求BK Love 劲舞团韩国女声dj歌曲原声版 中间要有女声...

经常用云音乐的小透明~嘿,我在那里叫摇滚比卡丘~(说什么废话~)好了~放一些歌~这些歌我何止是单曲循环~简直是一周7天听同一首歌都试过了~~可能有点小众哦~那下面,就来吧~~会在下面加一点个人感想~~求别虐~别打脸~打脸也不能大力打~QAQ1、Keane----Silenced By The Night 缓缓的节奏,不急不躁的男声,把彼此相互陪伴的时光唱了出来爱,是一直陪伴,宛如老夫老妻一样,平淡却温暖2、Troye Sivan----Happy Little Pill 一收一放,高低对比鲜明的旋律,真的,能让人听上瘾了3、One Ok Rock----Living dolls 链接是现场版,很燃很震撼~阿贵好帅~4、Strange Talk----Young Hearts 只要我们对世界还有着期待和好奇,那么我们永远都是年轻的5、Pancakelee - Most angelic(Pancakelee Remix)大饼李的电音,小清新~想起了小学的时候,跟小伙伴玩捉迷藏,那时是夏天,蝉在叫,风在微微地吹,我们玩得很疯,连上课铃响了都没听到……6、Rixton----We all want the same thing 不看歌手名字~我以为是老五~全程假音,骚到飞起7、Radwimps----me me she 洋次郎温柔的嗓音,唱出了一种感激和惋惜。歌曲大概的意思就是,逝去的爱恋,很后悔之前不懂珍惜。但是,失去后,我感到的不是抱怨,而是无尽的感激。8、Ed Sheeran----Photograph 黄老板近乎清唱的演出,仅靠木吉他星星点点地伴奏,便完成了这首“Photograph”了。歌词诉说着主人公透着照片对重要之人的怀念,歌者把这种怀念细水长流般缓缓唱出,是一首不可多得的好歌……9、Oasis----Whatever I'm free to be whatever I我自由自在的做我自己Whatever I choose无论我选择什么And Ill sing the blues if I want我可以随心所欲的唱着蓝调10、赤西仁----Let me talk to you 喂,你别看到赤西仁就掉头啊亲~~这首新歌不得不说,很好地表现了赤西仁那种磁性的声音。调音加上其自身优势,把他嗓音的之感调出了一种沙哑的性感,温柔得让人想落泪。11、Itro--Panda 听上去就宛如看到一只熊猫,在挥舞着竹子,随着电音在打滚,跳舞。这种感觉真的十分奇妙。12、GReeeeN----卒?の? アリガトウは何度も言わせて GReeeeN的一首关于毕业的歌,一听就泪崩……大概有相同经历的人都会如此。13、Satin Circus - Still On My Mind 芬兰乐队Satin Circus的歌,很有活力,也带有一股夏季恋爱的感觉,反正给人感觉很Young~14、Reece Mastin ----Girls (All Around the World)歌曲很好玩,而且歌词很奇妙,涉及很多地名,连着唱起来,简直是个地名串烧15、Tyler Ward----Problem 美国独立歌手Tyler Ward 翻唱美国女歌手Ariana Grande的“Problem”A妹原唱版本是高音的,而Tyler翻唱的版本是比较低音的,而且给人感觉比较平静,是首非常耐听的歌。16、Placebo----A million little pieces 这首歌能有平静内心的作用,宛如一剂安慰剂17、Big Time Rush----Big Time Rush节奏很动感,美剧Big Time Rush(与梦随行)主题曲~~暴露年龄的时间又到了18、Virginia To Vegas----We Are Stars 强推!这首歌在讲梦想,但有所不同的是他在用浪漫主义讲着梦想,歌词糅合了作者一些关于梦想和人生的理解,读起来既励志又梦幻。19、Years&Years----Shine It's shaking the skyAnd follow with lightning听上去就很宏大的样子,配上清新的电音,给人感觉就如走在云端。Olly请让我舔屏100遍20、B?RNS----Seeing stars B?RNS的音乐风格偏向电子摇滚,他的音乐很唯美,听上去就像从宇宙来一样……21、 Ellegarden----高架线 I am dreaming of a girl rocked my world22、One Ok Rock----A thousands miles OOR在横滨体育场的现场版,就像是4个小天使在演奏23、The Wombats - Moving To New York 数学摇滚,不协调的节奏,硬凑在一起居然奇迹般悦耳24、炎亚纶----Moisturizing 炎亚纶出了首日文歌,忽略MV那些搔首弄姿的姿势,带着耳机听居然真的有一种下雨的空灵感。所以还是那句,听歌别看人25、Fort Minor----Remember the name 麦克?信田创立的饶舌组合,这首歌极其励志,我叫它打鸡血之歌~先更到这里吧~Taka镇楼~~
我把我的首场秀无脑转发过来吧。在知乎泡了那么久,首场秀终于要献出了!我回答后这个问题的后半部分吧,过多的语言描述其实都是徒劳的,感动人的歌是在恰当的时候与自己的心境产生共鸣的旋律,我把我的时钟向回拨,从回忆里慢慢的一点一点打捞,各位就暂时把耳朵交给我吧。 我买的第一张专辑,9.8元的磁带,其实在买之前,电台里已经听了无数遍了,可能大部分人都很陌生吧,呵呵,逯学军的《爬山》,那时读初中的我们,哪里知道什么雪莲花,可是心中肯定会有一个美貌仙子吧。跟我去爬山吧/山上有雪莲花跟我去采雪莲花用它装饰咱们的家坎坎坷坷你不用怕爬到山顶/我摘到了花山风扶起你的发美貌仙子/也会嫉妒你的家山雨来/风再去雪莲花开/白衣飘去跟我去爬山吧/山上有雪莲花跟我去采雪莲花用它装饰咱们的家坎坎坷坷你不用怕爬到山顶/我摘到了花山风扶起你的发美貌仙子/也会嫉妒你的家山雨来/风再去雪莲花开/白衣飘去坎坎坷坷你不用怕爬到山顶/我摘到了花山风扶起你的发美貌仙子/也会嫉妒你的家山雨来/风再去雪莲花开/白衣飘去景再现/物已归雪莲花开/白衣飘去景再现/物已归雪莲花开/白衣飘去景再现/物已归雪莲花开/白衣飘去上面应该是专辑的主打歌了,可我更喜欢专辑的另一首歌《不回头》,岁月逝去,你回头看过自己的梦想吗?幼稚吗?单纯吗?是否还是原来的梦想?没有第三喜欢的歌了,因为专辑就2首歌。 虽然至今没象我这样的人一刻也不能停留象我这样的事不能再一次拥有像我这样的梦想希望多多的有希望 多多的有一天一天的我渐渐变得消瘦一年一年的日子逝去旧日光泽日日夜夜的梦想是否还是原来的梦想是否还是原来的梦想我多希望再从头 再从头再从头 再从头一天一天的我渐渐变得消瘦一年一年的日子逝去旧日光泽日日夜夜的梦想是否还是原来的梦想是否还是原来的梦想一天一天的我渐渐变得消瘦一年一年的日子逝去旧日光泽日日夜夜的梦想是否还是原来的梦想是否还是原来的梦想我多希望再从头 再从头再从头 再从头哪怕有失败等候 不停留不停留 不停留我多希望再从头 不回头不回头 不回头我多希望再从头 再从头再从头 再从头我多希望再从头 再从头再从头 再从头哪怕有失败等候 不停留~~~没有去过一次演唱会现场,但当年的我碰巧在电台听到了张培仁的专访,听到了这个声音,我只记住了旋律,却没记住歌名,直到多年后买到了这张专辑,鼓点开始的时候,我知道,我终于还是找到你了。 矛盾 虚伪 贪婪 欺骗 幻想 疑惑 简单 善变 好强 无奈 孤独 脆弱 忍让 气忿 复杂 讨厌 嫉妒 阴险 争夺 埋怨 自私 无聊 变态 冒险 好色 善良 博爱 诡辨 能说 空虚 真诚 金钱哦 我的天 高级动物地狱 天堂 皆在人间伟大 渺小 中庸 可怜 欢乐 痛苦 战争 平安 辉煌 黯淡 得意 伤感 怀恨 报复 专横 责难幸福在哪里 幸福在哪里说起窦唯,从黑豹到《艳阳天》,对于我一直是神一样的存在,恕我肤浅,《艳阳天》之后的窦唯,我听不懂。 高二了,出现了几本夭折的杂志,《朋克时代》、《盛世摇滚》、《自由时代》,算是我的欧美音乐启蒙班吧,从此,为我打开了欧美音乐的大门,感谢杨波,一个对摇滚乐的传播不满足于植草,更希望是种树的人。 