
>> altera_tse_altgx_civgx_gige.v
altera_tse_altgx_civgx_gige.v ( 文件浏览 )
// megafunction wizard: %ALTGX%
// MODULE: alt_c3gxb
// ============================================================
// File Name: altera_tse_altgx_civgx_gige.v
// Megafunction Name(s):
// Simulation Library Files(s):
// ============================================================
// ************************************************************
// 12.0 Internal Build 147 03/05/2012 PN Full Version
// ************************************************************
//Copyright (C)
Altera Corporation
//Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
//and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
//functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
//(including device programming or simulation files), and any
//associated documentation or information are expressly subject
//to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
//Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
//Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
//without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
//programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
//Altera or its authorized distributors.
Please refer to the
//applicable agreement for further details.
//alt_c3gxb CBX_AUTO_BLACKBOX=&ALL& device_family=&Cyclone IV GX& effective_data_rate=&1250.0 Mbps& equalization_setting=1 equalizer_dcgain_setting=0 gxb_powerdown_width=1 loopback_mode=&none& number_of_channels=1 number_of_quads=1 operation_mode=&duplex& pll_bandwidth_type=&high& pll_control_width=1 pll_divide_by=&1& pll_inclk_period=8000 pll_multiply_by=&5& pll_pfd_fb_mode=&internal& preemphasis_ctrl_1stposttap_setting=1 protocol=&gige& receiver_termination=&OCT_100_OHMS& reconfig_calibration=&true& reconfig_dprio_mode=0 reconfig_pll_control_width=1 rx_8b_10b_mode=&normal& rx_align_pattern=&1111100& rx_align_pattern_length=7 rx_allow_align_polarity_inversion=&false& rx_allow_pipe_polarity_inversion=&false& rx_bitslip_enable=&false& rx_byte_ordering_mode=&none& rx_channel_width=8 rx_common_mode=&0.82v& rx_datapath_protocol=&basic& rx_deskew_pattern=&0& rx_digitalreset_port_width=1 rx_dwidth_factor=1 rx_enable_bit_reversal=&false& rx_enable_lock_to_data_sig=&false& rx_enable_lock_to_refclk_sig=&false& rx_enable_second_order_loop=&false& rx_enable_self_test_mode=&false& rx_force_signal_detect=&true& rx_loop_1_digital_filter=8 rx_ppmselect=8 rx_rate_match_fifo_mode=&normal& rx_rate_match_fifo_mode_manual_control=&normal& rx_rate_match_pattern1=&& rx_rate_match_pattern2=&& rx_rate_match_pattern_size=20 rx_run_length=5 rx_run_length_enable=&true& rx_signal_detect_loss_threshold=1 rx_signal_detect_threshold=8 rx_signal_detect_valid_threshold=14 rx_use_align_state_machine=&true& rx_use_clkout=&true& rx_use_coreclk=&false& rx_use_deskew_fifo=&false& rx_use_double_data_mode=&false& rx_use_external_termination=&false& rx_word_aligner_num_byte=1 starting_channel_number=0 top_module_name=&altera_tse_altgx_civgx_gige& transmitter_termination=&OCT_100_OHMS& tx_8b_10b_mode=&normal& tx_allow_polarity_inversion=&false& tx_bitslip_enable=&false& tx_channel_width=8 tx_clkout_width=1 tx_common_mode=&0.65v& tx_digitalreset_port_width=1 tx_dwidth_factor=1 