
***ie9出现的问题 - Microsoft Community
388 次浏览
去c:\programs files\里找到的也是ie8;
1 个成员问过此问题
我们可以尝试在安全模式下进行***SP1. 安全模式只加载系统必须的组件服务,不加载第三方驱动以及第三方软件,可以排除软件干扰。
1.点击以下链接获得IE9 正式版独立***包,保存到桌面上:
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.000: Started:
(Y/M/D) 09:15:52.252 (local)
00:00.000: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.000: Command line: C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\IE-REDIST.exe& /ieak-full:C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.000: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.016: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.016: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.063: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKInitialize()
00:00.063: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:15:52
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - download directory set to C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: SetLocalCif :C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\IESetup.CIF:
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKInitialize : Successfully Inited
00:00.094: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKInitialize()
00:00.094: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKSetConfiguration()
00:00.094: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKSetConfiguration: Successfully Set Configured
00:00.094: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKSetConfiguration(), return value: TRUE
00:00.094: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.234: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.234: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.656: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.656: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.656: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:00.656: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:00.671: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:00.718: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:00.843: INFO:&&& Preparing branded setup information. 此次 Internet Explorer ***包含自定义的设置,也可能包含来自 Microsoft 的附加程序。
单击“***”即表明您同意 &A HREF=" Explorer 许可条款&/A&。
00:00.874: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
01:26.394: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE941A1.tmp\KB\Windows6.1-KB-x64.cab /quiet /norestart
01:56.096: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x) [The operation completed successfully. ]
01:56.096: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKBeforeIEInstallation()
01:56.096: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKBeforeIEInstallation: All Pre IE custom component installation goes here
01:56.096: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue components for the install engine [PreCustItems]:
01:56.096: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Group PreCustItems not found
01:56.096: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKBeforeIEInstallation(), return value: TRUE
01:56.096: INFO:&&& The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
01:56.112: INFO:&&& No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
01:56.174: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x00516ea0 returned 0x.
01:57.453: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:57.453: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:57.453: INFO:&&& Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE941A1.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
01:57.999: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE941A1.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
02:23.318: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x (14003) [The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. ]
02:23.318: ERROR:&& Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x (14003)).
02:23.693: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE941A1.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
02:38.497: INFO:&&& Process 'C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE941A1.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
02:38.497: ERROR:&& Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
02:38.497: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
02:38.497: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
02:38.497: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
02:38.497: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKAfterIEInstallation(FALSE)
02:38.497: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKAfterIEInstallation: All Post IE custom component installation goes here
02:38.497: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue components for the install engine [CustItems]:
02:38.497: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Group CustItems not found
02:38.497: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKAfterIEInstallation()
02:38.497: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKFinalize(TRUE)
02:38.497: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKFinalize: Enter
02:38.513: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: DeleteInstallIns: Deleted file C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins.
02:38.513: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: DeleteInstallIns: Deleted file C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins.
02:38.513: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue component for the install engine [BRANDING.CAB]:
02:38.513: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: QueueOneComponent took :0:
02:38.513: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - Starting install phase
02:38.513: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:
&& Download: 0 KB
&& Install 4 KB
02:38.513: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& Start : Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:18:30
02:38.513: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: OnStartComponent:
&& Download: 0 KB
&& Install 4 KB
02:38.529: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& CheckTrust: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS11ACF1.tmp\BRANDING.CAB, Result: 1 (OK)
02:38.560: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: File extraction: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS11ACF1.tmp\BRANDING.CAB, Result: 0 (OK)
02:38.575: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Launching Inf - inf: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS11ACF1.tmp\INSTALL.INF, section: Default
02:38.856: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: SpaceUsed: Windows drive: 0&& InstallDrive: 0
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Timing rates: Download: 0,Install 60000
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: OnStopComponent:
&& HRESULT: 0 (OK)
&& Phase: 8
&& Status: 1
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& Stop& : Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:18:34
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:
&& HRESULT: 0 (OK)
& Status: 1
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:18:34
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: InstallJob return hr:0x0: Status:1
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalized : Branding.cab has been installed
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalize: Will delay copy install.ins to %programfiles%\internet explorer\signup
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalize: Will delay copy install.ins to %programfilesx86%\internet explorer\signup
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: CopyInstallIns: Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\ieak.install.ins
02:42.335: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: CopyInstallIns: Scheduling MoveFileEx of install.ins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\ieak.install.ins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins
02:42.366: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - object destroyed
02:42.366: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKFinalize(), return value: TRUE
02:42.366: INFO:&&& Checking it the Internet Explorer Optional Component is enabled.
