
The Secret Circle EP Andrew Miller didn't know his show was being canceled this morning when he phoned EW to talk about last night's season finale and tease where a second season would take the witches of Chance Harbor if they were granted one. Below, you can read where the characters were headed. I'm most sad for the loss of the opportunity to see Gale Harold (Charles) go as dark as I'd hoped he be after seeing the pilot. In the finale, Charles redeemed himself by magically luring the six demons inside Eben into his body so that Dawn could save Faye, Melissa, and Jake from burning at the stake (okay, a pole on the old ship). "So now he's in this comatose state with six demons inside him that can't get out, in the hopes that soon -- let's say next season -- there's a way to extract those demons," Miller said. "Who Charles is when that happens remains to be seen. That's what we wanted to set up for next season: Can the people who love him help him in a way that brings him back to who he was, or is he gonna be someone completely different? He's come a long way this year, starting off as a completely evil son of a bitch [when he killed Cassie's mother] and ending up making a self-sacrifice that was pretty stunning. If there is a next season, I suspect that idea of self-sacrifice won't be uppermost on his mind anymore. He might revert back a little."当Andrew Miller(&The Secret Circle&编剧)今早打***来EW谈论昨晚播出的大结局并准备透露第二季剧情发展时,他还不知道自己的剧集第二季已经被取消了。以下你可以看到各个角色在第二季的发展。我感到最可惜的是没有机会看Gale Harold饰演的Charles往黑暗的道路上越走越远了,就像在第一季开头大家看到的那样。大结局里面,Charles为了赎罪牺牲自己,召唤Eben身上的六只恶魔附体并试图跳船与恶魔同归于尽。“如今Charles处于神智不清的边缘,因为六只恶魔被困于他体内无法驱除;我们只能寄望--也许下一季--有办法可以为他驱魔,”Miller说,“Charles会变成怎样拭目以待。下一季对于Charles而言就是,他身边爱他的人会帮他变回从前的Charles呢?还是完全变成另外一个人?这一年他经历这么多事情,从一开始用巫术杀掉Cassie妈妈,到最后作出自我的救赎。如果有下一季,我认为那种自我救赎的意识不会再主导他的思想,他会有所改变。”That was what I'd been waiting for -- Gale Harold unleashed. "You and me. We were so desperate to show consequences and responsibility, and for him to be an out-and-out bad guy, and a dad, and a guy who brought Cassie, which was so hard to do thematically. It may have taken a long time, but it feels like we can reset his character a little bit more," Miller said. "He's so good at being bad, we just needed to give him enough reason to go that way, and I feel like having six demons inside of him and doing what he did to save everyone is enough of a reason to go back. I'm hopeful for a very dark, cool, dangerous as hell Charles next season." And maybe he could possibly have some sex, I said. "Yes," Miller said, laughing. "If you're gonna be dark and dangerous, why not have sex? What's the fun otherwise?"那正是我所期待的--Gale Harold大爆发。“我们都有这样的期待。我们太想表现出(坏蛋的)结果与责任,希望看到的Charles是一个彻底的坏人,一个父亲,那个执意引导Cassie回来实现自己计划的人,太多的期待叠加在一起变得很复杂。角色的转变需要一定的时间,我们是时候该重新设定一下了,”Miller说,“他当起坏人来毫不费力,我们要做的给予他足够的理由去变坏;我认为让六只恶魔附体以及用他自己的方式去赎罪,足以让他重新走上黑暗的道路。我希望第二季有一个全新的黑暗、冷酷和危险的Charles。”也许他还可以有点风流事,我说。“是啊,”Miller笑着说,“如果你是个危险的坏人,来点风流事又怎样? 不然怎会好玩?”