tx_enable_bit_reversal=&false& tx_enable_self_test_mode=&false& tx_slew_rate=&medium& tx_transmit_protocol=&basic& tx_use_coreclk=&false& tx_use_double_data_mode=&false& tx_use_external_termination=&false& use_calibration_block=&true& vod_ctrl_setting=1 cal_blk_clk fixedclk fixedclk_fast gxb_powerdown pll_areset pll_inclk pll_locked reconfig_clk reconfig_fromgxb reconfig_togxb rx_analogreset rx_clkout rx_ctrldetect rx_datain rx_dataout rx_digitalreset rx_disperr rx_errdetect rx_freqlocked rx_patterndetect rx_recovclkout rx_rlv rx_rmfifodatadeleted rx_rmfifodatainserted rx_runningdisp rx_syncstatus tx_clkout tx_ctrlenable tx_datain tx_dataout tx_digitalreset intended_device_family=&Cyclone IV GX&
//VERSION_BEGIN 12.0 cbx_alt_c3gxb :21:09:17:PN cbx_altclkbuf :21:09:17:PN cbx_altiobuf_bidir :21:09:17:PN cbx_altiobuf_in :21:09:17:PN cbx_altiobuf_out :21:09:17:PN cbx_altpll :21:09:17:PN cbx_cycloneii :21:09:17:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub :21:09:17:PN cbx_lpm_compare :21:09:17:PN cbx_lpm_counter :21:09:17:PN cbx_lpm_decode :21:09:17:PN cbx_lpm_mux :21:09:17:PN cbx_mgl :22:13:55:PN cbx_stingray :21:09:16:PN cbx_stratix :21:09:18:PN cbx_stratixii :21:09:18:PN cbx_stratixiii :21:09:18:PN cbx_stratixv :21:09:18:PN cbx_util_mgl :21:09:17:PN
// altera message_off 10463
//synthesis_resources = altpll 1 cycloneiv_hssi_calibration_block 1 cycloneiv_hssi_cmu 1 cycloneiv_hssi_rx_pcs 1 cycloneiv_hssi_rx_pma 1 cycloneiv_hssi_tx_pcs 1 cycloneiv_hssi_tx_pma 1 reg 3
//synopsys translate_off
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
//synopsys translate_on
tx_digitalreset) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=2 */;
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_on
parameter starting_channel_number = 0;
reg [0:0] fixedclk_
reg [1:0] reconfig_togxb_busy_
wire cal_blk_
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66.00 B 22:28
908.00 B 22:30
66.00 B 22:31
549.00 B 22:31
717.00 B 21:35
a_dpfifo_3541.tdf5.85 kB 21:21
a_dpfifo_9i31.tdf5.39 kB 21:21
a_dpfifo_ai31.tdf6.38 kB 21:22
a_dpfifo_bi31.tdf6.38 kB 21:22
a_dpfifo_h031.tdf3.28 kB 21:22
a_dpfifo_nj31.tdf6.39 kB 21:22
a_dpfifo_qg31.tdf5.38 kB 21:21
a_fefifo_7cf.tdf3.84 kB 21:22
add_sub_hui.tdf1.54 kB 21:23
15.33 kB 21:21
15.33 kB 21:21
75.06 kB 21:21
75.09 kB 21:21
28.57 kB 21:21
28.73 kB 21:21
altpll_dyn_phase_le_rfo.tdf2.46 kB 21:22
altpll_dyn_phase_le_sfo.tdf2.46 kB 21:22
altpll_dyn_phase_le_tfo.tdf2.46 kB 21:22
altpll_h5k3.tdf10.00 kB 21:22
altsyncram_15g1.tdf6.40 kB 21:21
altsyncram_18g1.tdf14.75 kB 21:21
altsyncram_3d81.tdf12.18 kB 21:23
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altsyncram_7ci1.tdf26.81 kB 21:21
altsyncram_ahl1.tdf5.38 kB 21:22
altsyncram_bu62.tdf54.86 kB 21:22
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altsyncram_e2k1.tdf40.17 kB 21:21
altsyncram_e5k1.tdf40.30 kB 21:21
altsyncram_etd1.tdf50.84 kB 21:22
altsyncram_fp81.tdf30.61 kB 21:21
altsyncram_i0m1.tdf12.44 kB 21:22
altsyncram_i2d1.tdf33.73 kB 21:21
altsyncram_iqd1.tdf77.65 kB 21:22
altsyncram_k8h1.tdf36.69 kB 21:21
altsyncram_kqd1.tdf44.20 kB 21:22
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altsyncram_spd1.tdf30.17 kB 21:21
altsyncram_unh1.tdf20.64 kB 21:21
altsyncram_utd1.tdf44.38 kB 21:21
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cmpr_6r8.tdf1.67 kB 21:22
cmpr_7r8.tdf1.77 kB 21:22
cmpr_8r8.tdf1.83 kB 21:22