02:42.819: INFO:&&& Disabling active setup.
02:44.987: INFO:&&& Added command to re-enable active setup after install and reboot.
02:44.987: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
02:44.987: INFO:&&& Setup exit code: 0x010) - Installation Succeeded. Reboot required.
02:45.003: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE941A1.tmp
02:45.112: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE941A1.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
02:45.112: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.000: Started:
(Y/M/D) 09:18:53.407 (local)
00:00.015: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.015: Command line: C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\IE-REDIST.exe& /ieak-full:C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.015: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.015: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.062: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKInitialize()
00:00.062: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:18:53
00:00.062: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - download directory set to C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
00:00.062: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: SetLocalCif :C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\IESetup.CIF:
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKInitialize : Successfully Inited
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKInitialize()
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKSetConfiguration()
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKSetConfiguration: Successfully Set Configured
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKSetConfiguration(), return value: TRUE
00:00.078: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.218: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.234: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:00.702: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:00.811: INFO:&&& Preparing branded setup information. 此次 Internet Explorer ***包含自定义的设置,也可能包含来自 Microsoft 的附加程序。
单击“***”即表明您同意 &A HREF=" Explorer 许可条款&/A&。
00:00.826: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:04.664: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE953D.tmp\KB\Windows6.1-KB-x64.cab /quiet /norestart
00:25.303: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x) [The operation completed successfully. ]
00:25.303: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKBeforeIEInstallation()
00:25.303: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKBeforeIEInstallation: All Pre IE custom component installation goes here
00:25.303: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue components for the install engine [PreCustItems]:
00:25.303: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Group PreCustItems not found
00:25.303: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKBeforeIEInstallation(), return value: TRUE
00:25.303: INFO:&&& The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:25.319: INFO:&&& No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:25.365: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x004f6ea0 returned 0x.
00:26.582: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:26.582: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:26.582: INFO:&&& Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE953D.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
00:27.175: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE953D.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
00:48.953: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x (14003) [The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. ]
00:48.953: ERROR:&& Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x (14003)).
00:49.358: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE953D.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
01:04.132: INFO:&&& Process 'C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE953D.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
01:04.132: ERROR:&& Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
01:04.132: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
01:04.132: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:04.147: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:04.147: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKAfterIEInstallation(FALSE)
01:04.147: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKAfterIEInstallation: All Post IE custom component installation goes here
01:04.147: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue components for the install engine [CustItems]:
01:04.147: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Group CustItems not found
01:04.147: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKAfterIEInstallation()
01:04.147: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKFinalize(TRUE)
01:04.147: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKFinalize: Enter
01:04.163: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: DeleteInstallIns: Delete file of C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins failed with error = 2
01:04.163: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: DeleteInstallIns: Deleted file C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins.
01:04.163: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue component for the install engine [BRANDING.CAB]:
01:04.163: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: QueueOneComponent took :0:
01:04.163: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - Starting install phase
01:04.163: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:
&& Download: 0 KB
&& Install 4 KB
01:04.163: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& Start : Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:19:57
01:04.163: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: OnStartComponent:
&& Download: 0 KB
&& Install 4 KB
01:04.178: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& CheckTrust: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS130000.tmp\BRANDING.CAB, Result: 1 (OK)
01:04.225: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: File extraction: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS130000.tmp\BRANDING.CAB, Result: 0 (OK)
01:04.225: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Launching Inf - inf: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS130000.tmp\INSTALL.INF, section: Default
01:04.319: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: SpaceUsed: Windows drive: 0&& InstallDrive: 0
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Timing rates: Download: 0,Install 60000
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: OnStopComponent:
&& HRESULT: 0 (OK)
&& Phase: 8
&& Status: 1
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& Stop& : Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:19:57
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:
&& HRESULT: 0 (OK)
& Status: 1
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:19:57
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: InstallJob return hr:0x0: Status:1
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalized : Branding.cab has been installed
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalize: Will delay copy install.ins to %programfiles%\internet explorer\signup
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalize: Will delay copy install.ins to %programfilesx86%\internet explorer\signup
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: CopyInstallIns: Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\ieak.install.ins
01:04.553: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: CopyInstallIns: Scheduling MoveFileEx of install.ins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\ieak.install.ins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins
01:04.600: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - object destroyed
01:04.600: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKFinalize(), return value: TRUE
01:04.600: INFO:&&& Checking it the Internet Explorer Optional Component is enabled.
