与审判、主宰、惩戒 类似惩戒的同义词词有哪些

惩戒是什么意思 惩戒在线翻译 惩戒什么意思 惩戒的意思 惩戒的翻译 惩戒的解释 惩戒的发音 惩戒的同义词 惩戒的反义词 惩戒的例句
惩戒 基本解释惩戒的近义词惩戒[chéng jiè]词典:谴责;训斥;惩戒。词典punish sb. to teach him a lesson:惩戒。词典discipline sb. as a warning:惩戒。词典take disciplinary action against:处分;惩戒。词典:惩戒;惩罚(某人)(使之改正或改进);遏制(某人);制止。惩戒 汉英大词典惩戒[chéng jiè]punish sb. t discipline sb. take disciplinary action against:  例:吊销执照,以示惩戒    revoke sb.'s licence as a punishment惩戒 网络解释1. reprimand:据悉,贝克在向田纳西纪律法庭提出的控告中,要求对最高法院的五名大法官进行惩戒(reprimand). 不过,法律道理专家佩拉(Lucian Pera)指出,法官是应该被允许尽其最大努力,根据法律和事实真诚地作出决定,而不害怕被处分,被谴责和被告诫什么.2. 惩戒什么意思2. discipline:区分惩戒(discipline)与责骂(scolding)谈到苏格拉底、亚里士多德部分,勉强还算好一点,不过当谈到形而上学(Metaphysics)、形而下学(Aconcrete Science)、实体论(Ontology)、辩证法(Dialectic)等专业用语时,头就开始莫名的疼痛.3. Leviathan:惩戒(Leviathan)的附件惩戒(Leviathan)是一种威力大,射程远的攻击型兵种. 在新手星,需要至少30的政治,才能将25级的 要塞(Behemoth)转成 惩戒(Leviathan)3、特殊情况:在被生化兵(Virus)挂上生化炸弹后,即使开着盾,也会被杀.4. Retribution:Block Amount 格挡量 | Retribution 惩戒 | Melee Damage 近战伤害惩戒 双语例句1. 例如无论大陆法系国家还是英美法系国家,都有一套系统的与本国法治传统相配套的法官选拔制度、法官保障制度和符合审判自身规律的监督制约机制:确立法官独立;担任法官的条件苛刻;任命程序特别严格;法官保障体制系统且严密,诸如法官的身份保障制度、法官的经济保障制度、法官的豁免权制度等;严格的弹劾惩戒程序。&&&&For example, both the Common Law systems and the Civil Law systems own a selecting system of judge, safeguarding system of judge andsupervising system which are suitable for their own legality tradition: the independence of judge, the strictly system of selecting and appointing of judge, the strictly system of guarantee of judge, such as the right guarantee of judge, the economic guarantee of judge, the diplomatic immunity system of judge, the strictly impeaching and punishing system of judge and so on.2. 2. 本人Swifty,是七区祖鲁希德的一个惩戒Q。&&&&I Swifty, is one of the seven disciplinary areas祖鲁希德a Q.3. 3. 为了对你这种万恶的骗子和伪君子实施惩戒,我倒很赞成把它一把火烧掉完事。&&&&I have a great mind to put it into the fire, to punish your atrocious humbug and hypocrisy4. 从这种制度对收容教育人员的负面影响来讲,带有明显的惩戒性和行政处罚性。&&&&However, in point of negative effect which the system has on the detainees.5. 5. 他不会告诉你的,放心吧。因为那样就会暴露出他们真正削弱惩戒的那颗被纱布层层包裹得险恶用心。好问题啊!&&&&He won't it's not going to happen because that would expose their nerfs for what they are a total gimp of the ret pally class.6. 911查询?英语单词大全6. 莫里斯与古斯塔夫斯的《战争法典》对两大法系惩戒性军事法的形成起到了奠基作用。&&&&Articles of War by Maurice and Gustav Adolf laid the foundations for the disciplinary military law in the two major legal Systems.7. 7. 20世纪50年代以来,受《欧洲人权公约》及《联合国公民权利和政治权利公约》的影响,两大法系惩戒性军事法的发展又呈现出了一些新的特点。&&&&Since the 1950s, on the influence of both the European human rights convention and the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the disciplinary military law in the two major legal systems has been developing with some brand-new features.8. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD8. 圣光之鞘是一个惩戒天赋,如果我们想让神圣得到他,我们会把他放在浅层。&&&&Sheathe is a Ret talent. If we wanted Holy to be able to go grab it, we would have put it a lot higher up in the tree.9. 惩戒9. 张哲琛表示,铨叙部计画修订公务人员考绩办法,增订更明确的考核标准,不但要实行惩戒措施,对於表现出色的个人和行政单位,也将予以奖励。