do more good deeds in our society. The movies and televisions are made so deliberately that ordinary people can easily relate to and, consequently, the media can bring audience a strong feeling of serving others, which can contribute a lot to societal well-being. More than anything, the media can also teach people moral lessons in thought-provoking and vivid ways, which is more effective than the textbooks. At the same time, it would be hard-pressed for me to imagine that the Batman is beat by the Joker, or James Bond fails to save the world every time, or Megatron rules the Earth in the Transformers, which is likely for people get mislead old and young alike.
& && && &Oppositely speaking, if the movies and television fail to spread the ethic codes, in other words, the plots are set to make positive character evolves into a tragedy, audience may easily lose faith of life, and their beliefs of being a good man may be shook. What's worse, it can exert detrimental influence upon children and youth. In their formative years, they are instilled with these ideas which may lead them go astray. Finally, there is very likelihood that they may fall prey to the misleading context of movies or televisions. The situation may get from bad to worse, there may be more juvenile delinquency and the criminal rate will be hovering at high level. So, what's the good of the unfair ending for upstanding and honest individuals in the movies or televisions?
& && &&&In conclusion, if media like movies and televisions can always show audience good people are being rewarded bad people are being punished, people can get relaxed, their behavior can modified properly and one harmonious society can be built. Otherwise, it may spell disaster we can't afford to take.
In the reading passage, three ways have been given to grapple with the problem of the decline of Torreya in the state of Florida. However, the professor in the lecture refutes all of the three possible solutions, which indicates that none of the ways proposed in the reading passage is satisfactory.
First, it is unlikely to reestablish Torreya in its original location successfully again. The professor points out that the wetland there have been drained, temperature have been increased due to the global warming at a staggering rate recent years and the weather have got drier, which means that the environment in the same location that was suitable for the growth of Torreya doesn't exist any more.This is directly contradict the first method what the reading passage indicates.
Secondly, a former case of moving black locus trees to a new location has been cited by the professor in order to oppose the option that we can relocate Torreya. Although black locus trees are able to survive better in an new environment, their spread may be threaten with other species which may be endangered or on the verge of extinction and, consequently, exerting a detrimental influence on the new environment and ecosystem. By saying this, the professor suggest that assisted migration might bring us a lot of unexpected outcomes, and the suggestion made by the reading passage should be reconsidered carefully.
Last but not least, contrary to the belief in the reading passage that the Toreeya can be survived in the research center, the lecturer asserts that research centers don't have the capability to preserve large Torreya in the long term.
To sum up, the professor in the lecture casts doubt on all the three possible solutions made by the reading passage and therefore indicates that we still need more considerations when it comes to protecting Torreya.
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在线时间53 小时经验值3606 小站金币16 最后登录注册时间主题精华0阅读权限30帖子
讲师, 积分 3606, 距离下一级还需 895 积分
A various of environmental issues, from Antarctic ozone holes, dust storm, to the toxic underground water, have put a strain on the earth where we rely on to live. Although environmental challenges are too complex to combat, they not only need joint efforts across national boundaries, but also they need concerted efforts from our ordinary people.
& & First, it is everyone's duty to protect our environment. The environmental issues are related to everyone in the planet---the young and old, the rich and poor. Accordingly, each individual could and should be bent on curbing the environmental deterioration.Although, we do admit that a large amount of the pollutant should be blamed on factories which discharge a myriad of toxic gas and effluent for the sake of their own profits, why don't we do some meaningful deeds in our daily life to counteract the influence these factories bring? As long as everyone tries facing this environmental issues, I am confident that our problems can be solved, our challenges can be met one day.
& & Everyone's effort is the dispensable ingredient to tackle the environmental problems. An example that aptly illustrate this point would be the using of cars. As we all know, cars can produce exhausted fumes, which exert detrimental influence on the climate. If everyone can go to school or work by walk or bus, there will be less market demand for the gas guzzlers like SUVs and pickup trucks. Therefore, there will be less air pollution and can alleviate the phenomenon of urban heat island. In addition, people can choose not to use disposable chopsticks, opt to use the eco-friendly products and renewable resources. Further, people can spread the notion of &going green& to others, which elevate the public awareness of environment and make sure everyone is environmental-conscious.
