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Definition and Usage :
On this page I will try to explain you "Multimodal Transport Bills of Lading" and "Combined Transport Bills of Lading". Both multimodal bill of lading and combined bill of lading are transport documents covering transport by more than one&mode of transport. (No idea what mode of transport means, please follow this&&for detailed explanation. Keep reading...)
Types of Transport Document Covering at Least Two Different Modes of Transport :
Multimodal Transport Bills of Lading&:&Multimodal Transport Bills of Lading are mostly printed on International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) standard pre-printed bill of lading forms. Multimodal transport document defined on UNCTAD / ICC Rules for Multimodal Transport Documents (ICC publication 481) as follows, a multimodal transport document (MT document) means a document evidencing a multimodal transport contract and which can be replaced by electronic data interchange messages insofar as permitted by applicable law and be,
(a) issued in a negotiable form or,
(b) issued in a non-negotiable form indicating a named consignee.
Important Note&: Multimodal Transport Bills of Lading and Combined Transport Bills of Lading has the same meaning and application under letter of credit rules.
Through Bill of Lading&:& Through Bill of lading is virtually identical to the Multimodal Transport Bill of lading but with one major difference.&The Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading is issued by the Multimodal Transport Operator (MTO) (generally the sea carrier) who takes responsibility of the goods (e.g. shortages, losses, damages) during the&entire period of transport, thus not only for the sea passage but also for the other transport modes as well. The Through Bill of Lading is issued by the sea carrier but the carrier states on the contract of carriage that he is only responsible of the goods for that part of the carriage he takes care of, such as the sea passage only. (source :
Multimodal / Combined Bill of Lading in Letters of Credit Transactions :
Transport Document Covering at Least Two Different Modes of Transport covered under article 19 UCP 600.
a. A transport document covering at least two different modes of transport (multimodal or combined transport document),&however named, must appear to:
i.&indicate the name of the carrier&and be&signed by:
- the&carrier&or a&named agent for or on behalf of the carrier, or -&the master&or a&named agent for or on behalf of the master.
ii.&indicate that the goods have been dispatched,&taken in charge&or&shipped on board&at the place stated in the credit.
iii. indicate the&place of dispatch, taking in charge or shipment and the place of final destination stated in the credit,
iv. be the&sole original&transport document or,&if issued in more than one original, be the&full set&as indicated on the transport document.
v.&contain terms and conditions of carriage&or make reference to another source containing the terms and conditions of carriage (short form or blank back transport document).&
vi. contain&no indication&that it is subject&to a charter party. (source :&)
Special Hints on Transport Document Covering at Least Two Different Modes of Transport from ISBP 2007 :
In all places where the term “multimodal transport document” is used within this document, it also includes the term combined transport document. A document need not be titled “Multimodal transport document” or “Combined transport document” to be acceptable under UCP 600 article 19, even if such expressions are used in the credit.
If a credit requires presentation of a transport document covering transportation utilizing at least two modes of transport ... the transport document must not indicate that shipment or dispatch has been effected&by only one mode of transport.
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What is Multimodal Transport Bills of Lading? How can we use a combined transport document in a letter of credit transaction?&
Multimodal transport bill of lading and combined bill of lading are transport documents covering transport by more than&one mode of transport.