&&&&The Ministry of Civil Service is planning to revise the current civil servant evaluation system by formulating more effective standards that will comprise not only disciplinary measures but also incentives to reward outstanding individual public servants and administrative units or agencies, Chang said.10. 惩戒的意思10. 惩戒骑士,拉30+码进战斗,开局减速,偷自由,偷得到基本赢,偷如果不保靠,撑两个盾第一轮硬拼,奥强气定给第一轮,最快化压无敌,第二波唤醒消失做后招。&&&&Disciplinary Knight, pull 30 + yards into the fight, start to slow down the freedom to steal, steal basic win, steal security if we do not rely on, hold the first round of the two shield硬拼Austrian gas will be strong for the first round, the fastest of pressure Invincible, the second wake-up call to do after the disappearing trick.11. 惩戒在线翻译11. 如果你从我们的高度来看,我们在PAL,尤其是惩戒天赋树上花了很多时间。&&&&&&When you think about things from our perspective, we spent a lot of time and effort to overhaul paladins in general and Retribution in particular.12. 我并不确定现在的修改就是我们所希望的,但最终我们的目标是削弱惩戒圣骑的坦克能力,并让神圣圣骑更专精于治疗,但就我个人而言我仍希望神圣护盾能作出其他方式的修改。&&&&&&I don't have a lot of faith that the implementation on the PTR is the one we'll go with for a couple of reasons, but our overall goal is to make Ret less tanky and the Holy tree feel like it's the right one to focus on for healing. I would expect a Sacred Shield change of some kind though.13. 惩戒是什么意思13. 但惩戒天赋依旧是升级和单练最常用的天赋。&&&&&&But is the most used role when leveling and soloing.14. 当上主惩戒的刑杖加于他们身上时,每次击挞都是在敲鼓和弹琴的声中执行的。&&&&&&While at every sweep of the rod which the LORD will bring down on him in punishment15. 恩,建议给惩戒多一个控制技能无论是打断,定身,减速啊什么的随便一个都行&&&&&&My suggestion is to give Retribution a talent that will close the distance between themselves and thier target.16. 我们不能让惩戒太NB了只是为了不想让神圣和防护骑士的DPS太跌眼镜。&&&&&&We couldn't keep Ret as it was just to avoid hurting Holy and Protection dps.17. 如果我用这些事还不能惩戒你们,你们仍然与我作对&&&&&&If, with all this, you still refuse to be chastened by me and continue to defy me18. 作为一所处置和惩戒斯库尔曼最疼圣徒和圣礼的教会,另一人是人文主义者赞赏思想家,仿古和理由,在他的名字,他们纷纷赞扬。&&&&&&As the one was by disposition and discipline a schoolman who loved the Saints and the Sacraments of the Church, the other was a humanist who appreciated the thinkers of antiquity and the reason in whose name they spoke.19. 以上就是我的基本打法,但是对抗惩戒骑士本身就是考验随机应变和控制节奏的能力(这也是绝大多数猎人玩家玩猎人的原因),所以你不要说这个未命中,那个被躲闪怎么办,如果你的关键技能都没打到你必然会输,还用问吗?&&&&&&These are my basic game, but against their own disciplinary Knight adaptable and control is the time to test the ability of the rhythm (which is the vast majority of gamers to play hunter hunters reasons), so you do not say that this did not hit, that was how do dodge, if you did not hit the key skills you will definitely lose, to ask it?20. 惩戒的翻译20. 然而,该法中没有建立起保障陪审员正确履行义务的惩戒制度,造成了陪审员的权利和义务的不一致,这不利于司法民主和司法公正的实现。&&&&&&This is disadvantageous for judicial fairness and judicial democracy. We should learn from the disciplinary system of judges.惩戒是什么意思,惩戒在线翻译,惩戒什么意思,惩戒的意思,惩戒的翻译,惩戒的解释,惩戒的发音,惩戒的同义词,惩戒的反义词,惩戒的例句,惩戒的相关词组,惩戒意思是什么,惩戒怎么翻译,单词惩戒是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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