苹果一款游戏画面是真实版,路上有星星钱袋苹果版跟蓝色的小瓶子。滑动屏幕跟怪物刀对刀。 游戏名是英文的

POPCAP GAMES COLLECTION小游戏精品集FULL VERSION GAME - CRACKS WO***NG! Alchemy AstroPop Atomica Bejeweled Bejeweled 2 Big Money! Bonnie's Bookstore Bookworm Bookworm Adventures Chuzzle Dynomite! Feeding Frenzy Feeding Frenzy 2 Hammer Heads Heavy Weapon Iggle Pop! Insaniquarium! Mummy Maze NingPo MahJong Noah's Ark Peggle Pixelus Pizza Frenzy Rocket Mania! Seven Seas Talismania TipTop Typer Shark! Venice Word Harmony Zuma Mystery P.I. Big Kahuna Reef Cake Mania Diner Dash 2 Family Feud Mystery Case Files: Huntsville Mystery Solitaire Platypus QBeez 2 Super Collapse 3 Tradewinds Legends Waterbugs
1.Alchemy Deluxe(字符炼金术)  Transmute lead to gold with this magically addictive puzzler!   神秘的字符炼金术。游戏在画着图腾的背景图上展开,背景图被分割成许多小方格(8X9),主角是一些字母,各种颜色都有,其中还会出现石头。第一次运行该游戏也许找不着北,实际上规则挺简单的,每个小方格每次可以放置一个字符(字符及其颜色是随机出现的),当摆满一行或一列的时候,该行或列上面的字符就会消去,同时该行、列的小方格有暗变成金色的,直到所有的方格变成金色的就可过关。左键放置,右键扔到垃圾池中,最多可连续扔3次,否则的话就Game Over了,每放置一个方格的字符会抵顶垃圾池中的一个字符。
原图: |640×4802.Astropop Deluxe(太空爆破)  Blast off with earth-shattering arcade puzzle action! Match four bricks, use combos and powerups and unleash your SUPA weapon to score big points!   一款类似MVS街机游戏Magic Drop打方块游戏。
原图: |640×4803.Atomica Deluxe(原子)  Turn atoms into molecules to score big points, or go up against the clock in the Time Trial mode. Let’s get nuclear!  有趣的四子配对游戏。五子连珠游戏玩过没有,它们的规则是差不多的。只不过这款游戏4个球连在一起就可消去,但是有一点不同的是,彩球必须是2X2及2X3的排列方式才能消去,而不是一般的一行或一列。游戏会提示下次出现彩球的地方,可以更加有目的的移动彩球。但是难度并没有因此而减少,彩球不停的冒出,找出最佳的位置还要好好动动脑子。该游戏在移动彩球时会出现方向箭头,使移动更准确。
原图: |640×4804.Bejeweled Deluxe(宝石迷阵)  Awesome hi-res graphics and entrancing music!   Short on time? Save your game and play later!   Hint on demand feature... need a hint? Just click!   Save your high scores for posterity!   No advertisements!   Popcap的招牌游戏,“宝石迷阵”,久负盛名的互换钻石游戏,横跨palm、ppc和pc三大平台,很得玩家的喜欢。游戏规则简单,只要将相同的钻石横排或竖排放在一起就可以消除。如果你时间太多不知如何打发,那就让它来帮你吧。在电脑上呢完全拥有了游戏的精髓,特别是出色的画面和精彩的音效,可以说相当的刺激。最后要说的是对于眼力和判断力有一定的要求。
原图: |640×4805.Bejeweled 2 Deluxe(宝石迷阵2)  With four unique and entrancing ways to play, explosive new game pieces and awe-inspiring planetary backdrops, Bejeweled 2 is more wildly addictive than ever before!  “宝石迷阵”二代,内容、画面和音乐更精彩。
原图: |640×4806.Big Money Deluxe(金钱游戏)  Greed is good! Collect coins and grab moneybags in this fast-paced game of skill!  金钱游戏,尽可能收集更多的硬币与钱袋。  游戏分成了三种类型(Action、Strategy、Puzzle)与三种难度。每一关会不停从下方出现不同颜色的硬币,仔细一看,这些硬盘刻着各国的货币符号,还有¥呐!每消去一个硬币,在右边的计数柱会增加一个金币,随着金币的增加一直到增加最上面的钱袋,游戏画面中就会出现一个钱袋,钱袋随着下降到接近底部时,也会因为硬币的消除而飞进你的囊中,每一关要得到一定数量的钱袋才能过关。尤其是越到后面关卡,更不能有一丝松懈。
原图: |640×4807.Bookworm Deluxe(书虫)  Link letters and create words to feed the hungry, hungry Bookworm! But watch out for fiery red letters... they’ll burn your library down! It’s vocabulariffic!  有趣的英文拼字游戏,在游戏中它会以有趣的音乐陪伴你在英文单字方块阵列中找出英文单字,只要你懂的字汇够多,相信你一定可以快速的玩成这个游戏。
原图: |638×4808.Dynomite Deluxe(恐龙蛋)  Get ready for prehistoric egg-blasting action! With 4 different game types, including fast action and slower, turn-based modes, there's never a shortage of dino fun!  非常紧张刺激的恐龙蛋消除游戏,类似于大名鼎鼎的“泡泡龙”系列。不过角色换成了可爱的恐龙。游戏主要目的是要消除画面上所有的恐龙蛋。四种不同游戏内容,每种又分为三种难度,让你玩个够。
原图: |639×4799.Heavy Weapon Deluxe(重装武力)  Lock and load a dose of classic 80's-style arcade mayhem with Heavy Weapon, PopCap's frenzied new shoot-em-up!   非常出色的街机风格的重武器射击游戏,画面精美,操作感强。玩家用鼠标控制一辆坦克,在前进的过程中消灭空中的敌人,完成任务后有丰富的奖励。每完成一件任务便可得一个点数,可以用这些点数给坦克装备特殊装备,有六种特殊装备供你使用!支持记录功能!
