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问come up的所有意思把这个词组的所有意思及每个意思的英语例句(例句要有中文意思)打给我,谢谢!尽量详细!
1)come up可指“(植物)长出地面”,“(太阳)升起”. ①The flowers are just beginning to come up. 花刚开始长出地面. ②The seeds I sowed last week haven't come up yet. 我上星期种的种子至今还未发芽. ③I like to get up early and watch the sun come up. 我喜欢早起看日出. 2)come up表示“过来”. ①He came up to the policeman and asked the way. 他走上前去向***问路. ②I could hear footsteps coming up behind me. 我听见身后有脚步声过来. 3)come up可表示“发生,出现”. ①I'll let you know if anything comes up. 一有事发生我就通知你. ②I'm afraid somethin I won't be able to see you tonight. 很抱歉,有点儿急事,今晚不能见你了. 4)come up还表示“被提及,被讨论”. ①The subject came up in conversation. 这个话题在谈话中提到了. ②The question never came up in discussion. 讨论中始终未提及这个问题. 5)come up还可表示“(彩票)中奖”. My number came up and I won £ 100. 我中奖了,赢了100英镑. 6)come up to sth. 表示“升到(某点),达到(某标准)”. ①The water came up to my neck. 水上升到我的颈部. ②His performance didn't really come up to his usual high standard. 他没有真正表现出平日的高水平. ③Their holiday in France didn't come up to expectations. 他们在法国度假未尽如人意.
1.开始;发生2. 被提出,被讨论3. 走过来4. 开始流行
走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出occur, happen, generate, institute, proceed
1.上来; 走近 While we were talking, a man came up.我们正在谈话时, 一个人走了过来。2.发生 I expect something to come up soon.我预料很快就要出事的。3.升起; 长出来; 响起, 刮起 The sky was dark blue and clear w...


