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Title: RPG Maker MV
Release Date: 23 Oct, 2015
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RPG Maker MV, RPG Maker MV - Season Pass, RPG Maker MV - Cover Art Characters Pack, RPG Maker MV - Essentials Set
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Recent updates
4 November
Today, we've got some very exciting sneak-peeks to share with you!
Veterans of RPG Maker may recognize this gem of a pack as a fan-favorite and useful alternative to the RTP. Any guesses yet?
We're thrilled to announce that we'll soon be releasing the First Seed Material tileset DLC for RPG Maker MV! Once again, you'll be able to bring your towns, villages and forests to life with a fresh and different look.
This pack will be available for purchase through our
and via Steam on November 10th.
For our Season Pass DLC buyers, the preview for the DLC4 is here! Due to popular demand, we have created a Child Generator Parts DLC.
23 October
As an extension of our previous Learning Together event, it is time for the Learning Together Game Jam! Put that knowledge you gained to the test to make a small game, starting today, and ending November 3rd!
All the details are here:
Degica Weekend Sale
In case you hadn't noticed, RPG Maker VX Ace is currently a whopping 90% off. There's never been a better time for game making! You can also pick up the DLC at a pretty substantial discount.
Plus there's deals on tons more Degica Games content here:
We’re also running a giveaway this weekend with $1000 in Steam Wallet Codes up for grabs! You can get all of details and enter here:
About This Software
For years, RPG Maker has been the easiest way to make your own Windows PC Roleplaying game. We have strived to give everyone, regardless of experience or skill level, the tools to make a game they could be proud of. Now, with RPG Maker MV, your game isn't just on Windows PC, its on the move. Make your game on your Windows or OS X PC, and then deploy it for iOS, Android, Windows, OS X, or even to play in a browser using HTML5!
RPG Maker MV can run on both Windows and Mac OS X PCs. Users can also export games for the following platforms:
HTML 5 for Web Browsers
RPG Maker MV uses a user-friendly map system to help you build the RPG world of your dreams. With an additional automated upper layer, mapping in MV is even easier than before.
In RPG Maker MV, you use the simple, intuitive event system to bring your world to life. You can easily and quickly create NPCs for your characters to interact with, puzzles for them to solve, and quests for them to complete.
RPG Maker MV, like previous RPG Makers, comes with its own graphic and audio resources for you to use in your game. From sprites to battlers, from sound effects to music. MV comes with resources for both Fantasy and Sci-fi games, and you are easily able to add more.
With a tick of a checkbox, you can switch between the classic Front View Battle to a Side View Battle system.
Tired of playing RPG Maker games with your keyboard? With RPG Maker MV, your game will allow the player to play the game with a flick of their mouse, or using a touch screen.
RPG Maker MV can show more than ever before. With a default 1.5x the resolution, sprites can show more emotion and the scenery can be more detailed than ever before.
Want to customize your game even FURTHER? Use plugins to change things the way YOU want them. You can get them from us, get them from other fans, or master JavaScript to make your own! With our new plugin manager, you can just drop in the .js file of a plugin, and then configure it directly in the editor.
System Requirements
OS: WindowsR 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit)
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
Storage: 1 GB available space
Additional Notes:
or better Display
Graphics: OpenGL ES 2.0 hardware driver support required for WebGL acceleration. (AMD Catalyst 10.9, nVidia 358.50), iOS 8.0, Android 4.4.4*
OS: Mac OSX 10.10 or better
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or better
Graphics: Compatible OpenGLR
Additional Notes:
or better Display
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76 people found this review funny
1. Get this.2. Start a project.3. Make half your database.4. Decide it's too hard, and give up.5. Repeat steps 2-4 an indefinite number of times.6. Decide to actually finish a game.7. Spend a year making it.8. Try to play it.9. Bang your head in frustration when it doesn't work.10. After three months and an extensive amount of JS knowledge, fix it.11. Feel satisfied.12. Repeat steps 8-11 until you're sick of fixing bugs.13. Release your game.14. Repeat steps 2-13 for all of eternity, because making games is so fun.10/10 would get stuck in an infinite loop again.