先来一只烂大街的乐队吧,我不是beatles的粉丝,但我保证很多人没听过这首歌的录音棚版,简单的吉他伴奏和随性的哼唱,不多不少正正好好,曾经整夜整夜的听。 还记得当初笨拙的练习第一个和弦的时候吗?你吉他的低声哭泣是为了谁?另外,为这首歌伴奏的人,在后面会提到的。 I look at you all 我注?著你的一切see the love there that's sleeping 看到那正沉睡的?while my guitar gently weeps ?我的吉他?柔地哭泣I look at the floor 我注?著地板and I see it needs sweeping 看到它需要清理still my guitar gently weeps 我的吉他仍然?柔地哭泣I don't know why 我不知道?何nobody told you ?人告?你how to unfold your love ?如何表?你的?I don't know how 我不知道?何someone controlled you 有人控制你they bought and sold you他??和?你I look at the world 我注?著世界 and I notice it's turning 我察?到它在??while my guitar gently weeps ?我的吉他?柔地哭泣With every mistake we must surely be learning我必?在??中的?真??still my guitar gently weeps 我的吉他仍在?柔地哭泣I don't know how 我不知道?何you were diverted 你走偏了you were perverted too你也?落了I don't know how 我不知道?何you were inverted 你被?倒了no one alerted you?有人提醒你I look at you all 我注?著你的一切see the love, there that's sleeping 看到那正沉睡的?while my guitar gently weeps ?我的吉他?柔地哭泣look at you all... 注?著你?... still my guitar gently weeps 我的吉他仍然?柔地哭泣大家还记得北京奥运会闭幕式上,贝克汉姆用行动表示“北京奥运会开成这样,伦敦还开个球啊”的时候,边上有一位白发吉他手吗?他就是伟大的吉他之神之一----Jimmy Page,一首齐柏林飞艇的《stairway to heaven》There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold(有一位姑娘她相信闪光的都是金子)And she's buying a stairway to heaven(她想买一架通往天堂的阶梯)When she gets there she knows if the stores are all closed(她明白即使商店都已关门)With a word she can get what she came for(只要轻启朱唇她就能得到所要的东西)Ooh ooh and she's buying a stairway to heaven(她想买一架通往天堂的阶梯)There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure(墙上分明有告示但她却想打听确实)'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings(因为你知道有些词一语双关)In a tree by the brook there's a songbird who sings(在溪边的树上有只鸟儿在歌唱)Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven(有时我们所有的想法都值得重新思量)Ooh it makes me wonder(这使我迷茫)Ooh it makes me wonder(这使我迷茫)There's a feeling I get when I look to the west(眺望西方一种感觉油然而生)And my spirit is crying for leaving(我的心灵哭喊着想要离去)In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees(我臆想树林中烟雾袅绕)And the voices of those who standing looking(伴随着那些眺望者发出的呼喊)Ooh it makes me wonder(这使我迷茫)Ooh it really makes me wonder(这真的使我迷茫)And it's whispered that soon(消息会被迅速地悄声传开)If we all call the tune(如果我们也有掌调的机会)Then the piper will lead us to reason(吹笛人会为我们指点迷津)And a new day will dawn for those who stand long(新的一天为那些坚守许久的人们而破晓)And the forests will echo with laughter(森林也答以带笑的回音)OohIf there's a bustle in your hedgerow don't be alarmed now(别惊慌如果灌木中传来喧嚷)It's just a spring clean for the May Queen(那只是为五月皇后而做的春季扫除)Yes there are two paths you can go by(有两条路你可以选择)But in the long run(然而长远点说)There's still time to change the road you're on(你仍有机会改变现在的路)And it makes me wonder(这使我迷茫)OohYour head is humming and it won't go(你脑袋嗡嗡作响经久不绝)In case you don't know(因为你不知道)The pipers calling you to join him(那是吹笛人邀你与他同行)Dear lady can you hear the wind blow(亲爱的姑娘你能听见风起的声音吗)And did you know(你可知道)Your stairway lies on the whispering wind(你的天堂之梯就横亘在这飒飒风中)OohAnd as we wind on down the road(当我们沿路蜿蜒而去)Our shadows taller than our soul(影子高过我们的灵魂)There walks a lady we all know(一位我们熟悉的姑娘走来)Who shines white light and wants to show(她闪烁着白光要我们知道)How evrything still turns to gold(怎么把世间万物变成金子)And if you listen very hard(如果你细心聆听)The tune will come to you at last(你最终会听到那曲调)When all are one and one is all yeah(当万物合一一即万物)To be a rock and not to roll(你就会成为磐石岿然不动)And she's buying a stairway to heaven(她想买一架通往天堂的阶梯)忘记第一次听到这个让人不寒而栗的声音是什么时候了,从此无法自拔,歌曲结尾的笑声,放肆、轻蔑、孤独,只有Leonard Cohen的沙哑嗓音才能唱到直透骨髓,来自《天生杀人狂》的原声----《Waiting For The Miracle》Baby,I've been waiting.