我下的battle raperRaperII 不能玩

为什么我下的街头霸王4不能玩_百度知道我下的dota2 为什么不能玩_百度知道The Iso Zone
Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable
Release date
April 22, 2005
Eroge and versus fighting game
also includes
english patch
Battle Raper II, players are able to knock female opponents' clothing off. In combat every character has unlimited guard, a move that can not be blocked, and a super move.
As opposed to the first Battle Raper, the sequel actually does not feature rape. Once a fight against a female character is won, the game enters a special mode where the unconscious woman lies on the ground in front of the player who now has to heal her wounds. The Replay mode allows the player to have (consensual) sex with any female characters that finished the storyline with.
The game also features a variety of alternative clothing items and weapons for all the characters that can be used to edit their models.
The story line has no relations to the original Battle Raper and is set in the year "20XX". In the Story mode the player gets to choose one of the female characters to accompany the player's character, a young treasure hunter swordsman named Yuuki, while he travels the island, fighting undead monsters and other female characters (his competitors), and to have sex with her in the end.
i played a round with this awhile and i got it to work instructions in download
tested on windows 7
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1 File download, Total size 1.16 GB
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Wow Thanks Guys!
1 hour ago
thanks junk
2 hours ago
WOW!!! That's sad news Junk! :( To see you bail out from this great communi ...
3 hours ago
like [color=#00FF00]catch[/color] said (thanks, btw)... don't expect anythi ...
4 hours ago
Awesome! These are fun to have and play through.
8 hours ago
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时间: 09:09
欲望格斗2配置要求。本游戏是日本著名的I社(IULLSION公司)旗下子公司Dreams推出的作为美少女游戏史上首款3D格斗游戏,其最大的特点是高画质的3D图形所描绘出的H场景。我们想玩这游戏,也要看看它对配件有什么要求的。先小编来告诉你。欲望格斗2配置要求:最低配置:·CPU:IntelCore2Duo,AMDAthlonX2,或同等的配置,1.6GHz或更高·内存:1GB·显卡:完全支持DirectX9.0c,256MB显存;NVIDIAGeForce7600GS,ATIRadeonHD2400Pro256MB,或更高·硬盘:5GB·声卡:支持DirectX9.0c·光驱16XCD/DVD·系统:WindowsXP(SP3),WindowsVista(SP2),或Windows7推荐配置:·CPU:QuadCore2.0GHz·内存:2GB·显卡:完全支持DirectX9.0c,512MB显存;NVIDIAGeForceGTX260,或ATIRadeon4870·硬盘:5GB·声卡:支持DirectX9.0c·光驱:16XCD/DVD·系统:WindowsVista(SP2),或Windows7一、解压缩,解压后路径如“D:BattleRaper2”,路径中请勿含中文字符。二、双击“绿化游戏.bat”,程序将自动***&注册表&及&相关支持软件&。三、运行“BattleRaper2.exe”开始游戏...运行“[SexyRaper]”下的“SexyRaper.exe”启动SexyRaper特典;运行“[CapRaper]”下的“CapRaper.exe”启动CapRaper摄影模式程序。P.S 进入游戏设置界面,将“动作设置-详细设置-显示细致的文字”去掉勾后,进入游戏Story模式会有明显速度提升。&注意:[SexyRaper]及[CapRaper]为特典和摄影程序的目录,请勿移动或删除。存档位置:存档保存在“游戏***目录Datasavefile”文件夹下。注意事项提示:双击“绿化游戏.bat”将解决大部分游戏无法运行的问题,请认真对待。卸载游戏:双击导入“卸载.reg”(如果有),然后删除游戏及存档文件夹即可。游戏经严格测试,绝无病毒,若杀毒软件误杀文件,请关闭杀软,重新解压***。这就是小编给大家带来的欲望格斗2配置要求。


