求world war Z(僵尸war3世界大战战)...

《僵尸世界大战》(World War Z)最新资源 (共6个相关文件)
(C)神盾信息有限公司 (香港) Shield Technologies Limited僵尸世界大战(World War Z) 第10期_电影双语字幕_VOA英语网
僵尸世界大战(World War Z) 第10期
康妮就在我旁边 I got Connie right here.
亲爱的 Baby?
铱星*** 搜索中...
身份不明的飞机请注意 Attention, unidentified aircraft.
你已进入禁飞区域并未被允许降落 You are in a restricted airspace and not clear for landing.
耶路撒冷控制塔 这里是394 Jerusalem tower, Reach 394.
需要援助 请求即刻降落 Pan, pan, pan. Request immediate landing.
摩萨德 以色列情报及特殊使命局
请联系摩萨德 尤尔根&沃姆布伦办公室 Contact Mossad, office of Jurgen Warmbrunn.
我是联合国特使 Special Envoy, United Nations.
待在飞机上 随时准备起飞 Stay with the plane. Be ready to bug out.
天黑前我就回来 I'll be back before dark.
以色列 耶路撒冷
大多数人的问题在于 The problem with most people is that
直到一件事发生的那一刻 they don't believe something can happen
才相信它会发生 until it already has.
这不是因为愚蠢或者软弱 It's not stupidity or weakness.
这只是人类的天性 It's just human nature.
你怎么知道的 How did you know?
杰拉德&莱恩 Gerald Lane.
2010年写过一篇弊大于利的文章 Wrote a self-defeating Jeremiad
谴责自己的雇主联合国 about his employer, the U.N., back in 2010.
引起了一些波澜 也毁了你的前途 Caused a few ripples. Sidelined your career.
我还以为你会自以为是地 Thought you'd have parlayed
出一本书 把这件事也写进去 those ripples into a self-righteous book.
我没生意头脑 No nose for profit.
以色列怎么知道的 How did Israel know?
我们截获了一位印度将军的报告 We intercepted a communique from an Indian general
报告里说他们在和罗刹作战 saying they were fighting the Rakshasha.
罗刹的意思就是僵尸 Translation, zombies.
准确一点叫活死人 Technically undead.
尤尔根&沃姆布伦 Jurgen Warmbrunn.
摩萨德高级官员 High-ranking official in the Mossad.
据说是个谨慎 称职的人 Described as sober, efficient,
而不是个听风就是雨的人 not terribly imaginative.
而现在你建了这么一堵墙 And yet you build a wall
仅仅是因为一份报告里提到了僵尸吗 because you read a communique that mentions the word &Zombie&?
这么说来我也是个疑心很重的人 Well, when put like that, I'd be skeptical as well.
20世纪30年代 In the '30s,
犹太人不相信他们会被送去集中营 Jews refused to believe they could be sent to concentration camps.
1972年 In '72,
我们不相信自己的人会在奥运会时被屠杀 we refused to fathom we'd be massacred in the Olympics.
1973年9月 我们看到阿军在调动 In the month before October 1973, we saw Arab troop movements,
可我们一致认为他们不构成威胁 and we unanimously agreed they didn't pose a threat.
一个月之后 Well, a month later,
阿拉伯人的进攻差点把我们赶到海里 the Arab attack almost drove us into the sea.
所以我们决定改革 So we decided to make a change.
改革? A change?
第十人 The Tenth Man.
如果有九个人看着相同的信息 If nine of us look at the same information
得出了相同的结论 and arrive at the exact same conclusion,
那么第十个人必须提出异议 it's the duty of the tenth man to disagree.
无论这个异议看起来多么离谱 No matter how improbable it may seem,
这个人必须假定 the tenth man has to start digging
另外九个人都错了 并设法证明 on the assumption that the other nine are wrong.
你就是那第十个人 And you were that tenth man.
没错 Precisely.
既然人人都假设 Since everyone assumed that
所谓僵尸指的是别的东西 this talk of zombies was cover for something else,
那我的调查基于的假设就是 I began my investigation on the assumption
文中的&僵尸& 指的就是僵尸 that when they said &Zombies,& they meant zombies.
源头在印度吗 Was patient zero from India?
问题就是这个 That's the problem.
有太多潜在源头 There's so many potential sources in play
谁都不知道真正的是哪个 that no one knows where it began.
德国的***交易 The organ trade in Germany.
亚洲半岛出现的怪异暴力行为 Strange examples of violent behavior across the Asian peninsulas.
同时僵尸瘟疫继续传播 Meanwhile, the zombie plague keeps spreading,
我们则竭尽所能 and we do what we can.
这些是耶路撒冷救世门 These are the Jerusalem Salvation Gates.
十个入口中有两个穿过安全防线 Two of ten portals through the security perimeter
通往以色列守卫森严的地区 into fortified Israel.
你在放人进城 You're letting people in.
多救一个人 就能少对抗一只僵尸 Every human being we save is one less zombie to fight.
可以用了 It's okay.
要是我能到印度 If I could get into India,
我该先去哪儿 找谁 where would I start? Who would I speak with?
印度是个黑洞 India's a black hole.
别管源头了 Forget about patient zero.
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World War Z 介绍
  具备 28种丰富的等级系统、刺激的战斗情节、引人入胜的益智关卡、可升级的武器与装备、无限的挑战模式。本游戏挑战你:如何生存的能力。在有限的时间内,在充满疆尸的国度中,拯救你所心爱的人。• 具故事性的动作游戏• 可自行选择射击与浏览方式• 超过数十种可升级的武器系统• 可透过广播系统与电子邮件与其他玩家互动• 无限次数进行挑战模式• 令人不寒而栗的游戏气氛• 多种近战与远距射击模式• 僵尸成群
价格:&30.00类别:游戏更新:日当前版本:1.0大小:761 MB语言:中文, 德文, 意大利文, 日文, 法文, 波兰文, 英文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文, 韩文开发商:Paramount Pictures系统要求: 与 iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPhone 4S、iPhone 5、iPod touch(第3代)、iPod touch (第 4 代)、iPod touch (第 5 代) 和 iPad 兼容。 需要 iOS 4.0 或更高版本 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 进行优化。
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