& Demigod 1.2 patch 半神 1.2 升级补丁
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UID2144773主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间112 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 301, 距离下一级还需 199 积分
帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
Demigod 1.2 patch
Stardock and Gas Powered Games are pleased to announce that Demigod v1.2 is now available for download.&&The new version includes months worth of improvements based on player feedback and adds a new Demigod to the mix - the Demon Assassin.
Demigod is a real-time strategy game that combines action and role playing elements. In the game, the player takes on the role of a demigod, a single powerful being whose goal is to ascend into the pantheon of the god. The demigod does this by earning favor points with the gods through combat in a series of arenas.
The single player game includes both a skirmish mode as well as a “pantheon mode”. Online, players can choose to play custom games with an endless combination of options set by the host (with new options added in v1.2) or play in the Pantheon in which the players choose to fight for the forces of light or the forces of darkness in an effort to gain enough favor points to allow their side to win.
Demigod multiplayer “epoch 3” is set to begin next week in which player rankings and records from epoch 2 are added to the pantheon vault and new stats begun from scratch.
Here’s what’s new:
oNew Demigod added: The Demon Assassin.
oNew AI option in multiplayer: The host can set what the death of an AI player does in terms of how much gold and XP players receive.
oNew AI option: How much HP do Demigods get by default (very high, high, normal, low).
oModding Manager. Demigod now supports modding. We will be releasing mod samples in the next couple of weeks to get the ball rolling.
oMod System. Mods are treated in the game like options. If all players have a given mod installed and the host of the game has it enabled, it is used in the game.
oFixes to desync issues (thank you to users who sent in data) and other problems reported.
oCitadel Upgrade: Graveyard Citadel upgrade: increased bonus to 15/30/50%
oImproved Torch Bearer’s attack while moving in fire mode.
oAdditional improvements in MP to decrease apparent “lag”. Note to players: ping is not the only measurement of connection. Throughput is an important factor as well. For best online performance, disable background tasks that are consuming your bandwidth.
oUpdated favor items:
oSamm-El's Cloak: Buffed cap from 25% to 15%
oDark Crimson Vial: Reduced cast time from 2 to 1 seconds
oStaff of the Warmage: Increased mana from 700 to 800
oMagical Coin Pouch: Buffed cost reduction from 10% to 15%
oHorn of battle effect changed to provide fewer total HP regeneration over a longer period of time.
oUpdated items:
oHex Scroll: Reduced cost from 500 to 250
oCapture Lock: Increased cast time from 1 to 2 seconds
oDuelist Cuirass: Reduced cost from 3000 to 2500. Crit chance increased from 5 to 10%.
oGladiator Gloves: Reduced cost from 750 to 450
oTheurgist's Cap: Reduced cost from 3000 to 2000
oHungarling's Crown: Reduced cost from 6500 to 5500
oIronwalkers: Reduced cost from 3750 to 2750
oDesperate Treads: Reduced cost from 5000 to 4000
oGauntlet's of Despair: Increased mana drain from 200 to 300
oDoomspite Grips: Increased weapon damage from 30 to 40
oForest Band: Increased minion armor from 200 to 300
oWarlord's Punisher: Unchanged
oRing of the Ancients: Reduced cost from 3500 to 2500
oParasite Egg: Reduced cost from 4000 to 3000
oUpdated Game mechanics
o- Dodge Cap increased from 30% to 40%
o- Interrupts will no longer overwrite stuns
o- Crit damage calculations fixes
o- Item cost modifiers will now affect citidel upgrades properly. Previously, a citidel upgrade would charge a player the modified cost, but would not allow you to buy it until you had the full cost gold available.
o- Improved shamblers to be a bit more capable of pursuit.
o- Heroes will re-engage their attack target after performing an ability
o- Fix for all of TB's Rings of Fire going away after the oldest ones time out.
o- Fixes for demigods chasing after old targets at inappropriate times.
o- Added support for ignoring players in-game. Supported commands: /ignore /squelch
oQueen of Thorns Buffs
o- Summon Shambler: Summon Shambler now increases health and damage of Shamblers as you gain new ranks. The values are 5/10/15 damage and 125/250/375 health.
o- Entourage: Shamber buff decreased to compensate for Summon Shambler's boost. Damage reduced from 10/20/30 to 6/12/18 damage and 250/500/750 health to 165/330/495.
Known issues:
New Demigods voices are in Engllish.
Other notes:
A second new Demigod, Oculus, will be distributed in the coming weeks.
天眼圣主(无责任翻译= =!)