原图: |640×48010.Insaniquarium Deluxe(怪怪水族箱)  Feed fish, fight aliens, upgrade your weapons, and unlock secret pets as you explore 20 captivating new levels and 4 unique tanks of action-puzzle adventure!  原创性十足,画面、音乐都表现杰出的益智游戏。玩家的目标是让神奇蛋孵出宠物,需要通过养鱼来获得钱币,玩家饲养的鱼到达一定大小时,会开始有钱币产出,小一点的会有银币,较大的鱼则会出现金币。当这些钱币出现,玩家必须赶快在落地之前接起来,否则一旦落地就会消失不见。另外玩家要小心这些鱼一旦在一定时间之内,没有吃到饲料可是会归天的。另外会出现怪兽攻击这些鱼儿,玩家此时喂鱼的功能会变成攻击的武器,要尽快击退这些怪物,否则当这些怪物将所有的鱼儿吃掉后,游戏将会结束。画面的上面有一排横列的图示,上面标满了各式各样的生物,或者饲料与武器。
原图: |640×48011.Mummy Maze Deluxe(木乃伊迷宫)  Search the tombs and outwit the Mummy in this brain-busting puzzle game!  游戏在木乃伊所在的迷宫里展开,任务就是尽快赶到出口。一般一次只能走一步,而木乃伊如果没有阻挡的话,则可以连续走,如果你们相遇,那些纱布只好全部缠在你的头上了。如果走到出口,而不让木乃伊遇到,就要好好的动一番脑子啦!
原图: |640×48012.NingPo MahJong Deluxe(宁波麻将)  A classic Mahjong solitaire game! Undo, hints, and shuffle features, plus multiple layouts, tile sets and backgrounds!   很早之前在电脑上曾经出现过,记得当时叫“四川麻将”,不过没关系,虽然换了一个地方但是玩法还是一样。在最短的时间内把所有的牌消没。规则是2张一样的牌可以相互抵消,但只有最外层的牌可以,如果牌被夹在中间,那么你是不可以选择它的。在消牌时也要注意其他牌的情况,如果最后出现无牌可消,那么系统将会重新安排牌的位置,这可是要加时间的。
原图: |640×48013.Noah's Ark Deluxe(诺亚方舟)  Get ready for a flood of fun! Save the animals two by two in this exciting matching game.   类似连连看的游戏。阴郁的大地、高山,洪水不断上涨,天空电闪雷鸣,动物门无处可躲。这时诺亚带着他的方舟出现了。游戏的小方块全部都是一些可爱动物,大象、猴子、猪、牛、羊、青蛙等。将两个同类的“块”在中间没有“隔墙”的情况下连在一起,就可以消去他们。游戏的任务是赶在海水淹没方舟之前把动物全都带进方舟里,也就是全都消除。  本游戏结合了诺亚方舟的神话故事,特别是到最后电闪雷鸣的时候,非常紧张、刺激。
原图: |638×47814.Pixelus Deluxe(像素岛)  Shipwrecked sailor Claudius is trapped on the mystic isle of Pixelus! He must rebuild the temples of mythic gods before they will help him escape. Slide tiles into place and make magical mosaics in this beautiful new puzzler!  不幸遭遇海难的克劳迪亚斯漂流到了一个的神秘小岛Pixelus上,当他得知住在这里的众神都因为自己神庙的地板损坏而心烦时,于是决定帮助众神重新修好地板。众神也会以将克劳迪亚斯送回家乡作为报答。玩家的目的是要把每关出现的图形利用磁砖排列出来,也就是把画面下方中的磁砖贴到画面中央有空格的地 方。当全部完成之后,画面会变成彩色的图片。  操作说明:玩家只要利用鼠标,便可以轻松玩此款游戏,选择要放置的磁砖位置,主角便会跑到适当位置来放置磁砖,而要收回磁砖则选取磁砖再按左键便可以收回。如果遇到无法放置或收回的磁砖,游戏会提示此时无法动作,玩家可以看看是否周围有别的磁砖挡住了。该游戏背景音乐很好,另外每一关均有详细提示,如果是在玩不过去,可以看看,但是奇奇玩不建议这样做,总的来说这款游戏难度不是很大,但是可玩度很高!