cmpr_ar8.tdf1.99 kB 21:21
cmpr_ffc.tdf1.71 kB 21:22
cmpr_gfc.tdf1.81 kB 21:22
cmpr_hfc.tdf1.87 kB 21:23
cmpr_tdg.tdf1.69 kB 21:21
cntr_0n7.tdf2.76 kB 21:22
cntr_1n7.tdf2.89 kB 21:22
cntr_2n7.tdf3.02 kB 21:22
cntr_4n7.tdf3.27 kB 21:21
cntr_hpf.tdf3.62 kB 21:23
cntr_jmb.tdf2.63 kB 21:21
cntr_kmb.tdf2.78 kB 21:22
cntr_lmb.tdf2.91 kB 21:22
cntr_mmb.tdf3.04 kB 21:22
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cntr_nmb.tdf3.17 kB 21:21
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cntr_p0e.tdf3.17 kB 21:22
cntr_vee.tdf3.20 kB 21:22
cntr_vm7.tdf2.60 kB 21:21
ddio_bidir_e4h.tdf3.11 kB 21:22
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ddio_in_l3e.tdf2.20 kB 21:21
ddio_in_o3e.tdf2.20 kB 21:21
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ddio_out_oob.tdf2.16 kB 21:21
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dpram_ek21.tdf2.37 kB 21:22
eth_std_main_system.bsf18.39 kB 21:19
428.91 kB 21:19
242.87 kB 21:19
737.77 kB 21:21
24.05 kB 21:20
53.90 kB 21:20
51.29 kB 21:20
3.93 kB 21:20
7.78 kB 21:20
66.69 kB 21:20
3.71 kB 21:20
117.94 kB 21:20
172.27 kB 21:20
93.76 kB 21:20
50.45 kB 21:20
36.31 kB 21:20
17.58 kB 21:20
17.41 kB 21:20
alt_mem_ddrx_define.iv1.37 kB 21:20
14.22 kB 21:20
31.82 kB 21:20
57.20 kB 21:20
9.66 kB 21:20
12.68 kB 21:20
20.55 kB 21:20
47.66 kB 21:20
7.19 kB 21:20
9.76 kB 21:20
7.42 kB 21:20
16.50 kB 21:20
10.68 kB 21:20
13.90 kB 21:20
116.74 kB 21:20
49.92 kB 21:20
196.54 kB 21:20
71.22 kB 21:20
166.77 kB 21:20
66.12 kB 21:20
49.49 kB 21:20
5.16 kB 21:20
11.28 kB 21:20
31.44 kB 21:20
4.87 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_address_alignment.sv11.17 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_arbitrator.sv9.23 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_burst_adapter.sv54.86 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_burst_uncompressor.sv12.64 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_master_agent.sv11.99 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_master_translator.sv20.42 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_slave_agent.sv27.29 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_slave_translator.sv16.71 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_traffic_limiter.sv15.14 kB 21:20
altera_merlin_width_adapter.sv55.23 kB 21:20
altera_reset_controller.sdc1.69 kB 21:20
3.50 kB 21:20
3.47 kB 21:20
altera_tristate_controller_aggregator.sv9.15 kB 21:20
altera_tristate_controller_translator.sv6.92 kB 21:20
7.50 kB 21:20
8.58 kB 21:20
6.37 kB 21:20
13.20 kB 21:20
11.27 kB 21:20
14.22 kB 21:20
5.83 kB 21:20
20.45 kB 21:20
21.32 kB 21:20
25.86 kB 21:20
25.94 kB 21:20
74.36 kB 21:20
74.40 kB 21:20
59.02 kB 21:20
59.08 kB 21:20
1.66 kB 21:20
2.83 kB 21:20
2.96 kB 21:20
2.41 kB 21:20
3.27 kB 21:20
3.77 kB 21:20
1.16 kB 21:20
3.76 kB 21:20
3.38 kB 21:20
3.74 kB 21:20
2.66 kB 21:20
1.83 kB 21:20
6.84 kB 21:20
7.73 kB 21:20
6.14 kB 21:20
43.98 kB 21:20
9.49 kB 21:20
9.48 kB 21:20
11.91 kB 21:20
3.87 kB 21:20
1.83 kB 21:20
117.68 kB 21:20
101.60 kB 21:20
26.91 kB 21:20
19.95 kB 21:20
21.44 kB 21:20
5.52 kB 21:20
5.17 kB 21:20
4.13 kB 21:20
13.30 kB 21:20
15.07 kB 21:20
9.04 kB 21:20
3.75 kB 21:20
11.73 kB 21:20
10.75 kB 21:20
2.77 kB 21:20
3.21 kB 21:20
3.17 kB 21:20
5.87 kB 21:20
5.37 kB 21:20
5.46 kB 21:20
17.56 kB 21:20
43.66 kB 21:20