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I made a joey's world tour game
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Missing some essential features. Most annoing is the inability to reorder your game scenes, so if you decided one secene should come befoe another or, if you need to add a scene in-between two scenes, you're out of luck. Using tilesets is confusing, and you can't really mix two tilesets in the same scene. The features are there, but you're expected to use the forums and follow tutorials if you want to find anything as nothing is clearly labled. I would not recommend this for newcommers unless you really have the time and drive to put in the effort to learn this program. The cost is high so if you're looking for a program to just mess around in, this probably isn't it unless you have a bigge prroject in mind. I WILL say that I have made more progess on an idea than with any other &free& game making app and I am happy it is avaiable for mac. If you can handle the steep learning curve and you have an aversion to hard coding, this could be for you but I would urge the developers to add some more friendly features.
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6 people found this review funny
I honestly love this software, I really do. but it is lacking some things.if anyone owns any of the RPG makers, they know about the skill damage formulas, and what a pain they are.If anyone ever used the damage formula simplifier, they should know that it was a complete pain.Now, that was the past, I was really hoping for a more advanced version of the simplifier.I can't really complain much about this, especially since I had recieved this product for less than half of its cost.But I can say that I'd like to be able to use something like a FREE system where i enter my variables and it spits out what i need to put in the box where the formula.It would be nice if it included algebraic equation support, multiple stats affecting one attack variable, and all of this to be wrapped up in a nice easy to use GUI.And before you begin, yes this sounds like total first world problems, and I'm not gonna lie, this is.This is really the only reason I don't reccomend this amazing program.If you aren't lazy, you could use this online guide to writing damage formulas,
.I love you all,Wolf S.Sinceramente amo este software, de verdad. pero se carece de algunas cosas.si alguien es due?o de cualquiera de los fabricantes de RPG, que saben acerca de las fórmulas de la habilidad, y lo que es un dolor que son.Si alguien utiliza el simplificador formula de da?o, deben saber que era un completo dolor.Ahora, eso era el pasado, yo estaba realmente esperando por una versión más avanzada de la simplificador.No puedo quejar mucho sobre esto, sobre todo desde que había recibido este producto por menos de la mitad de su coste.Pero puedo decir que me gustaría ser capaz de usar algo como un sistema libre que le meto mi variables y escupe lo que necesito para poner en la caja donde la fórmula.Sería bueno si se incluyó el apoyo algebraica ecuación, múltiples estadísticas que afectan a una variable ataque, y todo esto para ser envuelto en una bonita interfaz gráfica de usuario fácil de usar.Y antes de empezar, si esto suena como el total de los primeros problemas del mundo, y yo no voy a mentir, esto es.Esta es realmente la única razón por la que no recomendaría este increíble programa.Si no está flojo, podría utilizar esta guía en línea para escribir fórmulas de da?os,
.los amo a todos,Wolf S.J'aime honnêtement ce logiciel, je fais vraiment. mais il manque certaines choses.si quelqu'un possède l'un des responsables RPG, ils connaissent les compétences dommages formules, et quelle douleur ils sont.Si jamais quelqu'un a utilisé la formule des dommages simplificateur, ils doivent savoir qu'il était une douleur complète.Maintenant, qui était le passé, je suis vraiment en espérant pour une version plus avancée du simplificateur.Je ne peux pas vraiment me plaindre beaucoup à ce sujet, d'autant plus que je l'avais recieved ce produit pour moins de la moitié de son co?t.Mais je peux dire que je voudrais être en mesure d'utiliser quelque chose comme un système libre où j'entre mes variables et il recrache ce que je dois mettre dans la bo?te où la formule.Ce serait bien si elle comprenait un soutien algébrique de l'équation, plusieurs statistiques affectant une variable d'attaque, et tout cela pour être enveloppé dans une belle GUI facile à utiliser.Et avant de commencer, oui cela ressemble au total premiers problèmes mondiaux, et je ne vais pas mentir, c'est.Ceci est vraiment la seule raison pour laquelle je ne le recommande ce programme étonnant.Si vous n'êtes pas paresseux, vous pouvez utiliser ce guide en ligne à l'écriture de dommages formules,