原图: |613×46015.Rocket Mania Deluxe(中国烟花)  Flip fuses to connect a burning match to rockets, then watch the sparks fly! How many fireworks can you let fly?  连水管游戏。玩家需要连通管道使左边的火可以通过管道顺利的发射出右边的火箭,同时发射出多枚火箭可以得到硬币奖励,硬币是用来升级火箭,每5枚硬币可以提高一个火箭的等级,火箭的等级高了,发射出的得分也增加。火箭初始为1级,最高10级。  游戏设计很有意思,在配上中国式的传统音乐,让玩家乐在其中。不仅如此,游戏的音效方面更是突出,多枚火箭同时发射时振奋人心的声音,发射火箭后人们欢呼的声音和烟花在空中爆炸的火花相映成趣,可见PopCap公司在制作游戏时的独具匠心。
原图: |640×48016.Seven Seas Deluxe(七海争霸)  Fire broadsides, sink pirates, and dodge sea serpents in this exciting test of skill.   回合制战斗的游戏,玩家所操纵的船要和海盗们对抗,由于采用回合制,所以没走一部都要仔细考虑,可不要变成敌人炮弹下的亡魂。鼠标放在自己船上的时候,所出现的准心表示可以攻击的地点,逃跑或是攻击由玩家自己选择,如果攻击也就意味着失去了一次移动的机会。  游戏具有一定难度,但同时充满挑战。
原图: |640×48017.TipTop Deluxe(水果大餐)  Match and clear the slot symbols! Use magnets, bombs and other specials to score crazy combos, but don't break the bank!  别致的水果大餐,设法把3个以上的同类水果排列在一起使之消去。与其他的消去游戏不同的是,上面和下面同时展开,上面落下的水果是你控制的,而下面的是由计算机控制的,但是你也可以通过移动上面的水果使下面的一起移动。注意上下的水果一般不是同类的,所以要仔细瞧一瞧,当然大部分时间根本顾不上下面的,因为是有时间限制的,所以该游戏主要考验你的眼急手快。该游戏在显示上可设为半屏和全屏,游戏***有三种模式:regulal正规化模式、Strategy策略模式、速度模式。游戏中随着管束的不同会相继出现一些法宝,如:吸铁石是用来将一列水果向上吸一层的,而铁锤的功能恰恰相反,还有可炸掉一列水果的雷管、可消去画面上所有同一类水果的法宝以及可随机变换的小丑等。
原图: |632×46918.Typer Shark Deluxe(猎鲨打字员)  Move over, Mavis, it's the typing tutor with teeth! Zap sharks and piranha as you dive for sunken treasure!   类似金山打字王,不过是英文的。潜水员所代表的玩家必须要在鲨鱼接近之前打出它们身上的字母才能把它们电晕。随着关数的增加,鲨鱼的速度越来越快,身上的单词也越来越长,不能盲打的朋友们还是不要尝试了。看着鲨鱼慢慢接近必定会手忙脚乱。  在游戏中可以学到单词,游戏及寓教于乐于一身。
原图: |640×48019.Zuma Deluxe(祖玛)  Control the stone frog idol of the ancient Zuma in this thrilling action puzzler. Fire balls to make sets of three, but don't let them reach the golden skull or you're history!  风靡一时的“青蛙吐豆”。玩家控制青蛙吐出各种颜色的珠子,三个一样的珠子可以消失得分,随着游戏的深入,珠子的滚动速度会越来越快,而且珠子颜色也会有所增加,游戏任务是在全部珠子滚进骷髅嘴前将其全部消灭。当然,游戏中会随机出现带有各种标志的珠子作为对玩家的奖励,例如有爆炸,后退,停滞及增加射击准确性,适当的利用它们对玩家过关或得高分都有帮助。  游戏背景制作细致,珠子造型美丽,背景音乐神秘搞笑,不失为平常休闲娱乐的精品游戏。
原图: |640×48020.Chuzzle Deluxe  Googly-eyed little balls of fur that giggle, squeak, and sneeze as you push them across the board! Once you start popping Chuzzles you might not be able to stop!  非常可爱的毛绒精灵消除游戏,拖动相同颜色的毛绒精灵3个连在一起即可消除。可以直线连,也可以直角连,但不能斜线连。随着关卡的增加,还会出现超大的毛绒精灵,以及被锁住的精灵以增加难度,当然也会偶尔出现会爆炸的精灵,消除它可以炸掉周围的其他精灵。游戏共分为classic、speed、zed和mind四种模式,在classic模式可以有些关卡收集到不同的东西,以填入Jiophy room房间,当所有的东西全部收集后,就完成了,在最后的mind模式中,就要好好的动一番脑子啦,需要移动毛绒精灵变成与给出的图案一样的排列。
原图: |640×480(二)Gamehouse小游戏精品集-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.Adventure Inlay(七巧板探秘)  Take the adventure of a lifetime! Adventure Inlay is packed front to back with hand crafted levels and ingenious game play. Over sixty gorgeously rendered wildlife scenes fill the Adventure Inlay landscape.  Challenge yourself with four distinctly addictive game modes. Traditional mode will keep you on your toes. Strategery lets you plan your moves carefully, but danger is always near. Revealer mode will peak your curiosity. Enigma mode provides a relaxing and mind bending puzzle.  把形状不一的方块镶嵌到图形中去。方块形状不一,大小不等,但是仔细观看,它们都是以最小的三角块为基数,需要镶嵌的空白图形也是形态各异,当然大部分为动物形状的。这是一款较好的锻炼判断能力和反应能力的益智游戏,除了可爱的图形、优美的音乐之外,野生动物的图案也让我们更感亲近。该游戏更分为三种难度操作是一样的,鼠标点击拿起然后鼠标点击再放下。注意如果拿错了,可以放到右下边的方框中,但是一次只能放一块,下面的滚动框中如果满了方块的话,游戏就结束了,这时候你可以小锤子敲碎不用的方块,也可以把方块放到垃圾箱中。
原图: |640×4802.Ancienttripeaks(远古纸牌接龙)  Are you ready for some classic solitaire fun? Play eight variations of the solitaire classic, Tripeaks. Timed and un-timed modes make Ancient Tripeaks a joy for the whole family.  Your goal is to move all cards from the peaks to the stack pile. Click on cards that are one lower or higher than the top card on your stack pile. Ignore suits, they don't affect matching.  这是一个纸牌接龙游戏。精美的画面、动听的音乐带给你一个愉快的游戏氛围。让你在一天紧张的工作后松弛下来。游戏上手很简单,有8种不同的模式,让你越玩越上瘾。   左键在牌堆中点击和当前牌面相邻的牌,如果没有相邻的牌可以点击备用牌。A既和K相邻又和2相邻。取走牌堆中所有的牌游戏过关。
原图: |640×4803.Bejeweled 2(宝石迷阵2)  The sequel to one of the biggest online games is bigger and better than ever. Bejeweled 2 will warp you into puzzle ecstasy with four modes of jewel swapping action. Classic, Puzzle, Action, and Endless modes please Bejeweled fans and newcomers alike.  Two new special pieces, Power Gems and Hyper Cubes, light up the screen with overwhelming power. Match four jewels to create a Power Gem and five to create a Hyper Cube. Use these new powerful special pieces to help you clear all the gems in Puzzle mode. Track your progress on the Galaxy Map as you make your way through sixteen alien planets, each with five puzzles to solve.  Popcap的招牌游戏,“宝石迷阵”的二代,久负盛名的互换钻石游戏,横跨palm、ppc和pc三大平台,很得玩家的喜欢。游戏规则简单,只要将相同的钻石横排或竖排放在一起就可以消除。如果你时间太多不知如何打发,那就让它来帮你吧。在电脑上呢完全拥有了游戏的精髓,特别是出色的画面和精彩的音效,可以说相当的刺激。最后要说的是对于眼力和判断力有一定的要求。