20.25 kB 21:20
33.48 kB 21:20
20.43 kB 21:20
20.05 kB 21:20
20.68 kB 21:20
19.19 kB 21:20
20.38 kB 21:20
23.59 kB 21:20
108.48 kB 21:20
88.73 kB 21:20
altera_tse_mac_woff.ocp1.70 kB 21:20
69.25 kB 21:20
17.05 kB 21:20
16.58 kB 21:20
2.54 kB 21:20
8.25 kB 21:20
24.84 kB 21:20
8.43 kB 21:20
7.63 kB 21:20
4.18 kB 21:20
2.89 kB 21:20
8.77 kB 21:20
176.63 kB 21:20
138.37 kB 21:20
301.92 kB 21:20
468.78 kB 21:20
430.26 kB 21:20
6.95 kB 21:20
5.52 kB 21:20
5.91 kB 21:20
14.64 kB 21:20
14.90 kB 21:20
13.17 kB 21:20
altera_tse_ph_calculator.sv5.38 kB 21:20
12.30 kB 21:20
12.48 kB 21:20
8.29 kB 21:20
7.55 kB 21:20
altera_tse_ptp_1588_rx_top.ocp1.45 kB 21:20
12.39 kB 21:20
altera_tse_ptp_1588_tx_top.ocp1.55 kB 21:20
24.45 kB 21:20
43.20 kB 21:20
7.84 kB 21:20
7.84 kB 21:20
91.57 kB 21:20
82.88 kB 21:20
altera_tse_reset_ctrl_lego.sv9.98 kB 21:20
altera_tse_reset_sequencer.sv8.25 kB 21:20
3.55 kB 21:20
24.73 kB 21:20
4.18 kB 21:20
4.09 kB 21:20
7.73 kB 21:20
4.36 kB 21:20
4.25 kB 21:20
12.91 kB 21:20
24.63 kB 21:20
20.34 kB 21:20
25.41 kB 21:20
21.48 kB 21:20
19.53 kB 21:20
21.08 kB 21:20
29.31 kB 21:20
3.06 kB 21:20
8.77 kB 21:20
27.72 kB 21:20
16.19 kB 21:20
10.84 kB 21:20
2.91 kB 21:20
1.70 kB 21:20
3.80 kB 21:20
2.13 kB 21:20
2.78 kB 21:20
3.63 kB 21:20
30.96 kB 21:20
92.88 kB 21:20
13.88 kB 21:20
4.62 kB 21:20
4.43 kB 21:20
11.44 kB 21:20
11.11 kB 21:20
altera_tse_top_1000_base_x.ocp1.65 kB 21:20
15.67 kB 21:20
altera_tse_top_1000_base_x_strx_gx.ocp1.63 kB 21:20
16.07 kB 21:20
29.84 kB 21:20
24.20 kB 21:20
31.41 kB 21:20
altera_tse_top_gen_host.ocp1.63 kB 21:20
64.26 kB 21:20
6.55 kB 21:20
272.13 kB 21:20
235.60 kB 21:20
396.49 kB 21:20
6.62 kB 21:20
6.94 kB 21:20
6.11 kB 21:20
18.63 kB 21:20
8.70 kB 21:20
9.65 kB 21:20
4.59 kB 21:20
11.38 kB 21:20
48.38 kB 21:20
45.76 kB 21:20
49.91 kB 21:20
51.20 kB 21:20
23.63 kB 21:20
6.32 kB 21:20
17.07 kB 21:20
15.02 kB 21:20
42.27 kB 21:20
9.46 kB 21:20
11.20 kB 21:20
15.52 kB 21:20
2.29 kB 21:20
8.95 kB 21:20
26.59 kB 21:20
14.83 kB 21:20
2.63 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_addr_router.sv8.05 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_addr_router_001.sv7.44 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_addr_router_003.sv9.13 kB 21:20
11.29 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cmd_xbar_demux.sv4.70 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cmd_xbar_demux_001.sv3.46 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cmd_xbar_demux_003.sv7.17 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cmd_xbar_mux.sv11.82 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cmd_xbar_mux_002.sv13.49 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cpu.ocp864.00 B 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cpu.sdc4.29 kB 21:20
447.44 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cpu_bht_ram.mif2.39 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cpu_dc_tag_ram.mif13.15 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cpu_ic_tag_ram.mif15.15 kB 21:20
7.09 kB 21:20
8.50 kB 21:20
10.50 kB 21:20
6.36 kB 21:20
1.51 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cpu_ociram_default_contents.mif4.14 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cpu_rf_ram_a.mif600.00 B 21:20
eth_std_main_system_cpu_rf_ram_b.mif600.00 B 21:20