宝贝我在等待 I've been waiting night & day.不分昼夜的等待 I didn't see the time.忘了时间 I waited half my life away.等待了半辈子 There were lots of invitations.有如此多的诱惑 And I know U sent me some.我知道你给了我很多 But I was waiting.但我仍然在等待着 For the miracle,4 the miracle 2 come.等待着奇迹的到来 I know U really loved me.我知道你很爱我 But,U see,my hands were tied.但你看,我的手握成了拳头 I know it must have hurt U.我知道这一定会伤了你 It must have hurt U pride.它一定会令你失去自尊 To have 2 stand beneath my window.站在我的窗下 With Ur bugle & Ur drum.带着你的军号和鼓 And me I'm up there waiting.而我却在楼上奇迹 For the miracle,4 the miracle 2 come.等待着奇迹的到来 Ah,I don't believe U'd like it.我相信你不喜欢这一切 U wouldn't like it here.你也不喜欢它 There ain't no entertainment.这里没有热情的款待 And the judgements are severe.只有严厉的指责 The Maestro says it's Mozart.艺术大师说他是莫扎特 But it sounds like bubble gum.但它听起来就象流行音乐 When U're waiting.所以你在等待着 For the miracle,4 the miracle 2 come.等待着奇迹的到来 大学的英语课上,无意中看到有人在课桌上写下了他的名字,我接在下面写下了“Gothic"; 有人说窦唯曾经非常推崇他,甚至卧室中贴满了他乐队的海报;他就是Peter Murphy ,包豪斯乐队(Bauhaus)的前主唱。你有轰轰烈烈的爱过吗?听听这首《I'll Fall With Your Knife》描述的惨烈爱情吧To The CrowdTo The WorldYou Were So DryAnd With The Token Bird I MadeSend It To Fly Right To Your SideWith The Broken Wing You SailedOh Like Winter In JulyA Barren River WideI'll Pray For The FloodTo Wash On YouIt's Here I'll Be With Youen............Well If The Birds Can Reach The SkyTo This Land I'll Be With YouTilThe Sun Bursts From Your SideWith My Hands I Reach To YouWhen You Think Your Chance Is Passing ByWhen You Blow Your Moon AwayI'll Bleed Like The ReedFall With Your KnifeIt's Here I'll Be With Youen...............I'll Fall 曾经在一张原盘里听到过Elliott Smith的歌,后来在verycd的一张精选集里又听到了这首《Between the Bars》,循声搜索,才发现已经物是人非,平静的生命却选择了浓烈的死亡,谁又能懂Elliott Smith呢?Drink up baby, stay up all night 干杯吧宝贝,今夜再次无眠With the things you could do喜欢喝就喝它个痛快You won't but you might一醉方休,醉也不归 「你以为你不会醉,其实你终将沉醉」「你以为你不会爱上我,其实你终将忘情于我」The potential you'll be that you'll never see你的意志无法拒绝我的诱惑  The promises you'll only make 「戒酒的」承诺只是说说而已「你怎么会弃我不顾」  Drink up with me now 来吧,现在就喝起  And forget all about the pressure of days 我会让你忘掉一切压力Do what I say 照我说的没错And I'll make you okay 我会让你没事的And drive them away 我来帮助你驱散The images stuck in your head 脑海中的记忆The people you've been before 那些曾与你朝夕相处的人That you don't want around anymore 有我在,你不再需要他们That push and shove and won't bend to your will 所有挥之不去的和让你忍耐的  I'll keep them still 我将会把它们替你清除干净。Drink up baby, look at the stars 干杯吧宝贝,看看天上的星星「换酒吧了」I'll kiss you again between the bars穿梭在酒吧之间,每到一处我就会再一次吻你Where I'm seeing you there 你走到哪,我就陪你到哪With your hands in the air 高举你的酒杯忘乎所以Waiting to finally be caught 等待着最后沉醉的到来   Drink up one more time and I'll make you mine 一杯又一杯,我终将把你俘获Keep you apart, deep in my heart 远离生活吧,忘情于我Separate from the rest, where I like you the best 这世上最爱你的除我别无  And keep the things you forgot 我让你把一切遗忘殆尽  The people you've been before 那些曾与你朝夕相处的人That you don't want around anymore 有我在,你不再需要他们That push and shove and won't bend to your will 所有挥之不去的和让你忍耐的  I'll keep them still 我将会把它们替你清除干净。原盘,打口,打孔,曲阜路,大自鸣钟,现代变奏。。。。。。一路走过,一切都早早的埋在回忆里了,这是在曲阜路广东四兄弟哪里第一次买到的碟,也是最便宜的一次,懂的自然懂了。第一次听到这首歌是在孙孟晋搞得一期电视节目里,后来也停播了,那时候的王菲应该还在翻唱小红莓,《重庆森林》还没有拍。