原图: |640×4804.Big Kahuna Reef(暗礁)  Go Hawaiian in this underwater adventure, diving from reef to reef as gorgeous fish surround you. Discover Sea Turtles and other aquatic life as you break open boxes in this classic style matching game, questing for the fabled Mask of the Tiki. Diving through over 140 levels, you will uncover greater challenges including the Skeleton Fish of Kamehameha. Lead on adventurer?your quest awaits!  一款画面华丽的经典风格匹配类型游戏,以充满海龟、热带鱼等海洋生物的夏威夷海底为背景,通过解决匹配难题揭示tiki神面具的秘密。游戏中你需要调换相邻两个格子的物品,相同物品练成一条线时会消除,同时打开物品后的箱子放鱼出来,将所有的鱼都放掉就过关。
原图: |640×4805.Chainz(锁链)  Prepare for a truly unique puzzle challenge with Chainz. Connect colorful chains, and create fantastic chain-reactions for bonus points. Play at your own pace in Normal mode, or beat the clock in Time Attack. Simple game controls and energized colors make Chainz a delight for your whole family. Puzzle lovers, get your free trial now!   Chainz 是一个类似于魔法宝石的智力游戏,你需要通过将不同颜色的小环两两调换位置来实现同色小环的消除。
原图: |640×4806.Crystal Path(水晶之路)  The guardians of Fairy Land welcome you. Pass their puzzle tests along the Crystal Path to delve deeper into their mystical lands. Discover rare and enchanting beasts as your journey unfolds. Combine your puzzle wit and two magical powers, Shift and Shuffle, and you'll surely be a success.  Clear the Crystal Path by rotating and placing colored crystals next to like colored crystals in groups of three or more. Don't cut your journey short by letting the Crystals reach the bottom of the screen. Use the Shift Magic button in a pinch to buy some time.  益智游戏,精灵之地的居民们对于能在它们美丽的国度里来欢迎你的到来是异常兴奋的,它们为你准备了许多的具有挑战性的迷题。你将会旅行在神秘的覆盖着许多种颜色和形状的水晶的小路上,你的任务就是从小路上移除所的水晶。
原图: |640×4807.Cubis Gold 2(立体派2)  Pump up your mental muscles with this sequel to the award-winning hit! Stack, push and wedge colored blocks into groups of three or more in four uniquely exciting game modes. Beat the clock in Arcade mode, outwit Puzzle modes, or watch the blocks fly in the two Morph-fun modes. Even create and share your own Cubis? levels with the Game Editor! Cubis 2 is the logical choice for casual fun.  非常有趣的在平台上消除各类立体彩色方块的游戏。
原图: |640×4808.Diner Dash(挑战餐厅)  Ditch your desk job, roll up your sleeves, and serve up some grub! Help Flo the former stock broker build her dining empire from a roadside diner to a five-star restaurant.  50 challenging levels that allow you to grow your restaurant through 4 complete re-models.  模拟经营类游戏—挑战餐厅。游戏中你需要经营好你的餐厅并满足你的饥饿的客人的需求,尝试做餐厅老板的感觉。
原图: |640×4809.Feeding Frenzy(疯狂吞食鱼)  It's survival of the biggest in this action packed deep-sea challenge. Eat your way to the top of the food chain as you swim through stunning underwater environments and encounter deadly predators. Look out for the power-ups, mermaids, and bonus stages that you'll need to help you on your quest to unseat the vicious Shark King!  Looking for more? Unlock 6 different underwater screen savers by racking up points in your "Food Bank." Learn a thing or two about the amazing underwater world by checking out the "Fun Facts" at the end of each stage. Or, try "Time Attack" mode where you race against the clock as you eat your way up the food chain.  用鼠标在水中移动你的鱼,你可以去吃那些比你小的鱼,点击鼠标左键可以加速、右键可以吞下大量的水和附近所有的鱼。10.Fiber Twig(神秘花园的植物)  Find the missing pieces and complete the puzzle in this magical mental challenge from the creators of Puzzle Myth. The inhabitants of a fairy-tale garden have decorated their land with beautiful patterns of twigs. But a vicious hurricane has scattered the pieces. Can you recreate the enchanting designs? Let your imagination run free with this fantastic puzzler.  传说中仙女花园的居住者会用一些枝条拼成图案来装饰花园。但是可恶的狂风把它们吹散了。你能把它们重新拼起来吗?现在就用你的想像来构造这些迷人的图案吧。
原图: |640×48011.Gearz(齿轮)  Amazingly simple and unavoidably addictive! Place and link Gearz to reach the finish line before all your Gearz slide off the screen. Master the chaotic clockwork of Gearz and you'll be rewarded with huge color combos and bonuses.  Gearz begins as a simple puzzle but quickly turns into a true mind bender that's guaranteed to get YOUR Gearz turning!   选择不同的齿轮按照提示连在一起,并到达目标齿轮或完成指定组合就可以。游戏规则简单,上手容易,且画面精致。
原图: |640×48012.Gutterball 2(星际保龄球)  Get bonkers with Gutterball 2! Bigger and better than the original, Gutterball 2 takes bowling to the next level. Unlock custom bowling balls and wacky alleys as you battle your way through challenging computer oponents and performance milestones. You'll be blown away by fantastic graphics, special effects and hilarious comic relief. Get your free trial now!  这是一款保龄球的游戏,画面有不错的表现,再加上逼真的语音,让玩家仿佛是在球馆上打球一般。在阿克达星球上举办了一场星际保龄球赛,各个星球皆派出菁英来参赛。每个选手都不敢懈怠,一到了球场便开始练习并熟悉球道,大家都想取得本次星际保龄球赛冠军。这款游戏画面非常卡通,而音效方面也有不凡 的表现,当玩家击出半倒或全倒时,都有鼓励的掌声及欢呼声,而玩家如果表现不佳,就可能被笑或被嘘声掩盖。