29.71 kB 21:20
269.59 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_addr_router.sv8.05 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_addr_router_001.sv7.49 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_cmd_xbar_demux.sv4.70 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_cmd_xbar_demux_001.sv3.50 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_cmd_xbar_mux_003.sv12.02 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_descriptor_memory.hex42.01 kB 21:21
4.96 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_id_router.sv7.36 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_id_router_003.sv7.63 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_rsp_xbar_demux.sv3.49 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_rsp_xbar_demux_003.sv5.33 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_rsp_xbar_mux.sv11.96 kB 21:21
100.32 kB 21:21
102.69 kB 21:21
17.48 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_ethernet_subsystem_tse_mac_constraints.sdc34.52 kB 21:20
14.38 kB 21:20
3.69 kB 21:20
28.25 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_flash_tristate_bridge.sv4.76 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_id_router.sv7.39 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_id_router_001.sv7.40 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_id_router_002.sv7.57 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_id_router_003.sv7.32 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_irq_mapper.sv2.13 kB 21:20
307.08 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_peripheral_subsystem_addr_router.sv9.24 kB 21:21
4.73 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_peripheral_subsystem_cmd_xbar_demux.sv7.80 kB 21:21
7.22 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_peripheral_subsystem_id_router.sv7.37 kB 21:21
19.36 kB 21:21
2.56 kB 21:21
8.27 kB 21:21
3.17 kB 21:21
2.67 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_peripheral_subsystem_rsp_xbar_demux.sv3.49 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_peripheral_subsystem_rsp_xbar_mux.sv15.90 kB 21:21
7.21 kB 21:21
eth_std_main_system_rsp_xbar_demux.sv4.08 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_rsp_xbar_demux_002.sv5.32 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_rsp_xbar_mux.sv11.93 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_rsp_xbar_mux_003.sv15.09 kB 21:20
29.44 kB 21:20
40.43 kB 21:20
15.96 kB 21:20
1.38 kB 21:20
31.32 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_sdram_example_top.sdc162.00 B 21:20
7.07 kB 21:20
24.87 kB 21:20
25.17 kB 21:20
30.46 kB 21:20
181.87 kB 21:20
22.69 kB 21:20
634.14 kB 21:20
19.58 kB 21:20
39.42 kB 21:20
eth_std_main_system_sdram_phy_ddr_timing.sdc32.62 kB 21:20
19.78 kB 21:20
12.90 kB 21:20
1.42 kB 21:20
logic_util_heursitic.dat1.23 MB 21:33
mult_av01.tdf2.52 kB 21:23
mult_bo01.tdf2.52 kB 21:23
mux_4qc.tdf2.30 kB 21:21
mux_irc.tdf5.91 kB 21:21
niosii_ethernet_standard_3c120.db_info138.00 B 22:25
niosii_ethernet_standard_3c120.sld_design_entry.sci197.00 B 18:07
prev_cmp_niosii_ethernet_standard_3c120.qmsg27.31 kB 21:19
scfifo_0741.tdf2.45 kB 21:22
scfifo_1741.tdf2.45 kB 21:22
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124.79 kB 11:55
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