01:07.923: INFO:&&& Disabling active setup.
01:07.923: INFO:&&& Added command to re-enable active setup after install and reboot.
01:07.923: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
01:07.923: INFO:&&& Setup exit code: 0x010) - Installation Succeeded. Reboot required.
01:07.938: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE953D.tmp
01:08.047: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE953D.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
01:08.047: INFO:&&& Rebooting computer...
01:08.063: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.000: Started:
(Y/M/D) 09:25:06.183 (local)
00:00.000: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.000: Command line: C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\IE-REDIST.exe& /ieak-full:C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.016: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.016: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.016: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.016: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.016: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.047: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKInitialize()
00:00.047: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:25:6
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - download directory set to C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: SetLocalCif :C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\IESetup.CIF:
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKInitialize : Successfully Inited
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKInitialize()
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKSetConfiguration()
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKSetConfiguration: Successfully Set Configured
00:00.078: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKSetConfiguration(), return value: TRUE
00:00.094: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.281: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.297: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.749: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.749: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.749: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:00.749: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:00.749: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:00.811: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:00.905: INFO:&&& Preparing branded setup information. 此次 Internet Explorer ***包含自定义的设置,也可能包含来自 Microsoft 的附加程序。
单击“***”即表明您同意 &A HREF=" Explorer 许可条款&/A&。
00:01.467: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:05.960: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9CDC9.tmp\KB\Windows6.1-KB-x64.cab /quiet /norestart
00:29.781: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x) [The operation completed successfully. ]
00:29.781: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKBeforeIEInstallation()
00:29.781: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKBeforeIEInstallation: All Pre IE custom component installation goes here
00:29.781: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue components for the install engine [PreCustItems]:
00:29.781: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Group PreCustItems not found
00:29.781: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKBeforeIEInstallation(), return value: TRUE
00:29.781: INFO:&&& The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:29.796: INFO:&&& No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:29.859: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x00636ea0 returned 0x.
00:30.732: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:30.732: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:30.732: INFO:&&& Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9CDC9.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
00:31.278: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9CDC9.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
00:53.587: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x (14003) [The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. ]
00:53.602: ERROR:&& Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x (14003)).
00:53.961: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9CDC9.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
01:07.908: INFO:&&& Process 'C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9CDC9.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
01:07.908: ERROR:&& Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
01:07.908: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
01:07.908: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:07.923: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKAfterIEInstallation(FALSE)
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKAfterIEInstallation: All Post IE custom component installation goes here
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue components for the install engine [CustItems]:
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Group CustItems not found
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKAfterIEInstallation()
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKFinalize(TRUE)
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKFinalize: Enter
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: DeleteInstallIns: Delete file of C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins failed with error = 2
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: DeleteInstallIns: Deleted file C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins.
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue component for the install engine [BRANDING.CAB]:
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: QueueOneComponent took :0:
01:07.923: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - Starting install phase
01:07.939: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:
&& Download: 0 KB
&& Install 4 KB
01:07.939: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& Start : Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:26:14
01:07.939: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: OnStartComponent:
&& Download: 0 KB
&& Install 4 KB
01:07.939: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& CheckTrust: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS03D74B.tmp\BRANDING.CAB, Result: 1 (OK)
01:08.001: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: File extraction: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS03D74B.tmp\BRANDING.CAB, Result: 0 (OK)
01:08.017: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Launching Inf - inf: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS03D74B.tmp\INSTALL.INF, section: Default
01:08.173: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: SpaceUsed: Windows drive: 0&& InstallDrive: 0
01:08.266: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Timing rates: Download: 0,Install 60000
01:08.266: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: OnStopComponent:
&& HRESULT: 0 (OK)
&& Phase: 8
&& Status: 1
01:08.282: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& Stop& : Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:26:14
01:08.282: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:
&& HRESULT: 0 (OK)
& Status: 1
01:08.282: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:9:26:14
01:08.282: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: InstallJob return hr:0x0: Status:1
01:08.282: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalized : Branding.cab has been installed
01:08.282: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalize: Will delay copy install.ins to %programfiles%\internet explorer\signup
01:08.282: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalize: Will delay copy install.ins to %programfilesx86%\internet explorer\signup
01:08.282: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: CopyInstallIns: Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\ieak.install.ins
01:08.282: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: CopyInstallIns: Scheduling MoveFileEx of install.ins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\ieak.install.ins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins
01:08.313: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - object destroyed
01:08.313: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKFinalize(), return value: TRUE
01:08.313: INFO:&&& Checking it the Internet Explorer Optional Component is enabled.
