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精华15帖子威望39 点积分12335 点注册时间最后登录
We grill Capcom’s legendary game designer on Xbox 360 titles Dead Rising and Lost Planet
Microsoft made a lot of noise about certain Japanese developers signing up to make games for the Xbox 360, and while Sakaguchi and Mizuguchi’s involvement got us excited there was one big name that we were particularly chuffed to see.
That name was Keiji Inafune. Having worked on the Megaman, Street Fighter, Resident Evil and Onimusha series during his time at Capcom, Inafune is a true game industry legend - and now he’s turning his talents to Xbox 360.
Inafune has two games in development for Xbox 360: Stunning zombie game Dead Rising and recently-announced third-person shooter Lost Planet. Dead Rising takes Inafune’s evident love for the undead to the extreme, looking you in a shopping mall with millions of shufflers and introducing a new comedic twist to the usually po-faced survival horror genre.
And Lost Planet is a futuristic shooter set on the frozen wastes of a mysterious planet. It merges on-foot and vehicle combat with plenty of big, scary aliens, and even introduces some new gameplay elements like ensuring you’re aware of the outside temperature - brrrr.
We recently had the pleasure of chatting to Keiji Inafune as he demoed Dead Rising and Lost Planet at a Capcom event in Las Vegas (tough job but somebody has to blah blah blah). Enjoy.
Let’s start with Dead Rising. Capcom’s zombie games in the past have been quite serious and often very scary, but Dead Rising has a more comedic tone. Why did you decide to make that change?
Keiji Inafune: Already we are making Resident Evil 5, so we’re going to have a serious zombie game too. But look at zombie movies. They’re not all deadly serious - there are comedy zombie movies, even romantic zombie movies! I think comedy is one of the few areas where games have been successful. It’s always been tough to make and sell a comedy game. But I think it’s important now as we move to a new piece of hardware that we try different genres, different ways of playing and engaging with a game. It’s up to us to be original and that’s why I made the choice. I’ll be delighted if people enjoy playing the game, which is the most important thing, but also find it funny.
Dead Rising’s lead character Frank has a very distinct look, almost like a wrestler. How did that look come about?
Keiji Inafune: We wanted to make Frank look like a very normal person, the everyman. We didn’t want him to be a super cool police officer or military man trained to snipe zombies. I’ve had enough of those cool, well-trained characters in the past and I think it’s all a bit boring. We were thinking about what a real person would do if he was stuck in this situation. But if he was too skinny then the zombies would just eat him, so we needed to make him quite strong. A lot of normal Americans are quite heavily built, perhaps they lift weights and work out, or maybe they played American football at college, so that’s the kind of character we wanted to aim for.
Dead Rising’s killer next-gen feature is the amount of zombies milling around. What’s Lost Planet’s big feature that sets it apart as a next-gen game?
Keiji Inafune: With Lost Planet was to make sure it had great online modes and really beautiful graphics. When you see the game running at hi-def on one of these big screens, it really does look amazing. In Dead Rising our focus was to get as many zombies as possible on screen at one time so we didn’t make each zombie look as beautiful - or ghastly! - as we could. In Lost Planet, however, you’ll see that each enemy is beautiful, and the winter environments look stunning. As for the online modes, we’ve worked hard to make sure there are lots of Xbox Live features that take advantage of the system.
Are Lost Planet’s beautiful visuals superficial or can you interact with and destroy the environment?
Keiji Inafune: There are lots of areas in Lost Planet where you can interact with the environment. You can create avalanches if you shoot at snowpacks, you can shoot out windows and damage buildings, so there will be a certain amount of strategy in how you interact with an manipulate the background. However, we wanted to retain a certain amount of reality and to blow up everything is not very realistic! So you can shoot out chunks of buildings, but they won’t just come crashing down. The same thing applies in Dead Rising - you can pick up certain objects, but not everything. For us it’s important to keep some sense of structure otherwise everything is too open, and that’s not much fun.
We’ve noticed a temperature reading on the screen in Lost Planet. How does this affect gameplay?
Keiji Inafune: The different mechs, or Vital Suits (VS) as we call them, all require thermal heat energy as power, so depending on the temperature you’ll need to use more or less power to keep your Vital Suit going. The temperature does directly influence how you play the game - the colder it is the more energy your VS requires, but if its warm then that’s less of a problem. If you’re in a particularly cold environment you’re under more pressure because you have to fight your way out quickly, otherwise you’ll run out of energy and you won’t be able to use your VS any more. And if you don’t have a VS you have to be on foot, which is a huge disadvantage if you come up against an enemy VS or creature.
Dead Rising is clearly inspired by zombie films like Dawn of the Dead and Braindead. Was Lost Planet inspired by any movies?
Keiji Inafune: There are a lot of cinematic influences in Lost Planet. If you look at the creature design I’m sure you will recognise some features from the monsters in Starship Troopers. Some of the combat and the way the enemies attack is based on Aliens. I’m also a huge fan of John Carpenter and his movie The Thing, so that ties in loosely with the plot of the game. Some of the VS designs are based on Japanese anime like Appleseed. So we’ve taken inspiration from a lot of different areas.
We’ve noticed some familiar looking landmarks when we’ve seen Lost Planet, particularly something that looks like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Is the Lost Planet actually Earth?
Keiji Inafune: Ha! That’s going to be one of the big plot twists in the story. I’m not going to give too much away, because I’d rather that you played the game and discovered for yourself exactly what the planet is.
Many thanks for your time Mr Inafune!.
审判者, 积分 12335, 距离下一级还需 7665 积分
精华15帖子威望39 点积分12335 点注册时间最后登录
& &微软先前放出了许多确保日本游戏开发者为XBOX360开发游戏的言论,在Sakaguchi和Mizuguchi的
& &这个名字就是稻船敬二。在capcom他制作了洛克人、街头霸王、生化危机和鬼武者系列,稻船是
& &在XBOX360上稻船有两个正在开发的游戏:惊恐丧尸游戏《丧尸围城》和刚刚公布的第三人称射击
& &《失落的星球》是设置在一个神秘星球的冰冻垃圾堆(?)上展开的未来派射击游戏。它将与巨大的、
& &在拉斯维加斯capcom游戏日上稻船敬二演示了《丧事围城》和《失落的星球》,所以近期我们有幸
对于网络模式,我们努力确保让众多的XBOX LIVE要素为它提供优势。
《丧尸围城》明显是从丧尸电影如Dawn of the Dead和Braindead中获得灵感的,那么《失落的星球》也是
些来自电影Starhip Troopers中怪物的特征。一些打击场面和敌人的攻击方式是基于Aliens的。我本人是
一个Jon Carpenter和他的电影The Thing的忠实fan,因此一些游戏中的情节与它有着某些联系。一些VS
当看到《失落的星球》时我们注意到了一些熟悉的路标,特别是某些东西很像巴黎的Arc de Triophe(?)。
☆◎King of the Pop◎☆
精华13帖子威望29 点积分31456 点注册时间最后登录
Thank you! Nice translation! ^_^
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