原图: |646×49913.Holiday Express(假日快车)   Celebrate the holidays by delivering colorful presents on the Holiday Express! Arrange the gifts, fill up the train and reveal festive photos! There's also falling snow, bonus rounds and jolly music in this great holiday-themed game.  假日快车载来多姿多彩的礼物为你庆祝节日,但是要想得到礼物就必须用各种方块填满车厢,并显示出节庆的图片,才算过关哦。
原图: |640×48014.Iggle Pop(精灵宝宝大救援)  You'll begin your journey in the far away Land of Fuzz where the evil Zoogs have imprisoned the innocent Iggles. Doctor Iggle needs your help saving the Iggle race! Assume the role of Fizzy or Dizzy and POP your Iggle friends out of their bubble prisons.  精灵宝宝大救援,帮迷失在森林草丛、雪地等地方中的可爱精灵回家。一款画面非常精美且规则有趣的智益游戏,游戏的目标是把森林精灵Iggle从它们的泡泡笼中解救出来,并送回他们自己的家园。游戏中会有各种各样的怪兽来拦截和阻挠你的前进,你要一一设法避开他们的围堵!游戏画面制作的卡通味十足,非常可爱,配合优美轻快的音乐,是休闲时不错的选择。操作:控制主角接触一个个目标,他们就会跟在你后面,将他们送进相同颜色的门之后,就会过关。需要注意的是:由于你带领的人越来越多,你的队伍越来越长,要小心他们不被敌人碰到,否则你还需要重新在把他们弄进队伍中来。
原图: |640×48015.Incadia(土著怪脸)  Classic puzzle intrigue and unsurpassed fun awaits you in the ancient lands of Incadia. Immerse yourself into the lush Incadia graphics and tribal sounds. Incadia is delightfully familiar, but don't underestimate the depth and excitement this new puzzle offering. Plan carefully as new stones and special pieces are introduced. Intuitive game play lets you focus on the fun!  经典的方块消除类型游戏,不过游戏中的方块都是怪异的土著人脸,玩法非常简单,用鼠标右键可以改变掉落下来的方块,横、竖或斜的位置,三个颜色相同方块就可以消去。该游戏增加了各种辅助过关的道具,比如炸药,可以消除一行的方块,锤头,消除画面中相同颜色的方块,增加了游戏的可玩性、游戏的音效非常好,背景音乐是印第安风格。
原图: |640×48016.Incredible Ink(神笔)  Click and drag your Magic Quill to dispense Incredible Ink onto the fun filled landscape. With a little practice you'll soon master the art of guiding the Magic Ball with Incredible Ink. Two distinct game modes, Escape and Break All, are packed with gorgeous art and detailed level design. Its fun times two!  这是一款非常独特的休闲游戏,有点像打砖块,不过这里的挡板是由你随手画成的,利用你画的弧线变的挡板反弹小球,消灭画面上的宝石,然后把小球弹到"Exit"那里就算过关,非常另类!
原图: |640×48017.Insaniquarium(怪怪水族箱)  Feed fish? Fight aliens? Collect coins? What kind of crazy game is this!? Explore a captivating underwater world in this insane action-puzzle adventure from the creators of BookWorm and Zuma! Feed your fish and watch your aquarium, and wealth, grow. Then, use your funds to buy more fish, unlock secret pets, and upgrade your tank. But, watch out! Seafood-loving aliens have their eyes on your school and it's up to you to keep them safe. It's not crazy - it's insane!  原创性十足,画面、音乐都表现杰出的益智游戏。玩家的目标是让神奇蛋孵出宠物,需要通过养鱼来获得钱币,玩家饲养的鱼到达一定大小时,会开始有钱币产出,小一点的会有银币,较大的鱼则会出现金币。当这些钱币出现,玩家必须赶快在落地之前接起来,否则一旦落地就会消失不见。另外玩家要小心这些鱼一旦在一定时间之内,没有吃到饲料可是会归天的。另外会出现怪兽攻击这些鱼儿,玩家此时喂鱼的功能会变成攻击的武器,要尽快击退这些怪物,否则当这些怪物将所有的鱼儿吃掉后,游戏将会结束。画面的上面有一排横列的图示,上面标满了各式各样的生物,或者饲料与武器。
原图: |640×48018.Inspector Parker(巡官派克)  Something foul's afoot at Misanthorpe Manor, and it's going to take a detective with a keen eye and a mind to match to solve this mysterious puzzler. Help Inspector Parker solve the mystery of the Manor, where potential suspects, weapons, motives, victims, pieces of evidence and body disposal methods must be sorted through to solve the crime. Use logic and intuition to piece together the puzzle - and solve the mystery! If you like to snuggle up with a good whodunit, you're going to love Inspector Parker...to death!  侦探类型的破案智力游戏,解决 Misanthorpe 庄园的神秘,七个潜在的嫌疑犯,动机,武器,牺牲品,证据,必须被整理直到解决罪行。从在你的直到罪行的细节的笔记本中使用线索,消除可能性。你的良师益友,检察员帕克,在职业游戏方式中将引导你通过十个水平。以***以一个新手开始学院和使主要的检察员得到你的方式。或者,如果你较喜欢,挑选你的喜爱的水平和一次又一次玩它。在游戏中的每个字有明显的个性。也有希区柯克风格的音乐。19.Jewel Quest(宝石探秘)  Grab your gear, you're about to embark on a one of a kind puzzle adventure. With the help of your Jewel Quest journal, the wisdom of ancient scripts and your puzzle expertise you will discover the fabled Tonatiuh - The Temple of the Fifth Sun. The ancient scripts say "Align the relics you can see, across or down in groups of three. Turn all squares to solid gold, the path to riches will soon unfold."  益智动脑游戏,游戏的规则非常简单,玩家只要利用鼠标,将同种类的三个以上方块凑在一起,便可以消除,再消除之后,每个方块的底图会变成金***,在游戏的时间限制之内,玩家必须把全部的方格都变成金***才能顺利关。  这款游戏的难度可是相当高的哦,需要考验你的眼力、智力、还有最重要的耐力。游戏从1-1到5-10,打完后还有翻版,大大增加了可玩性。
原图: |640×48020.Luxor(金字塔)  Luxor is an adventure you won't soon forget!   A unique take on the match three style puzzle, Luxor challenges you to think quickly and aim carefully as you explore the path of the Nile. Luxor comes to life with stunning graphics and exotic sounds, while exhilarating game play keeps you on the edge of your seat.   Blast colored spheres toward the advancing rows! Form matching phalanxes to shield the pyramid! The Pharaoh awaits, can you meet his challenge?  类似祖玛,更加精美的画面和美妙的音乐,如果你喜欢印加祖玛,那就不要错过Luxor 金字塔!