All the leaves are brown, And the sky is grey I've been for a walk, On a winter's day I'd be safe and warm, If I was in L.A. California dreaming On such a winter's day Stopped into a church, I passed along the way Well, I got down on my knees, And I pretend to pray You know the preacher likes the cold He knows I'm gonna stay California dreaming On such a winter's day All the leaves are brown, And the sky is grey I've been for a walk, On a winter's day If I didn't tell her, I could leave today California dreaming On such a winter's day无意中挑到的一张童话封面的专辑,一个温暖的声音,陪我度过一个个不眠夜,让想爬上月亮的eels为你低吟浅唱吧,《Climbing to the Moon》so i wrote it all in a letterbut i don't know if it camethe nurse she likes my writingsso she keeps it just like meso that it won't get awayi won't be denied this time'fore i go out of my mind over mattersgot my foot on the ladderand i'm climbing up to the moongot a sky that looks like heavengot an earth that looks like shitand it's getting hard to tell wherewhat i am endsand what they're making me beginsi won't be denied this time'fore i go out of my mind over mattersgot my foot on the ladderand i'm climbing up to the moonsaturday in the yardthey'll bring you bywe'll lay down on the grassand watch as the sky closes ini won't be denied this time'fore i go out of my mind over mattersgot my foot on the ladderand i'm climbing up to the moonclimbing up to the moon再来点英伦吧,我只有一张travis的《The Invisible Band》,够了,好听就好不是吗?挑一首每次都让我听的时候呼吸困难的歌吧,说不出的窒息感,不知道大家听了会不会有这样的感觉?Rain on the brainNow there's flowers in your windowShe, well she's so strangeI don't know anything about herBut if it's all the same to youHere's what I'm gonna doI'm gonna write a songGonna sing it to everyoneAnd then I'll sing it to you'Cos it was you that wrote it tooThis could be the last trainSearch within yourself for feelingsEverybody's got themYou left me on the shelfAnd now there's no-one to rely onBut if it's all the same to youHere's what I'm gonna doI'm gonna buy a gunGonna shoot eberything, everyoneAnd then I'm coming for you'Cos it was you that drove me toThis could be the last trainWoo-wooWoo-wooWoo-wooWoo-wooRear windowWit the room in her hairAnd on her jacketThere's a picture of Che GuevaraAs he sits beneath the treeBut that's not importantBut he look a bit like meIf you took all the little feelings in your heartAnd took all those little feelings apartOh well nowWhat's the point in doing all of that?Track written by Fran HealyThirteen Senses的《Into The Fire》Come on, come on 来吧,来吧 Put your hands into the fire 把手放入火中 Explain, explain 解释着 As I turn and meet the power 当我转身我遇见了力量 This time, this time 这时候 Turning white and senses dire 从纯洁到可怕 Pull up, pull up 停下 From one extreme to another 从一个极端到另一个极端 From the summer to the spring 从夏天到传天 From the mountain to the air 从高山到天空 From Samaritan to sin 从撒马利亚到罪恶 And it\'s waiting on the end 直到最终 And now I\'m alone I\'m looking out, I\'m looking in 现在我孤单,我照料,我寻找 Way down, the lights are dimmer 随着路的延伸,灯光越来越暗suede这张专辑我花了90买的原盘,不知道真假,当时就是冲着这首《Everything Will Flow》买的。Watch the early morning sun,眺望初升的朝阳, drip like blood from the day,恍如天降的血滴。 See the busy people run,俯瞰忙碌的奔者, so many games to play玩弄无数的把戏。See the blue suburban dream,检视忧郁的富贵梦, under the jet plane sky,横陈于喷气机划过的天空下。Sleep away and dream a dream 睡过去,梦个梦,Life is just a lullaby生命不过是首摇篮曲。Ahh, and everything will flow 啊,万物将逝。Ahh, you know everything will flow啊,你知道万物将逝。 Ahh... 啊……Watch the day begin again,观看白日的复始, Whispering into the night,低语着坠入黑夜。See the pretty people play,观察精英的玩闹, Hurrying under the light,在灯光下匆促急切。 A million cars, a million trains,百万火车与汽车, Under the jet plane sky奔驰在喷气机划过的天空下。 Nothing lost and nothing gained无所失亦无所获, Life is just a lullaby生命不过是首摇篮曲。 Ahh, and everything will flow 啊,而万物将逝。Ahh, I said everything will flow啊,我说,万物将逝。 