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Principal Investigator&
Deputy Director, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry
Tel: +86-431-
Fax: +86-431-
E-mail: ljan@
Kinetics of surface phase separation for PMMA/SAN thin film studied
by in situ atomic force microscopy,
2005, 38(1): 211
Phase separation
in polymer film is very important to many applications ranging from
biomedical to microelectronic device fabrication. Although there are
many experiments focusing on the kinetics of phase separation in polymer
film, surface phase separation is not well investigated, especially its
kinetics, which is important to control the surface structure and
properties. In addition, most of researches on this topic employ ex
situ technology, which may face some problems to describe the real
kinetics. Therefore, we employ the in situ AFM to investigate its
real kinetics in polymer film. In this work, the temporal evolution
pattern of surface phase separation and its coalescence process for PMMA/SAN
blend thin films have been observed using this technique in real space
directly. From the power law, two distinct regimes are found after the thin films abruptly jumped to
an unstable state. The early stage probably is dominated by one
component’s diffusion to the surface, and the restriction of the surface
geometry to chain mobility, resulting in much slower kinetics than those
obtained from literature while the late stage obeyed the
Lifschitz-Slyozov(LS) law. (Mixed Martial Arts 英文简称, 即综合格斗) 的专业探讨,也毫无疑问已经在国际...当代综合格斗擂台.当前,在日本、美国、巴西、俄罗斯等国家此类综合格斗赛事一时间...  站立格斗技术动作介绍.txt 恨一个人和爱一个人的区别是:一个放在嘴边,一个藏...蒋涛:移动大变局下的抉... 国光宏尚-揭秘!日本手机...1/2 相关文档推荐 ...  综合格斗_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。综合格斗 ...上你也可以理解,综合格斗包括 很多种不同的技术。 ...你知道,PRIDE 格斗大赛和站立式格斗赛在日本非常 ...  Marine Corps 图书分类: 生活 资源格式: PDF 版本: 英文文字版 出版社: ...个人感觉很真实地反映了海军陆战队员的格斗技巧与训练方法。 FOREWORD 1. PURPOSE...  。 合气道的主要技巧是摔法和拿法,也有击打,不过是次要的。日本柔道的主要...(一) MMA 是英文“Mixed Martial Arts”的简称,即综合武术赛或者综合格斗赛。...  实用,是日本现代铳剑道(即步 ***刺刀劈刺技术)的...学得竹内流***术并下工夫加以改良,加强***柄的格斗...英文个人简历模板 创意简历模板汇集 推理型题分析与总结...  【传授】一些格斗技巧,以备大家防身_军事/政治_人文社科_专业资料。【传授】一些...应届生求职季宝典 英文个人简历模板 创意简历模板汇集 推理型题分析与总结文档...  编写 陈志斌 编号 5 日本【自主学案】 位置 2 课时 【课标解读】1 .日本的...空手道是由距今五百年前的古老格斗术和中国传入日本的拳法揉合而成的。空手道不...  武术基本功:学习格斗6个招式_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。我们都知道格斗术一直都是武警所用的一种打斗招式,很多人都很喜欢格斗术, 那么今天小编就个大家介绍一...épicéphalotaxine
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