原图: |640×48021.Madcaps(疯狂瓶盖)  From the creative and crazy minds that brought you Chainz comes Mad Caps, a puzzle game gone MAD! Send bottle caps flying with every move to get your fill of tasty soda. Zap caps with ray guns, target them with rockets or let the alien transform them. Collect letters to spell Mystery Words along with other 'under-the-cap' bonuses. Let Mad Caps quench your thirst for fun!  这是一个极好玩的瓶盖翻转游戏,游戏的画面和音乐非常出色,尤其是消除瓶盖的音效,让你在炎炎夏日有一种清凉的感觉。玩法很简单,用鼠标翻转瓶盖就可以了,三个相同的瓶盖就可以消去,右边气槽满后就可以过关,还有一些特殊瓶盖,这可是辅助你过关的好东西哦,有些瓶盖翻开后还有五角星和数字,可以得到额外的加分,当你拼出画面上方的单词后,会得到更多的加分。  游戏共有三种玩法,也各有三种难度可以选择,游戏的操作很简单,玩家只要控制鼠标点击交换的瓶盖,移动瓶盖消除。
原图: |640×48022.Magic Ball 2(魔法球2)  Take brick-busting action into the next dimension with Magic Ball 2.   Simple game play and intense level design make Magic Ball 2 insanely addictive and fun. Keep the Magic Ball bouncing to clear the screen and earn big points. Don't let the Magic Ball reach the bottom! New level designs, power-ups, weapons, and animated characters, will keep you busting bricks non-stop in Magic Ball 2!  非常别致的打砖块类游戏,积木似的各色砖块组成的建筑物,几乎平面的操作场所,全新的带弹簧的档杆,各种各样的宝物,让人乐在其中。操作也是非常的简单,“一鼠走天下”,注意个别的宝物是不能接的,当打到最后出现金***的横杆落下时,接住就可以过关了。
原图: |640×48023.Magic Inlay(魔力镶嵌)  Following in the graceful footsteps of Puzzle Inlay, we bring you MAGIC INLAY. Choose from three fantasy environments inhabited by magical creatures to challenge your jewel arrangement skills. With over 20 levels to play you'll find a myriad of shapes to fill with beautiful jewels. Play with one of three difficulty levels, a choice of three game speeds, and save your progress as you go.  以宝石为主题的拼图游戏,画面非常漂亮!游戏融合了拼图类游戏和俄罗斯方块类游戏的优点,紧张刺激,游戏中有3种难度。24.Magic Vines(魔法蔓藤)  Pack your bags and get ready to travel the world on a puzzling adventure with Magic Vines. Line up vines in groups of three or more to clear the board and embark on the next challenge. Once you complete the challenges of each locale, fly off to a new part of the world and face challenging puzzles. Take off on an exciting adventure without ever leaving your favorite chair!  智力游戏。为世界丛林和平原之旅作好准备,在每个区域进行探险的同时解决一系列难度越来越大的游戏任务。游戏中你将旅行于丛林和平原间,探索每一个场所并解决难题。你需要改变藤蔓的方向来消除木板。只有将木板全部消除才能进入下一关。你会飞抵世界上的另一个地区并且解决一个新的更具挑战性的游戏任务。
原图: |640×48025.MahJong Medley(麻将合集)  Our most popular board game Super Mah Jong n Mah Jong Medley. Now you can choose from over 300 layouts, all distinctly original, ranging from super easy to extremely challenging.  Mah Jong Medley has 4 game modes to choose from. Classic mode allows you to play like you've always played Mah Jong Solitaire. Select two tiles that add up to ten in Ten mode. Move up to two tiles out of the way in Free Cell. Rearrange tiles in numerical order in Addiction mode. Now you have 4 exciting ways to play Mah Jong.   麻将游戏合集。可选300多种布局,完全独创,难度从超级简单到绝对挑战!4种游戏模式,经典、瘪十、自由方格和入迷。
原图: |640×48026.MahJong Quest(麻将传奇)  Kwazi needs your help! Three terrible dragons have appeared without warning, wreaking havoc on the once peaceful village. With the guidance of twelve spiritual animals, solve the mysteries of the ancient tiles to restore balance to the Empire. You must find and match Yin and Yang to proceed through each of the 60 puzzles. This is your destiny?this is Kwazi's Quest.  Choose from over 150 additional Classic and Puzzle layouts to improve your skills or just to have fun. These layouts provide endless hours of entertainment with the ability to shuffle the boards or play in one of many different challenging modes.  麻将探秘 Mahjong Quest:经典的麻将连连看游戏,故事发生在古老的中国,你要用远古的麻将牌来恢复被三条巨龙烧毁的家园,然后一直往东方寻找巨龙,路上拯救了很多村庄,最终完成自己的心愿。游戏有三种模式,标准模式、故事模式、益智模式,这款麻将连连看游戏加入了故事模式,可玩性很强。
原图: |640×48027.Pizza Frenzy(疯狂皮萨)  Pizza Frenzy is a wacky action/puzzler that puts you in charge of your own pizza delivery empire! Reflexes and quick-thinking are required to handle all the orders. This fast-paced game will keep your mouse clicking with rewarding action and pattern matching.  Take advantage of your bird's eye view of the city to keep a sharp eye out for hungry customers. Match incoming orders with your Pizza kitchens to deliver your pizzas fresh and on time. Work fast to avoid missing orders! If you miss too many, your customer satisfaction will plummet - if it gets too low, it's Game Over!  反应力以及记忆力大考验!你必须迅速把顾客的需求传递到店里,并及时收钱,随着游戏的进行,顾客的需求会越来越多,千万不能手忙脚乱哦,忙中出错的话...后果很严重!
