怀旧系列(1)----FBasic - 程晨 - 博客园
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后来才发现,我家的小霸王卡带上只有F-Basic,这里并不是Family-Basic的缩写,而是用于科学计算的浮点运算。要知道那个时候红白机的CPU是不支持浮点运算的,而此Basic是一种模拟运算。而同学家的卡带上有G-Baisc 和F-Baisc两种。这里的G-Basic是指Game-Basic其实就是任天堂的Family Baisc v2.0。很遗憾当时没有接触到G-Basic,要不然也可以把超级玛丽的图案拉出来玩玩。
这些程序代表了我在1996年左右的代码编写能力。>> BasicFamilyParser.java
BasicFamilyParser.java ( 文件浏览 )
* LumaQQ - Java QQ Client
* Copyright (C) 2004 luma &&
* This prog you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software F either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* alo if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
package edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.
import java.nio.ByteB
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.QQ;
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.beans.QQU
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.AddFriendAuthResponseReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.AddFriendExReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.AdvancedSearchUserReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.AuthInfoOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.AuthQuestionOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.AuthorizeReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.ChangeStatusReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.ClusterCommandReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.DeleteFriendReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.DownloadGroupFriendReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.FriendChangeStatusP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.FriendDataOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.FriendLevelOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.GetFriendListReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.GetOnlineOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.GetTempClusterOnlineMemberReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.GetUserInfoReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.GroupDataOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.KeepAliveReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.LoginReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.ModifyInfoReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.PrivacyDataOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.ReceiveIMP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.RemoveSelfReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.GetKeyReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.GetLoginTokenReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.SearchUserReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.SendIMReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.SendSMSReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.SignatureOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.SystemNotificationP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.TempSessionOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.UnknownInP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.UploadGroupFriendReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.UserPropertyOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.in.WeatherOpReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.AddFriendAuthResponseP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.AddFriendExP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.AdvancedSearchUserP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.AuthInfoOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.AuthQuestionOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.AuthorizeP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.ChangeStatusP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.ClusterCommandP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.DeleteFriendP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.DownloadGroupFriendP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.FriendDataOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.FriendLevelOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.GetFriendListP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.GetOnlineOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.GetUserInfoP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.GroupDataOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.KeepAliveP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.LoginP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.LogoutP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.ModifyInfoP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.PrivacyDataOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.ReceiveIMReplyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.RemoveSelfP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.GetKeyP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.GetLoginTokenP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.SearchUserP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.SendIMP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.SendSMSP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.SignatureOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.TempSessionOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.UnknownOutP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.UploadGroupFriendP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.UserPropertyOpP
import edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.out.WeatherOpP
* 基本协议族解析器
* @author luma
public class BasicFamilyParser implements IParser {
private PacketH
public BasicFamilyParser() {
history = new PacketHistory();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.IParser#accept(java.nio.ByteBuffer)
public boolean accept(ByteBuffer buf) {
// 保存偏移
offset = buf.position();
int bufferLength = buf.limit() - buf.position();
if(bufferLength &= 0)
boolean accept = checkTcp(buf);
accept = checkUdp(buf);
* 检查一个包是否是udp包
* @param buf
private boolean checkUdp(ByteBuffer buf) {
if(buf.get(offset) == QQ.QQ_HEADER_BASIC_FAMILY) {
// 首先检查是否UDP方式
length = buf.limit() - buf.position();
if(buf.get(offset + length - 1) == QQ.QQ_TAIL_BASIC_FAMILY)
* 检查一个包是否是tcp包
* @param buf
private boolean checkTcp(ByteBuffer buf) {
// buffer length不大于2则连个长度字段都没有
int bufferLength = buf.limit() - buf.position();
if(bufferLength & 2)
// 如果可读内容小于包长,则这个包还没收完
length = buf.getChar(offset);
if(length &= 0 || length & bufferLength)
// 再检查包头包尾
if(buf.get(offset + 2) == QQ.QQ_HEADER_BASIC_FAMILY) {
if(buf.get(offset + length - 1) == QQ.QQ_TAIL_BASIC_FAMILY)
public int getLength(ByteBuffer buf) {
public boolean isDuplicate(InPacket in) {
return history.check(in, true);
* 得到包的命令和序号
* @param buf
private char getCommand(ByteBuffer buf, QQUser user) {
if(!user.isUdp()) {
return buf.getChar(offset + 5);
return buf.getChar(offset + 3);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.packets.IParser#parseIncoming(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int, edu.tsinghua.lumaqq.qq.beans.QQUser)
public InPacket parseIncoming(ByteBuffer buf, int len, QQUser user) throws PacketParseException {
