xbox360刻录教程 Backup Creator刻...

使用说明:自制机以及XDK的用法:建议用XEX格式。一:用Xbox Backup Creator提取disc1 disc2所有文件。然后把disc2所有文件合并到disc1提取的文件中,建议选择不覆盖同名文件。二:把补丁中提供的Biogame目录拷贝到提取的目录下覆盖原文件。完成。如果希望用god模式进行游戏,首先用Xbox Backup Creator把提供的两个文件替换原iso中的文件,然后转god模式。质量效应3文件布局比较简单,这样生成的iso也应该可以用于零售机,但是我没有测试。零售机:用Xbox Backup Creator把提供的两个文件替换原iso中的文件。刻录ISO,应该没有问题,但我没有测试。顺手把DLC也汉化了,使用补丁后的DLC自制机和XDK都可用。请先下载5BFD32C094D3B(From Ashes) & & & & & & DE335BC8A6B35C94BE4CA07BB(Online Pass)DLC的汉化补丁的用法是:把VPatch.exe 和 PatchDLC.bat拷贝到4541095D这个目录下(注意不要搞错目录!)双击PatchDLC.bat,耐心等待完成。拷贝4541095D目录到xbox上,即可完成DLC的汉化。
《质量效应3》Xbox360版含DLC汉化补丁 中文版
Copyright (C) 2012
AK单机游戏 版权所有 湘ICP备号-6
忠告:抵制不良***、反动、暴力游戏 合理安排游戏时间 享受健康生活XBOX Backup creator is an ISO burner for XBOX games. With this application, you will be able to create and burn ISO files of your XBOX and XBOX 360 games. XBOX 360 games cannot just be copied with this application, though. It is completely illegal to copy games that you don' just a word of advice. If you do own an XBOX 360 game, for example, you can grab an ISO image of your game and burn it to a dual layer DVD. There are many other options that you can take advantage of with this application. XBOX 360 backups need to be patched with certain files to not jeopardize your console's online state. In other words, if you don't want to get banned from XBOX Live!, you have to do certain things first. This free application will let you do all of those things. You will have to find those files somewhere else, though. If you want your console to read the copies that you make with Xbox Backup Creator, it will have to be modified to read backup copies. That is also illegal as far as I know, so be&careful.
Editor rating:
Simple and easy to use.
Great array of features.
Small package.
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