原图: |640×48028.Platypus(鸭嘴兽战机)  A perfect fusion of whimsical art and serious fun! Let Platypus take you on a brand new adventure through clay forests and cloud cities. You've never seen anything like this, guaranteed!  Help the peaceful land of Mungola defend against the attacking hordes of Collosatropolis! Sound crazy? It is, crazy fun! Enjoy loads of powerups and a variety of enemies as you blast your way through the clay. You will never fail to be surprised as you work your way through the creative world of Platypus. Grab a hunk of clay and play!  紧张刺激的空中激战,所有的画面全部是用塑胶用粘土制作的,包括子弹、烟雾等,所有整个游戏看起来很卡通的,难度分为容易、一般、困难3个级别,对孩子来讲一般容易就可以了,鼠标左键,也可以按着左键不停的发射,空中有时会出现一些香蕉、樱桃之类的水果,吃上它可以加分,还有各种颜色的五角星,可以增强活力。
原图: |640×48029.Poker Superstars(超级扑克赌王)  Take on the masters of Texas Hold 'Em! Based on the hit TV show, Poker Superstars Invitational Tournament? pits you against pros like Gus Hansen, Phil Ivey, and Johnny Chan.  十个扑克赌王齐聚一桌,两百万美元,胜者为王。这就是美国电视系列节目《Poker Superstars Invitational》的主要内容,而此游戏正是根据这个节目开发的。游戏中包括新手提示,专业级的电脑对手,玩家更有机会和Doyle Brunson,Howard Lederer, Johnny Chan, Gus Hansen, TJ Cloutier, Phil Ivey, Barry Greenstein和Chip Reese这8位扑克冠军同场竞技,你有信心击败他们成为新的赌王吗?
原图: |640×48030.Puzzle Express(快递列车)  All aboard the Puzzle Express! Get your tickets ready, you're about to embark on a puzzle adventure across the USA. Use Tetris style pieces to fill the train car puzzles and reveal beautiful photographs. Never see the same picture twice! Automatically download images or load your own custom images.  Click on puzzle pieces from the loading dock, right-click or use the space bar to rotate them, and click again to drop them. Relax and play at your own pace in Scenic Mode, or play against the clock with complex pieces and bonus rounds in Express Mode.   新颖的俄罗斯方块游戏,进入在游戏后,屏幕下方会不断涌出方块,你要把这些的不同形状的方块填补在火车车厢中,你可以在车厢的任意位置摆放方块,不需要的方块可以扔到左边的黑框框里去,出现单个空格也可以用红色方块填补,完成后会形成一幅美丽的图画,完成任务后火车将带着我们去往下一个美丽的城市,继续更艰难的旅程。  游戏除了标准的风景模式,还是难度更大的时间模式,到后面还会出现三列火车同时进站的关卡,另外,在游戏中还可以把自己喜欢的图片添加到游戏中去呢。
原图: |640×48031.Puzzle Inlay(智力七巧板)  Puzzle Inlay is the game that lets you make beautiful creations while you solve puzzles. Just place the interlocking colored tiles to form shapes, but move quick because the tiles are coming fast and you don't want to let them get stacked up. Mystical items such as the Magic Wand and Hammer combine to bring you an even more enchanting experience.  一个镶嵌物品解迷游戏,要在指定的图案中镶嵌物品。32.Puzzle Solitaire(纸牌拼图)   You've never seen a solitaire game like this before! Fill in all open tiles of an interesting shape with cards by only one simple rule - cards must be placed next another one with a value of one less or one greater, regardless of the suit!  It's so easy to learn you'll be placing cards in no time, but spending hours mastering the challenge. Featuring two great game modes, one fast-paced and one relaxing, Puzzle Solitaire is quality fun for the entire family.  这是一款以扑克牌为主角的游戏,规则有点类似接龙,玩家必须利用纸牌的大小顺序来连接,再依其图形的变化来完成贴图。玩家必须动动脑,才能利用有限的牌来完成关卡。
原图: |640×48033.Ricochet Lost Worlds(弹跳球:失落的世界)  Amazing level design and new powerups like the all powerful acid balls will have you hooked.  Reflexive的王牌游戏,设计奇妙,画面华丽,音效逼真,操作简单,第一关为海底沉没的城市,背景上各种各样的大鱼、小鱼及鱼群悠闲地游来游去,“战斗”便在此展开,两根机器人手臂负责把每关的各种砖块摆放好,鼠标键操作,有的砖块一次就可以碰掉,有的需要3次,有的从下面不可能碰掉,有的是炸弹型的可以炸掉一片。另外,在打砖块的时候会掉下一些物体,当然有的能接,如增加挡杆、手***射击等,有的则不能接,看你自己的摸索了,总之,如果你喜欢打砖块类的游戏,这款游戏你一定不要错过,享受、刺激、紧张尽在其中,多达20余种场景。
原图: |640×48034.Ricochet Recharged(弹跳球再袭)  The award-winning game play of Ricochet Lost Worlds is back! From the talented minds of designers from around the world comes the most dynamic brick-busting experience ever! This wild and warped game has you smashing your way through over 350 beautiful and exhilarating rounds that are truly the best of the best.  With its gorgeous artwork and innovative "Ring Game", this amazing collection picks up where Ricochet Lost Worlds left off. Rejuvenated, Reloaded... RECHARGED!  Ricochet打砖块游戏系列最新续作,更好的视觉和声音效果,新加入了收集圆环玩法(收集一定数量的圆环奖一个球),玩家可定制关卡。
