
当前位置: & 顾家北3.18YY80128公益讲座笔记
老顾3.18 YY公益讲座
Some people think that people moving to a new country should accept new cu lture in the foreign country rather than living as a separate minority group with different lifestyles. Do you agree or disagree? 全球化-文化
It is sometimes suggested that those who live overseas should embrace the local culture, while living in ethnic communities is not a sensible decision. In my opinion, these two choices should be given equal consideration.
moving to a new country=live overseas
the culture of the host country=accept new culture
a separate minority group =ethnic communities
It is known to all that the technological and scientific advances have made gre ater changes to the range and quality of our food. Some people regard it as a n improvement while others believe that the change is harmful. Discuss both v iews and give your own opinion. 科技-食物
Many people embrace the idea that they have more options in their diets and food quality has also improved significantly because of technological advances.
I believe that people should recognise the positive effect of modern farming technology and take full advantage of it.
greater changes=improved significantly
technological breakthroughs=technological advances=an improvement....=developments of technology
Some people believe that developments of technology are making life more complex and the solution for everybody is to accept a simpler life without using technologies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 环境和生活方式
Many people embrace the idea that life has become more complicated because of technological advances, so to remedy this situation, they should reduce the reliance on technology. I agree with this view, although we should also take full advantage of technology when appropriate. (当。。。。恰当的时候、) complex =complicated
remedy this situation=improve this situation
developments of technology=technological advances=technological breakthroughs
2 be +do 3谓语动词will to do /will did
如果不写first second 等等结构可以写成
The first benefit is that ..
another reason is that ...
顾家北----0311YY80128讲座笔记 - 顾家北手把手教你雅思写作---- 公益讲座 剑9第四套题目的范文 ? 题目: ? Every year several languages d...偶然听了几次顾家北老师写作的公 益讲座,感觉有点颠覆...推荐听 80128 Marilyn 的公益课,听说她是考官。 。...这次快考试前才知道 YY8632 周一到周六每天早上 7 ...顾家北手把手教你雅思写作----0414_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。YY80128课件 顾家北手把手教你雅思写作----简单的句子也可以看出水平,如何拓展 主讲人:顾家北 2013/...高层建筑有时候被认为是城市的eyesore。_顾家北_传送门
高层建筑有时候被认为是城市的eyesore。错误的句子(4.5分):Occasionally,high-rise buildings are tend to be regarded as the eyesore of a city.错误1
“be + do”永远是错的正确的句子:High-rise buildings are sometimes regarded as an eyesore of the city. 句子结构:“somebody regards something as something”是“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构。而这句话是这个结构的被动语态……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
作文精品小班(850 RMB,18小时,5月7日的新班开始接受报名(为6月份考试的同学准备),时间表:5月7,10,13,16,20,24日,晚上7点-10点)学习单句、从句、复杂句、拓展句子和段落、顾家北作文8步法、连接方法、图表作文,现场答疑和互动,送一次模考+评讲2.
考前词伙突破班(550 RMB, 10 小时; 350 RMB 小班同学;5月22日的新班开始接受报名(为6月份考试的同学准备),时间表:5月22, 25,28,31日;6月4日晚上7点)21个预测题目,50个观点串讲,200个地道词伙,语法修改,10个口语part 2 和part 3的***两个班一起报,仅需要1200 RMB小作文遇到国家怎么办?_顾家北_传送门
今天上1对1的时候,发现有同学对于静态图和动态图遇到不同国家不知道怎么办。我的做法就是遇到动态图,国家自己和自己比(剑7第四套的模式),遇到静态图,国家和国家相比(剑6的第一套模式)。我们的作文班小作文是一节课,将所有图形精简成10几个句子。20日开始新班!翻译: 经济不景气(economic downturn)导致工作不稳定,因此很多人工作更加勤奋。 错误的句子:economic downture causes works becoming unsecured,so people need to
work harder than before.错误1
work不可数名词错误2 cause somebody/something to do something正确的句子:economic downturn leads
to job insecurity, so people
need to work harder than before. 大部分的同学都没有翻译好工作不稳定,词伙的魅力就是能够把一个事情说的很地道和清楚。……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
作文精品小班(850 RMB,18小时,4月20日的新班开始接受报名(为5月份考试的同学准备),时间表:周末班:4月20,21,27,28日,5月4,5日;下午3点-6点)学习单句、从句、复杂句、拓展句子和段落、顾家北作文8步法、连接方法、图表作文,现场答疑和互动,送一次模考+评讲2.
考前词伙突破班(550 RMB, 10 小时; 350 RMB 小班同学;4月24日开始新班,为5月11、16、18日的考试准备)21个预测题目,50个观点串讲,200个地道词伙,语法修改,10个口语part 2 和part 3的***两个班一起报,仅需要1200 RMB 3. 顾家北手把手教你大学作业
(1200 RMB,12小时;1100 RMB 小班同学,提分1分的有100 优惠,2分有200 优惠)4月16日开始手把手教你如何写海外大学作业,从开头段、找资料、写观点、拓展段落、常用转接、做references、写结尾段等,告诉你怎么快速写完大学作业的技巧。*海外作业班*:4月16,19,23,26,30日,5月2日,晚上7点-9点. 4.模考点评冲刺时间:4月25日,5月9,23日晚上7点-10点(一次60RMB,两次100 RMB )每次3个小时:1个小时模考(大作文+小作文各一篇),2个小时评讲,现场写出高分的大小作文范文,总结常见错误和思路,有选择地修改学生句子模考点评冲刺主要的目的1是为了帮助学生进入状态,因为很多学生没有试过规定时间写作文;2是通过评讲,让学生知道自己审题的偏差、考试遇到的问题、句子哪里还可以提升和跑题后补救的技巧。


