
我怎样才能获得一份好工作没有任何经验? - 简书
HOW CAN I GET A GOOD JOB WITH NO EXPERIENCE?IT'S A QUESTION AS OLD AS TIME. HERE'S HOW TO GET YOUR FOOT IN THE DOOR WHEN YOU DON'T H***E ANY PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE.BY LOLLY DASKALThousands of college students across the country will soon be asking this age-old question: If all jobs require experience, how can you get that first job when your only experience is your degree?Leadership coach Lolly Daskal helps graduates get their foot in the door.Hi,I graduated in December with an English degree (useless, I know). I didn’t really know what I wanted to do for most of my time in college, and I’m still kind of grasping at straws.I spend a lot of time looking at job postings and applying for things (even unpaid internships), but I have no previous experience in the fields I think I’m most interested in. How do I get a job without any experience?Please help!Lolly Daskal is a leadership development and CEO coach and consultant and founder of Lead From Within. Follow her at @LollyDaskal.First, remember that everyone begins with no experience--so you’re not alone.You didn’t mention which fields you’re interested in entering, but you did say your English degree was useless. I strongly disagree. An English degree may not translate immediately to a great focused job the same way a degree in, say, accounting might do, but it certifies that you have high-level skills in communication, analytical thinking, and creativity--skills that are greatly valued in many workplace settings. Depending on the professional and educational choices you make now, your degree can be the springboard to anything from law to journalism to technical writing to teaching.Ask The ExpertsShould I Fire Someone Who Works Hard But Isn't Meeting Expectations?My Assistant Makes My Life HarderI'm Constantly Interrupted At Meetings--What Should I Do?When you are just out of college and embarking on finding a career path, it’s easy to feel intimidated. Job searching without much work experience can be frustrating, but with some hard work, a lot of ambition, and confidence in yourself, it can happen.Here’s how to get there:1. EMBRACE YOUR REALITYIf you’re applying for entry-level positions, most people aren’t expecting you to come in with a resume filled with experience. Instead, embrace your inexperience and leverage it as motivation to learn. Highlight examples of your dedication, curiosity, and commitment to learning and growth. People who are hiring are looking for people who are willing to work hard and want to learn.2. IDENTIFY YOUR SKILLSMake a list of all the skills listed in postings for the role you’re looking to get: computer skills, technical skills, communication skills, research skills, problem-solving skills. What do people come to you for help with?3. MAKE THE LINKWhen you decide to apply for a given position, you must have a reason to believe you can do the job well. Spend some time analyzing that link. What formal or informal experience do you have, or what personal traits, that make the job a good fit? Be analytical and creative in this process. Once you establish the link for yourself, you can explain it to a potential employer.4. EMPHASIZE "SOFT SKILLS"What will make you stand out from the rest? Remember to showcase qualities like friendliness, professionalism, responsiveness, and follow-through. Strong soft skills can go a long way, because they can’t really be taught.5. KNOW YOUR OWN WORTHYou might not have years of work experience, but what else in your background can demonstrate your worth to an employer? Experience doesn’t have to just come f market any skills you’ve developed in other areas of your life.6. BALANCE CONFIDENCE WITH BEGINNER’S MINDConfidence is important, but it has to be laced with humility and modesty--the hallmarks of "beginner’s mind." Show that you can do the job, but also show that you’re willing to learn.7. START VOLUNTEERINGIf you can’t find a job, work for free. A volunteer position can