英文版暗黑3英文版“an unexpected...

& &&***暗黑3时碰到的各种BOSS解决方案
***暗黑3时碰到的各种BOSS解决方案天极网游戏频道 09:49
【百万玩家最喜爱的游戏娱乐媒体,把最带劲的娱乐资讯,最权威的游戏推荐,最齐全的手游礼包放进你的口袋,却不用你多***一个APP,还等什么?赶紧就关注微信号 【kdyx91】 每日七点不见不散~】
  “如果你的***盘被弹出,请重新放入并在此尝试。如果没有,或者仍然看到这个问题,登陆战网并***数字***版。” - 如果你下载了数字***程序,这个错误表明文件没有被准确地转换。这可能是由于你过早地关闭下载器导致的。虽然下载器可能显示100%,但需要一些时间才能真正完成。解决这个问题的方法就是登陆战网,并重新运行下载器。
  ERROR_108 - 类似“出现一个未知的解码错误”,ERROR_108可能是由于文件毁坏,受损或下载的***文件不完整导致。这通常也是由于过早地关闭下载器所致。虽然下载器可能显示100%,但请给出一些时间等待完成。
  ERROR_12 - 这个错误是由于全球尚未开启所致。请确定你按照下列方法选择了正确的战区:
  ERROR_33和34200 - 服务正在维护中,请稍后尝试。(请注意暗黑破坏神3北美在北京时间5月15日下午3点01分之前是无法登陆的)。
  ERROR_37 - 服务器已经满员。这是由于登陆流量过高所致。解决方法只有继续尝试登陆。
  ERROR_24000 - 一旦登陆你可能在尝试开始游戏时遇到这个错误。我们已经发现并在尽快解决这个问题中。
  ERROR_07或300008 - 有多种可能性导致这些错误。我们正在发现有具体解决方案。
  ERROR_315300 - 如果你确定你输入了正确的账户信息,请检查在你的账户前面或者后面是否有多余的空格。如果仍然遇到这个问题,可能是你的外国语言数据文件出现错误。有些玩家找到了,请注意这些解决方法并不是我们所支持的。
  灰色的登陆按钮 - 你需要使用你的战网通行证邮件地址作为账户名。你的战网昵称是一个昵称,而不是账户名。
  没有授权绑定 - 请为你的战网通行证创建一个战网昵称。你可以在进行。
  无法初始化数据流 - 这个错误通常是由于上的安全软件导致。当然,也可能是同一时间许多人同时连接服务器所致。请检查你的设置并再次尝试。
  更新配置文件 - 如果你仍然遇到“正在更新配置文件”,尝试步骤,以及。
  Below are error codes and messages you may experience during installation, gameplay, and client log in. If you are experiencing any of these errors, please follow the steps provided.
  "If your installation disc has been ejected, please reinsert and try again. If not, or if you keep seeing this error, log in to Battle.net and install Diablo III digitally" - If you downloaded the installer digitally, this error indicates that it did not convert the files correctly. This can often be caused by closing the downloader early. Though the downloader may show 100%, please allow some time for it to fully complete. To resolve this issue, log into Battle.net and re-run the downloader.
  Error 108 - Similar to "An unexpected decryption error occurred", the error 108 can be caused by corrupted, damaged or incomplete installation files. This can often times be caused by closing the downloader early. Though the downloader may show 100%, please allow some time for it to fully complete.
  You may be able to fix this by running the downloader and pointing it to the same saved location so that it may scan and download any missing files.
  Error 12- This error is caused by the Global Play feature being disabled until all regions are active. Please make sure you choose the correct region when starting the game as per this sticky:
  Error 33 and 34200 - The service is undergoing maintenance, please try again later. (Please note that Diablo III will not be available for play until May 15 at 12:01 a.m. PDT.
  Error 37 - The server is full. This is likely due to high login traffic. The only solution is to keep trying to log in.
  Error 24000 - Once logged in you may run into this error when attempting to start a game. We're aware and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible.
  Error , 3007, or 300008 - There are a number of possible causes for these errors. We've found that one of these suggestions can help.
  Error 315300 - If you're sure you're typing your correct account information, check to make sure no additional spaces were added before or after your email address. If you're still running into this issue, there may be an error in your foreign language appdata files. Some players have found a workaround, but please be aware the steps they provide are not something we can currently support.
  Gray login button - You need to use your Battle.net email address as your account name. Your BattleTag is a nickname, not your account name.
  No License Attached - Please create a BattleTag for your account. You can do so here.
  Unable to Initalize Streaming - This error can generally be caused by security software on your computer. During this time, however, it's possible that the error is caused by the number of people hitting the servers.Please double check your firewall settings and try again.