Ahh, you know everything will flow啊,你知道万物将逝。 Ahh... 啊……他就是另一位吉他之神,为前面的录音棚版《while my guitar gently weeps》伴奏的人,众人追捧的《tears in heaven》我就不放了,来一首爱恨情仇的《Layla》吧,听听这个爱的深切又痛苦的男人揪心的solo。What’ll you do when you get lonelyAnd nobody’s waiting by your side?You’ve been running and hiding much too long.You know it’s just your foolish pride.Layla, you’ve got me on my knees.Layla, I’m begging, darling please.Layla, darling won’t you ease my worried mind.I tried to give you consolationWhen your old man had let you down.Like a fool, I fell in love with you,Turned my whole world upside down.Layla, you’ve got me on my knees.Layla, I’m begging, darling please.Layla, darling won’t you ease my worried mind.Let’s make the best of the situationBefore I finally go insane.Please don’t say we’ll never find a wayAnd tell me all my love’s in vain.Layla, you’ve got me on my knees.Layla, I’m begging, darling please.Layla, darling won’t you ease my worried mind.Layla, you’ve got me on my knees.Layla, I’m begging, darling please.Layla, darling won’t you ease my worried mind.酗酒,毒品,同性恋,一个有故事的人唱给你听Your Beauty is Unstoppable, your confidence unspeakable*I know you know I know you know, that I know that you knowI'm willing to do anything, to get attention from you dear, even though I don't have anything that I could bargain withThis is like a well-oiled machine, could I please see that smile again?It's all that makes me feel like I am living in this world,I see you closing all the doors, I see the walls as they go up,I know it's what you have to doI'd probably do the same thing to, my dearBaby, you are where dreams go to die, I regret the day your lovely carcass caught my eye,baby, you are where dreams go to dieI got to get away, I don't want to but I have to try oh baby You have to play your part my dear, I've written it all down for youIt doesn't matter if the things, you say to me aren't true,Just do it then I'll let you go, just say the words and say them slowlyI promise i'll tell no one, yes I cross my heart and hope to die还是John Grant 的《I Wanna Go To Marz》one two three four...Bittersweet strawberry marshmallow butterscotch苦的甜的草莓 棉花软糖 黄油硬糖Polarbear cashew dixieland phosphate chocolate北极熊 腰果 爵士乐 磷酸酯 巧克力My tutti frutti special raspberry, leave it to me我特别的树莓果冻 请务必留给我Three grace scotch lassie cherry smash lemon freeze三杯淡的威士忌 鲜嫩樱桃汁 冰冻的柠檬派I wanna go to Marz我想去火星Where green rivers flow那儿有绿色的河流And your sweet sixteen is waiting for you after the show你甜蜜的16岁正在演出后等着你I wanna go to Marz我想去火星You'll meet the gold dust twins tonight我们今晚在金色双子星上邂逅You'll get your heart's desire, I will meet you under the lights你带上心中的憧憬 我会在星光下等你Golden champagne juicy grapefruit lucky monday金色香槟 葡萄柚汁 幸运星期一High school footall hot fudge buffalo tulip sundae高校足球 热冰淇淋 水牛 郁金香圣代Almond caramel frappe pineapple rootbeer杏仁 焦糖 冰咖啡 菠萝 根露汽水Black and white big apple henry ford sweetheart maple tea黑与白 大苹果 福特车 香浓枫叶茶I wanna go to Marz我想去火星Where green rivers flow那儿有绿色的河流And your sweet sixteen is waiting for you after the show而你香甜的16岁正在演出后等着你I wanna go to Marz我想去火星You'll meet the gold dust twins tonight你今晚会遇到金色双子星You'll get your heart's desire, I will meet you under the lights你带上你的憧憬 我会在星光下等着你蝎子的这张《Acoustica》首首都是经典,谁说摇滚不柔情,德国重金属乐队唱给你听,挑一首《Wind of Change》吧。