& & Without the joint effort, People will still dump the sewage into the river and put strain on our environmental resources. In addition, the non-biodegradable garbages are more prevalent and the soils get more barren. Also I am hard-press to imagine what our planet will be like by the end of century, when our scientists predict that the reserves of fossil fuels will be exhausted if the population continues to grow at the current rate and people still sticks to the conventional sources of energy.
& & I believe in every corner of our planet, no matter who he/she is, or what he/she looks like, or where he/she comes from, they all can contribute in solving environmental problems if they try.
Is the most important characteristic of a good political or business leader is the ability to take responsibility for mistakes?
We live in an age when the &jungle law& and the &survival of the fittest& rule prevail, especially in politics and business filed. In the workplace, everyone compete for jobs, for promotion and pay raises. If you are a good political or business leader and you can't take responsibility for mistakes, the situation may go from bad to worse, your coworkers won't trust you any more and, consequently, you will be dominated by your rivals or opponents.
& &&&First, shouldering responsibility for mistakes is a gateway of opportunities to earn others' trust. Making mistakes is inevitable in business or politics. And&&if you are brave enough to stand out to take responsibility, it would be the best time to show your magnetic personality, which would be contagious for your colleagues and hence attracts more talents to support you. In addition, your sincere attitude toward mistake can help you to elevate solitary and unity of a team, which can bolster up staff morale genuinely.
& & Second, taking responsibility is essential to prevent the situation from deteriorating. Since you are the leader, there is no one else in the team who can know the whole situation better than you. You must rise to the occasion and implement a stopgap measure as soon as possible to reverse the damage to other relevant things. However, if you put priority to save your face rather than admit your mistake and continue to be oblivious to the mistake you have made, you may lose the golden time to make up for it, and therefore situation may spin out of control. An example that aptly illustrate this point would be the Toyota Recall Crisis in 2009. At first, there were only several cases in the world complaining about the accelerators problems in Toyota's vehicles,&&but Toyota opted to keep blind eyes to it. Finally this crisis spread worldwide and Toyota 's reputation took a beating. Toyota could have prevented this crisis at first if its leader took responsibility for mistakes and carried out effective measures.
& & Third, it is best time for you to learn lessons from the mistakes unless you can take the responsibility for them rather than escape from them. Admitting your mistake, undoubtedly, is the prerequisite of absorbing the lessons from it. And only through accumulating the experience and lessons from mistakes, can we know how to handle things in a more organized way and avoid making the same mistake for a second time.
& &If you can't take the responsibility for mistakes, you may lose the support from you voter, you long-term business collaboration may be suspended, your partner may betray you, your self-image may be tarnished. What you get, finally ,is a bleak future of your political or business career.
老师我最后一篇文章的人称上有点困惑,感觉用第二人称会不会有点随意,但是用第三人成的话,就一直是he/she 这样子地写,觉得很不舒服。觉得如果用they的话觉得也不是很合适。
@秒速5厘米& &求老师指点~
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为毛我会让那些说我胖的人shut up呢?因为老娘的肥不是为他们减的!我胖了许多年,应该说从小到大都没瘦过,最瘦的时候在118斤,那时候我在艺考,在外地奔波了一个月,饮食不规律加上旅途劳累,瘦也是自然的,当然,这也是暂时的!高二的时候我一度胖到144斤,呵呵,暂不细表,实在恐怖至极!
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& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
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再过一会儿就要去上钢管舞课了,昨天上课的时候潇潇老师帮我量了一下腰围,居然少了五公分, 不过比起以前减肥还是瘦得太慢!
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加油妹子 我看好你哟:lol
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长得挺乖的 男朋友对你也是真心的好&&现在这种男的少得很了 都是外貌协会的&&是的 漂亮是为了让自己自信更快乐&&不是为了不值得的人的评论 我也准备减肥我肥了十多斤 现在天天都称秤 虽然饿的很 但忍着啊 因为没地方可以运动啊 呵呵&&坚持 :(:(:(
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