.je vous aime tous,Wolf S.Ich ehrlich lieben diese Software, ich wirklich tun. Aber es fehlen einige Dinge.Wenn jemand einen der RPG-Macher besitzt, wissen sie über die F?higkeit Schaden Formeln, und was für ein Schmerz sind sie.Wenn jemand jemals verwendet die Schaden Formel Vereinfachung, sollten sie wissen, dass es eine komplette Schmerzen war.Nun, das war die Vergangenheit, ich war wirklich für eine erweiterte Version des Vereinfachers zu hoffen.Ich kann mich nicht wirklich darüber beschweren, zumal ich dieses Produkt für weniger als die H?lfte seiner Kosten erhalten hatte.Aber ich kann sagen, dass ich m?chte in der Lage, etwas wie ein kostenloses System, wo ich meine Variablen eingeben und es spuckt aus, was ich brauche, um in der Box, wo die Formel.Es w?re sch?n, wenn es algebraische Gleichung unterstützen, mehrere Stats, die eine Angriffsvariable, und all dies in einer sch?nen, einfach zu bedienende GUI verpackt enthalten.Und bevor Sie beginnen, ja das klingt wie ganze erste Welt Probleme, und ich bin nicht gonna liegen, das ist.Dies ist wirklich der einzige Grund, warum ich nicht empfehlen dieses erstaunliche Programm.Wenn Sie nicht faul sind, k?nnen Sie diese Online-Anleitung zum Schreiben von Schaden Formeln,
.Ich liebe Sie alle,Wolf S.
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Back to the days I wrote my first game in RPG Maker 2000, the system was the best game maker. Without any programming knowledge, developers were able to build a great rpg games. I remembered I abandoned development on RM after RPG Maker XP start working with RGSS. It was flexible, but somehow I felt the scripting language was not modern and will be removed someday.Now RPG Maker MV fully replaced RGSS with Javascript and it also support plugins, which greatly extend engine features.After 10+ years of time, I purchased MV just for supporting the developers. Thanks Enterbrain.I don't think I will create a game via RPG Maker MV. but I am willing to check out any new games made with MV.
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So far I've only done the basics.Created about 50+ characters with the character maker, created a few maps (inside and outside) with many events.Have not tried the battle system, items, enemy creation, party formations, skills, weapons...still so much to do but it's fun and a great way to spend your time making little games with inside jokes for your friends and family. I don't think I'll ever be able to make a game that will go to market but that wasnt my intention when buying the game.well worth the money for me thus far.
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At the end of the day RPG Maker MV is a great learning tool, especially for understanding basic rpg mechanics. However if you are serious about game development, learning Unreal 4 is better worth your time, and a far more marketable skillset.
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I've had rpg maker vx ace since 2014 and I love it so I decided to get MV just recently. Now theres alot of stuff I like about mv such as plugins, overlays, etc. but I feely like the GUI was highly dumbed down and thats displeasing to me, it just looks to childish compared to Vx ace's. Other things that are upsetting is the water mark at the start of launching up a game, (Now I know they just want to show of the brand but there is a certain mindset that people have about rpg maker games and makes people think less of them. And lastly the lack of support from the devs for importing vx ace assets over to mv, I'm surprised that they haven't done anything to help people transport work(s) over to MV with ease instead of making us go through all this work to import everything.
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Bought this for the Android/iOS export, but it's nothing more than an HTML export for these devices. (and only it's default browsers: Chrome and Safari!) RPG Maker VM is not making an actual app for these platforms!Other than that, I gotta say that this version of RPG Maker did feel better than VX Ace.
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I've spent extensive hours in this program and I absolutely love it.
Out of the box it is very simple to create fan games with little experience.
If you want to make a polished game it will take a bit more work, but the program offers you tools to accomplish that.
With the inclusion of Javascript over Ruby, it is far easier to both create your own plugins, or use other people's created plugins.The program has the potential to put out quality games in the JRPG and action adventure genre, and with Javascript you could potentially spread this to other Genres as well.
overall, this is a worthwhile purchase if you have an interest in making games but are intimidated by bigger engines like Cryengine or Unreal engine, or you just want to make a fan JRPG / professional JRPG.