Miller admitted one of the struggles of the first season was finding the balance between the parents and the kids on the show. "Sometimes it felt like we were going too far one way or the other. But it was so important to keep this wall up between them because we just didn't want scenes of the kids sitting around saying, 'Hey, how do you do this?' The parents would be doing everything for them, and no teenager wants that in their life. So we had to keep them apart, but in doing so, we weren't able to utilize Gale Harold and Natasha Henstridge both the way we would have liked." That would have been different next year, he said.Miller承认第一季的难题在于寻找家长与孩子之间的平衡。“有时候我们感觉扯得太远了,有时候又力有不逮。但我们认为很重要的是要在家长与孩子之间建立一道隔阂,因为我们不会想看到家长讨论计谋的时候,孩子在一旁说‘嘿你们在干嘛?’家长们会为孩子做一切事情,而这却正不是叛逆期的孩子们想要的。所以我们一直把他们的戏分开来演,可是这又不能充分发挥Gale Harold和Natasha Henstridge的作用。希望下一年能有所不同吧。”他说。"Season 1 was all about empowerment. Next would be now that they're empowered, what are they gonna do with it? That feels like a really fun season of television," he said. Here's what would have happened:“第一季的主线是权力争斗。如今他们拥有自己的法力了,下一季将是他们怎样去利用自己的法力? 这应该会很有趣。”他说。如下是各个角色的发展:o A reformed Dawn. Now that she'd seen what her selfish desire for power nearly cost her daughter, we'd have seen a different side to her. "I can see her being pitted against Charles in a very big way. Dawn really, not by choice, is becoming an elder essentially. She's seen how close she was to losing the one love of her life, her daughter, and how badly she'd been betrayed by Blackwell, and how easily she was manipulated because of her thirst for power. I think she'll become much more of an avenging force for good, and I think that will be a huge problem for the kids and what they encounter with these Balcoin kids," Miller said.- 改过自新的Dawn。Dawn终于认识到自己的对欲望自私的追求差一点让她失去女儿,我们将会看到Dawn另外一面。“我可以预见她将会被Charles不断挑战。 Dawn已逐渐发展长辈级的人。她知道自己差一点点就失去了她挚爱的女儿,知道Blackwell有多决绝地背叛了他,还有她自己是如何轻易地被对权力的欲望操纵。我认为她会逐渐变成一股积极的复仇势力,而这会成为孩子们的新难题,尤其在Balcoin帮到来的时候。”Miller说。o A bad boy Adam. The Circle tasked Adam with disposing of the Crystal Skull because he's the most trustworthy and incorruptible, and yet, he looked like he was about to call it "My precious" the last time we saw him caressing it. "Adam has been, like Jake said, a Boy Scout earning moral merit badges for a season and it's gotten him nowhere. At every step, he’s been doing the right thing, and he's lost everything. And when he did the right thing by going to find Cassie and Diana and help them, he was completely useless. He was thrown around like a rag doll, even with his individual magic and determination, it wasn't enough to do s-- against John Blackwell. I feel like Adam's the skinny kid at the beach who gets sand kicked on him, and is like, 'This will never, ever happen again. I'm writing away to the back of a comic to be a muscle man,'" Miller said. "So oddly, he is the most vulnerable to the Crystal Skull's seductive dark powers. I think he's gonna go down a very dark path."