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Suggested Reading TableSSD渗透IDC行业 完美解决云主机IO瓶颈
 作者: 河北分站 编辑:
  以读取快、节能为主要卖点的SSD固态硬盘在个人电脑上已不新鲜。而在IDC行业服务器领域,使用SSD固态硬盘的部署还不算多,毕竟IDC行业服务器领域对存储量和成本控制的要求更高一些。不过,国内已经出现了采用SSD硬盘架设的云服务器和VPS主机产品。技术的进步还是帮助SSD突破了各种障碍,逐步在服务器领域得以应用。业内人士预计,随着SSD用量的逐渐增大以及SSD工艺水平的提高、成本的降低,SSD一定会得到普及。  固态硬盘看上去似乎是最近几年才出现的一个新兴事物,但是企业使用固态硬盘已经有大约25年的时间了。固态硬盘最初的应用只局限在实时、性能需求较高的应用或者军事工业应用(因为这种工作环境对于标准硬盘来说太过苛刻)中的缓存。从IDC角度来讲,SSD最大优势来自于的读写速度非常快,高达500M/秒,而且能够迅速保存数据,SSD固态硬盘整个存储数据迅速的转移,性能比传统机械硬盘提高数倍。其次是SSD的能耗只有HDD的七分之一左右,对于机房和电信运营商来说,那么SSD替代HDD的作用和潜在价值是非常大的。使用得当的话,SSD能大幅降低磁盘阵列的供电和冷却费用,耗电量可降低50%,散热量接近于零。  据了解,国内知名IDC企业极速云主机()率先从2009年开始就已经在其服务器中采用SSD硬盘。极速云主机销售总监曹先生介绍,初期仅在服务器系统盘和启动盘上采用SSD替代传统的机械式硬盘,主要是为了启动速度快、性能稳定。经过长达一年多的压力测试和调试,数据稳定性良好,现在已经开始提供SSD系列产品给客户使用,尤其是SSD固态硬盘的VPS主机,IO性能比传统机械硬盘提升了400%以上,数据读写速度十分惊人。曹先生表示,目前采用SSD硬盘的服务器集群也已经推向市场,同时还推广除了SSD云主机和云空间产品,以满足不同客户的需求。  目前一个40GB的SSD在成本上大体相当于500GB的机械式硬盘,由于成本较高,SSD要完全取代机械式硬盘还不现实,但是,在一些特殊领域SSD还是表现出非常好的市场前景。比如,在一些高海拔地区,机械式硬盘使用过一段时间后就只能读不能写,而SSD中由于没有移动部件就不存在这样的使用限制。还有一点不得不说的是,随着云计算技术的进步,国内各大IDC都在陆续推出云主机产品,由于云服务器的产品特性,普遍出现硬盘读取速度超慢的问题,大量评测数据显示阿里云主机和盛大云主机硬盘IO速度目前仍然没有得到改善,平均读写速度只有几十M每秒,远远低于传统的独立服务器性能,甚至无法运行大型程序和数据库,而SSD固态硬盘正好可以弥补这个遗憾。  极速云主机隶属于极速动力旗下IDC业务部,九年IDC运维经验,基于多组品牌DELL PowerVault MD3200I集群存储设备和数十台Dell R620服务器,采用企业级SSD硬盘和CacheCade技术,打造出爆发式IO性能的云主机系列产品。最新Intel至强E5系列CPU,性能提升80%以上!对于人们对SSD可靠性的担心,曹先生表示,与机械硬盘支持通过软件读取自身的状态一样(如硬盘的Smart功能),每个SSD厂商也都有类似软件来配合SSD的使用。这种软件除了像Smart监控硬盘的使用外,还可以预估硬盘的寿命。另外,例如极速云主机存储设备中的RAID技术对SSD同样适用,这些技术可以进一步保证系统和数据的安全。  非常高的成本与大幅度的性能提升。这是IDC行业对比数据中心内使用固态盘和硬盘驱动器所得出的两个结论。目前,由于可用性和价格高等因素,市场中使用固态盘的主机类产品数量还比较有限。固态硬盘让企业用户可以部署新的应用,或者大幅度提升现有系统的性能。尽管存在诸多障碍,但不少IDC公司都已经开始部署固态盘系统,虽然还远远不算完美,但结果证明是非常具有吸引力的。因为固态硬盘的成本太搞,所以笔者建议IDC企业没有必须在他们的整个存储架构中都部署固态硬盘。  推荐网站:联盟啦 http://www.lianmeng.la 中国首家广告联盟评测网。
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