原图: |640×48035.Scrabble(拼字游戏)  The World's Best Loved Word Game is now the ultimate interactive word game! The game play's the way you've always known it, but now stunning graphics, multiple difficulty levels, pop-up menus and more come to vivid life on your desktop. It's everything you love about Scrabble in one easy download. A whole new level of fun!  拼字游戏,有多种难度选择,能够定制棋盘和游戏内容。支持单人和网络模式。
原图: |596×48036.Spongebob Collapse(海底世界溶解方块)  What's more fun than watching SpongeBob SquarePants, or playing Collapse!? SpongeBob SquarePants Collapse, of course! Our latest game offers you the best of both!  Think Super Collapse, but with SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, bubbles, jellyfish and starfish -- you get the picture -- it's SpongeBob SquarePants Collapse!  紧张刺激的海底世界彩色方块消除游戏。因为是有时间限制的,最下面的出现方块的速度越来越快,一关比一关快,一关比一关紧张。37.Super Collapse 2(溶解方块2)  Four modes: Relapse, Traditional, Strategy, and Puzzle make this action puzzle game jam packed with excitement and relaxing fun! Enjoy frantic timed modes and puzzle over relaxing brain teasers. Collapse! II is one of our most popular games.  紧张刺激的彩色方块消除游戏。因为是有时间限制的,最下面的出现方块的速度越来越快,一关比一关快,一关比一关紧张。38.Super Gamehouse Solitaire 1(Gamehouse超级纸牌1)  Super GameHouse Solitaire brings together your favorite solitaire games and a bunch you've probably never played before. Each volume is a mixed compilation of classic solitaire games and solitaire games with a GameHouse twist.  Gamehouse出品的单人纸牌游戏第一辑。39.Super Gamehouse Solitaire 2(Gamehouse超级纸牌2)  Super GameHouse Solitaire brings together your favorite solitaire games and a bunch you've probably never played before. Each volume is a mixed compilation of classic solitaire games and solitaire games with a GameHouse twist.  Gamehouse出品的单人纸牌游戏第二辑。40.Super Gamehouse Solitaire 3(Gamehouse超级纸牌3)  We've done it again! We looked through hundreds of card games and found 10 awesome new Solitaire games. Whether you like the challenge of Scorpion or just a relaxing game of Concentration, you'll love these new single-player card games. Each one has a personality all its own.  Gamehouse出品的单人纸牌游戏第三辑。 41.Super.Jigsaw.12.in.1(超级拼图12合1)  Medley/Pets/Flowers/Wyland/USA Starter/Landscapes/Great Art/Lighthouses/Thomas Kinkade/Anne Geddes/Butterflies/Thomas Kinkade Holiday 12 in 1 .  Gamehouse的王牌拼图游戏,游戏中右键的功能非常有特色。 42.Trivia Machine(问答游戏)  Put your knowledge of fascinating facts and interesting tidbits to the test with the Trivia Machine! Featuring thousands of crafty questions across 9 fun and educational categories, this mental challenge is sure to challenge and delight gamers of all ages. Plus, with the ability to download new questions, there's no end to the fun! Take on the Trivia Machine today!  益智类的趣味问答机,涵盖了各个方面的数千个问题,支持难度设定。
原图: |640×48043.Turtle Bay(海龟湾)  Strap on your jet pack and blast off with Turtle Bay. Outrageous octopi have invaded the peaceful Turtle Bay. Jet around the bay and knock them out of the water before they become an uncontrollable force of destruction. The octopus fiends have frozen your tiny turtle buddies and left them strewn about the bay. Bust your pals out of their icy prisons and save the Bay!  Turtle Bay is a true action adventure game. You'll be blown away by the amazing special effects and graphics. It's easy to learn, too. Just grab your mouse and point your turtle where he needs to go. Gather Turbo Boosts, Water Cannons and lots of fun with a free Turtle Bay trial.  一场大规模的章鱼入侵发生在平静的Turtle Bay,你要扮演一个海龟,阻止入侵的发生。一路上,你会遇到挥舞着大钳子的螃蟹、有毒的蛇、致命的潜艇;你要收集加速器、高压水炮等物品。
原图: |640×48044.Walls of Jericho(耶利戈之墙)  Game play is fun and familiar. Match blocks of similar color in rows or columns of three or more. Defeat each level by matching the three Ark blocks. Ark blocks appear throughout the level as you crush the Walls of Jericho.one step closer to solving the puzzle. Each Flip Word takes a turn. Guess the phrase before you run out of turns.  益智游戏,玩家必须满足信徒的期望,动脑思考来粉碎石墙,一旦有效消除石墙,信徒将会更佳效忠,否则他们可是很现实的,不会持续等待。玩家必须把同类的三个方块集中在一起,才能粉碎部分方块。user posted image 软件下载重要说明:
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