I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park Listening to the wind of change An August summer night Soldiers passing by Listening to the wind of change The world is closing in Did you ever think That we could be so close, like brothers The future's in the air I can feel it everywhere Blowing with the wind of change Take me to the magic of the moment On a glory night Where the children of tomorrow dream away In the wind of change Walking down the street Distant memoriesAre buried in the past forever I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park Listening to the wind of change Take me to the magic of the moment On a glory night Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams with you and me Take me to the magic of the moment On a glory night Where the children of tomorrow dream away In the wind of change The wind of change Blows straight into the face of time Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell For peace of mind Let your balalaika sing what my guitar wants to say我顺着莫斯科河来到高尔基公园听着风的变幻一个八月的夏夜 士兵们经过 听着风的变幻世界正在走近 你可曾想过 我们能如此靠近,像是兄弟一样 未来就在空中 我无处不感到它存在与风的变幻一同吹拂过带我到那神奇的时刻 一个伟大的夜晚 在那里,未来的孩子暇想着在变幻了的风中走在街上 古早的回忆已埋葬在永恒的过去 我顺着莫斯科河来到高尔基公园 听着风的变幻 带我到那神奇的一刻 一个伟大的夜晚 在那里,未来的孩子与你我分享他们的美梦 带我到那神奇的一刻一个伟大的夜晚 未来的孩子暇想着 在变幻了的风中风的变幻直扑时代而来像是狂风终将摇响自由钟 是为了心灵的祥和让你的三角琴唱出我的吉他想说的话吧 时过境迁,走出校园后再没有很多听歌的时间了,耳朵也渐渐麻木了,鲜有让自己感动的声音,只到遇见了他,Damien Rice,不多说了,听歌吧。Leave me out with the waste This is not what I do It's the wrong kind of place To be thinking of you It's the wrong time For somebody new It's a small crime And I've got no excuse Is that alright? Give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright? If u don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it Is that alright? Give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright With you? Leave me out with the waste This is not what I do It's the wrong kind of place To be cheating on you It's the wrong time She's pulling me through It's a small crime And I've got no excuse Is that alright? I give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright? If you dont shoot it, how am I supposed to hold it Is that alright? I give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright Is that alright with you? Is that alright? I give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright? If you don't shoot it, how am I supposed to hold it Is that alright? If I give my gun away when it's loaded Is that alright Is that alright with you? Is that alright? Is that alright? Is that alright with you? Is that alright? Is that alright? Is that alright with you? No... And so it is所以就这样Just like you said it would be就像你说的那样Life goes easy on me生活会带着我继续前行Most of the time在多数的时候里And so it is所以就这样吧The shorter story无疾而终的故事里No love, no glory没有燃烧 没有绽放No hero in her sky没有英雄出现的期许I can't take my eyes off you我无法将视线移开I can't take my eyes off you我无法目送你离开I can't take my eyes off you我无法将视线移开I can't take my eyes off you我怎舍得看你离开I can't take my eyes off you我无法将视线移开I can't take my eyes……我无法将视线……And so it is于是就这样Just like you said it should be但愿就像你说的那样We'll both forget the breeze我们会忘却与风相拥的回忆Most of the time在多数的时候里And so it is于是就这样The colder water像水一般冰冷The blower's daughter如风一般抽离的女子The pupil in denial眼中满是决绝I can't take my eyes off you我无法将视线移开I can't take my eyes off you我无法目送你离开I can't take my eyes off you我无法将视线移开I can't take my eyes off you我怎舍得看你离开I can't take my eyes off you我无法将视线移开I can't take my eyes……我无法将视线……Did I say that I loathe you?我说过我恨你吗?Did I say that I want to我说过是我想要Leave it all behind?抛却所有惟留孤独吗?I can't take my mind off you我无法将回忆抹去I can't take my mind off you我无法将你忘记I can't take my mind off you我无法将回忆抹去I can't take my mind off you我怎舍得将你忘记I can't take my mind off you我无法将回忆抹去I can't take my mind...