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Star Trek Online Roleplay
News: Welcome to Star Trek Online Roleplay - The Hub for Roleplay within Star Trek Online
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Welcome to Star Trek Online Roleplay - The Hub for Roleplay within Star Trek Online
Welcome to STORP
Star Trek Online RolePlayers has been acting as a hub for the Star Trek Online roleplaying community since the initial betas,
and continues to act as a prominent community across the game.
This site continues that proud tradition of serving the community with
and ongoing events.
Getting Started
If this is your first time on the site. Feel free to head over to the forums and make an account!
September 18, :10 PM by Views: 127 | Comments: 0
Hello and welcome to the new look Star Trek Online Roleplay!Whilst many things are familiar and the same, some are very vastly different, we look forward to journeying together through this new age of STORP. The biggest change will be th
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Forum StaffStar Trek Online
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Showing 1-15 of 281 active topics
Star Trek Online Season 13 - Escalation
Spent 10,000 Dilithium on buying a exeter crusier and the ship didn't appear in my ship selection or in drydock.
Regarding Spam Posting: Riccio Needs To Get A Life
MS-DOS 6.22
Forget about it. Spam.
Captain Ricco
Captain Ricco
Best Romulan pet/summon ship?
Secret Asian Man
never mind this is just spam.
Captain Ricco
Best T6 science ship?
[SFW] Star316
oops. I deleted something. Spam.
Captain Ricco
Really awful graphics
Anyone watch Star Trek Discovery?
Dead game?
Too late to start?
Star Trek Online 2
lag in undine battlezone
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