Easy to make your RPGs and funny to play it.With al the plugins from Yanfly you can make your game much better.I love making games and this software is so good for that
Overall its a good framework to make a 2d rpg or even a VN. Most of the limitations can be overcome with javascript. You can do a total graphical overhaul so it looks nothing like an rpg maker game. The problem with programming a game from scratch is organizing all the game data (weapons, items, enemies) and figuring out all the damage formulas which is a tedious boring task that rpg maker covers for you.the event creator is kind of limiting though. There are some commands that let you choose an actor or an item with a variable while other commands only let you pick from a static list when it should let you use a variable as well. You can still circumvent it by writing javascript but its a little inconvinient. i hope the devs could change this.
I would like this game, only thing is if you want the FULL expereince you gotta buy the DLCs, they barely give you anything to work with from scratch. As soon as i found that out i instantly refunded it. I'm not paying 80$ for a RPG maker that doesnt give me my moneys worth, I'd reccomend RPG maker VX ace, that is far better than this
Product received for free
Good for small RPGs by newbie developers. Steam Workshop needs more stuff.
Very simple to understand the basics, however the more experience someone has the more they can do. You can export games for almost any platform you can think of, even IOS/Android. You do not have to hire an artist or do the art yourself, the game comes with an in app character creator where you can customize your character sprite and text screen images easily. Although the product suggests a medival or fantasy setting, you can create any setting you want. You can find premade UI built into the game or you can make your own. The game features a community workshop where you can share games, and custom art or prefabs with the community. You can find different battle screens, new custom UI and anything else you can think of.Overall:This is the best of the best when it comes to creating RPGs with limited coding knowledge, you dont need to know anything technical to figure it out :)I rate 4.5/5
There is some good and bad to this. The good? Fullscreen, being able to make your game compatible with Mac as well. Converting a VX Ace game to it is easy enough, except for the tilesets, that can be a pain. I'm not used to the different layout, as I've been used to VX Ace for so long. So MV is alright, but I think I'll stick to VX Ace, as I just find it easier.
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View mobile website>> RPG MAKER XP的帮助文件,介绍ruby的使用以及RGSS1.0脚本系统。
RPG MAKER XP的帮助文件,介绍ruby的使用以及RGSS1.0脚本系统。
RPGXP.chm.tar.gz文件大小:416.20 kB
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RPG MAKER XP的帮助文件,介绍ruby的使用以及RGSS1.0脚本系统。-RPG MAKER XP’s help files to introduce the use of ruby as well as RGSS1.0 script system.
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Sorry!这位大神很神秘,未开通博客呢,请浏览一下其他的吧啊啊啊啊!!!跪求会使用RPGMakerXP的朋友教教我怎么制作? - 爱问知识人
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到另一个地图:事件层----新建事件----双击列表中◆符号的项目----第2页----单击第1个“场所移动”----选择要去的地图及地图位置----确定商人:1、先在数据库中设置好物品、武器、防具2、事件层----新建事件----双击列表中◆符号的项目----第3页----第2个“商店处理”…… 其实作为一个新手,应该先看看帮助。
RMXP,新发布方法 1、在工程中选菜单中的“游戏(快捷键alt+g)”& “选择RTP(S)”,将3个都设置为“无”,保存工程。 2、使用脚本提取器(/shownews.asp?id=369),所有素材放置完毕。如果只是给自己的亲友玩,也可以直接从RMXP***文件夹下把所有素材考到自己文件夹(体积很大)。当然,实话是说,这些提取器都是不够保险的。最保险的还是自己多次测试,把需要的素材手动考过来。 3、将C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 的RGSS102J.dll 考到游戏目录下 (如果用的是RMXP1.01版,则考RGSS100J.dll过去) 3.5、为了确保没有问题,最好自己在执行打包之前,通关1-2次。 4、winRAR打包,发布。
,再完成主角、怪物、物品、魔法等 RPG 必要元素的设定。最后设置完事件,您原创的 RPG 就完成了。制作地图只要按设定排列好每个地图元件就行了。主角和怪物等也是,选择预先打算使用的图片,输入完名称、能力值等设定就完成了。
应该不能,但npc 图片在图片兰里有。
Nero是刻录软件 不是硬件 、、、。。