我无法将回忆……My mind...我的回忆……My mind...我的回忆……Til I find somebody new直到遇见另一个人 Still a little bit of your taste in my mouthStill a little bit of you laced with my doubtStill a little hard to say what’s going onStill a little bit of your ghost, your weaknessStill a little bit of your face, I haven’t kissedYou step a little closer each dayThat I can’t say what’s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife, it taught me to dieSo it’s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStill a little bit of your song in my earStill a little bit of your words, I long to hearYou step a little closer to meSo close that I can’t see what’s going onStones taught me to flyLove, it taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it’s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonStones taught me to flyLove taught me to crySo come on courageTeach me to be shyCause it’s not hard to fallAnd I don’t wanna scare herIt’s not hard to fallAnd I don’t wanna loseIt’s not hard to growWhen you know that you just don’t knowCold, cold water surrounds me nowAnd all I've got is your handLord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Or am I lost?Love one's daughterAllow me thatAnd I can't let go of your handLord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Or am I lost?Cold, cold water surrounds me nowAnd all I've got is your handLord, can you hear me?Lord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me?Or am I lost?Don’t hold yourself like thatYou’ll hurt your kneesI kissed your mouth and backBut that’s all I needDon’t build your world aroundvolcanoes melt you downWhat I am to you is not realWhat I am to you you do not needWhat I am to you is not what you mean to meYou give me miles and miles of mountainsAnd I’ll ask for the seaDon’t throw yourself like thatIn front of meI kissed your mouth your backIs that all you need?Don’t drag my love aroundvolcanoes melt me downWhat I am to you is not realWhat I am to you you do not needWhat I am to you is not what you mean to meYou give me miles and miles of mountainsAnd I’ll ask for what I give to youIs just what i’m going throughThis is nothing newNo no just another phase of finding what I really needIs what makes me bleedAnd like a new disease oh lord she’s still too young to treatWhat I am to you is not realVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngWhat I am to you you do not needVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngWhat I am to you is not realVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngWhat I am to you you do not needVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngWhat I am to you is not realVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngWhat I am to you you do not needVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngWhat I am to you is not realVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngWhat I am to you you do not needVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngWhat I am to you is not realI kissed your mouthVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngAnd what I am to you you do not needI kissed your mouthVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngAnd what I am to you is not realI kissed your mouthVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young she's still too youngAnd what I am to you is not realI kissed your mouthVolcanoes melt you downShe's still