01:20.200: INFO:&&& Disabling active setup.
01:20.247: INFO:&&& Added command to re-enable active setup after install and reboot.
01:20.247: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
01:20.247: INFO:&&& Setup exit code: 0x010) - Installation Succeeded. Reboot required.
01:20.247: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9CDC9.tmp
01:20.341: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9CDC9.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
01:20.356: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.016: Started:
(Y/M/D) 10:52:40.164 (local)
00:00.016: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.016: Command line: "D:\downloads\system\IE9-Windows7-x64-chs.exe"
00:00.016: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.016: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.016: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.016: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.016: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.016: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.016: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.218: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.218: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.608: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.608: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.608: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:00.608: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:00.608: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:00.671: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:00.796: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:03.214: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9609.tmp\KB\Windows6.1-KB-x64.cab /quiet /norestart
00:22.464: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x) [The operation completed successfully. ]
00:22.464: INFO:&&& The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:22.464: INFO:&&& No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:22.511: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:23.697: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:23.697: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:23.697: INFO:&&& Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9609.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
00:24.211: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9609.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
00:42.526: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x (14003) [The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. ]
00:42.526: ERROR:&& Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x (14003)).
00:42.900: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9609.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
00:57.486: INFO:&&& Process 'C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9609.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:57.486: ERROR:&& Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
00:57.502: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
00:57.502: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:57.502: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:58.485: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
02:43.458: INFO:&&& Link clicked, opening URL in new window:'/fwlink/?LinkID=200540'
03:41.880: INFO:&&& An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information.& Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
03:41.896: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9609.tmp
03:41.989: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9609.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
03:41.989: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.015: Started:
(Y/M/D) 10:57:04.973 (local)
00:00.015: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.015: Command line: "D:\downloads\system\IE9-Windows7-x64-chs(1).exe"
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.015: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.015: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.015: ERROR:&& === FindResource (7006,"IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab") failed with 0x716
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.187: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.203: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.203: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:00.203: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:00.203: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:00.234: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:00.359: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:02.231: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91075.tmp\KB\Windows6.1-KB-x64.cab /quiet /norestart
00:20.015: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x) [The operation completed successfully. ]
00:20.015: INFO:&&& The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:20.015: INFO:&&& No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:20.061: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:21.216: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:21.232: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:21.232: INFO:&&& Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91075.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
00:21.434: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91075.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
00:41.075: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x (14003) [The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. ]
00:41.075: ERROR:&& Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x (14003)).
00:41.122: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91075.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
00:55.583: INFO:&&& Process 'C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91075.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:55.583: ERROR:&& Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
00:55.583: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
00:55.583: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:55.583: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:56.285: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
35:17.136: INFO:&&& Link clicked, opening URL in new window:'/fwlink/?LinkID=200540'
38:54.976: INFO:&&& Link clicked, opening URL in new window:'/fwlink/?LinkID=200540'
42:07.824: INFO:&&& An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information.& Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
42:07.840: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91075.tmp
42:07.918: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91075.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
42:07.918: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.000: Started:
(Y/M/D) 12:56:59.268 (local)
00:00.015: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.015: Command line: "D:\downloads\system\IE9-Windows7-x64-chs.exe"
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.015: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.015: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.171: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.171: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.577: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.577: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.577: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:00.577: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:00.577: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:00.639: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:01.560: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:03.073: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99D86.tmp\KB\Windows6.1-KB-x64.cab /quiet /norestart
00:23.915: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x) [The operation completed successfully. ]
00:23.915: INFO:&&& The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:23.915: INFO:&&& No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:23.962: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x001e6830 returned 0x.
00:24.726: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:24.726: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:24.726: INFO:&&& Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99D86.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
00:25.194: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99D86.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
00:42.760: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x (14003) [The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. ]
00:42.760: ERROR:&& Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x (14003)).