switch(getCommand(buf, user)) {
return new GetLoginTokenReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new KeepAliveReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new ModifyInfoReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new AddFriendExReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new AuthQuestionOpReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new AuthInfoOpReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new SearchUserReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new DeleteFriendReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new RemoveSelfReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new AddFriendAuthResponseReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new GetUserInfoReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new ChangeStatusReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new SendIMReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new ReceiveIMPacket(buf, len, user);
return new LoginReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new GetFriendListReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new GetOnlineOpReplyPacket(buf, len, user);
return new SystemNotificationPacket(buf, len, user);
return new FriendChangeStatusPacket(
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2.79 kB09-04-07 09:47
3.78 kB09-04-07 09:47
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1.83 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.47 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.64 kB09-04-07 09:47
8.27 kB09-04-07 09:47
3.30 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.92 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.47 kB09-04-07 09:47
4.22 kB09-04-07 09:47
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2.29 kB09-04-07 09:47
4.43 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.06 kB09-04-07 09:47
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2.23 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.26 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.45 kB09-04-07 09:47
4.83 kB09-04-07 09:47
19.19 kB09-04-07 09:47
8.62 kB09-04-07 09:47
3.60 kB09-04-07 09:47
7.32 kB09-04-07 09:47
1.89 kB09-04-07 09:47
3.29 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.38 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.29 kB09-04-07 09:47
3.10 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.55 kB09-04-07 09:47
1.56 kB09-04-07 09:47
4.11 kB09-04-07 09:47
3.62 kB09-04-07 09:47
3.18 kB09-04-07 09:47
7.85 kB09-04-07 09:47
1.82 kB09-04-07 09:47
6.19 kB09-04-07 09:47
13.41 kB09-04-07 09:47
8.50 kB09-04-07 09:47
5.38 kB09-04-07 09:47
1.29 kB09-04-07 09:47
3.52 kB09-04-07 09:47
4.14 kB09-04-07 09:47
5.06 kB09-04-07 09:47
5.31 kB09-04-07 09:47
5.16 kB09-04-07 09:47
5.21 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.39 kB09-04-07 09:47
41.79 kB09-04-07 09:47
81.42 kB14-01-08 09:20
4.79 kB09-04-07 09:47
4.72 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.53 kB09-04-07 09:47
1.38 kB09-04-07 09:47
2.60 kB09-04-07 09:47
68.09 kB09-04-07 09:47
3.68 kB09-04-07 09:47
6.09 kB09-04-07 09:47
&_03&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&_05&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&_03&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&_05&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&in&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&out&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&beans&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&debug&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&demo&0.00 B13-01-08 11:32
&events&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&net&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&packets&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&robot&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
&lumaqq&0.00 B13-01-08 11:33
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Sorry!这位大神很神秘,未开通博客呢,请浏览一下其他的吧Your current location:&&&&&&&&&&&&
What measures are taken when verifying the reimbursement of expenses regarding the services for basic family planning?
1. In order to facilitate the applicants, the district/county Population
Committee or town/village government shall notify the applicants of the handling
procedures and times. Normally, the reimbursement is completed within 2 weeks
from the acceptance date, and should not exceed 30 working days.
2. The service institutions shall bear any expenditure incurred by their
violations of rules related to service coverage, medical routines and charge
3. The service institutions shall not charge for the actual free-of-charge
Intrauterine Device (IUD) provid and the service
institution shall refund those charges to the patient. The service institution
may charge the IUD above the government free-of-charge standard and the incurred
expense difference shall be at the cost price for the patient.
4. The family planning operation expenses included in gynecologic surgery
shall be reimbursed at the normal rates. The expenses for the diagnosis and
treatment of gynecologic disease before a family planning operation are not free
of charge.
5. The expenses incurred by those resulting symptoms of a family planning
operation shall be verified and judged based on the Common Rules of Family
Planning Technologies, and the service institution(s) shall bear any expenses
incurred by these resulting symptoms due to their improper diagnosis and
treatment. If the resulting symptoms are serious, it shall be under verification
by a family planning expert team at a municipal or a district level. The
suspected family planning operation accident shall be forwarded to the Medical
Accident Appraisal Committee at the same level for an appraisal, and be handled
accordingly to the appraisal output.
6. If a registered permanent resident of Shanghai receives technical services
for family planning during the period that he/she works or stays in other
provinces or municipalities, the incurred expenses shall be reimbursed in
compliance with the standards of free-of-charge basic matters in Shanghai. If
the local charge standard is lower than that of Shanghai, he/she shall get the
actual if the local charge standard is higher than that of
Shanghai, he/she shall get the part of the expense within the charge standard of
Shanghai reimbursed.
7. The free-of-charge standard in Shanghai does not cover the expenses of
local examinations for a contraceptive ring or pregnancy to any married woman at
child-bearing age, who stays in Shanghai but has her registered Permanent
Residence elsewhere, at the request of the government where her Permanent
Residence is registered.
8. Anyone who is a registered permanent resident elsewhere and has married
someone who is a registered permanent resident of Shanghai shall provide the
household register of his/her spouse in the case of applying for expense
9. The reimbursement verification administration may provide a
case-acceptance letter to the applicant, and keep duplicate copies of any
evidential documents provided.family&basic-搜狐博客