too young sheYou do not need meUnplayed piano(无法弹奏的钢琴 )Come and see me 来看看我Sing me to sleep 给我唱一支入眠的歌Come and free me 来给我自由Or hold me if I need to weep 如果我需要哭泣,拥抱我Or maybe it's not the season 也许还不是那一年Or maybe it's not the year 也许还不是那个时刻Or maybe there's no good reason 也许本就没有好的理由Why i'm locked up inside 为什么把我高墙深锁Just cause they wanna hide me 只因为他们想埋藏我The moon goes bright 月光变得明亮The darker they make my night 他们使我的夜更黑暗*** *** *** Unplayed pianos 无法弹奏的钢琴Are often by a window 一直在窗边In a room where nobody loved goes 在一间无人愿去的房间She sits alone with her silent song 她独自坐着唱沉默的歌Somebody bring her home 谁带她回家去*** *** ***Unplayed piano (unplayed piano) 无法弹奏的钢琴(无法弹奏的钢琴)Still holds a tune (still holds a tune) 也有旋律(也有旋律)Lock on the lid (years, years pass by) 锁上盖子(多少年,多少年)In a stale, stale room (in the changing of the moon) 在一间陈旧的房间(在月光中改变)Maybe it's not that easy (too many windows) 也许不是那么容易(太多的窗口)Or maybe it's not that hard (in a stale, stale room) 也许不是那么难(在一间陈旧的房间)Maybe they could release me (stale, stale room) 也许他们会放开我(陈旧,陈旧的房间)Let the people decide 让人民来决定I've got nothing to hide 我没有埋藏什么I've done nothing wrong 我没有做错什么So why've I been here so long? 可是为什么我在这里如此久?*** *** ***Unplayed pianos 无法弹奏的钢琴 Are often by a window 一直在窗边In a room where nobody loved goes 在一间无人愿去的房间She sits alone with her silent song 她独自坐着唱沉默的歌Somebody bring her home 谁带她回家去*** *** ***Unplayed pianos 无法弹奏的钢琴Are often by a window 一直在窗边In a room where nobody loved goes 在一间无人愿去的房间She sits alone with her silent song 她独自坐着唱沉默的歌Somebody bring her home 谁带她回家去*** *** ***Unplayed piano (unplayed piano) 无法弹奏的钢琴(无法弹奏的钢琴)Still holds a tune 也有旋律Years pass by 经过多少年In the changing of the moon 在月光中改变最后暂时先放上the cure的《The Same Deep Water as You》,一首89年的歌,推荐雨天听这首歌,说多了都是泪。kiss me goodbye 与我吻别pushing out before i sleep 离去吧,在我入梦之前can't you see i try 难道你看不出我已尽力swimming the same deep water as you is hard 但如你一般在深水畅游并非易事"the shallow drowned lose less than we" “浅水之地却溺死更多”you breathe 你呼吸般轻柔的声音the strangest twist upon your lips 从奇异扭曲的双唇间传来"and we shall be together... "“我们将会一起...”"kiss me goodbye “与我吻别bow your head and join with me "低下头,与我同往”and face pushed deep 脸庞埋入水中reflections meet 与那倒影相融the strangest twist upon your lips 你奇异扭曲的双唇and disappear 消失了the ripples clear 同那涟漪一起归于平静and laughing 而笑声break against your feet 却从脚底爆发and laughing 那笑声break the mirror sweet 打碎了甜蜜的水镜"so we shall be together... "我们将会一起...kiss me goodbye 与我吻别pushing out before i sleep 离去吧,在我入梦之前it's lower now and slower now 更深了,更慢了the strangest twist upon your lips 你奇异扭曲的双唇but i don't see 但我无法看到and i don't feel 我无法感受but tightly hold up silently 但却被紧紧地、静静的包围my hands before my fading eyes 渐渐黯淡的视线前的我的手and in my eyes 和我眼中的 your smile 你的微笑the very last thing before i go... 我离去之前的最后景象i will kiss you i will kiss you 吻你 吻你i will kiss you forever on nights like this 在如此的夜晚我的吻是永恒i will kiss you i will kiss you 吻你 吻你and we shall be together... 然后我们将会一起...先放上这些吧,太晚了,后面会继续查漏补缺,不过不多了。上面的这些歌陪我度过了无数的夜晚,有些也曾经让我泪(lei)流(dian)满(tai)面(di),感谢大家把耳朵暂时交给我,但愿没有让你失望!
几乎所有Corrinne May、史逸欣、Maximilian Hecker的歌。
夜照亮了夜-万芳这歌可以听一整天,让你的心情持续处在很愉悦的状态。Only 玉-罗家英不同元素的加强mix,歌词很赞。不雷人。骗你放学后给你打!
14?----dreamland (伴奏很赞,女声很迷人)(杀手锏)KillerSoap----Distence Giulia----ce frumoasa e iubireaNatasha St----tu trouveraslena----satelliteGabrielle----sunshine和picking up the piecestake that----patienceMichelle Williams----sick of itAZU----时间よ止まれMary J.----I am
顺便整理一下我的冷门歌曲list寻你 游鸿明jamesdean 老鹰乐队出嫁 张清芳爱每一个我 伍思凯赔偿 钟汶出师表 陈艺鹏
不好意思日语,谢不邀ghost of a smile
MC Sniper的 BK Love