00:43.243: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99D86.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
00:56.503: INFO:&&& Process 'C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99D86.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:56.503: ERROR:&& Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
00:56.503: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
00:56.519: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:56.519: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:57.065: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
01:01.527: INFO:&&& An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information.& Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
01:01.527: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99D86.tmp
01:01.605: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99D86.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
01:01.605: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.000: Started:
(Y/M/D) 12:58:07.849 (local)
00:00.000: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.000: Command line: C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\IE-REDIST.exe& /ieak-full:C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.000: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.000: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.032: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKInitialize()
00:00.032: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:12:58:7
00:00.047: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - download directory set to C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
00:00.047: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: SetLocalCif :C:\Users\feng\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\IESetup.CIF:
00:00.063: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKInitialize : Successfully Inited
00:00.063: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKInitialize()
00:00.063: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKSetConfiguration()
00:00.063: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKSetConfiguration: Successfully Set Configured
00:00.063: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKSetConfiguration(), return value: TRUE
00:00.063: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.328: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.344: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.718: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.734: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.734: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:00.734: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:00.734: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:00.780: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:00.843: INFO:&&& Preparing branded setup information. 此次 Internet Explorer ***包含自定义的设置,也可能包含来自 Microsoft 的附加程序。
单击“***”即表明您同意 &A HREF=" Explorer 许可条款&/A&。
00:00.890: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:03.292: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9A968.tmp\KB\Windows6.1-KB-x64.cab /quiet /norestart
00:20.296: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x) [The operation completed successfully. ]
00:20.296: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKBeforeIEInstallation()
00:20.296: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKBeforeIEInstallation: All Pre IE custom component installation goes here
00:20.296: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue components for the install engine [PreCustItems]:
00:20.296: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Group PreCustItems not found
00:20.296: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKBeforeIEInstallation(), return value: TRUE
00:20.312: INFO:&&& The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:20.312: INFO:&&& No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:20.359: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x00406ea0 returned 0x.
00:21.061: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:21.061: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:21.061: INFO:&&& Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9A968.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
00:21.529: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9A968.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
00:38.829: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x (14003) [The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. ]
00:38.829: ERROR:&& Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x (14003)).
00:39.188: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9A968.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
00:52.401: INFO:&&& Process 'C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9A968.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:52.401: ERROR:&& Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
00:52.401: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
00:52.401: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:52.401: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:52.401: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKAfterIEInstallation(FALSE)
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKAfterIEInstallation: All Post IE custom component installation goes here
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue components for the install engine
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Group CustItems not found
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKAfterIEInstallation()
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[BEGIN] Call to IEAKFinalize(TRUE)
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAKFinalize: Enter
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: DeleteInstallIns: Delete file of C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins failed with error = 2
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: DeleteInstallIns: Deleted file C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins.
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Queue component for the install engine [BRANDING.CAB]:
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: QueueOneComponent took :0:
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - Starting install phase
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:
&& Download: 0 KB
&& Install 4 KB
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& Start : Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:12:59:0
00:52.417: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: OnStartComponent:
&& Download: 0 KB
&& Install 4 KB
00:52.432: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& CheckTrust: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS037647.tmp\BRANDING.CAB, Result: 1 (OK)
00:52.479: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: File extraction: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS037647.tmp\BRANDING.CAB, Result: 0 (OK)
00:52.495: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Launching Inf - inf: C:\Windows\msdownld.tmp\AS037647.tmp\INSTALL.INF, section: Default
00:52.620: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: SpaceUsed: Windows drive: 0&& InstallDrive: 0
00:52.713: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Timing rates: Download: 0,Install 60000
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: OnStopComponent:
&& HRESULT: 0 (OK)
&& Phase: 8
&& Status: 1
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:&&&&&&& Stop& : Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:12:59:0
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL:
&& HRESULT: 0 (OK)
& Status: 1
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Date:3/18/2011 (M/D/Y) Time:12:59:0
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: InstallJob return hr:0x0: Status:1
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalized : Branding.cab has been installed
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalize: Will delay copy install.ins to %programfiles%\internet explorer\signup
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: IEAK Finalize: Will delay copy install.ins to %programfilesx86%\internet explorer\signup
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: CopyInstallIns: Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\ieak.install.ins
00:52.729: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: CopyInstallIns: Scheduling MoveFileEx of install.ins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\ieak.install.ins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins
00:52.744: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&IEAK_DLL: Install Engine - object destroyed
00:52.744: INFO:&&& IEAKPRXY&&[END] Call to IEAKFinalize(), return value: TRUE
00:52.744: INFO:&&& Checking it the Internet Explorer Optional Component is enabled.