魔迷心窍的Adam。秘社其他成员让Adam去把水晶头骨摧毁,因为Adam一直是他们信任并依赖的人。然而大结局里面他表现出对水晶头骨的迷恋让人咋舌。“像Jake说的,Adam一直是秘社里的应该获得好好男孩丰碑的角色。但这对他并没多大裨益。每个关键时刻他都坚持做理性的选择,而这却让他失去一切。当他作出理性的决定去帮助Cassie和Diana时,他却像个洋娃娃一样被Blackwell打败在墙角。我觉得Adam这时就像一个被欺凌的瘦弱小孩,他对自己说‘这永远永远不会再发生,我应该成为故事里的英雄和主宰。’”Miller说,“所以到了最后,他反而是对水晶头骨的黑巫术最没有抵抗能力的一个。我想他将由此走上一条黑暗的道路。”o A bad girl Cassie. The Circle doesn't fully trust her, she has no parental figure in her life, and Diana just left town to get away from her. Cassie's also vulnerable to dark magic. "As she's killing her father and he calls out to her and says, 'We're the same' and it's not enough to get her to stop, I think it is enough to resonate in her brain. When she's home alone with nothing else, that’s when that dark magic is the strongest," Miller said. "She's always been our touchstone for the balance between dark and light, and I think in killing her own father, even though she had to do it, it takes her to a place just the other side of the balance tip, to the darker side. I'm dying to explore that, where it's not just will she or won't she, it's like, Cassie's in trouble."- 踏上邪途的Cassie。秘社成员并不是百分百信任她,她的生活里已经没有长辈人物,而Diana正是因为她才离开。Cassie也成为面对黑巫术的引诱也毫无甚抵抗能力。“当她杀掉自己父亲的时候,他对她大喊‘我们都是一样的’而她却丝毫没有手软。这足够对她造成影响。当她一个人在家没有任何打扰的时候,正是她的黑巫术最强的时候,”Miller说,“她永远是我们衡量正义和邪恶的试金石。当她杀害自己的父亲时--虽然她不得不这样做--她已经滑入了天平的另外一边,黑暗的那边。我非常期待展开这条故事线,这不是Cassie会不会(变坏)的问题,而是Cassie已经深陷麻烦。”o A battling Diana. Cassie will embrace the dark side, but Diana, who left town with Grant, wouldn't have. "She'll strive to be better and fight against it harder than ever," Miller said. "She'll have to come back. She can't run from who she is now that she's been physically and emotionally marked like she has been. It's gonna be a fun battle between her and Cassie."- 进退两难的Diana。Cassie踏入邪途,而Diana却没有,她跟随Grant离开。“她会竭力忘掉过去,”Miller说,“但她必须回来。她不可能逃避自己是谁,尤其是她的身体和精神上都被打上了烙印。她跟Cassie之间将会展开一场有趣的角力。”o A power-seeking Faye. Popping champagne corks with her solo magic wouldn't have satisfied Faye for long. "These Balcoin kids coming in will present a very interesting problem for all of them individually. I think Faye in particular will have a big role in how these two groups come together. Her search for her individual and power and all the things that she wanted in the beginning of season 1 will come back full force. But because of these Balcoin kids, she'll be closer to getting it."- 争权炼术的Faye。大结局里开香槟庆祝自己有独立巫术的时光不会维持太久,Faye很快会不满于现状。“Balcoin帮来到之后,将对秘社每个成员带来不同的问题。在两个团体碰面的过程中,Faye将会扮演重要的角色。第一季开始那个对巫术和权力充满渴望的Faye会百分百回归。但由于Balcoin帮的存在,她更容易得到她想要的。”o A Melissa with bad timing. "All she needed to do is find a guy who's not a douchebag, and it's not easy, and then there's Adam, who see***ike a good and might be the kind of guy that she should pursue -- that may be something that’s on her mind," Miller said. "Unfortunately, she doesn't yet know like we do that Adam might be taking a dark path and may be becoming the worst bad boy that she's ever tried to date. And that will be fun to see."- 遇人不淑的Melissa。“她想要的不过是找一个不是混账的男朋友,这不容易, Adam似乎是一个不错的选择----也许Melissa应该追求,”Miller说,“不幸的是,她不知道Adam正逐步迷失心窍,可能他会成为她所遇过的最坏的男孩。”o A good guy Jake. "Where Adam and Cassie seem to be heading toward this dark side, Jake is more like Diana, where he's gonna become a force to be reckoned with, with these Balcoin kids coming," Miller said. "Jake's come to a place in his life where he knows he won't be manipulated again. Blackwell, the guy who reached out to him and became his father figure, then tried to kill him. I don't think Jake will ever let himself or any of the others be put in that kind of position again. When Cassie starts going down a very dark road, Jake will be the one who's desperately trying to get her back. And that will complicate what he has with Faye, obviously."- 改邪归正的Jake。“当Adam和Cassie似乎步入歧途的时候,Jake反而像Diana那样,成为抗衡Balcoin帮的主要力量,”Miller说,“Jake已经意识到他不能再**纵和利用。Blackwell,这个曾经以父亲的角色接近他,到最后却想杀掉他。我认为Jake不会再让自己或其他秘社成员再陷入那般境地。当Cassie逐渐踏上邪途时,Jake会是最想帮助她的人。而这又会让他跟Faye的关系复杂化。”
--------------------Paul Walker’HOME /20985/楼主