  Updating Setup Files - If you're stuck on "Updating Setup Files" try these troubleshooting steps, as well as these.
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数码整机手机软件An unexpected I/O error has occured.
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Windows 7: An unexpected I/O error has occured.
Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit
An unexpected I/O error has occured.
Hi, I have a huge problem with my laptop...
One hour ago, i got a bluescreen about something not working and that I should restart the PC. I did so, and got this error:
Windows Boot Manager
Windows has encounted a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer.
This error can be caused by unplugged a removable storage device such as an external USB drive while the drive is in use, or by faulty hardware such as a hard drive or CD-ROM drive that is failing. Make sure any removable is properly connected and then restart your computer.
If you continue to receive this error message, contact the hardware manufacturer.
Status: 0xc00000e9
Info: An unexpected I/O error has occurred.
If I press either Enter or Exit, the error appears again after a few seconds. My Notebook is an
Asus X70IO-TY021C 43,9 cm (17,3 Zoll) Notebook (Intel Core 2 Duo TGHz, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, Nvidia GeForce GT 120M, DVD +- DL RW, Vista Home Premium)
Can anyone help me please, I'm really kinda desperate...
from what i've been able to gleen from the web it's basicly your hard drive is either had it or needs the master boot record rewritten.
a link to guide from iseeuu forum member on how to redo your mbr should it require it.
if you don't have a cd you may be able to press f8 after bios post and select 'repair computer' will be at the top if it's enabled but it is down to the manufacter to add it or not.
if your hdd has sacked it you could utilising another machine download a hdd tool from the manufacter website burn it to a disc as bootable and boot from disc at post, it will tell you if something is wrong.
if neither of these helps or isn't relevent let me know i'll think of something
Keyboard .
Hard Drives .
Internet Speed .
Other Info .
Win 8 Release candidate 8400
Since it is a notebook I am betting HD
Can you boot from the win
IS the notebook under warranty?
Cooling none
Internet Speed 45Mb down 5Mb up
Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit
I have my Win7 recovery disc put in, but it doesn't start from it, there's still just the same error again.
I'll try yout other thoughts too, thanks a lot.
Edit: I tried out
Win7U 64 RTM
Quote: Originally Posted by Britannicus
I have my Win7 recovery disc put in, but it doesn't start from it, there's still just the same error again.
Enter the bios to make sure that the CD drive is first in your boot order. Also, the manufacturer of your drive probably has a disk utility with which you can check the drive. If not, Seagate Seatools are pretty good and can be used on any drive. There's a link to it and other HD utilities here:
Keyboard MS Natural Ergonomic 4000
Mouse Logitech MX610 USB Cordless
Case Antec
Hard Drives Seagate & WD sata Drives
Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit
Ok, I tried
again, and at step 6, I got 3 lines, the first was my DVD device, the other ones my two partitions, but on C i had no label... what does that mean? The Fs for C was RAW, Type was partition, status Healthy, no info.
After taking step 7 and 8, i had the result:
Could not open the volume root directory: The parameter is incorrect.
From then on, it's the same as in the picture, just with the difference that instead of &Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes.& I got &Bootcode was successfully updatedon at least one volume.&
Does anybody know that problem?
&An unexpected I/O error has occured.
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求助啊!!美版***的时候An unexpected error occurred while trying to install.Please try
初级玩家, 积分 31, 距离下一级还需 69 积分
初级玩家, 积分 31, 距离下一级还需 69 积分
是美版的***程序,启动***程序开始更新都是是正常的,更新完了选择完***目录后一开始***就显示:An unexpected error occurred while trying to install.Please try again or contact Customer Support,有大神知道怎么破吗?!下了一晚上***不起,郁闷死了
未命名.jpg (96.67 KB, 下载次数: 9)
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中级玩家, 积分 164, 距离下一级还需 86 积分
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初级玩家, 积分 31, 距离下一级还需 69 积分
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这就是***文件的目录,其中“Diablo III”那个文件夹可以无视,那是我用暴雪的官方下载器在重新苦逼的下载.......
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老婆的儿童节礼物被女儿搭好了,79003 An Unexpected Gathering。...
本帖最后由 krosa1008 于
16:31 编辑
7 女儿的六一礼物是她自己要的一小罐做手工的胶水,已经给她了(女儿的要求好低。。。);
其实给她一起带了一个40052 Springtime Scene。。。
本帖最后由 krosa1008 于
14:42 编辑
3号袋是一些小件。。。 看一下贴贴胶的工具。。。
本帖最后由 krosa1008 于
17:13 编辑
还有, 有个掉坑里的老婆真好_qq:
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