01:50.636: INFO:&&& Disabling active setup.
01:50.683: INFO:&&& Added command to re-enable active setup after install and reboot.
01:50.699: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
01:50.699: INFO:&&& Setup exit code: 0x010) - Installation Succeeded. Reboot required.
01:50.699: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9A968.tmp
01:50.777: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9A968.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
01:50.777: INFO:&&& Rebooting computer...
01:50.792: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.000: Started:
(Y/M/D) 11:21:43.672 (local)
00:00.000: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.000: Command line: "D:\downloads\system\IE9-Windows7-x64-chs.exe"
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.015: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.015: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.015: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.187: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.187: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:00.655: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:00.717: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:00.873: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:26.629: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91DCF.tmp\KB\Windows6.1-KB-x64.cab /quiet /norestart
00:51.511: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x) [The operation completed successfully. ]
01:05.817: INFO:&&& The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
01:05.817: INFO:&&& No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
01:05.863: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x001a6830 returned 0x.
01:06.909: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:06.909: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:06.909: INFO:&&& Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91DCF.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
01:07.408: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91DCF.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
01:30.745: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x (14003) [The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. ]
01:30.745: ERROR:&& Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x (14003)).
01:31.120: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91DCF.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
01:45.082: INFO:&&& Process 'C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91DCF.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
01:45.098: ERROR:&& Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
01:45.098: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
01:45.098: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:45.113: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:46.221: INFO:&&& PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
03:16.015: INFO:&&& An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information.& Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
03:16.031: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91DCF.tmp
03:16.140: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE91DCF.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
03:16.140: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.000: Started:
(Y/M/D) 09:08:24.819 (local)
00:00.000: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.000: Command line: "D:\downloads\system\IE9-Windows7-x64-chs.exe"
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.000: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.000: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.624: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.639: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:01.279: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:01.279: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:01.279: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:01.279: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:01.279: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:01.295: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:07.363: WARNING: PauseAUThread: Failed to pause Automatic Updates: 0x8007043c
00:16.427: ERROR:&& Error downloading prerequisite file (KB2454826): 0x800c0085)
00:22.464: WARNING: PauseAUThread: Failed to resume Automatic Updates: 0x8007043c
00:25.709: INFO:&&& Message to User: Browser start failed.
00:27.534: ERROR:&& Unable to launch URL: .
00:27.534: INFO:&&& Setup exit code: 0x007) - Required updates are missing from the system.
00:27.534: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9AE86.tmp
00:27.550: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE9AE86.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
00:27.550: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.000: Started:
(Y/M/D) 09:10:15.610 (local)
00:00.000: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.000: Command line: "D:\downloads\system\IE9-Windows7-x64-chs.exe"
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.000: INFO:&&& ...and
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.000: INFO:&&& iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.000: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.640: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.640: INFO:&&& Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:01.279: INFO:&&& Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:01.279: INFO:&&& Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:01.295: INFO:&&& Service pack major: 0
00:01.295: INFO:&&& Service pack minor: 0
00:01.295: INFO:&&& Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (False)
00:01.295: INFO:&&& Download for KB2454826 initiated. Downloading
-& KB.msu.
00:07.363: WARNING: PauseAUThread: Failed to pause Automatic Updates: 0x8007043c
00:28.423: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99655.tmp\KB\Windows6.1-KB-x64.cab /quiet /norestart
00:32.167: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x) [The operation completed successfully. ]
01:06.160: INFO:&&& The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
01:06.160: INFO:&&& No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
01:06.176: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:06.238: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:06.238: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:06.238: INFO:&&& Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99655.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
01:06.363: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99655.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
01:08.718: INFO:&&& Process exit code 0x (14003) [The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. ]
01:08.718: ERROR:&& Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x (14003)).
01:08.718: INFO:&&& Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99655.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
01:09.452: INFO:&&& Process 'C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99655.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
01:09.452: ERROR:&& Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
01:09.452: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
01:09.452: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:09.452: INFO:&&& No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
01:15.504: WARNING: PauseAUThread: Failed to resume Automatic Updates: 0x8007043c
11:25.468: INFO:&&& An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information.& Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
11:25.468: INFO:&&& Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99655.tmp
11:25.500: INFO:&&& Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE99655.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
11:25.500: INFO:&&& Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
我们可以尝试在安全模式下进行***SP1. 安全模式只加载系统必须的组件服务,不加载第三方驱动以及第三方软件,可以排除软件干扰。