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
||1. Apply patch.exe on your demigod installation& & & & & & & &
||1. 配置补丁文件Patch.exe 到半神的***目录下& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
||2. If you have installed a ripped version (eg. radiance) & & & &
||where the regkeys have not been set run addreg.bat from & & & &
||your demigod directory.& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
||2. 若你的游戏是阉割版的话,运行addreg.bat 文件在半神的主文件夹中,添加注册列表& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
||3. Apply Sounds/xx_VOICE_UPDATE.exe where xx is your language& & & &
||if you don't know just try all of them they will notify you if
||you don't use the right patch, if none of the patch work go& & & &
||back to point number 2!& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
||3. 在补丁文件***完毕后,打开 半神的主文件夹 -& Sound -& En_VOICE_update.exe 完成配音的升级& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
||& && & & & 以上内容非常重要,否则游戏会5音不全...
|| & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
||4. Go to the folder '32bit' and run the reg file, ofcorse go& & & &
||to the 64bit folder and run that if your on 64bit.& & & &
||4. 添加对应的注册列表文件,32位对32位的,64位的对64位的
||& && && && &&&以上内容也非常重要,否则新角色只能由AI控制
[ 本帖最后由 Matt54 于
18:29 编辑 ]
14:10:22 上传
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19.43 KB, 下载次数: 8854, 下载积分: 金钱 -1
总评分:&金钱 + 10&
UID1032682主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分64金钱1400 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间507 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 136 积分
帖子精华0积分64金钱1400 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
支持!&&感谢!& & 正愁1.2的补丁还不出呢& &话说&&这个硬盘版的可以升级的吧
UID2144773主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间112 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 301, 距离下一级还需 199 积分
帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
UID1032682主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分64金钱1400 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间507 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 136 积分
帖子精华0积分64金钱1400 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
感觉刺客还行啊。。。& &&&话说&&这游戏玩起来操作会有延迟 大概1S左右&&不知道你们是不是也有这种情况啊。。
UID3026167主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分49金钱1273 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间347 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 49, 距离下一级还需 151 积分
帖子精华0积分49金钱1273 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2144773主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间112 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 301, 距离下一级还需 199 积分
帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
UID1032682主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分64金钱1400 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间507 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 136 积分
帖子精华0积分64金钱1400 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
为啥我的延迟比较明显呢?难道是软件问题? 显卡驱动问题?我用的最新显卡驱动。。 笔记本的12月4号出的N卡
VISTA系统4G内存 CPU 2.40&&9600MGS&&应该可以的哎& &延迟问题郁闷我好久
UID2144773主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间112 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 301, 距离下一级还需 199 积分
帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
配置一样啊//就显卡不同,我的是9600M gt
UID2112639主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分7金钱89 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间12 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 7, 距离下一级还需 193 积分
帖子精华0积分7金钱89 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID3943431主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分1金钱57 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间5 小时评议0
Lv.1游侠新人, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
帖子精华0积分1金钱57 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1749250主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分69金钱2564 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间528 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 69, 距离下一级还需 131 积分
帖子精华0积分69金钱2564 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2753104主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分3229金钱8059 荣誉15 人气23 在线时间2926 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3229, 距离下一级还需 2771 积分
帖子精华0积分3229金钱8059 荣誉15 人气23 评议0
好东西 有汉化就爽了& && && && & .
& && && && && && &&& C:(CHARGE) D:(DOG) E:(EASY) F:(FUCK) G:(GHOST)&&? 955+5850+4G ?
UID1032682主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分64金钱1400 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间507 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 136 积分
帖子精华0积分64金钱1400 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
灰色是没注册表文件&&补丁包里有 你导入就可以了
我垂直同步和AA全关 还是会有延迟唉。。& &&&延迟的意思就是说& &我点走 感觉他要等下才动。。& &不是即时的。。 很是郁闷。。&&不知道啥原因
UID1749250主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分69金钱2564 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间528 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 69, 距离下一级还需 131 积分
帖子精华0积分69金钱2564 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2144773主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间112 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 301, 距离下一级还需 199 积分
帖子精华0积分301金钱1355 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
UID1981102主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分192金钱611 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间113 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 192, 距离下一级还需 8 积分
帖子精华0积分192金钱611 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
? ?位同?挑?BT用?阿,?想到?是?他破了
21:20:19 上传
UID3986530主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分1金钱31 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.1游侠新人, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
帖子精华0积分1金钱31 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2903498主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分3金钱39 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 3, 距离下一级还需 197 积分
帖子精华0积分3金钱39 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
前段时间玩了一下 时间长了就乏味了
UID3172455主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分111金钱286 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间2 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 111, 距离下一级还需 89 积分
帖子精华0积分111金钱286 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID3787862主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分17金钱213 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间20 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 17, 距离下一级还需 183 积分
帖子精华0积分17金钱213 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
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