be easier to find than an internship. Volunteer for as much relevant service as you can. You’ll not only gain valuable experience, but will also be able to build a network and get a foot in the door.8. NETWORKBuilding your personal network is a reliable path to a great job at any stage of life. Connect with everyone you know--and in turn with everyone they know--through social media, community and professional events, setting up lunch or coffee dates to stay in touch, any way you can find.9. KEEP LEARNINGIt may be that you need more education to qualify for what you really want to do--for example, if you discover an interest in law, then it may be time to apply to law school. But even outside of formal education, find ways to keep current and expand your base of knowledge--take noncredit or audit classes, enroll in professional development or special training courses, or just do a lot of reading in your fields of interest.10. BE REALISTICEven making the most of your skills and experience, make sure you’re applying for positions that are appropriate for you. In a tight job market where employers are flooded with highly qualified applicants, there’s less incentive to take a chance on a marginally qualified candidate. Carefully target jobs you truly can prove you can succeed in--not just those where you think, "I could do that," but those where you can excel with the strength and skills you already have.The more defeated you allow yourself to feel, the more defeatist this experience will be. Every day, do something to find a job, and do it with the mind-set that it is not a futile undertaking but an adventure, a chance to learn and explore.Along the way, remember to put yourself in the shoes of those who will be hiring you. What should make them excited about you? The answer to that question needs to be reflected in everything you do--from your responses on job searches to your cover letter, your résumé and your interview. Make a compelling case for yourself, take your life in your own hands, and make this work.You’ll be surprised at what you can achieve with the right mind-set. Good luck!我怎样才能获得一份好工作没有任何经验?这是一个问题一样古老的时间。这里是如何你的脚在门上,当你没有任何工作经验。BY棒棒糖DASKAL数千名大学生在全国范围内将很快会问这个古老的问题:如果所有的工作都要求有经验,你怎么能找到第一份工作时,你唯一的经验就是你的学位?领导力教练罗尼Daskal帮助毕业生获得他们的脚在门。嗨,我毕业于十二月的英语学位(没用的,我知道)。我真的不知道我想在大学做了我的大部分时间,那种我依然抓住救命稻草。我花了很多时间在看招聘信息和应用的东西(甚至无薪实习),但我有我想我最感兴趣的领域没有经验。我如何找到一份工作,没有任何经验?请帮帮忙!棒棒糖Daskal是一个领导力发展和CEO教练和顾问,创始人铅来自内部。按照她的@LollyDaskal。首先,请记住,每个人都开始没有经验,所以你并不孤单。你没有提到哪些领域你有兴趣进入,但你没有说你的英语程度是无用的。我坚决不同意。英语程度可能不会立即转化为一个伟大的重点工作以同样的方式程度,也就是说,占可能会做,但它证明了你在通讯高级技能,分析性思维和创造性,技能,都非常重视在许多工作场所的设置。根据你现在做的职业和教育的选择,你的学位能成为跳板,从法律任何新闻技术写作教学。咨询专家我应该解雇的人,努力工作,但没有达到预期?我的助手让我的生活更加艰难我不停打断出席会议,我应该怎么办?如果你是刚毕业的大学生和着手寻找职业道路,很容易感到害怕。找工作没有太多的工作经验,可令人沮丧,但一些艰苦的工作,很多的野心,并在自己的信心,它可以发生。以下是如何到达那里:1.拥抱你的现实如果你申请的是入门级的职位,大多数人都没有想到,你在配备了充满经验的简历。相反,拥抱你的经验不足,并利用它作为学习的动力。彰显你的执着,好奇,并承诺学习和成长的例子。人们谁雇用正在寻找的人谁愿意努力工作,想学习。2.确定你的技能使所有帖子的角色中列出的技能列表,你希望得到:计算机技能,技术技能,沟通技能,研究技能,解决问题的能力。什么人来找你帮忙?3.使链接当你决定要申请一个给定的位置,你必须有一个理由相信你能做好这份工作。花一些时间来分析该链接。你有什么正式的或非正式的经验,或者是个人特质,这使工作般配?是分析性和创造性这一进程。一旦你建立链接为自己,你可以解释给潜在雇主。4.强调“软技能”什么会让你脱颖而出?请记住,展示素质一样友好,专业,响应性,并不断跟踪。强大的软技能可以很长的路要走,因为他们不能真正教。5.了解自己WORTH您可能没有多年的工作经验,但还有什么在你的背景可以证明自己的价值,以雇主?经验并不一定只是来自传统的作业;市场,你在你生活的其他领域所开发的任何技能。与初学者的心态6.平衡信心信心是很重要的,但它有与谦卑和谦逊-的特点来股价“初学者的心态。”说明你可以做的工作,也表明你愿意学习。7.启动志愿服务如果你不能找到一份工作,免费工作。志愿者位置可以更容易找到比实习。志愿者尽可能多的相关服务,您可以。你不仅获得宝贵的经验,而且还能够在门口建立一个网络,并得到了脚。8.网络建立你的个人网络是人生的任何阶段的可靠路径,一个伟大的工作。跟大家都知道吧,并依次用他们每个人都知道,通过社交媒体,社区和专业活动,设立午餐或咖啡日期保持联系,任何方式,你可以找到。9.继续学习这可能是你需要更多的教育资格做你真正想做的事,例如,如果你发现一个利益在法律上,那么它可能是时间申请法学院。但是,即使外面的正规教育,想方设法保持当前和扩展自己的知识,采取非信贷或审计类的基础上,报名参加专业发展或专门的培训课程,或者只是做阅读在你感兴趣的领域很多。10.是现实的即使是最大限度地利用你的技能和经验,确保你申请的是适合你的位置。在紧张的就业市场,用人单位都充斥着高素质的申请人,有较少采取一个勉强合格的候选人有机会的激励。仔细目标作业你真的能证明你能够成功,不只是那些你觉得,“我能做到这一点,”但那些在这里你可以凭实力和技巧,你已经练成。更打败你让自己去感受,更多的失败主义者这方面的经验会。每一天,做一些找工作,并做到这一点的思维定式,这是不是徒劳的任务,但探险,有机会学习和探索。一路上,记得把自己在那些谁将会雇用你的鞋子。我应该让他们感到兴奋吗?回答这个问题需要反映在你所做的一切 - 从找工作到您的求职信,简历和面试你的反应。做一个令人信服的理由为自己,把你的生命在你自己的手中,使这项工作。你会惊讶于你可以用正确的思维方式实现的目标。祝好运!提示:翻译内容未经过人工核对,仅供参考。陈讲运转发


